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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Mm11

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Mm11

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by Jill Havern 15.06.16 8:55

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by sandancer 15.06.16 9:04

I wonder if the twins have ever asked for a dog as a family pet ?        lol4

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by sallypelt 15.06.16 9:17

I've posted this on the Freud thread, but it's appropriate to this thread also, so I'll post it here too:

Snipped from Tony Bennett Yesterday at 11:42 pm


“His response to our catalogue of horrors was merely to raise an eyebrow. Clement had this way of making everything seem a little less terrible. When he heard about the [sniffer] dogs [which had indicated the scent of death in the McCann’s hire car], he remarked laconically, ‘So what are they going to do? Put them on the stand? One bark for yes, two for no?’


I find the above quote rather explosive.

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by DENNISSALLY 15.06.16 9:45

If you listen to what Martins Grimes says when Eddie alerts in the wardrobe, he says the cadavar scent is in this room somewhere not necessarily in the wardrobe. The smells could have been trapped and was moved to the place at the wardrobe. It still means there was a corpse in that room even though Keela alerted to nothing in the room. Behind the couch a strong alert was given also by Eddie and Keela alerted in same place so you had blood under the tile found and lower curtains.

As for the car Eddie gave a stronge alert at door, so what I am saying is that smell of cadaver was trapped inside that car and smells can get trapped in certain pockets in a room or car. Keela was able then to pin point were the corpse lay as she marked the boot where the evidence was lifted.

I am obviously not quoting Martin Grimes in the above I am just explaining to the best of my knowledge what I heard Mr Grimes say.

I believe the dogs tell you the story of Madeleine, something happened behind the couch where alerts were given by both dogs and the corpse was move to the bedroom then car. There was also a weak alert given by Eddie in the garden so it's up to us to fill the the gaps as the dogs done their work and i for one trust in the dogs.

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by Doug D 01.07.16 13:13

From the Met’s Press page:
Meet Paddy, the Explosives Search Dog
•  Jun 30, 2016 16:52 BST

Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Igu9xenxzaib47bxgbjo 
PC Ricky Beckford and his partner, Paddy.
To continue our exclusive behind the scenes insight into the variety of roles in the Met, we explore the work of our explosives search dogs and their handlers.
Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Wchi8fwrgepz8foldm7z 
A dog's nose is many, many times more sensitive than that of a human, and so is ideal for tracking or detecting, whether it be drugs, criminals, bombs, stolen property or people.

Explosives search dogs are part of our Dog Support Unit who support colleagues and respond to emergency calls where their unique sniffing skills can be used to help make London safer.

Our explosives and narcotic search dogs must be very calm and work methodically, but must also possess a high level of motivation. The training is reward based, and the dogs must bark or freeze when they have detected the presence of explosives or narcotics. They are taught to search in a variety of environments and they possess a high level; of stamina to ensure they can work for long periods of time.

Watch: Police Dog Paddy detect an explosive substance during a training exercise.

Paddy was able to indicate to his handler his find by freezing on the spot, before being rewarded with his favourite tennis ball.
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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by hentie 01.07.16 13:44

Dogs are incredible when it comes to searching for the elements/items they have been instructed.
Why else would they be used to locate guns, explosives, bombs, drugs, coinage, bodies and can detect cancer, oncoming fits etc.

I mustn't forget those two wonderful dogs Eddie and Keela with a 100% record re detecting blood and cadaver.
Strange how dogs are relied on so much to save lives, yet in one instance, two dogs with such a faultless record are ignored!
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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by worriedmum 01.07.16 14:33

sallypelt wrote:I've posted this on the Freud thread, but it's appropriate to this thread also, so I'll post it here too:

Snipped from Tony Bennett Yesterday at 11:42 pm


“His response to our catalogue of horrors was merely to raise an eyebrow. Clement had this way of making everything seem a little less terrible. When he heard about the [sniffer] dogs [which had indicated the scent of death in the McCann’s hire car], he remarked laconically, ‘So what are they going to do? Put them on the stand? One bark for yes, two for no?’


I find the above quote rather explosive.

sallypelt, I agree. And what makes it even more unbelievable is the seeming lack of curiosity of the parents as  to what the traces of blood and the cadaver dog alerts might mean for their missing child's fate.  IMO, it's all about them. Poor Madeleine.

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by Jill Havern 30.10.16 9:28

Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Abscam10

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by Jill Havern 31.12.16 8:50

Why don't they forget the scientific trial, and just ask Gerry ?

Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 228

Dogs can detect a drop of blood in two Olympic-sized pools ! bigshock

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by tnb 31.12.16 14:13

worriedmum wrote:
sallypelt wrote:I've posted this on the Freud thread, but it's appropriate to this thread also, so I'll post it here too:

Snipped from Tony Bennett Yesterday at 11:42 pm


“His response to our catalogue of horrors was merely to raise an eyebrow. Clement had this way of making everything seem a little less terrible. When he heard about the [sniffer] dogs [which had indicated the scent of death in the McCann’s hire car], he remarked laconically, ‘So what are they going to do? Put them on the stand? One bark for yes, two for no?’


I find the above quote rather explosive.

sallypelt, I agree. And what makes it even more unbelievable is the seeming lack of curiosity of the parents as  to what the traces of blood and the cadaver dog alerts might mean for their missing child's fate.  IMO, it's all about them. Poor Madeleine.
Fortunately I have not had the displeasure of reading "madeleine". The above quoted paragraph by Tony Bennett shocks me, particularly the first sentence. To lose a child in the circumstances they have claimed must be the horror of all horrors.
Like I said, I have never read "madeleine" but I do wonder, if in her book does Kate explain "our catalogue of horrors"?

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by JohnyT 31.12.16 23:08

Yes I agree.........if blood/cadaver was scented, I'd be 'demanding' to know more about it eg I'd be asking how is this possible....NOT dissing the dogs!

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by Lands_end 22.01.17 12:38

One thing that has never been answered, a documentary referred to these dogs as "DNA dogs". Somebody made the decision to disguise the fact that they were actually "Cadaver scent dogs". My question is who?

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by Jill Havern 06.02.17 10:35

Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Beynon10

That's on a par with Philomena McCann saying mosquitos flew into the wall to cause blood splatters.

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by MayMuse 06.02.17 11:29

Lands_end wrote:One thing that has never been answered, a documentary referred to these dogs as "DNA dogs". Somebody made the decision to disguise the fact that they were actually "Cadaver scent dogs". My question is who?
I think the main point is "why"? 

Media always put a slant on the case, it comes from higher up.

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by Jill Havern 06.02.17 16:21

Douglas Garland triple-murder trial: cadaver dog indicated human remains at 3 spots on farm

WATCH ABOVE: A cadaver dog's search of the farm where Douglas Garland lived, making up part of the testimony in the second week of his trial. Nancy Hixt reports. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by mootle 04.04.17 12:35

But not as accurate as the 'unreliable' dogs who manage a 97% success rate!

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by Mirage 04.04.17 14:25

Those "incredibly unreliable dogs" were featured on Fake Britain last night. This particular spaniel was a "tobacco dog". It sniffed all round a reinforced vehicle and alerted to tobacco. Upon breaking into the vehicle the Customs and Excise officers found ... tobacco. Several hundred thousand pounds worth of illegal cigarettes, in fact.

I couldn't help thinking of Clement Freud and his "One woof for yes, two for no".

Oh how they laughed!

So we have reliable drug dogs, tobacco dogs, cancer dogs, lost cat dogs, explosives dogs, blood dogs, cadaver dogs. Why, we even have dogs who detect 2 teaspoons of sugar in an Olympic size swimming pool.

But Professor Gerry McCann rails against science, biology (the dogs have X 1,000,000 more olfactory capability than humans)  and a history of 100% accurate results.

They carried on laughing as Mr Zapata got off scot free after a cadaver dog alerted to the past presence of a corpse in various places including a hire car! The McCanns cited the case as proof of unreliable dogs.  And then, horror of horrors, Mr Zapata admitted murdering  his wife!!!

One woof for yes, two for no, indeed. When all the hilarity had died down, this ........

"Can I interest you in a strawberry vodka?" - Clement Freud. Page 194. "madeleine"

It's  enough to make you utter those immortal words, "F***ing t*$$*r".

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by Liz Eagles 04.04.17 14:30

Add to this Clarence Mitchell doing the perfect campaign symposium in Australia and try to hold onto the content of your stomach.

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by hogwash 04.04.17 14:36

Mirage wrote:But Professor Gerry McCann rails against science, biology (the dogs have X 1,000,000 more olfactory capability than humans)  and a history of 100% accurate results.
But Professor Gerry McCann rails for science if it's a 'troll' article for a Science magazine!

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by Mirage 04.04.17 14:51

hogwash wrote:
Mirage wrote:But Professor Gerry McCann rails against science, biology (the dogs have X 1,000,000 more olfactory capability than humans)  and a history of 100% accurate results.
But Professor Gerry McCann rails for science if it's a 'troll' article for a Science magazine!
Ha ha. So true. Not so much "The Lancet",  more "The Chance-it".

Or even Flaky Findings R Us! big grin

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by suespeaking 04.04.17 15:17

Well of course the dogs are not reliable, they do not tell the approved Tapas 7 story!

In a previous job I was involved in taking part in a test of drugs dogs, very few mistakes were made but any that failed were sent back for retraining, tests of the dogs abilities were carried out on a regular basis.  2 different dogs indicated in their specialist field.

I am not a Dr so would never tell one they were prescribing the wrong medicine!!

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by Jill Havern 08.04.17 11:19

Sniffer dogs help police take knives and drugs off the streets of Leicester

Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 15946414-large
Sniffer dogs have helped police seize a variety of drugs and weapons.

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A police sniffer dog has helped officers take four knives off the streets and identify more than 60 people carrying illegal drugs so far this year.
Officers have patrolled Leicester city centre on five Saturday nights since the beginning of the year as part of a long-term campaign to reduce night-time violence.
In that time, they have seized four knives and a set of martial arts nunchucks from people picked out by a sniffer dog for being in possession of or having recently handled drugs.
As well as the four weapons, officers have caught 63 people in possession of drugs such as cocaine, amphetamines, cannabis, LSD and a number of the now-banned former 'legal highs', Leicestershire Police said.
Officers believe cocaine in particular and some of the now-banned "new psychoactive substances" combine badly with alcohol and make users more prone to violence.
The people alleged to have been carrying blades have been charged with possession of an offensive weapon, while a number of people have been charged with supplying drugs.

Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Sniffer2Sgt Liz Perry and Sgt Steve Waft with police dog Ross and officers searching a suspect.
Read more: A daughter's plea - 'Help find thug who robbed my 87-year-old mum'
The campaign – which is called Operation Fall – will continue on regular weekend evenings throughout the rest of the year.
Sgt Liz Perry, who is overseeing the operation, said: "These are people who have come into the city with knives and there is no legitimate reason for doing so. It can only end badly.
"The drugs we have recovered range from cocaine and amphetamine to LSD cannabis and some of the former legal highs.
"We have also arrested a number of people on suspicion of possession with intent to supply."
In total, officers have searched more than 100 people.
The operation is being funded by Leicestershire's police and crime commissioner, Lord Willy Bach and is part of an ongoing operation to reduce offences involving knives.

Lord Bach said: "People need to know that carrying a knife is courting trouble and if they get caught with a bladed weapon the police will take robust action.
"I want those who think that carrying a knife is clever to learn that it really isn't.
"Not only can it land you with a four-year prison sentence, but it is more likely to provoke violence than protect against it."


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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by Phoebe 08.04.17 20:04

Ah yes, dear Clement "one woof for yes, two for no". What does he suggest for blow-flies "One buzz for yes, two for no"? Has Gerry ever encountered an "incredibly unreliable" blow-fly - one who can't identify cadaver odour? They, just like cadaver dogs, rely on cadaver odours to guide them. They can spot corpses, especially dark-pelted or furred ones, in bright conditions but in darkness it's odour that guides them and I've yet to hear of blow-flies being unreliable no-shows when there's death around.

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by Jill Havern 13.04.17 13:17
Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 58c9c466b81f9.previewEvidence in Chesterfield 'no body' murder case includes blood and 'alert' from a cadaver dog
A Chesterfield County judge denied bail Tuesday for a former Midlothian physician charged with murder in the disappearance and presumed death of his girlfriend, after the prosecution outlined much of
In addition, a cadaver dog that police used in examining the vehicle “alerted” to the presence of decomposing human flesh, Hogan said. Cadaver dogs are trained to locate and follow the scent of decomposing remains.

  • A cadaver dog that police used in examining the comforter “alerted” to the scent of decomposing human flesh on the quilt.

And on and on and on.

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by mootle 14.06.17 17:10

Paris catacombs: Missing boys rescued after three days

Two teenage boys have been rescued, and are being treated for hypothermia, after spending three days lost in the catacombs beneath Paris.
A spokesman for the Paris fire service said tracker dogs had helped them find the boys, aged 16 and 17, during a four-hour rescue effort.
The catacombs are a network of ancient burial chambers that stretch some 250km (150 miles) beneath the French capital.
Only a small section of the catacombs is open to the public.
But enthusiasts, known in French as cataphiles, have been known to sneak illegally into the tunnels via secret entrances, to explore them or hold secret parties, the BBC's Hugh Schofield in Paris reports.
The two teenagers went into the catacombs on Saturday night. It is not clear when or how the alarm was raised, but police launched their rescue effort three days later.
They were said to be suffering from severe cold but otherwise unharmed.
The bones of an estimated six million people are in the catacombs. They were transported there towards the end of the 18th Century from overflowing mediaeval cemeteries.
The temperature in the dark narrow passageways is about 15 degrees Celsius (59 degrees Fahrenheit), AFP news agency says.

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by jeanmonroe 15.06.17 12:42

LFB and Police are to 'use' sniffer dogs, to 'search', in Grenfell Tower structure.

What for?

'They' are 'incredibly unreliable', according to police dog behaviour 'expert' GM.

If, sadly, the dogs 'find/locate' just one child's/person's 'remains' it will have been totally 'worth' it!

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by Jill Havern 16.06.17 11:32

Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Dogs10

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A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 1f1fa-1f1f8MAGAThose incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 1f1fa-1f1f8  Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 1f1ec-1f1e7MBGAThose incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 1f1ec-1f1e7
Jill Havern
Jill Havern
The Captain (& Chief Faffer) Oh yeah, and Forum Owner
The Captain (& Chief Faffer) Oh yeah, and Forum Owner

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by sandancer 16.06.17 12:02

I'm certain none of the families and friends of those sadly still missing in Grenfell Tower will object to the search dogs being used .

Only the McCanns , and the ' he found a coconut " excusers as far as I'm aware have ever objected to these marvelous dogs and their handlers .

Be humble for you​ are made​ of earth . Be noble for you​ are made of stars .

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by MrsC 17.06.17 12:33

Sooner or later in life, we will all take our own turn being in the position we once had someone else in.


The measure of a man's real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out...

Thomas Babington Macaulay

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Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Empty Re: Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again!

Post by Jill Havern 17.06.17 15:54

Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Dog10
Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Dog210
Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Dog310
Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Dog410
Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 Dog510

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 1f1fa-1f1f8MAGAThose incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 1f1fa-1f1f8  Those incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 1f1ec-1f1e7MBGAThose incredibly 'unreliable' DOGS............again! - Page 3 1f1ec-1f1e7
Jill Havern
Jill Havern
The Captain (& Chief Faffer) Oh yeah, and Forum Owner
The Captain (& Chief Faffer) Oh yeah, and Forum Owner

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