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Portuguese Geography - Page 7 Mm11

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Portuguese Geography - Page 7 Mm11

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Portuguese Geography

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Portuguese Geography - Page 7 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Guest 06.12.14 18:37

j.rob wrote:
PeterMac wrote:The Solarpix series is staggeringly "set up"

This is just one of a whole series taken in the new apartment, and hundreds of them with the twins on full display to the entire world,
I have done the decent thing !
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]" />

And they had the Gall to protest about Press intrusion at Leveson.

What prats they are. Their daughter has allegedly been stolen by a (paedophile) abductor who is still 'out there' waiting to swoop down on other blonde-haired, blue eyes young children. 

So what do they do? They allow their surviving children to be on public display to the whole world, including Madeleine's abductor/s. 

This case disgusts me so much. The very people who are responsible for Madeleine's disappearance, imo, are shown smiling and laughing and parading their surviving children to world-wide exposure.

One wonders if somewhere there are some of K failing to make love to G !

Pass the vomit bucket!

(And so early on after Madeleine's 'abduction' too - 19th May. Astonishing.)

Totally agree.     These people have no dignity at all, nor do they show any grieving for what is reported to be the worst loss imaginable, a child.
Thank goodness that there are others who are concerned at the disappearance of an innocent 3 year old.

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Portuguese Geography - Page 7 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by PeterMac 06.12.14 22:17

daffodil wrote:
Totally agree.     These people have no dignity at all, nor do they show any grieving for what is reported to be the worst loss imaginable, a child.
Thank goodness that there are others who are concerned at the disappearance of an innocent 3 year old.

They put these photos, and several thousands of others of their twins into the public domain, where they remain to this day. (For MONEY > > > ? )
THEN they started to complain about Press intrusion
THEN they started to complain about the twins' privacy.

and then I came across this - priceless.

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The twins are eight ... they are always supervised but in the next couple of years they will have to have freedom
- Says Gerry McCann ahead of triathlon for Missing People charity

EXCLUSIVE By ANTONELLA LAZZERI Published: 25th July 2013

ALWAYS SUPERVISED - apart from . . . .
It was OK for a three year old, so why have you changed the rules ?

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Portuguese Geography - Page 7 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by plebgate 07.12.14 9:27

Always supervised except on the holiday in Portugal when they were left alone as little ones in their travel cots in a strange bedroom which, according to Mr. was  dark (CW video) but hey the bedroom door was left ajar with a light left on in the living room so that's alright then is it?

Outrageous IMO.

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Portuguese Geography - Page 7 Empty Posing for the press in Praia da Luz...?

Post by missbeetle 07.12.14 21:52

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
(snipped from Textusa, with thanks)

Mrs Fenn...! 

With her beautiful old Merc.

Any ideas who filmed this?

My thoughts only.

'Tis strange, but true; for truth is always strange...
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Portuguese Geography - Page 7 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by j.rob 08.12.14 17:17

missbeetle wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
(snipped from Textusa, with thanks)

Mrs Fenn...! 

With her beautiful old Merc.

Any ideas who filmed this?

My thoughts only.

But wasn't Mrs Fenn 'got at' by TM? There were media reports where I am sure she is supposedly quoted as saying the crying incident was rubbish. I presume this was some time after the McCanns got lawyered up and Clarence Mitchell rejoined the fold.

Presumably, the mighty forces of Carter Ruck, Clarence Mitchell et al would have combed through all the eye-witnesses who had seen or heard anything that might incriminate the McCanns. 

That can be the only reason that their appear to be so few independent and unbiased eye-witnesses. I presume they were threatened/intimidated into silence and/or were given incentives to deny their original testimonies.

A lot of staff from OC seemed to have been 'whoosed' away. There must have been draconian gagging orders, imo. And Gerry and his henchmen are pretty intimidating, imo. Especially when they had so much money and so many key players behind them.

It was only with the release of the PJ files that it became clear what eye-witnesses had reported to the police. But at the time that the McCanns were made arguidos, the public could not see the police witness statements and so Clarence Mitchell et al could feed pretty much any old rubbish to the mainstream media to obfuscate, deny and confuse.

Detective Amaral's dog was killed. Detective Amaral's nephew was shot in the head at point blank range in London not long before the start of the libel trail.

Perhaps all coincidences. Perhaps not.

And Kate has written that she would like to kill Robert Murat. But can't! And her hostility towards Amaral was positively vicious, imo. She and Fiona Payne gave short thrift to Mrs Fenn too. And Kate is rude about her in her book.

I bet Mrs Fenn was intimidated/silenced/'persuaded' that it would be in her best interests to 'keep her mouth shut'. No doubt a message delivered with TM's trademark charm, good manners and fair play.

All opinions only as always.

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Portuguese Geography - Page 7 Empty Mysterious Huelva...

Post by missbeetle 19.12.14 18:36

I have a Spanish geography/scenery query this time :

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Does anyone know what that (gloomy) building is Mr & Mrs are posing outside?

The McCanns seem to be not so much holding hands... shaking hands.

My opinion only.

'Tis strange, but true; for truth is always strange...
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Portuguese Geography - Page 7 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by j.rob 19.12.14 19:08

Probably celebrating winning $$$$$$$ in one of their fraudulent court cases, imo.

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Portuguese Geography - Page 7 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by ultimaThule 19.12.14 19:19

This looks to be the occasion on which the bereft couple enjoyed a day out distributed leaflets in Huelva and posed in front of La Merced Cathedral, missb

Is that another masonic handshake?

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Portuguese Geography - Page 7 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Liz Eagles 19.12.14 19:22

ultimaThule wrote:This looks to be the occasion on which the bereft couple enjoyed a day out distributed leaflets in Huelva and posed in front of La Merced Cathedral, missb

Is that another masonic handshake?
La Merced Cathedral, Huelva

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Portuguese Geography - Page 7 Empty Catch you outside the Cathedral...

Post by missbeetle 19.12.14 19:59

Thank you ultimaThule and Aquila -

- is La Merced a famous cathedral...

(I'd hate to be anywhere near it in an earthquake)

...or were they merely snapped outside it -

- having lit candles and said prayers for Madeleine...?

Maybe the Cathedral is just plain handy for the bus station.

Would the photographer of this be working with Jon Corner?

Hi Aquila - I don't know Mrs Higgins' biscuit shop in Auckland -

- but then I only know bits of Auckland. Were you there on a cruise?

'Tis strange, but true; for truth is always strange...
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Portuguese Geography - Page 7 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Liz Eagles 19.12.14 20:39

missbeetle wrote:Thank you ultimaThule and Aquila -

- is La Merced a famous cathedral...

(I'd hate to be anywhere near it in an earthquake)

...or were they merely snapped outside it -

- having lit candles and said prayers for Madeleine...?

Maybe the Cathedral is just plain handy for the bus station.

Would the photographer of this be working with Jon Corner?

Hi Aquila - I don't know Mrs Higgins' biscuit shop in Auckland -

- but then I only know bits of Auckland. Were you there on a cruise?
Oh no, I drove both islands for a month. Are you sure you are from New Zealand with knowledge of Auckland? Mrs Higgins' shop is very famous.
Liz Eagles
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Portuguese Geography - Page 7 Empty Mrs Higgins Oven Fresh Cookies...

Post by missbeetle 19.12.14 20:56

I can assure you Aquila, that I definitely live in New Zealand...

...and yes, my knowledge of Auckland is limited -

- pretty much restricted to Ponsonby and the Wild West...

...with a bit of St Heliers and Titirangi thrown in as well.

No branches of Mrs Higgins there - nor over here...

...but there are three in China, should you care to visit.

'Tis strange, but true; for truth is always strange...
(from Lord Byron's 'Don Juan', 1823)

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Portuguese Geography - Page 7 Empty Sign of the times...?

Post by missbeetle 03.03.15 21:27

Hell's bells! I've found a Brazilian photograph agency's pictures of Meia Praia -

- where SY were investigating a gypsy encampment back in February 2014.

Have a look at this seedy strip club, 'Aplauso' (The Clap?) :

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
(snipped from

Now have a look at their other signage :

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(as above)

Is this as ghastly as I think it is...?

'Tis strange, but true; for truth is always strange...
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Portuguese Geography - Page 7 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Ayniia 04.03.15 16:09

missbeetle wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
(photograph snipped from, with thanks)

This is an obelisk on the top of a hill in Praia da Luz that the McCanns often ran up to.

I've seen it described as a monument, but a monument to what?

The black and white paint makes it look like a trig station to me -

- but I'm not sure I've ever seen one that fancy before.

Is it a modern - ie. last couple of centuries - structure?

Any ideas...?

I didn't read the whole topic as I noticed it went off topic very quickly.
Just wanted to explain that what's in the picture is a geodesic landmark and they are all over Portugal.
They are so important that acording to wikipedia: "In Portugal the Geodesy is given as a central discipline
in university courses of 5 years of Surveying Engineering at the Universities of Coimbra, Lisbon, Porto and the Polytechnic Institute of Guarda (IPG)."

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"The geodesic triangulation consists in a network of geodesic marks on the same height
of circles on the Earth's surface or when the Mercator projection takes the form of an ellipsoid,
Geodesic landmarks enable to obtain the coordinates of the points that form the vertices of the triangles with high precision and
are used for various jobs such as surveying..
An experienced surveyor can get from the observation of geodesic coordinates with much higher accuracies obtained by the GPS positioning."

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"The geodesic marks are usually small buildings of concrete, cylindrical or pyramidal shape, popularly known as "talefes",
which function to represent landmarks in the territory (hence its implementation in a high position and highlighted),
with line of sight to other marks, allowing to obtain coordinates with high precision.
There are about eight thousand that form the Portuguese geodesic network, divided into three orders of importance / visibility:
· 1st order (in the form of quadrangular pyramids, lying between 30 and 60 kilometers);
· 2nd order (more cylinder cone with lists, lying between 20 to 30 kilometers);
· 3rd order (cylinder longer listed cone, smaller than the last, lying between 5-10 kilometers)."

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As far as I know that's what they are used for, I never thought of any weird connection to anything because they are so old.
People often visit them because they are in places that you'll surely get a good view of the surroundings Wink

Sorry if someone already explained this but as I said this topic went off topic really fast.

"My advice to any British tourist ,please come to Portugal,please come to the Algarve but if you're coming as a family holiday treat it as a family holiday and do things together, don't leave the kids"
Words from an ExPat Algarve resident

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Portuguese Geography - Page 7 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Miraflores 05.03.15 9:25

Like our Trig points then? Which again are in high spots, and are popular outlook points.

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Portuguese Geography - Page 7 Empty Geodesic marks/trigonometrical stations...

Post by missbeetle 05.03.15 10:03

missbeetle wrote:The first mention of the Praia da Luz obelisk by Gerry is this one:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
(snipped from, with thanks)

This was from his first blog posting, on the 20th May 2007.

So it would have been on the 19th that they ran up the hill (109m high) to reach it at 07.19am.

I found a decent topographic map of Portugal and zeroed in on Praia da Luz :

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
(snipped from, with thanks to Peter Robins)

The triangle with the dot inside is explained here :

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
(snipped from Reading Tropical Maps by R.B. Bunnett, with thanks)

So it does seem that the Praia da Luz obelisk is a hefty trigonometrical station.

There's also one of the same magnitude - as well as at Cape St Vincent - up on the hills of Monchique :

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(snipped from, with thanks)

This one's behind a fence as it seems there is a radar station up there - lots of phone masts etc.

So - as far as I can ascertain - the Praia da Luz obelisk is not a monument to anything -

- just a local landmark...

I find the map symbol used to denote geodesic marks/trig stations interesting :

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Similar symbolism to that of the All-Seeing Eye :
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
...and not that far removed from the layout of Rothley Village centre -

- with its own War Memorial obelisk in the middle of the triangle :

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

'Tis strange, but true; for truth is always strange...
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Portuguese Geography - Page 7 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Ayniia 05.03.15 12:59

Miraflores wrote:Like our Trig points then? Which again are in high spots, and are popular outlook points.
Judging from the symbols on the map missbeetle posted i'd say yes,they are the same thing.
missbeetle wrote:
missbeetle wrote:
So - as far as I can ascertain - the Praia da Luz obelisk is not a monument to anything -
- just a local landmark...

I find the map symbol used to denote geodesic marks/trig stations interesting :

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Similar symbolism to that of the All-Seeing Eye :
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
...and not that far removed from the layout of Rothley Village centre -

- with its own War Memorial obelisk in the middle of the triangle :

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Sorry as much as I like conspiracies,I don't think this is one of those...sometimes a triangle is just a triangle. JMHO  roses

"My advice to any British tourist ,please come to Portugal,please come to the Algarve but if you're coming as a family holiday treat it as a family holiday and do things together, don't leave the kids"
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Portuguese Geography - Page 7 Empty Strange book cover...

Post by missbeetle 06.03.15 7:17

No worries, Ayniia - and thank you for putting up that further geodesic mark/trig station info.

(your Marais telephone box calls was a good find, too - interesting!)

This picture popped up on the portal Twitter feed this morning :

(the original image is at
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'Tis strange, but true; for truth is always strange...
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Portuguese Geography - Page 7 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by j.rob 06.03.15 13:12

There are associations between Freemasonry and dark forces, or so they say.

And pyramids do have symbolic connotations. 

Eyes, pyramids, Masonic symbols, 'wider agendas,' keys - all seem  to have featured heavily in the Madeleine McCann case. Maybe it is/was all part of some kind of satanic elite child abduction scandal.

After all, the Mcs and their friends at the very outset claimed that Madeleine had been abducted; probably by paedophiles into a paedophile ring. Why would they say this?

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Portuguese Geography - Page 7 Empty The wrath of the Rothley roaches...?

Post by missbeetle 13.04.15 21:10

Sorry - not a question of Portuguese Geography -

- but one of English pronunciation.

How do you say 'Rothley'?

Like wrath or like roach?

I've heard both.

Any ideas?

'Tis strange, but true; for truth is always strange...
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Portuguese Geography - Page 7 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Guest 13.04.15 22:06

missbeetle wrote:Sorry - not a question of Portuguese Geography -

- but one of English pronunciation.

How do you say 'Rothley'?

Like wrath or like roach?

I've heard both.

Any ideas?

I had always assumed it was Roth as in the actor Tim Roth - rhymes with moth.

However when Michael Portillo visited the place for his train journeys he kept pronouncing it Roath-ley.

So I'm equally confused.

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Portuguese Geography - Page 7 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by HelenMeg 13.04.15 22:10

Clay Regazzoni wrote:
missbeetle wrote:Sorry - not a question of Portuguese Geography -

- but one of English pronunciation.

How do you say 'Rothley'?

Like wrath or like roach?

I've heard both.

Any ideas?

I had always assumed it was Roth as in the actor Tim Roth - rhymes with moth.

However when Michael Portillo visited the place for his train journeys he kept pronouncing it Roath-ley.

So I'm equally confused.
Its definitely pronounced as in roach... Roathley or Rowthley and not wrathley..

My uncle lives there

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Portuguese Geography - Page 7 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Guest 13.04.15 22:13

HelenMeg wrote:
My uncle lives there

Brian Kennedy is your uncle too? affraid laughat


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Portuguese Geography - Page 7 Empty Places and spaces...

Post by missbeetle 13.04.15 23:12

Many thanks, HelenMeg.

My next query is about the Salsalito guesthouse in Burgau -

- apparently it was featured (at least a couple of years back now)

on an episode of a UK holiday travels or real estate programme -

'Places In The Sun' or something like that.

I'd very much like to see this show -

- does anyone have any ideas where to find it?


'Tis strange, but true; for truth is always strange...
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Portuguese Geography - Page 7 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Guest 13.04.15 23:19

[quote="Clay Regazzoni"][quote="missbeetle"]Sorry - not a question of Portuguese Geography -

- but one of English pronunciation.

How do you say 'Rothley'?

Like wrath or like roach?

I've heard both.

Any ideas?[/quote]

I had always assumed it was Roth as in the actor Tim Roth - rhymes with moth.

However when Michael Portillo visited the place for his train journeys he kept pronouncing it Roath-ley.

So I'm equally confused.[/quote]

Michael Portillo is a Spaniard, so what does he know: its Rotly and has been for over 7 years now

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