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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Mm11

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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Mm11

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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by rainbow-fairy 13.09.16 18:11

Posted on request for CMOMM Fb member

Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Some of the anomalies and coincidences surrounding Leicester Police’s involvement in the case.
• 16th May 2007 – Leicester Police receive the Gaspar’s statements implicating Gerry McCann and David Payne as possible/potential paedophiles.
• 20th / 21st May 2007 Gerry McCann returns to the UK - Rothley on the last photo run.
• 21st May 2007 Leicester Police ‘hosted’ the first circumstantial meeting between one Clarence Mitchell (then Government chief of media monitoring) and Gerry McCann.
• For reference David Payne and family departed Praia da Luz on the 22nd May 2007.
• Gerry McCann returns to Praia da Luz with Clarence Mitchell and Adam Tudor (Carter Ruck) in tow on 22nd May 2007.
Could it be safe to assume that Gerry McCann was already familiar with Adam Tudor from Carter Ruck hence travelling with him back to Praia da Luz rather than just picking up a legal representative on the way back to Portugal?
Could it be possible then that the Carter Ruck lawyer was also involved in the same ‘circumstantial’ meeting involving Gerry McCann and Clarence Mitchell prior to them all leaving for Portugal the following day?
Could it be possible that someone within Leicester Police had tipped off Gerry about the Gaspar statement’s in between the Gaspar’s making them and Gerry flying back to Rothley?
Is this why Gerry McCann required a Carter Ruck lawyer at his side almost immediately before flying back to Portugal?
And of course we know that Leicester Police go on to withhold these statements until after Goncalo Amaral is removed from the investigation, which is well after 5 months lapsed!

Leicester Police Superintendent Stuart Prior contacted the PJ about the contents of the Gaspar statements, to apparently raise his annoyance at the suspicions of paedophilia being subjected to a friend of the McCanns (namely David Payne).  The PJ interpret this call as an attempt of intimidation to prevent future endeavours.
16th January 2008, Stuart Prior contacts the PJ about a powerpoint presentation done by team McCann that they are to look into.  He asked to be kept updated about this development and stated “I will need to get back to the McCann’s”.  This was done despite Gerry McCann being one of the last known official suspects.
Gerry McCann’s credit card information request: According to a briefing note from Inspector Gary Watts of the Leicestershire police to Frances Kennah, Madeleine's father used two MasterCard credit cards.  The note from Inspector Gary Watts reveals that the report about the credit card transactions was not completed, after a conversation between Superintendent Stuart Prior and the recipient of the information, Frances Kennah.
A magistrate and two police officers, amongst them Stuart Prior, liaison officer with the PJ, went to the Portimao court to ask the Public Minister not to open the secrecy of justice on the whole of the, "Maddie," case. There would be various reasons for this approach, according to the Portuguese press. On the one hand, there would be the fact that the British police wish to keep secret the contents of the list of British citizens, classified as paedophiles, living in the Algarve.  The other reason, still according to the Portuguese press, would be the request not to lift the secrecy of justice on the results of the DNA tests. It would seem that the English do not want to see the disclosure of the preliminary report from the Birmingham lab in which it is established that 15 out of 19 genetic markers are perfectly matched with Madeleine McCann's DNA. It was this report which reassured the PJ, as well as the British police liaison officer, in their suspicions that Madeleine had died between 17.30 and 22.00 at the Ocean Club in Praia da Luz and that the body was transported in the car rented by the parents, 22 days later. 
Goncalo Amaral when accompanied by a PJ director amongst others (including Stuart Prior) talks about the apartment and there being only Kate McCann’s fingerprints found and in a position which suggests she opened the window to aid a simulated crime scene says in his book “We prefer not to discuss this with Stuart Prior: we have the impression that he is only here to accompany the McCann’s interrogations and to prevent their detention. His concern on that subject is obvious”.

Other points to consider:
• Allowing at least 1 member of the tapas 7 to read his partners testimony before his own interview (Russel O’Brien).
• Leicester Police’s behaviour in all of the rogatory interviews is suspect.  No clear attempt to investigate any avenues to find out the truth.
• Leicester Police together with the British Government seem instrumental in getting Goncalo Amaral removed from the investigation.
• Only time known in British Police history that a UK Police Force has directly advertised a limited company fund that is owned by and ran for the prime suspects in a missing child investigation that the same Police force is supposed to be cooperating in investigating.
• LP - Encouraged people who had information to get in touch, not with Leicester Police but to the McCann’s themselves – Talk to the main suspects about information involving their case!
• Assisted in getting Mark Harrison involved and then went out of their way to ignore his findings.
• Police escorts for the McCann’s (main suspects).
• Seemed to be “pally” with all of the tapas party.
• Sent a family liaison officer to Praia da Luz.
• Allowing Brian Kennedy to personally interview Martin Smith which is against Police procedures and could be construed as witness tampering.
• Reason to suspect that Jane Tanner’s identification of Robert Murat was prompted by Bob Small (another Senior Officer within Leicester Police) and her partner Russell O’Brien (who had apparently already met Robert Murat on the morning of the 4th May 2007).
• Within 2 days of the McCann’s fleeing Portugal after being made suspects, Gordon Brown decided to visit Beaumont Police Station – Leicester Police (accompanied by the Home Secretary then Jacqui Smith), close to Rothley, main location for the Madeleine McCann case in order to see how they are tackling crime!  Hhhmmm, yeah ok!  Out of all the stations in the UK, including ones on his doorstep, he picks the one station that’s handling information in a case in which it’s documented that he has actively influenced, interfered with and perverted the course of justice in!

I’m sure that there is much more out there but one last coincidence here is that all of this and the unlisted stuff apparently cost over £548,000.  But a staggeringly approximately 95.7% of these costs were subsidised by....... wait for it........... A Home Office grant!  What else concerning the Madeleine McCann case is funded by Home Office grants and appears to be not what it should be?????

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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by Doug D 13.09.16 19:20

'Gerry McCann returns to Praia da Luz with Clarence Mitchell and Adam Tudor (Carter Ruck) in tow on 22nd May 2007.'

Adam Tudor?

Where has this come from?

I don't think he became involved till later, but I may be wrong.
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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by Guest 13.09.16 20:30

Doug D wrote:'Gerry McCann returns to Praia da Luz with Clarence Mitchell and Adam Tudor (Carter Ruck) in tow on 22nd May 2007.'

Adam Tudor?

Where has this come from?

I don't think he became involved till later, but I may be wrong.
Reading quickly I can see any number of inaccuracies.  I was going to suggest a few citations to accredit the observations but failing that, I really do wish people would pay more attention to checking their information source before diving headlong into expounding all these ridiculous groundless stories.

It's not constructive to spread abroad all these wild theories, it's confusing - people who know very little or nothing about the case will most likely believe and propagate the myth.  This situation has been seen time and time again over the past nine + years making it nigh on impossible to re-educate the deluded.

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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by Guest 14.09.16 8:03

We wouldn't want any misinformation about Carter Ruck on this forum would we?

Perhaps Rainbow-fairy can source the information for us.

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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by Guest 14.09.16 8:06

 Adam is perhaps best known for representing Kate and Gerry McCann, for whom he has acted since 2008.

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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by Guest 14.09.16 8:13

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Adam Tudor, Gerry McCann and Clarence Mitchell.

22nd May 2007 according to this website.

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Is it true?

If so... who was coughing up £450 per hour at this point and why was reputation management needed?

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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by Guest 14.09.16 8:18

It's here too as 21/22 May 2007

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That is Adam Tudor isn't it?

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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by Guest 14.09.16 8:32

So... I googled "Carter Ruck" and "Gordon Brown".

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But shortly before the release was due, parliamentary officials announced that they would be launching a High Court action in a last-ditch attempt to block the publication of the information.
Taxpayers now face a legal bill running into hundreds of thousands of pounds to fund the legal action, which will be fought on behalf of Parliament by Carter Ruck, a top firm of London lawyers.
The House of Commons has been attempting to block the disclosure of the information for more than three years.

In March 2008 Carter Ruck did dirty work for the Government.

Like I said, who was paying Carter Ruck £450 per hour in May 2007 if that is indeed Adam Tudor?

We have two BIG guns flying in with GM  - their forensic skills in searching for Madeleine was probably zero - but they were great at media control.

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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by Tony Bennett 14.09.16 8:35

The man has two bundles of documents under his left arm, so that tallies with this man being a lawyer.

Looking back at this photo, and assuming it really is Adam Tudor, is it not utterly astonishing that within just over two weeks of Madeleine being reported missing, Gerry McCann is accompanied on a flight to Portugal by:

1. The supremo of the government's operation of spin and misinformation, the Head of the Media Monitoring Unit, dedicated, in his own words, to 'controlling what comes out in the media, and

2. The senior partner of a law firm self-described as 'Britain's most-feared libel lawyers', one of the highest-paid lawyers of the land, and someone who has been at the heart of representing a number of well-known crooks over the years.

If anyone need a photograph to illustrate that this case - Madeleine's disappearance - reaches right up to the very pinnacle of our government and political establishment, then surely this would be the one?

The fact that one of the world's most powerful media figures, Rebekah Brooks, could threaten the Prime Minister if he didn't set up a Scotland Yard Review of the case, and the additional fact that the Prime Minister caved in under such pressure, only reinforces the point.

Five years on, that 'expensive charade', as I have always characterised it, is about to come to an end.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by Guest 14.09.16 8:40

If it is Adam Tudor then can we inquire via FOI if the government were paying for his services in May 2007?

We know they were paying for Clarence Mitchell at that point.

What a tangled web.

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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by Doug D 14.09.16 8:49

Not good with facial recognition, but this is a photo of Adam Tudor from mccannfiles in 2008.
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Is this really the same person? My thoughts are that it is not.
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Whereas this one clearly is:
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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by Tony Bennett 14.09.16 8:51

BlueBag wrote:If it is Adam Tudor then can we inquire via FOI if the government were paying for his services in May 2007?

I think any FoI Act request might come across the defence of 'client confidentiality'. There is also the problem of finding out which government department actually paid Carter-Ruck - the Home Office, the Foreign Office, the Cabinet Office, MI5, the Central Office of Information? Look at the run-around I am being given to try and find out what monies have been paid to Portugal in respect of Operation Grange's work there.

I will give it further thought.

Adding: Just a reminder of the Guardian article published in the week of the death of Peter Carter-Ruck, showing clearly how this greedy and powerful man exercised a chilling effect on free speech - an effect that chilled me to the core a few years back:

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We all know also that that rogue Kevin Halligen worked alongside Carter-Ruck both on the Trafigura scandal and on the disappearance of Madeleine McCann - no coincidence. I will go and see if I can find any references:

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I also found this link on Jill's own 'NHS: Abuse of Power' blog:

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Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by Guest 14.09.16 9:03

Doug D wrote:
Is this really the same person? My thoughts are that it is not.
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The sizing of that picture is wrong. It's been narrowed.

I think it's highly probably that it is him.

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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by Doug D 14.09.16 9:08

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Better one from above.

Still doesn't look like him to me.

Can't find the article in 'Life' magazine at the moment, but it is probably around somewhere.
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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by sallypelt 14.09.16 9:09

Snipped from Guido Fawkes' site:

"Silver Star deny this and have retained Carter Ruck, firing off letters to several newspapers complaining how unfair it is to have their name linked to this sordid affair. Carter Ruck usually charge £500 an hour. That’s a very expensive law firm for a relatively small charity…"

I was asking myself the same question,  and that is how a small charity, - that ONLY does what any high street pharmacy will do FREE, or any diabetic with a glucose-testing kit - makes enough money to employ CARTER RUCK.

Aren't we lucky to have been born into a "free country"?

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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by Jill Havern 14.09.16 9:09

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Nah, that's not Adam Tudor.

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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by Doug D 14.09.16 9:11

Looking at the 'court' photo, GM & AT have pretty much the same colour hair.

Doesn't appear so in the PdL photo.
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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by Jill Havern 14.09.16 9:23

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Mirror image of Adam Tudor - still doesn't look like him to me.

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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by sallypelt 14.09.16 9:24

Doug D wrote:Not good with facial recognition, but this is a photo of Adam Tudor from mccannfiles in 2008.
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Is this really the same person? My thoughts are that it is not.
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Whereas this one clearly is:
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And here's another one for the gallery:

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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by Jill Havern 14.09.16 9:31

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Not so sure now....

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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by Guest 14.09.16 9:35

Or was it this guy at the back?

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Who is that?

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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by Jill Havern 14.09.16 9:38

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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by dottyaussie 14.09.16 9:40

Is there a newspaper article with the photo in it ? I haven't found anything so far

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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by sallypelt 14.09.16 9:40

Get'emGonçalo wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
I am inclined to agree with you, GeG. Those two pics are of the same man, and is not Adam Tudor.

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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by Jill Havern 14.09.16 9:43

BlueBag wrote:Or was it this guy at the back?

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Who is that?

Good find, BB.

The McCanns are wearing the same clothes as on the 'Faked Abduction' night and when Gerry said "I'm not going to answer that" when asked if he knew Murat.
Kate in her cadaver-stinking trousers.
So that might make it easier to find out who the guy is at the back.

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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by pennylane 14.09.16 9:49

sallypelt wrote:
Get'emGonçalo wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
I am inclined to agree with you, GeG. Those two pics are of the same man, and is not Adam Tudor.
Yes good find BB.

My vote is also on these two being same as similar expression, nose, glasses and particularly the age group.  To me Tudor looked younger and possibly heavier too.

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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by Guest 14.09.16 10:00

sallypelt wrote:
Get'emGonçalo wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
I am inclined to agree with you, GeG. Those two pics are of the same man, and is not Adam Tudor.
Yep, that's not Adam Tudor.

But who else winged in with CM.


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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by sallypelt 14.09.16 10:07

BlueBag wrote:
sallypelt wrote:
Get'emGonçalo wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
I am inclined to agree with you, GeG. Those two pics are of the same man, and is not Adam Tudor.
Yep, that's not Adam Tudor.

But who else winged in with CM.

From what can be deduced from the two photographs of the above man, and the clothes the McCann's were wearing immediately after Madeleine went missing, is, whoever he is, he was there on the 4th May 2007, and still there when Mitchell appeared on the scene.

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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by Guest 14.09.16 10:09

Get'emGonçalo wrote:
BlueBag wrote:Or was it this guy at the back?

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Who is that?

Good find, BB.

The McCanns are wearing the same clothes as on the 'Faked Abduction' night and when Gerry said "I'm not going to answer that" when asked if he knew Murat.
Kate in her cadaver-stinking trousers.
So that might make it easier to find out who the guy is at the back.
The guy on the left?

Is he something to do with Warners?

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Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders? Empty Re: Leicestershire Police – Naturally complicit or just following orders?

Post by Jill Havern 14.09.16 10:16

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He looks like McCann supporter Nigel Nessling big grin 


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