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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Mm11

Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Regist10
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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Mm11

Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Regist10

Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by NickE 04.11.14 9:26

Maddie Case: 10 witnesses to be questioned within the scope of the English investigation

Andy Redwood's team in July | Mirror photo
by Marisa Rodrigues
 New witnesses of the English investigation to Madeleine McCann's disappearance are going to be questioned at the request of Scotland Yard (SY). The fifth letter rogatory is already in the hands of the Judiciary Police (PJ), who will now have to schedule the questionings.
 The new Public Ministry prosecutor, to whom the Maddie process was recently attributed, authorized the questionings and forward the letter to the South PJ Directory, in Faro, so they can be carried out. JN was able to establish that there are about ten witnesses and that all of them are going to be questioned for the first time within the scope of the English investigation. Some of them are, however, already known to the Portuguese investigation and they had nothing relevant to say regarding the English child who disappeared seven years ago in Praia da Luz, in the Algarve.
 Even though the English police has expressed their interest in questioning again the four men constituted as arguidos [formal suspects], that were questioned back in July, the English ended up leaving them out of this letter rogatory, which arrived to the Public Ministry in August. These new investigative steps should take place in the very same manner as it happened three months ago, with a notice for the witnesses to appear at the PJ headquarters. When the date is set, Scotland Yard may then request to the National PJ Directory to be present, without being able to intervene, just as before.
 Last time they were in Portugal, on the 14th October, the English police expressed their desire to make a new letter rogatory (the sixth) requesting for the re-analyses of the samples that had been collected in the apartment from where Madeleine disappeared, namely hair samples and the fabric belonging to a curtain.
 In a meeting at the National Institute of Forensic Medicine (INML), in Coimbra, which gathered detectives and forensic experts, Andy Redwood's team also spoke about the possibility that some of the samples could be taken to England and analysed in a private lab. Until the end of the afternoon, yesterday, no request had been made in that sense to the Public Ministry of Portimão, whose role is to assess and decide the letters rogatory.
 in Jornal de Notícias, paper edition, November 4, 2014

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Goncalo Amaral: "Then there's the window we found Kate's finger prints.
She said she had never touched that window and the cleaning lady assured that she had cleaned it on the previous doesn't add up"

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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by PeterMac 04.11.14 9:36

Witnesses. Not Suspects.

Most witnesses are interviewed to take Negative statements from them. To eliminate them
To be sure that they saw, or heard nothing, and can add nothing more to the enquiry
To show that although they were in the relevant place at the relevant time they saw nothing
Proving a negative is notoriously difficult, and interviewing everyone in the vicinity is about the only way you can do it.

To ram it home in case some pros are reading this ...
If all these people were walking along the roads surrounding 5A between 9.30 and 10pm 3/5/7 and all SAW NOTHING . . .
It two of these people decided NOT to go to the pool at lunchtime on 3/5/7 because it was cold and wet and raining . . .
This could be the final winding up of a few dangling threads in the report, before it is handed over.

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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by Bishop Brennan 04.11.14 9:37

An interesting snippet from the article was this:

"Even though the English police has expressed their interest in questioning again the four men constituted as arguidos [formal suspects], that were questioned back in July, the English ended up leaving them out of this letter rogatory."

Does this mean that they have given up finding a way to patsy one or more of the four?   Basically they need a good reason to question a suspect in an ILR and quite clearly they don't have any good reason at all.  No option therefore but to admit defeat?
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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by plebgate 04.11.14 9:52

PeterMac wrote:Witnesses.  Not Suspects.

Most witnesses are interviewed to take Negative statements from them. To eliminate them
To be sure that they saw, or heard nothing, and can add nothing more to the enquiry
To show that although they were in the relevant place at the relevant time they saw nothing
Proving a negative is notoriously difficult, and interviewing everyone in the vicinity is about the only way you can do it.

To ram it home in case some pros are reading this ...
If all these people were walking along the roads surrounding 5A between 9.30 and 10pm 3/5/7 and all SAW NOTHING  . . .
It two of these people decided NOT to go to the pool at lunchtime on 3/5/7 because it was cold and wet and raining . . .
This could be the final winding up of a few dangling threads in the report, before it is handed over.
Thanks for that PeterM.    hmmmm could be very interesting then.

Ten WITNESSES  to be questioned.

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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by jozi 04.11.14 9:54

It will all end in Tractor Man is the one that did it gov !!! Poor guy is dead so cannot answer back, yes he will be the fall guy !!!

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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by Bishop Brennan 04.11.14 10:01

jozi wrote:It will all end in Tractor Man is the one that did it gov !!! Poor guy is dead so cannot answer back, yes he will be the fall guy !!!

spit coffee

It's 50/50 at the moment between TractorMan and the nameless, faceless, and seemingly shoeless paedo predator who the stupid PJ plods let escape and cannot find. Certainly they have to go with a dead guy or an unfindable shadow. Everyone else has been ruled out! Unless...

Bishop Brennan
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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by Tony Bennett 04.11.14 10:31

NickE wrote:Maddie Case: 10 witnesses to be questioned within the scope of the English investigation

by Marisa Rodrigues

Andy Redwood's team in July | Mirror photo

 New witnesses of the English investigation to Madeleine McCann's disappearance are going to be questioned at the request of Scotland Yard (SY). The fifth letter rogatory is already in the hands of the Judiciary Police (PJ), who will now have to schedule the questionings.

So this expensive charade will probably continue well into 2015
 The new Public Ministry prosecutor, to whom the Maddie process was recently attributed, authorized the questionings and forward the letter to the South PJ Directory, in Faro, so they can be carried out. JN was able to establish that there are about ten witnesses and that all of them are going to be questioned for the first time within the scope of the English investigation. Some of them are, however, already known to the Portuguese investigation and they had nothing relevant to say regarding the English child who disappeared seven years ago in Praia da Luz, in the Algarve.

Andy Redwood and his team are flying out to the Algarve at the taxpayers' expense once again, to interview irrelevant witnesses. Why am I not surprised?

 Even though the English police has expressed their interest in questioning again the four men constituted as arguidos [formal suspects], that were questioned back in July, the English ended up leaving them out of this letter rogatory, which arrived to the Public Ministry in August.

So it's taken the Portuguese authorities two months or more to process the rogatory letters

These new investigative steps...

Shows put on to continue influencing public perception

...should take place in the very same manner as it happened three months ago, with a notice for the witnesses to appear at the PJ headquarters. When the date is set, Scotland Yard may then request to the National PJ Directory to be present, without being able to intervene, just as before.

 Last time they were in Portugal, on the 14th October, the English police expressed their desire to make a new letter rogatory (the sixth) requesting for the re-analyses of the samples that had been collected in the apartment from where Madeleine disappeared, namely hair samples and the fabric belonging to a curtain.

 In a meeting at the National Institute of Forensic Medicine (INML), in Coimbra, which gathered detectives and forensic experts, Andy Redwood's team also spoke about the possibility that some of the samples could be taken to England and analysed in a private lab. Until the end of the afternoon, yesterday, no request had been made in that sense to the Public Ministry of Portimão, whose role is to assess and decide the letters rogatory.

Sounds like they are proceeding at a snail's pace, then

 in Jornal de Notícias, paper edition, November 4, 2014

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I am wondering if there is a single member of this forum left who still honestly and truly believes that Redwood and his men interviewing these 10 witnesses, most of whom the Portuguese Police have already deemed utterly irrelvant, is going to lead towards anyone being successfully identified - let alone arrested, charged, prosecuted and convicted - in connection with the reported disapperance of Madeleine McCann.

If there is, I should be most interested to learn of their reasoning for such belief


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by Montclair 04.11.14 10:44

Perhaps the investigation is going at a snail's pace because the detectives all know that Madeleine is dead and they want to make a water tight case. JMHO

BTW, I won't be signing the petition.

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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by Guest 04.11.14 10:50

Tony Bennett wrote:
NickE wrote:Maddie Case: 10 witnesses to be questioned within the scope of the English investigation

by Marisa Rodrigues

Andy Redwood's team in July | Mirror photo

 New witnesses of the English investigation to Madeleine McCann's disappearance are going to be questioned at the request of Scotland Yard (SY). The fifth letter rogatory is already in the hands of the Judiciary Police (PJ), who will now have to schedule the questionings.

So this expensive charade will probably continue well into 2015
 The new Public Ministry prosecutor, to whom the Maddie process was recently attributed, authorized the questionings and forward the letter to the South PJ Directory, in Faro, so they can be carried out. JN was able to establish that there are about ten witnesses and that all of them are going to be questioned for the first time within the scope of the English investigation. Some of them are, however, already known to the Portuguese investigation and they had nothing relevant to say regarding the English child who disappeared seven years ago in Praia da Luz, in the Algarve.

Andy Redwood and his team are flying out to the Algarve at the taxpayers' expense once again, to interview irrelevant witnesses. Why am I not surprised?

 Even though the English police has expressed their interest in questioning again the four men constituted as arguidos [formal suspects], that were questioned back in July, the English ended up leaving them out of this letter rogatory, which arrived to the Public Ministry in August.

So it's taken the Portuguese authorities two months or more to process the rogatory letters

These new investigative steps...

Shows put on to continue influencing public perception

...should take place in the very same manner as it happened three months ago, with a notice for the witnesses to appear at the PJ headquarters. When the date is set, Scotland Yard may then request to the National PJ Directory to be present, without being able to intervene, just as before.

 Last time they were in Portugal, on the 14th October, the English police expressed their desire to make a new letter rogatory (the sixth) requesting for the re-analyses of the samples that had been collected in the apartment from where Madeleine disappeared, namely hair samples and the fabric belonging to a curtain.

 In a meeting at the National Institute of Forensic Medicine (INML), in Coimbra, which gathered detectives and forensic experts, Andy Redwood's team also spoke about the possibility that some of the samples could be taken to England and analysed in a private lab. Until the end of the afternoon, yesterday, no request had been made in that sense to the Public Ministry of Portimão, whose role is to assess and decide the letters rogatory.

Sounds like they are proceeding at a snail's pace, then

 in Jornal de Notícias, paper edition, November 4, 2014

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

I am wondering if there is a single member of this forum left who still honestly and truly believes that Redwood and his men interviewing these 10 witnesses, most of whom the Portuguese Police have already deemed utterly irrelvant, is going to lead towards anyone being successfully identified - let alone arrested, charged, prosecuted and convicted - in connection with the reported disapperance of Madeleine McCann.

If there is, I should be most interested to learn of their reasoning for such belief
So, in the end: not a single trace of any abduction?

And then: what?

If nobody abducted her, doesn't it stand to reason the poor mite is still in the apartment?

Which clearly she's not.

So which options remain? Only one, IMO:

That she went straight to Heaven, from her bed, looking like a perfect little angel already, all according tot DP

Maybe we ARE witnessing a true Miracle, God only knows!

Stranger things have happened, after all. See how the Holy Mother fared on Assuncion Day. Who would have thought!

And too, a whole forum, seven years of hard labour by untold many, whooshed at the flick of a wrist.

The day of reckoning must be at hand, why else bother to whoosh us?

Have a nice day, mr Bennett!

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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by HelenMeg 04.11.14 10:58

Last time they were in Portugal, on the 14th October, the English police expressed their desire to make a new letter rogatory (the sixth) requesting for the re-analyses of the samples that had been collected in the apartment from where Madeleine disappeared, namely hair samples and the fabric belonging to a curtain.

I am hopeful that this is what will lead to a conclusion. I firmly believe that SY are progressing this investigation to a conclusion which will expose a large amount of truth.

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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by Montclair 04.11.14 11:04

HelenMeg wrote:Last time they were in Portugal, on the 14th October, the English police expressed their desire to make a new letter rogatory (the sixth) requesting for the re-analyses of the samples that had been collected in the apartment from where Madeleine disappeared, namely hair samples and the fabric belonging to a curtain.

I am hopeful that this is what will lead to a conclusion. I firmly believe that SY are progressing this investigation to a conclusion which will expose a large amount of truth.

I was very sceptical about the whole SY review and investigation but I now agree with you.

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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by The....truth 04.11.14 11:16

PeterMac wrote:Witnesses.  Not Suspects.

Most witnesses are interviewed to take Negative statements from them. To eliminate them
To be sure that they saw, or heard nothing, and can add nothing more to the enquiry
To show that although they were in the relevant place at the relevant time they saw nothing
Proving a negative is notoriously difficult, and interviewing everyone in the vicinity is about the only way you can do it.

To ram it home in case some pros are reading this ...
If all these people were walking along the roads surrounding 5A between 9.30 and 10pm 3/5/7 and all SAW NOTHING  . . .
It two of these people decided NOT to go to the pool at lunchtime on 3/5/7 because it was cold and wet and raining . . .
This could be the final winding up of a few dangling threads in the report, before it is handed over.
OK, I get that. Interview to eliminate.

But why would they need to go to Portugal to do this, to wind up loose ends ?

Are there not ten or so witnesses already in the uk who might assist in tying up loose ends ?

Or, if they are interviewing witnesses now, would one believe that OG has already interviewed witness in the UK, or that they are about to ?

To reply to my own question.....pigs, flying ones.

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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by Zoodle 04.11.14 11:35

Hello again to all, I am a long time reader but only occasional poster so I am happy to be corrected if my words are off the mark!
Why is it not possible that the 10 witnesses are English/British but SY need to ask Portugal for permission to interview?
In which case they may at last be asking questions to more relevant people.

Naturally all my opinion.

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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by Tony Bennett 04.11.14 11:36

HelenMeg wrote:Last time they were in Portugal, on the 14th October, the English police expressed their desire to make a new letter rogatory (the sixth) requesting for the re-analyses of the samples that had been collected in the apartment from where Madeleine disappeared, namely hair samples and the fabric belonging to a curtain.

I am hopeful that this is what will lead to a conclusion. I firmly believe that SY are progressing this investigation to a conclusion which will expose a large amount of truth.
What is your reasoning for this belief you hold, HelenMeg?

Bearing in mind that the remit for this review/investigation, which is unchanged, was 'to investigate the abduction as if it had happened in Britain'?


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by Tony Bennett 04.11.14 11:37

Montclair wrote:
HelenMeg wrote:Last time they were in Portugal, on the 14th October, the English police expressed their desire to make a new letter rogatory (the sixth) requesting for the re-analyses of the samples that had been collected in the apartment from where Madeleine disappeared, namely hair samples and the fabric belonging to a curtain.

I am hopeful that this is what will lead to a conclusion. I firmly believe that SY are progressing this investigation to a conclusion which will expose a large amount of truth.

I was very sceptical about the whole SY review and investigation but I now agree with you.
@ Montclair

What has changed your mind?


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by Woofer 04.11.14 12:13

If the leader of the Porto investigation knows that Andy Redwood said from the outset that the McCanns are not suspects, one would expect the first thing she would say when meeting Andy would be "look here Mr. Redwood - if you are proceeding with an investigation by eliminating certain parties from the outset, there is no way we can work together".

The constant assertion of belief is an indication of fear - Jiddu Krishnamurti

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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by tiny 04.11.14 12:29

Woofer wrote:If the leader of the Porto investigation knows that Andy Redwood said from the outset that the McCanns are not suspects, one would expect the first thing she would say when meeting Andy would be "look here Mr. Redwood - if you are proceeding with an investigation by eliminating certain parties from the outset, there is no way we can work together".
 Perhaps there all in it together(whitewash)

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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by Stillthinking 04.11.14 12:41

Tony Bennett wrote:

I am wondering if there is a single member of this forum left who still honestly and truly believes that Redwood and his men interviewing these 10 witnesses, most of whom the Portuguese Police have already deemed utterly irrelvant, is going to lead towards anyone being successfully identified - let alone arrested, charged, prosecuted and convicted - in connection with the reported disapperance of Madeleine McCann.

If there is, I should be most interested to learn of their reasoning for such belief

I think it's too early to say and too early to declare it a whitewash. 

If it reaches an end without ever having interviewed the McCanns and their holiday chums that would be shocking and I would join in with those crying "whitewash". For now they may well be interviewing to eliminate and other people may become people of interest in the future.

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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by Tony Bennett 04.11.14 12:44

Woofer wrote:If the leader of the Porto investigation knows that Andy Redwood said from the outset that the McCanns are not suspects, one would expect the first thing she would say when meeting Andy would be "look here Mr. Redwood - if you are proceeding with an investigation by eliminating certain parties from the outset, there is no way we can work together".
In the end, when the British establishment put pressure on the Portuguese to 'co-operate', I think what the Portuguese police and judicial authorities said to Redwood was:

"Look, go ahead then, waste your time and make yourself look good in the British mainstream media, and utter fools to everyone else, but we ask all the questions in the interviews, while you lot sit in and watch, rent your office in Faro if you want, pay your rent promptly, and by all means use our finest Alouette Mark III military helicopters, by all means hire dozens of our staff to look good while you bring your pickaxes, your augers, your theodolites, your secure plastic bags, your vans, your camera crews, search wherever in our lovely country takes your fancy, by all means use our police interviewing facilities and officers - but by George, pay all our invoices in full within 7 calendar days - OR ELSE!!!"


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by Tony Bennett 04.11.14 12:45

Stillthinking wrote:
Tony Bennett wrote:

I am wondering if there is a single member of this forum left who still honestly and truly believes that Redwood and his men interviewing these 10 witnesses, most of whom the Portuguese Police have already deemed utterly irrelvant, is going to lead towards anyone being successfully identified - let alone arrested, charged, prosecuted and convicted - in connection with the reported disapperance of Madeleine McCann.

If there is, I should be most interested to learn of their reasoning for such belief

I think it's too early to say and too early to declare it a whitewash. 
I thought you might say that


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by palm tree 04.11.14 12:53

Stillthinking wrote:
Tony Bennett wrote:

I am wondering if there is a single member of this forum left who still honestly and truly believes that Redwood and his men interviewing these 10 witnesses, most of whom the Portuguese Police have already deemed utterly irrelvant, is going to lead towards anyone being successfully identified - let alone arrested, charged, prosecuted and convicted - in connection with the reported disapperance of Madeleine McCann.

If there is, I should be most interested to learn of their reasoning for such belief

I think it's too early to say and too early to declare it a whitewash. 

If it reaches an end without ever having interviewed the McCanns and their holiday chums that would be shocking and I would join in with those crying "whitewash". For now they may well be interviewing to eliminate and other people may become people of interest in the future.
I'm thinking they may have not interviewed the mcs and friends because they don't need too. It's all there for them already and taken at a time when it was still fresh in their memory? (Including the changing of statements)

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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by Stillthinking 04.11.14 12:56

Tony Bennett wrote:
Stillthinking wrote:
Tony Bennett wrote:

I am wondering if there is a single member of this forum left who still honestly and truly believes that Redwood and his men interviewing these 10 witnesses, most of whom the Portuguese Police have already deemed utterly irrelvant, is going to lead towards anyone being successfully identified - let alone arrested, charged, prosecuted and convicted - in connection with the reported disapperance of Madeleine McCann.

If there is, I should be most interested to learn of their reasoning for such belief

I think it's too early to say and too early to declare it a whitewash. 
I thought you might say that
Why so?

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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by sallypelt 04.11.14 12:58

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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by Stillthinking 04.11.14 13:00

palm tree wrote:
Stillthinking wrote:
Tony Bennett wrote:

I am wondering if there is a single member of this forum left who still honestly and truly believes that Redwood and his men interviewing these 10 witnesses, most of whom the Portuguese Police have already deemed utterly irrelvant, is going to lead towards anyone being successfully identified - let alone arrested, charged, prosecuted and convicted - in connection with the reported disapperance of Madeleine McCann.

If there is, I should be most interested to learn of their reasoning for such belief

I think it's too early to say and too early to declare it a whitewash. 

If it reaches an end without ever having interviewed the McCanns and their holiday chums that would be shocking and I would join in with those crying "whitewash". For now they may well be interviewing to eliminate and other people may become people of interest in the future.
I'm thinking they may have not interviewed the mcs and friends because they don't need too. It's all there for them already and taken at a time when it was still fresh in their memory? (Including the changing of statements)
 Could be, I just  think imagine if they charged somebody else... couldn't that person then argue that police had not investigated and ruled out everybody else properly?

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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by palm tree 04.11.14 13:13

Your proberly right because I know very little about law and stuff, but I do think statements from when it happened would be best, if hauled in for questioning now, and if they're guilty they'd know what to say and what not to say.

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palm tree

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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by The....truth 04.11.14 13:17

Stillthinking wrote:
Tony Bennett wrote:

I am wondering if there is a single member of this forum left who still honestly and truly believes that Redwood and his men interviewing these 10 witnesses, most of whom the Portuguese Police have already deemed utterly irrelvant, is going to lead towards anyone being successfully identified - let alone arrested, charged, prosecuted and convicted - in connection with the reported disapperance of Madeleine McCann.

If there is, I should be most interested to learn of their reasoning for such belief

I think it's too early to say and too early to declare it a whitewash. 

If it reaches an end without ever having interviewed the McCanns and their holiday chums that would be shocking and I would join in with those crying "whitewash". For now they may well be interviewing to eliminate and other people may become people of interest in the future.

Much too early.

Thirty six months or more, and a team of only 38.

Much too early.  Much!

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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by Stillthinking 04.11.14 13:19

palm tree wrote:Your proberly right because I know very little about law and stuff, but I do think statements from when it happened would be best, if hauled in for questioning now, and if they're guilty they'd know what to say and what not to say.

I have no legal qualifications either, just pondering. They would certainly have had time to prepare now though,yes.

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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by Stillthinking 04.11.14 13:20

Thetruth wrote:
Stillthinking wrote:
Tony Bennett wrote:

I am wondering if there is a single member of this forum left who still honestly and truly believes that Redwood and his men interviewing these 10 witnesses, most of whom the Portuguese Police have already deemed utterly irrelvant, is going to lead towards anyone being successfully identified - let alone arrested, charged, prosecuted and convicted - in connection with the reported disapperance of Madeleine McCann.

If there is, I should be most interested to learn of their reasoning for such belief

I think it's too early to say and too early to declare it a whitewash. 

If it reaches an end without ever having interviewed the McCanns and their holiday chums that would be shocking and I would join in with those crying "whitewash". For now they may well be interviewing to eliminate and other people may become people of interest in the future.

Much too early.

Thirty six months or more, and a team of only 38.

Much too early.  Much!

The fact that it isn't over yet is the reason I say it's too early to say.

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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by columbostogeys 04.11.14 13:31

NickE wrote:Maddie Case: 10 witnesses to be questioned within the scope of the English investigation

So all Portugese then, i wonder who the 10 witnesses are were there that many people walking around the area at the time? I thought most people walking around at the time were the tapas 7. So perhaps they are going to talk to the waiters etc?

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Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned" Empty Re: Maddie case:"10 witnesses to be questioned"

Post by Joss 04.11.14 13:36

Guess they have to be seen to be doing something to justify that cool 10 mill. or more, roll

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