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McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Mm11

McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Mm11

McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Regist10

McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015

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McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Empty McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015

Post by Tony Bennett 13.02.15 23:59

I often listen to the political discussion programme 'Any Questions' on Friday evenings (8.02pm to 8.50pm).

At the end of the programme, they say who will be on next week.

The first name to be mentioned was that of JIM GAMBLE, former Head of CEOP, and close friend and supporter of the McCanns.

I am struggling to think of a good reason for Jim Ganble being on Any Questions.

He's been away from his job at CEOP for nearly 5 years, after resigning in a huff because he didn't get his own way.

He now runs a private company (iNEQE) which seems to run on local councils paying his organisation fat fees for training, lectures, conferences, consultancy and the like.

He had a controversial record as Head of Operation Ore - and it's far from clear what he really achived at CEOP while he was there.   

He spends far too much time on Twitter.

It is far from clear that he is the country's leading 'expert' on child abuse. 

So why is the BBC suddenly giving him a platform?

Is it possible that internet trolling will be one of the questions on 'Any Questions' next week?


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Empty Re: McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015

Post by Guest 14.02.15 0:05

I normally listen to the repeat on Saturday, followed by Any Answers.  An opportunity perhaps for someone here?

The BBC is one of His company's clients.

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McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Empty Re: McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015

Post by Tony Bennett 14.02.15 0:12

Ladyinred wrote:I normally listen to the repeat on Saturday, followed by Any Answers.  An opportunity perhaps for someone here?

The BBC is one of His company's clients.
Has someone aleady been primed to ask the 'right' question next week? 


P.S@ Ladyinred    You wrote: "The BBC is one of His company's clients".

A capital 'H' for the word 'his' is usually reserved for the Divine.

Has he been promoted?


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Empty Re: McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015

Post by Guest 14.02.15 0:28

A typo!  Who else will be on the programme, TB?
It's from Northern Ireland, so probably politicians from both sides, JG and one other.

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McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Empty Re: McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015

Post by mad world 14.02.15 1:11

Given how little he seems to know thought gamble would have been more likely to appear on i'm sorry i haven't a clue?
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McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Empty Re: McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015

Post by xertial 14.02.15 1:19

Tony Bennett wrote:
Ladyinred wrote:I normally listen to the repeat on Saturday, followed by Any Answers.  An opportunity perhaps for someone here?

The BBC is one of His company's clients.
Has someone aleady been primed to ask the 'right' question next week? 


P.S@ Ladyinred    You wrote: "The BBC is one of His company's clients".

A capital 'H' for the word 'his' is usually reserved for the Divine.

Has he been promoted?
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okay...... THAT was just plain funny.

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McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Empty The strange nexus between Jim Gamble, the McCanns, Mark Williams-Thomas and Joe Sullivan

Post by Tony Bennett 14.02.15 8:03

Jim Gamble...

...the Doctors McCann...

...Mark Williams-Thomas...

...Joe Sullivan...

Their strange relationships with each other discussed on this forum:

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Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Empty Re: McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015

Post by sharonl 14.02.15 10:01

This would be a very long programme if it run long enough and allowed for us to ask all the questions that we have for Jim, I could keep it running for hours alone.  I bet his answers would be as long as Kate McCanns answers to the 48 questions asked by the PJ.  We know that the BBC are known for repeats but a few hours of Jim Gamble saying "no comment" would be quite boring.  Amongst my questions would be:

What was your business in Cambodia?
Who sent you there?
Why did you attend the child brothel?
Who sent you there?
Were you there in an official capacity?
Did you do anything to help the children at the brothel?
Do you have any jurisdiction in Cambodia?
If so, have you made any steps to closing down that Brothel?
If not, why have you advertised the fact that this brothel exists?
Do you realise that, if that place has not been closed down, your advert would almost certainly have increased business for this place.
Do you feel that you should have done more to help these children?
Do you regret having advertised this business?

Why does a man of your position defend the suspects in a missing child case even to the point of taking one of them to the police bravery awards?
What is the truth about CATS file 19309?
Do you honestly believe that two top police dogs Eddie & Keela, along with top dog handler Martin Grime actually got it wrong in McCann case?
Do you really believe that these dogs, separately alerting to no less than 11 McCann related items but no-where else in Praia Da Luz,  adds nothing to the McCann case?

This could go on for ever and a day but I would just love to see this man questioned.
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McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Empty Re: McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015

Post by Tony Bennett 14.02.15 10:15

sharonl wrote:This would be a very long programme if it run long enough and allowed for us to ask all the questions that we have for Jim, I could keep it running for hours alone. 
So could I.

And here's some more questions I'd like to ask Mr Gamble:

1. Why did you want people who had been on holiday to Praia da Luz to send their holiday snaps to you at CEOP?

2. What CEOP staff did you send to Portugal, what did they do there, how long were they there for?

3. When did you give all those CEOP Manuals to Gerry McCann?

4. What role did you play in getting the McCanns' camera sent on Tuesday 8 May to a Hampshire Police Officer?

5. When were you approached to carry out the 'scoping review' that paved the way for Operation Grange?

6. Can we please see a copy of your scoping report?

7. How many people committed suicide as the result of Operation Ore?

8. What were the names of the two top politicians who were identified by Operation Ore as having images of child sexual abuse on their computers?


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Empty Re: McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015

Post by Guest 14.02.15 10:21

No doubt JG will comment on issues that interest us here.  "Any Answers" could be an opportunity to bring to a wider audience this case or JG's activities, it depends on questions asked in the programme.

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McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Empty Re: McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015

Post by jeanmonroe 14.02.15 12:05

Only four questions for Jim McGamble from me

1) Can you state, catagorically, on the record, for the record, that Madeleine McCann WAS 'abducted' from apartment G5A, Ocean Club, PDL, Portugal?

2) What, in your capacity, as CEO of CEOP, (2006-2010), which you are so 'proud of', did you or CEOP actually do, under the child EXPLOITATION 'part' of CEOP, to prevent THOUSANDS of vulnerable, underaged, children actually, really, being EXPLOITED, by 'gangs' of Asian men, in Rotherham, Rochdale, Derby, Oxford, Peterborough, Tyneside etc, during the years 2006-2010, when YOU were in SOLE charge at CEOP?

3) Why did CEOP, whilst you were CEO, make a 'minute for Madeleine' video, but never made 'a minute' for ANY other 'missing' child, ever?

4) Why were CEOP even 'involved' in the Madeleine McCann 'disappearance'? She didn't 'disappear', or was 'at risk', ONLINE, so didn't need CEOP's and your 'protection'


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McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Empty Re: McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015

Post by ultimaThule 14.02.15 13:52

Call me irrational but the sight and sound of Mr Gamble makes my flesh creep in a not dissimilar fashion to that which I experience when looking at mugshots of a certain Dr McCann.

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McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Empty Re: McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015

Post by MRNOODLES 14.02.15 23:32

Dear Jim, what's your explanation for visiting Prey Sar Prison and in what capacity was your visit?

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McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Empty Re: McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015

Post by mad world 14.02.15 23:47

Think hehear they did a good cream of sum yung guy..imo of course
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McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Empty Re: McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015

Post by Liz Eagles 15.02.15 15:14

Here's my question to Jim.

Why do you show yourself on your own Twitter page on a podium between the flags of USA and UK with a backdrop of Table Mountain South Africa?
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McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Empty Re: McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015

Post by Guest 15.02.15 15:40

aquila wrote:Here's my question to Jim.

Why do you show yourself on your own Twitter page on a podium between the flags of USA and UK with a backdrop of Table Mountain South Africa?

It looks like the flags and Table Mountain have been whooshed.

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McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Empty Re: McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015

Post by Liz Eagles 15.02.15 15:44

Ladyinred wrote:
aquila wrote:Here's my question to Jim.

Why do you show yourself on your own Twitter page on a podium between the flags of USA and UK with a backdrop of Table Mountain South Africa?

It looks like the flags and Table Mountain have been whooshed.
Table Mountain is still there but the flags have gone....ha ha ha....thanks for that. Jim is now speaking from darkness. Were the flags photoshopped in or out?

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McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Empty Re: McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015

Post by worriedmum 15.02.15 16:57

MRNOODLES wrote:Dear Jim, what's your explanation for visiting Prey Sar Prison and in what capacity was your visit?
  Mr Noodles. can you tell us more about this please?

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McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Empty Re: McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015

Post by sallypelt 15.02.15 17:10

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McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Empty Re: McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015

Post by lj 15.02.15 18:22

ultimaThule wrote:Call me irrational but the sight and sound of Mr Gamble makes my flesh creep in a not dissimilar fashion to that which I experience when looking at mugshots of a certain Dr McCann.

Here too, and they always say "trust that gut feeling"

"And if Madeleine had hurt herself inside the apartment, why would that be our fault?"  Gerry

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McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Empty Re: McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015

Post by Gaggzy 15.02.15 19:43

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Jim. Apparently, the Canadians had told you about the monstrous perverted doctor, Gerry McCann Miles Bradbury, but you done eft-all about him.

Therefore, he carried on abusing young boys suffering from cancer for another TWO YEARS.


Oh, and Jim, why do you look like a cross between Harry Hill without his glasses, and top mime artist, David Armand?

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McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Empty Re: McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015

Post by MRNOODLES 15.02.15 21:17

worriedmum wrote:
MRNOODLES wrote:Dear Jim, what's your explanation for visiting Prey Sar Prison and in what capacity was your visit?
  Mr Noodles. can you tell us more about this please?

I believe it was something to do with this.

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It was alleged that CEOP/Jim Gamble had no business/authority to go... I think at the same time he was in that American TV programme where he was alleged to have visited a bar and offered 'young people' in the name of research. It was all a bit cloak and dagger imo.

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McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Empty Re: McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015

Post by Harriet94 15.02.15 21:20

my question for Jim Gamble would be
during the Minute for Madeleine viral video campaign you did an interview with Philip Schofield on morning television. In that interview you stated that those responsible for Madeleine's disappearance would be searching on line for the latest news on the case. Did you mean news from mainstream media, social media or internet forum's? Was Ceop monitoring this?

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McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Empty Tonight at 8 o'clock

Post by Guest 20.02.15 18:20

Don't forget to tune in tonight, 8 o'clock, Radio 4:

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I notice he's being introduced as the former CE of CEOP, a position he resigned from over four years ago.  Move on, Jim.

ETA: clashes with EastEnders!

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McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015  Empty Re: McCanns' friend Jim Gamble to appear on Radio 4's 'ANY QUESTIONS' next Friday, 20 Feb 2015

Post by Tony Bennett 20.02.15 20:54

Ladyinred wrote:Don't forget to tune in tonight, 8 o'clock, Radio 4:

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I notice he's being introduced as the former CE of CEOP, a position he resigned from over four years ago.  Move on, Jim.

ETA: clashes with EastEnders!
To be fair, Gamble made some quite telling and well-received contributions to many questions.

He did however get a bit over-excited at one point, revealing his party political bias (pro-Labour).

He said paedophiles tended to repeat their sex offending and that therefore much more money should be spent monitoring them very closely in the community after their prison sentences came to an end.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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