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Sapo -   Caso McCann. Chamadas suspeitas de Kate poderão ser a ponta solta que falta (Translated) Mm11

Sapo -   Caso McCann. Chamadas suspeitas de Kate poderão ser a ponta solta que falta (Translated) Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Sapo -   Caso McCann. Chamadas suspeitas de Kate poderão ser a ponta solta que falta (Translated) Mm11

Sapo -   Caso McCann. Chamadas suspeitas de Kate poderão ser a ponta solta que falta (Translated) Regist10

Sapo - Caso McCann. Chamadas suspeitas de Kate poderão ser a ponta solta que falta (Translated)

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Sapo -   Caso McCann. Chamadas suspeitas de Kate poderão ser a ponta solta que falta (Translated) Empty Sapo - Caso McCann. Chamadas suspeitas de Kate poderão ser a ponta solta que falta (Translated)

Post by Keitei 05.05.17 21:12

Courtesy of Facebook group Abduction or Scam
3 de maio 2017

Caso McCann. Chamadas suspeitas de Kate poderão ser a ponta solta que falta

Para Gonçalo Amaral, esta poderá ser a ponta solta que nunca foi esclarecida

Sapo -   Caso McCann. Chamadas suspeitas de Kate poderão ser a ponta solta que falta (Translated) 582370
Dez anos depois do desaparecimento Madeleine McCann, o antigo coordenador da Polícia Judiciária de Portimão, Gonçalo Amaral, revelou algumas pistas que nunca foram seguidas pela investigação.
De acordo com as suas palavras numa entrevista à CMTV, Kate McCann recebeu telefonemas suspeitos. Terão sido pelo menos duas as chamadas que a mãe da criança recebeu de um bar de Vilamoura através de um número fixo do estabelecimento que a mulher não terá conseguido explicar em tribunal quando foi interrogada.
Para Gonçalo Amaral, esta poderá ser a ponta solta que nunca foi esclarecida.
Todavia o mesmo continua a defender a hipótese de Maddie ter morrido acidentalmente na noite do desaparecimento, afirmando que o corpo da criança poderá ter sido escondido dentro de um caixão, onde já estava o cadáver de uma cidadã britânica e posteriormente cremado em Ferreira do Alentejo.
Gonçalo Amaral relembrou ainda que a reconstituição do caso nunca foi feita pela PJ.


Sol portuguese newspaper - 03 of May 2017
Ten years after the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, the former coordinator of the Judicial Police of Portimão, Gonçalo Amaral, revealed some clues that were never followed by the investigation.
According to his words in an interview with CMTV, Kate McCann received suspicious phone calls. Kate received at least two calls from a bar in Vilamoura (78 Kilometers from PDL) through a fixed number of the establishment that the woman could not have explained when she was interrogated.
For Gonçalo Amaral, this could be the loose end that has never been clarified.
However, he continues to defend the hypothesis that Maddie died accidentally on the night of the disappearance, saying that the child's body may have been hidden inside a coffin, where the corpse of a British citizen was later cremated in Ferreira do Alentejo.
Gonçalo Amaral also recalled that the reconstitution of the case was never made by the PJ.

Those who play games do not see as clearly as those who watch. 

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Sapo -   Caso McCann. Chamadas suspeitas de Kate poderão ser a ponta solta que falta (Translated) Empty Re: Sapo - Caso McCann. Chamadas suspeitas de Kate poderão ser a ponta solta que falta (Translated)

Post by Tony Bennett 05.05.17 21:33

Keitei wrote:Courtesy of Facebook group Abduction or Scam


Sol portuguese newspaper - 03 of May 2017

Ten years after the disappearance of Madeleine McCann...G
oncalo Amaral continues to
1. defend the hypothesis that Maddie died accidentally on the night of the disappearance,

REPLY:  Yet the evidence compiled over many years on this forum, and by notable figures such as PeterMac, HideHo and now Richard Hall all suggests, to the contrary, that something very serious may have happened to Madeleine late on the Sunday (29th April) or early Monday (30th April). Either Goncalo Amaral had not properly considered this evidence OR (just as bad) no-one has yet been able or willing to tell him about it.    

2. says that the child's body may have been hidden inside a coffin, where the corpse of a British citizen was later cremated in Ferreira do Alentejo.

REPLY:  From what we have heard so far, the basis for this claim is no more than that...
...on some unspecified date,
...some as-yet unspecified person...
...saw three as yet unspecified shadowy people emerging late at night from the church in Praia da Luz. Unless there is more to it than we are aware of so far, that is a pretty sketchy basis on which to formulate such a hypothesis.  



Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett

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Sapo -   Caso McCann. Chamadas suspeitas de Kate poderão ser a ponta solta que falta (Translated) Empty Re: Sapo - Caso McCann. Chamadas suspeitas de Kate poderão ser a ponta solta que falta (Translated)

Post by worriedmum 06.05.17 20:56

It is 217 km from Praia da Luz to Huelva via Vilamoura and the journey takes about 2hours 20 minutes.

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