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Madeleine 10 years on: ANOTHER 48 QUESTIONS that need to be answered!  Mm11

Madeleine 10 years on: ANOTHER 48 QUESTIONS that need to be answered!  Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Madeleine 10 years on: ANOTHER 48 QUESTIONS that need to be answered!  Mm11

Madeleine 10 years on: ANOTHER 48 QUESTIONS that need to be answered!  Regist10

Madeleine 10 years on: ANOTHER 48 QUESTIONS that need to be answered!

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Madeleine 10 years on: ANOTHER 48 QUESTIONS that need to be answered!  Empty Madeleine 10 years on: ANOTHER 48 QUESTIONS that need to be answered!

Post by Jill Havern 03.05.17 6:16

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A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Jill Havern
Jill Havern
The Captain (& Chief Faffer) Oh yeah, and Forum Owner
The Captain (& Chief Faffer) Oh yeah, and Forum Owner

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Madeleine 10 years on: ANOTHER 48 QUESTIONS that need to be answered!  Empty Re: Madeleine 10 years on: ANOTHER 48 QUESTIONS that need to be answered!

Post by plebgate 03.05.17 8:00

Bravo H-D-H
I have watched the vid. and my gut is wrenching.  A powerful set of "another 48 questions".

One can certainly understand why so many are asking why the police have not asked those questions and a reminder of what Tony Bennett has gone through but he is still trying to get answers for Maddie.

So many reminders of what is never asked in the media but oh so quick to call questioners trolls.   

Forca Rocky, Tony, PeterM, Richard, Jill, Sharonl, JoanaM and many others who are determined to keep asking questions and sharing their research.  Brave people indeed .
BRAVO. thumbsup

Judge Judy to shifty  witnesses   -    LOOK AT ME  -   Um is not an answer.

If I forget to add it to a post everything is In My Opinion and I don't know anything for sure.
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