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Portuguese Geography Mm11

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Portuguese Geography Mm11

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Portuguese Geography

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Portuguese Geography Empty Portuguese Geography

Post by missbeetle 04.09.14 20:16

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(photograph snipped from, with thanks)

This is an obelisk on the top of a hill in Praia da Luz that the McCanns often ran up to.

I've seen it described as a monument, but a monument to what?

The black and white paint makes it look like a trig station to me -

- but I'm not sure I've ever seen one that fancy before.

Is it a modern - ie. last couple of centuries - structure?

Any ideas...?

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Portuguese Geography Empty More about obelisks

Post by Tony Bennett 04.09.14 21:14

The very word 'obelisk' is the Greek rendering of an Egyptian word meaning 'The Shaft (or Penis) of Baal'. In other words, they are phallic symbols.

The origin of obelisks, or 'benben stones', was in the worship in ancient Egypt of the Sun-God, Ra, or Re. Sacrifices (killings) of adults were often performed at the foot of ancient obelisks.

The Bible refers to them as the 'sacred stones of Egypt'.

There's more here: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

or in the Wikepedia article on 'obelisks'


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Portuguese Geography Empty Funny things, these obelisks...

Post by missbeetle 04.09.14 22:28

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(photograph snipped from, with thanks)

Cheers, Tony for the info - I had no idea obelisks were connected with Freemasonry...or Egypt!

Here's another similarly painted structure, this time at Cape St Vincent.

Another obelisk on a hill - this time with a New Zealand connection :

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]"

Auckland's famous One Tree Hill - which Kate ran up with an unnamed 'friend of a friend' -

- the evening after her very first day in her new job - phew!

Does anyone know of any inscriptions on the Portuguese obelisks?

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Portuguese Geography Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Woofer 04.09.14 23:08

Why then are they used in monuments to the dead, as in :-

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This is the Portsmouth/Southsea monument to the Naval dead of Portsmouth during both wars.

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Portuguese Geography Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Guest 04.09.14 23:46

missbeetle wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
(photograph snipped from, with thanks)

This is an obelisk on the top of a hill in Praia da Luz that the McCanns often ran up to.

I've seen it described as a monument, but a monument to what?

The black and white paint makes it look like a trig station to me -

- but I'm not sure I've ever seen one that fancy before.

Is it a modern - ie. last couple of centuries - structure?

Any ideas...?

Hi missbeetle, I found a little mention of the Praia da Luz obelisk on a website for a car rental firm. It is seemingly a geographical marker. I've c&p'd the paragraph in which the obelisk is mentioned (my bold).

For those who want to get away from the beach, a gataway on the seafort promenade leads to the scant remains of a Roman villa. Of the other end of the village is a 17th century fortress, which has been turned into a popular restaurant. Nearby, the village church has a pre-1755 earthquake Gothic chancel decorated with elaborate 18th century gilded carving. The most prominent feature in the landscape is the atalaia (obelisk) above Luz, which marks the highest point (109m) reached by the cliffs on this stretch of coast. The drive along the coast is breathtaking-this area is very convenient to our car hire in Algarve, Portugal. Because this is a drive you might want to make several times, we recommend that you consider taking a car in addition to a scheduled tour.

The page was [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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Portuguese Geography Empty Monumental masonry...

Post by missbeetle 05.09.14 0:04

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]"
(photograph snipped from Leicestershire, with thanks)

There's also this war memorial obelisk in the McCann's home town of Rothley... Erected in 1921.

I don't know why obelisks are so popular as war memorials - I shall have a read up and see what I can find out.

It's the one in Praia da Luz I don't understand - I take it is on public land -

- who maintains it and when was it built?

Thank you, Rose Quartz - yes - seems to be some sort of trig station - but a pretty hefty one, nonetheless...
I wonder are these all along the Portuguese coast?

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Portuguese Geography Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by sharonl 05.09.14 7:39

I just quickly googled this obelisk in Praia Da Luz and all that I have found is that it is a very challenging walk or run.  I can understand someone wanting to this once on their holiday, but not on a regular basis.

This needs further research.
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Portuguese Geography Empty Running up that hill....

Post by missbeetle 05.09.14 8:27

sharonl wrote:I just quickly googled this obelisk in Praia Da Luz and all that I have found is that it is a very challenging walk or run.  I can understand someone wanting to this once on their holiday, but not on a regular basis.

This needs further research.

The best piece of reading I could find re. obelisks as war memorials, Woofer, was this article :

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What a very male structure the obelisk is. I don't like them. Hard and pointy.

I think it is far kinder to remember the dead - male and female - in parks and gardens and graveyards...

The Praia da Luz obelisk seems to be generally referred to as 'the monument'.

It's a mighty structure. Any ideas on what kind of foundations you'd need for it?

(just out of curiosity)

I also wonder about the significance of the Rocha Negra - the Black Rock.
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(picture snipped from Kate's book)

All these thoughts of running up hills has put me in mind of Kate Bush, funnily enough...

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Portuguese Geography Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Woofer 05.09.14 9:46

It seems there are many correspondences between obelisks and many orders/religions - some good, some bad - i.e. Babylonian, Catholicism, Pantheism even satansim - one can make of it what one wants it seems.
Overall it seems to correspond to sacrifice and/or reproduction, death and rebirth, Scorpio.
I`ve always found it relevant (or is it just coincidence) that when MBM disappeared there was a full moon and hey presto, it was in Scorpio.  It was also Beltane, a time when people dance around the maypole which again has phallic correspondences.
These correspondences may be nothing - as I said, one can correspond anything to anything, create a ritual around it and make it have meaning.

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Portuguese Geography Empty Ancient symbols in modern times...

Post by missbeetle 07.09.14 0:49

Woofer wrote:It seems there are many correspondences between obelisks and many orders/religions - some good, some bad - i.e. Babylonian, Catholicism, Pantheism even satansim - one can make of it what one wants it seems.
Overall it seems to correspond to sacrifice and/or reproduction, death and rebirth, Scorpio.
I`ve always found it relevant (or is it just coincidence) that when MBM disappeared there was a full moon and hey presto, it was in Scorpio.  It was also Beltane, a time when people dance around the maypole which again has phallic correspondences.
These correspondences may be nothing - as I said, one can correspond anything to anything, create a ritual around it and make it have meaning.

Whilst looking for pictures of the Rocha Negra I found another Praia da Luz obelisk :

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(snipped from

This is at the Baia da Luz resort. I still wonder what foundations these monuments would need -

- seeing that Portugal has had dreadful earthquakes in the past.

My question was about the Rocha Negra, though. To my eyes it has a 'dragon's tooth' appearance.

What is it used for? Can it be climbed? Do people climb it? Can you fish off it? Do people fish off it?

Out of interest, the local Praia da Luz fishermen - what do they fish for and with what?

Small boats/nets/hand lines? This article suggests the full moon is indeed a factor in Portuguese fishing :
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The influence of the moon on plants, fish and people is something I totally believe in.  

Another local Praia da Luz oddity is the small pyramid the McCanns were pictured in front of, in the early days -

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(I haven't a date or reference for this photograph)

Kate and Gerry in pastel blue and pink - butter wouldn't melt...!

(totally off-topic - but whilst looking up ancient menhirs,obelisks etc -

I found out that the largest concentration of dolmen in the world... in Korea! I had no idea.)

'Tis strange, but true; for truth is always strange...
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Portuguese Geography Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Guest 07.09.14 9:19

I think that was May 13th Missbeetle - a reference run through Google translate:-

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or the actual souce here:-

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

This is a pyramid monument in the private villa called 'Casa Niobe' (Niobe is the Greek Goddess of mourning I think) - Niobe is privately owned villa by a German couple and I believeit is at the opposite end of the street to 'Casa Lilana'.

Yes, fascinating. 

All in my own opinion, nothing stated as act

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Portuguese Geography Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by sammyc 07.09.14 18:04

missbeetle wrote:
Woofer wrote:It seems there are many correspondences between obelisks and many orders/religions - some good, some bad - i.e. Babylonian, Catholicism, Pantheism even satansim - one can make of it what one wants it seems.
Overall it seems to correspond to sacrifice and/or reproduction, death and rebirth, Scorpio.
I`ve always found it relevant (or is it just coincidence) that when MBM disappeared there was a full moon and hey presto, it was in Scorpio.  It was also Beltane, a time when people dance around the maypole which again has phallic correspondences.
These correspondences may be nothing - as I said, one can correspond anything to anything, create a ritual around it and make it have meaning.

Whilst looking for pictures of the Rocha Negra I found another Praia da Luz obelisk :

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(snipped from

This is at the Baia da Luz resort. I still wonder what foundations these monuments would need -

- seeing that Portugal has had dreadful earthquakes in the past.

My question was about the Rocha Negra, though. To my eyes it has a 'dragon's tooth' appearance.

What is it used for? Can it be climbed? Do people climb it? Can you fish off it? Do people fish off it?

Out of interest, the local Praia da Luz fishermen - what do they fish for and with what?

Small boats/nets/hand lines? This article suggests the full moon is indeed a factor in Portuguese fishing :
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

The influence of the moon on plants, fish and people is something I totally believe in.  

Another local Praia da Luz oddity is the small pyramid the McCanns were pictured in front of, in the early days -

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

(I haven't a date or reference for this photograph)

Kate and Gerry in pastel blue and pink - butter wouldn't melt...!

(totally off-topic - but whilst looking up ancient menhirs,obelisks etc -

I found out that the largest concentration of dolmen in the world... in Korea! I had no idea.)

I admire your research but what is your point about phallic symbols  in Portugal?  They exist throughout the World. By the way, the 'another Praia de Luz obelisk' you have shown is not casting it's shadow, height wise, rather true compared to the litle palm tree next to it, the wall to the right and the conifer in the foreground. Or is it me?

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Portuguese Geography Empty Pointed pointlessness...

Post by missbeetle 09.09.14 21:58

Hi SammyC - I'm not sure if I have a particular point to make about 'phallic symbols in Portugal' - or anywhere else...

It's just that the Praia da Luz and Cape St Vincent obelisks (monuments?) interest me as part of the scene of this story.

My eyes are too wonky to figure out the shadows of the BdL obelisk -

- but I did spot another matching one to the left of the picture. I believe obelisks were originally paired structures.

I'm still wondering what the significance of the Praia da Luz monument is to the McCanns.

Last night was the eve of a full moon and bright enough for me to walk around outside without a torch.

So I wondered just how bright the moon was over Praia da Luz that fateful May evening :
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(snipped from, Faro was the closest location I could find)

It looks like some serious moonlight was available on the night of Madeleine's disappearance.

It also seems that the full moon occurred on the 2nd of May - the night before.

The sun, the wind and now the moon...

All worth considering - in my opinion.

'Tis strange, but true; for truth is always strange...
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Portuguese Geography Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Nina 09.09.14 22:19

missbeetle wrote:Hi SammyC - I'm not sure if I have a particular point to make about 'phallic symbols in Portugal' - or anywhere else...

It's just that the Praia da Luz and Cape St Vincent obelisks (monuments?) interest me as part of the scene of this story.

My eyes are too wonky to figure out the shadows of the BdL obelisk -

- but I did spot another matching one to the left of the picture. I believe obelisks were originally paired structures.

I'm still wondering what the significance of the Praia da Luz monument is to the McCanns.

Last night was the eve of a full moon and bright enough for me to walk around outside without a torch.

So I wondered just how bright the moon was over Praia da Luz that fateful May evening :
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
(snipped from, Faro was the closest location I could find)

It looks like some serious moonlight was available on the night of Madeleine's disappearance.

It also seems that the full moon occurred on the 2nd of May - the night before.

The sun, the wind and now the moon...

That is very interesting. It was a clear sky and beautiful moon here last night, so bright as to cast shadows and didn't need my torch for the last dog stroll as could clearly see everything around and underfoot.

All worth considering - in my opinion.

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Portuguese Geography Empty Worldwide McCann Machinations

Post by missbeetle 11.09.14 22:29

Not so much Portuguese geography this time - Gerry and Kate were on the beach at Praia da Luz -

- but world geography questions and puzzles...  

The 50th day of Madeleine's disappearance - 22nd June 2007 -

In fifty countries, at almost three hundred locations, batches of fifty yellow balloons were released to mark the fiftieth day since Madeleine had gone missing. The balloons in Ireland, launched by schoolchildren , bore phone numbers and email addresses that people could contact should they have useful information. In California, fifty white doves were released. In Afghanistan, fifty kites were flown – each bearing a picture of Madeleine.
Summers, Anthony; Swan, Robbyn (2014-09-11). Looking For Madeleine (Kindle Locations 1578-1581). Headline. Kindle Edition.

Those Afghani kites again...! I can't find any particular reference to this event, but I did find a similar idea at a similar time :

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Some other countries involved :

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(snipped from, with thanks)

Tajikistan... Nigeria... The Philippines...

All rather exotic places to be looking for a missing English 4 year old girl...

Any ideas why these sites were picked?

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Portuguese Geography Empty Run, Gerry, run...

Post by missbeetle 18.09.14 22:32

The first mention of the Praia da Luz obelisk by Gerry is this one:

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(snipped from, with thanks)

This was from his first blog posting, on the 20th May 2007.

So it would have been on the 19th that they ran up the hill (109m high) to reach it at 07.19am.

I found a decent topographic map of Portugal and zeroed in on Praia da Luz :

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(snipped from, with thanks to Peter Robins)

The triangle with the dot inside is explained here :

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(snipped from Reading Tropical Maps by R.B. Bunnett, with thanks)

So it does seem that the Praia da Luz obelisk is a hefty trigonometrical station.

There's also one of the same magnitude - as well as at Cape St Vincent - up on the hills of Monchique :

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(snipped from, with thanks)

This one's behind a fence as it seems there is a radar station up there - lots of phone masts etc.

So - as far as I can ascertain - the Praia da Luz obelisk is not a monument to anything -

- just a local landmark...

'Tis strange, but true; for truth is always strange...
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Portuguese Geography Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by j.rob 20.09.14 12:28

BlackCatBoogie wrote:I think that was May 13th Missbeetle - a reference run through Google translate:-

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or the actual souce here:-

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

This is a pyramid monument in the private villa called 'Casa Niobe' (Niobe is the Greek Goddess of mourning I think) - Niobe is privately owned villa by a German couple and I believeit is at the opposite end of the street to 'Casa Lilana'.

Yes, fascinating. 

All in my own opinion, nothing stated as act

Has anyone got any more information on this?

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Portuguese Geography Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by j.rob 20.09.14 12:55

Stuff about Knights Templar: Maybe it's right 'out there', maybe it isn't!

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Portuguese Geography Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by j.rob 20.09.14 12:56

Wow, the poster 'greenleaf' seems pretty clued up, imo!

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Portuguese Geography Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Markus 2 20.09.14 12:59

Yes too intriguing imo . The name Kunz  German ?
  copied comment /The pyramid bult in PdL is primarily a funerary object. And the villas name is Casa Niobe Niobe being the Greek goddess of grief. Niobe is the Greek goddess of mourning, after Apollo and his sister Artemis killed their seven children and their seven daughters. It seems that Niobe is now linked to satanic rituals, especially Freemasonry! The monument was bult by a German  ?couple named Kunz.
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Portuguese Geography Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Guest 20.09.14 13:21

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]  [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Yesterday at 7:07 pm

"The odd thing about this is Kate must have known  what went on at the Pyramid garden or was aware of the rumour, right at the back of their apartment. Yet she still felt it was safe to leave those children alone, is this what she meant when she said they have taken her."

Markus 2: I've copied your post over to here.  What are the rumours?

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Portuguese Geography Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by j.rob 21.09.14 16:07

Markus 2 wrote:Yes too intriguing imo . The name Kunz  German ?
  copied comment /The pyramid bult in PdL is primarily a funerary object. And the villas name is Casa Niobe Niobe being the Greek goddess of grief. Niobe is the Greek goddess of mourning, after Apollo and his sister Artemis killed their seven children and their seven daughters. It seems that Niobe is now linked to satanic rituals, especially Freemasonry! The monument was bult by a German  ?couple named Kunz.

Good grief, this is all becoming more surreal by the moment.

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Portuguese Geography Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Markus 2 21.09.14 17:01

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No doubt it is bad over there but you have to make your mind up whether the Mccanns are involved in it all

The parents of Madeleine McCann were part of an illuminati mind control ring themselves. They know exactly what happened to her but were powerless to stop it.  I was already aware that by allowing their daughter to be kidnapped, the McCann's were unable to avoid obeying the orders of their illuminati controllers.  I was also aware that innocent Madeleine was intended to become the sex toy of illuminati insider,
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Portuguese Geography Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Guest 21.09.14 17:03

Markus2: what went on at the Pyramid Garden and what was the rumour?

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Portuguese Geography Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Markus 2 21.09.14 17:25

Ladyinred wrote:Markus2: what went on at the Pyramid Garden and what was the rumour?
It seems that Niobe is now linked to satanic rituals, especially Freemasonry! I can only go by that comment. But I am sure the Mccanns were totally aware what went on over there  and how unsafe it was leaving those children  alone.
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