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Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.  - Page 8 Mm11

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Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.

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Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.  - Page 8 Empty Re: Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.

Post by Inspectorfrost 11.01.13 17:36

aiyoyo wrote:
Jean wrote:That was of course a joke.

As regards the very expensive website, here's a link to how it was set up.

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I'm sure it doesn't need six people to run it now.

And my above post is of course NOT a joke. I stand by my say that bullies do not deserve respect regardless.

If there were six people still running it then they must be derelict of duties since the site was left days on end without anyone manning it.
It's just a website for Mccanns to blog really so to speak, why do they need a paid team to man it anyway?
Couldn't Kate manage it since she is committed full time to the search, so she told the public via the media.

She told the PT journo Sandra Felgueiras in a 2010 interview that she runs the website all my herself.

The Madeleine facebook page has a webmaster as they call themselves on there, whether that is her or someone else I dont know.

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Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.  - Page 8 Empty Re: Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.

Post by Ribisl 12.01.13 19:23

tigger wrote:From the link above:

These are from the Fund accounts up to 31st March 2008:

Fund professional fees £36,070

What exactly does this cover since legal, audit and accountancy fees are separately charged?
I don't recall seeing this anywhere. Can you remind me where it says that legal, audit and accountancy fees are not included in 'professional fees'?

aiyoyo wrote
If paid to Managers and/or Directors within legal boundaries of Companies House then it is not going to be an issue with Companies House or Tax Authorities. You would suppose the independent Auditors to only qualify and sign the accounts if the operation of the Fund is deemed within legal limits. clearly states the following:
(7) What is the money being spent on ?

The majority of the fund money has been and continues to be spent on investigative work to help find Madeleine. Additionally money continues to be spent on the wider 'Awareness Campaign' – reminding people that Madeleine is still missing and to remain vigilant. None of the directors have taken any money from the fund as remuneration.

aiyoyo wrote
It just means that the abuse of the Fund -- not using all or the bulk of it for the stated purpose of Search, is immoral but not illegal.
At the end of the day, an Audit Firm who is willing to take on the Fund Accounts, isn't going to be too concerned whether the use of the fund fits the publicly stated purpose, the Audit Firm is only concerned about lining its pocket.
The illegality or the immorality is the least concern of the Auditors, unless the Fund is under criminal investigation.

I am not an accountant but have many friends who are CAs who I think would be rather offended by your sweeping statement.

tigger wrote
Website £37,071

Was a website person employed all through the period? This cost seems very high?

aiyoyo wrote
Yes that seems EXCESSIVELY high. Usually set up is expected to cost a bit, but operation cost should be negligible considering it is not heavy duty used and not manned 24/7, and especially considering its purpose is the search for a missing child.

I agree with both of you. Just had a quick look at the website which is pretty basic in its design and can be done for less than GBP1500, with minimum monthly maintenance thereafter. There is even a simple error with the menu links on certain pages so clicking About Us will direct you to About Madeleine.
I understand it was set up and run by some ex-pupils of Philomena McCann from Ullapool. But perhaps they are also responsible for McCanns blogs and facebook, or even other online activities, I have no idea.


I thought this link might be of interest
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Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.  - Page 8 Empty Re: Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.

Post by tigger 12.01.13 19:32

@ Ribisl
I get all my fascinating knowledge about accounting from Enid O'Dowd (her link in post nr 1 here).

Tried to get my head round bookkeeping several times, love stats no problem, double entry bookkeeping - not really. Not a natural talent I'm afraid. winkwink

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Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.  - Page 8 Empty Re: Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.

Post by tigger 19.03.13 7:54

I overlooked this - for clarity posting it again in this topic.

I call it the McCann's Ltd. Co. I feel using the word Fund gives the wrong impression.

Which indeed is what Company House feels too:

Fund You cannot use this word unless the body shown below confirms (letter or email) that it has no objection.

Sensitive Business Names Team
Financial Services Authority
25 The North Colonnade
Canary Wharf
London E14 5HS

Email: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Interesting - since this was an additional hurdle to overcome in the few days that the Ltd. Co. was set up.

It's not the only Ltd. Co. registered by the McCanns. But the only active one at present.

day 6 9th may 07
1st official website launched as
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

day 13 16th may 07
2nd official website registered as:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] LInked to:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] com

day 15 18th may 07
Trade mark filing date for Madeleine’s Fund - leaving no stone unturned
Trademark nr. 2456061

day 23 26th may 07
3rd official website registered as
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] - linked to
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] - linked to
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

iirc. There was also [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
I understand that one has to be linked to a UK organisation.
From Pamalan:
DAY 26 - 29/05/2007
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] - LINKED TO
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] - LINKED TO
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] - LINKED TO
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.  - Page 8 Empty Re: Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.

Post by Miraflores 19.03.13 9:22

The two cuddlecat ones have now gone.

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Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.  - Page 8 Empty Re: Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.

Post by tigger 19.03.13 9:41

Miraflores wrote:The two cuddlecat ones have now gone.

Thanks, does that mean that the name is now available for others to use? Do you also know till what time they ran?
What I'm interested in is which organisation 'adopted' the cc site? Not quite sure how that works, but I always understood this had to be a UK governmental organisation?

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Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.  - Page 8 Empty Re: Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.

Post by tigger 24.03.13 16:06

Just posting this from another topic.
Jean wrote:

Also for information, an early clip from Michael Wright about the progress of the campaign. It really does sound like the launch of some commercial product.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] unquote

Tigger wrote: (from the above video on the launch of the 'Fund')
.... our partners include multinationals from the oil, banking, telecom and retail sector. unquote


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Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.  - Page 8 Empty Re: Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.

Post by jd 24.03.13 16:26

tigger wrote:Just posting this from another topic.
Jean wrote:

Also for information, an early clip from Michael Wright about the progress of the campaign. It really does sound like the launch of some commercial product.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] unquote

Tigger wrote: (from the above video on the launch of the 'Fund')
.... our partners include multinationals from the oil, banking, telecom and retail sector. unquote


Common Purpose?

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Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.  - Page 8 Empty Dr. Roberts 'Not in my children's lifetime...' 2013

Post by tigger 02.04.13 14:43

I've snipped this bit from the above article which can be found on

Apparently Dr Gerry McCann and his wife Kate have been harassed by newspapers which made "profit from misery." Unlike Kate McCann's novel, Madeleine, which, as much a work of fiction as anything else, largely excludes the subject it purports to discuss and proudly announces via a 'flash' on the book's jacket, 'All royalties donated to Madeleine's fund.' (That's the fund which has been paying for those two 'searchers' long since given their P45s). Strange, but there appears to be no itemisation of 'author's royalties' within the company (i.e., the fund) accounts. As others have pointed out, 'book income' (after publication) doesn't seem quite the appropriate definition. Perhaps someone should break it gently to Transworld publishers that, should any or all of these royalties have actually gone elsewhere, then they could find themselves to have been party to mis-representation, since the inducement to purchase was clearly printed by them and not affixed to the product subsequently.

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Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.  - Page 8 Empty On Line Donations

Post by PeterMac 20.04.13 14:14

Just spotted this courtesy of another site.
\You now don't even have to buy any of the stuff, you can just send money direct.
But "Donations" towards what, precisely ? There is no search, so it can only be "To provide support, including financial assistance, to Madeleine's family.".
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Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.  - Page 8 Empty Re: Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.

Post by Liz Eagles 20.04.13 14:23

The next step is the 'leave a legacy in your will' and text donation. They are the only things missing. My, my the findmadeleine site has had a little revamp. Is it still run from a humble place in Ullapool?
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Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.  - Page 8 Empty Account of the Ltd. Co. over 2012

Post by tigger 20.04.13 15:06

These are extracts and the full article can be found on: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Exclusive to

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Analysis of the accounts of Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Analysis of the accounts of Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned (Reg.No.6248215) for the year ended 31 March 2012, and of issues arising from that analysis

By Enid O'Dowd FCA

This analysis of the 2012 accounts should be read in conjunction with my report 'A review of the background to setting up the limited company Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned and a forensic examination of the company accounts' published in February 2012 on [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

It is relevant to state here that Dr Kate McCann, a director of the Fund, made a commitment in her book Madeleine (p.138 Irish paperback edition) that 'from the outset everyone agreed that despite the costs involved, it (the Fund) must be run to the highest standards of transparency whatever it cost'. This was a clear commitment that from May 2007 when the Fund (limited company) was established, that transparency was paramount. My earlier report found a distinct lack of transparency. Were the 2012 accounts more 'transparent' than the earlier ones? Not in my opinion.

It is not clear whether the £550,000 restricted income is the advance royalty payment received for the book, or if not, why this particular amount has been chosen. Note 5 is open to different interpretations. It refers to the money being donated after the publication of the book Madeleine. It could mean that the publication resulted in a donor or donors being so influenced by the book that they gifted money to the Fund with specific restrictions.

Alternatively, it was reported in the media that around £550,000 was received for the serialisation rights of the book; this figure may of course be media speculation.

It's a bit like the hunting of the Snark, keeps turning out to be a Boojum. I would have thought of at least one million for the advance on royalties in this case.
Please also note the extract from an article by Dr. Martin Roberts re the promise written on the book cover regarding the use of the proceeds of the book:

Apparently Dr Gerry McCann and his wife Kate have been harassed by newspapers which made "profit from misery." Unlike Kate McCann's novel, Madeleine, which, as much a work of fiction as anything else, largely excludes the subject it purports to discuss and proudly announces via a 'flash' on the book's jacket, 'All royalties donated to Madeleine's fund.' [..]
Strange, but there appears to be no itemisation of 'author's royalties' within the company (i.e., the fund) accounts. As others have pointed out, 'book income' (after publication) doesn't seem quite the appropriate definition. Perhaps someone should break it gently to Transworld publishers that, should any or all of these royalties have actually gone elsewhere, then they could find themselves to have been party to mis-representation, since the inducement to purchase was clearly printed by them and not affixed to the product subsequently.

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Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.  - Page 8 Empty Re: Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.

Post by Liz Eagles 20.04.13 15:14

@ Admin

May I make a suggestion that the title of this thread be changed to say 'The Limited Company aka The Fund is not a charity'?
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Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.  - Page 8 Empty Re: Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.

Post by Guest 20.04.13 18:53

PeterMac wrote:Just spotted this courtesy of another site.
\You now don't even have to buy any of the stuff, you can just send money direct.
But "Donations" towards what, precisely ? There is no search, so it can only be "To provide support, including financial assistance, to Madeleine's family.".

How disgusting. And there's indeed NO "search". So why is there a "Search" number? The 845 Investigation Line number. That's NOT Scotland Yard, I presume ...

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Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.  - Page 8 Empty Re: Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.

Post by Guest 20.04.13 19:43

It's wrong on so many levels. Why should the parents who were educated through great sacrifice by their families live off the generous donations of the world. And why haven't they been called on to reimburse SY?

And why do they need to spend millions on an awareness campaign when the world already knows Madeleine is missing. God knows they get enough airtime. And how have these "campaigns" helped exactly, I've never seen an advert or a poster in the last 6 years. So why do you need a fund when the press is ready to run with anything McCann related at the drop of a hat?


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Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.  - Page 8 Empty Re: Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.

Post by Smokeandmirrors 20.04.13 19:57

Finn wrote:It's wrong on so many levels. Why should the parents who were educated through great sacrifice by their families live off the generous donations of the world. And why haven't they been called on to reimburse SY?

And why do they need to spend millions on an awareness campaign when the world already knows Madeleine is missing. God knows they get enough airtime. And how have these "campaigns" helped exactly, I've never seen an advert or a poster in the last 6 years. So why do you need a fund when the press is ready to run with anything McCann related at the drop of a hat?

Excellent points, agree with you 100%.

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Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.  - Page 8 Empty Re: Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.

Post by Philthecynic 09.05.13 17:09

Finn wrote:It's wrong on so many levels. Why should the parents who were educated through great sacrifice by their families live off the generous donations of the world. And why haven't they been called on to reimburse SY?

And why do they need to spend millions on an awareness campaign when the world already knows Madeleine is missing. God knows they get enough airtime. And how have these "campaigns" helped exactly, I've never seen an advert or a poster in the last 6 years. So why do you need a fund when the press is ready to run with anything McCann related at the drop of a hat?

I wish I could say much on this subject. It makes me SICK. There should be at least some attempt to explain how this fund makes finding madeleine more likely.

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Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.  - Page 8 Empty Early 'requests'

Post by tigger 10.05.13 7:34

The Madeleine Fund - 'Leaving No Stone Unturned' Appeal
Wednesday, 16 May 2007
Funds will be used to help find Madeleine McCann, support her family and bring her abductors to justice. Any surplus funds will be used to help families and missing children in United Kingdom, Portugal and elsewhere in similar circumstances.

By phone:
Text "MADDIE" to 60999 and £1 will be taken from your phone for the Madeleine Fund. (Standard network charges apply)

So - where exactly are we now? Perhaps we should be celebrating 6 years of the Ltd. Co. next week?
On the screenshot below, there is a not so subtle message: Click here to send support to the family.

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Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.  - Page 8 Empty Re: Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.

Post by aiyoyo 10.05.13 7:50

aquila wrote:@ Admin

May I make a suggestion that the title of this thread be changed to say 'The Limited Company aka The Fund is not a charity'?

.........." the Ltd Co. aka the FindMadeleine fund is not a charity"

Hello Kevin, are you aware of this? How much of that had been used to pay your forum espionage fees?

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Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.  - Page 8 Empty Re: Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.

Post by Guest 10.05.13 9:06

Could we plebs also know why, at such an early stage, Uncle Brian Kennedy knew that most of the money would probably be for legal expenditure.

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Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.  - Page 8 Empty Re: Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.

Post by tigger 09.06.13 10:23

jd wrote:
tigger wrote:Just posting this from another topic.
Jean wrote:

Also for information, an early clip from Michael Wright about the progress of the campaign. It really does sound like the launch of some commercial product.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] unquote

Tigger wrote: (from the above video on the launch of the 'Fund')
.... our partners include multinationals from the oil, banking, telecom and retail sector. unquote


Common Purpose?

Part of the transcript of the above video:
- the situation we have found ourselves in [..] made us think creatively.
[..] We are leaving no stone unturned and we have a huge number of campaign partners who are helping us to do that. From sporting celebrities to big business. top of the list are the UK and Portugal media in particular who have played a huge part in maintaining the profile of this case [..]

Our campaign has started with an expansive poster distribution across Europe and our partners include multi-nationals from the oil, banking, telecoms and retail sectors. Other multinational companies have already started to include Madeleine's image on every outgoing email...unquote.

Speaks for itself doesn't it?

On the 16th we find exhortations to Donate and made very easy to do this by mobile phone! This is clearly for the little people, school children and pensioners.
On the 17th we hear that they are aligned with multi-national companies as 'partners'.

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Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.  - Page 8 Empty Re: Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.

Post by Angelique 10.06.13 7:51


You wrote

"On the 16th we find exhortations to Donate and made very easy to do this by mobile phone! This is clearly for the little people, school children and pensioners.
On the 17th we hear that they are aligned with multi-national companies as 'partners'. "

Call me naive but it may be that "multi-national companies" could have been thinking "good publicity" or alternatively could mean contact as in the Masons connection.

It's one of those either way we win situations - impresses the plebs and shows well connected and power.

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Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.  - Page 8 Empty Re: Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.

Post by tigger 10.06.13 8:08

Angelique wrote:tigger

You wrote

"On the 16th we find exhortations to Donate and made very easy to do this by mobile phone! This is clearly for the little people, school children and pensioners.
On the 17th we hear that they are aligned with multi-national companies as 'partners'. "

Call me naive but it may be that "multi-national companies" could have been thinking "good publicity" or alternatively could mean contact as in the Masons connection.

It's one of those either way we win situations - impresses the plebs and shows well connected and power.

Of course companies who helped the McCanns did it for their own publicity. The point I was making is that the Ltd.Co. (Fund) presented itself right from the start as a business, not a charity despite the misleading name (Fund).

The wording of this prepared statement lets the public know that the Fund has the approval of the big boys and more credibility in this way.
The statement imo is also somewhat misleading as it gives the impression the Fund is in partnership with these anonymous (these wonderful big boys aren't named) industries. Partnership implies equality.
Perhaps this statement was designed to get a large amount of money/connections going in a short time.

Neither of which they needed to look for Maddie I may add. Gerry himself stated that they wouldn't use the money to search until the police would cease to do so.

So now it follows that if they didn't need that money or those connections to search - was this a concerted effort to set up an independent company that would enable them to be independent Ambassadors for lost children? Just in case a job as European Amber Alert Ambassador wasn't on offer?

Very good use was made of public and corporate fund raising in the early wave of sympathy and publicity.

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Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.  - Page 8 Empty Re: Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.

Post by Angelique 10.06.13 8:40


Sorry - I thought that was what I was confirming. 

If you look back you can see the way they were operating quite clearly. It wasn't Gerry's Agenda it was the UK Government. Difficult to say but IMO it was used to show innocence, allow Funds for their own use, and kept people involved in a personal way. It covered all angles. Remember when Gerry said something like "We hope to be able to maintain publicity in the long term"  - business speak.  I have only just read the thread on the British Foreign Office - Timeline interference which explains it all really. 

The UK Government/Crown think/know the majority of citizens are plebs, brainwashed and will accept what ever comes out of their mouths - anyone in authority really. If they called it a Fund it is immediately accepted and no one questions or investigates and those that do are frowned upon as "this is about an abducted child for heavens sake"! The Government covered every angle. 

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Post by tigger 10.06.13 9:53

Now I'm sorry, we've got the same song sheet after all! [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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Post by Angelique 10.06.13 10:17


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Post by sheila.edwards 10.06.13 16:09

could then : the partners tell the fund to spend less time and money on suing people and more time and money actually looking for madeline or finding out what happened to her with some help from the fund before they got sy taking over ! Are the Public partners to ?

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Post by jd 10.06.13 18:38

Angelique wrote:

Sorry - I thought that was what I was confirming. 

If you look back you can see the way they were operating quite clearly. It wasn't Gerry's Agenda it was the UK Government. Difficult to say but IMO it was used to show innocence, allow Funds for their own use, and kept people involved in a personal way. It covered all angles. Remember when Gerry said something like "We hope to be able to maintain publicity in the long term"  - business speak.  I have only just read the thread on the British Foreign Office - Timeline interference which explains it all really. 

The UK Government/Crown think/know the majority of citizens are plebs, brainwashed and will accept what ever comes out of their mouths - anyone in authority really. If they called it a Fund it is immediately accepted and no one questions or investigates and those that do are frowned upon as "this is about an abducted child for heavens sake"! The Government covered every angle. 

I also think it is also being used as way of tax avoidance or saving paying taxes. The rich like Green, Branson etc seem drawn to the mccanns like bees to honey. david cameron said his government would be transparent, it isn't. kate mccann said the fund would be transparent, it isn't....I doubt a truthful investigation would ever happen to the fund unless there was absolute pressure from the public to

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Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.  - Page 8 Empty Re: Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.

Post by tigger 10.06.13 20:39

jd wrote:
Angelique wrote:

Sorry - I thought that was what I was confirming. 

If you look back you can see the way they were operating quite clearly. It wasn't Gerry's Agenda it was the UK Government. Difficult to say but IMO it was used to show innocence, allow Funds for their own use, and kept people involved in a personal way. It covered all angles. Remember when Gerry said something like "We hope to be able to maintain publicity in the long term"  - business speak.  I have only just read the thread on the British Foreign Office - Timeline interference which explains it all really. 

The UK Government/Crown think/know the majority of citizens are plebs, brainwashed and will accept what ever comes out of their mouths - anyone in authority really. If they called it a Fund it is immediately accepted and no one questions or investigates and those that do are frowned upon as "this is about an abducted child for heavens sake"! The Government covered every angle. 

I also think it is also being used as way of tax avoidance or saving paying taxes. The rich like Green, Branson etc seem drawn to the mccanns like bees to honey. david cameron said his government would be transparent, it isn't. kate mccann said the fund would be transparent, it isn't....I doubt a truthful investigation would ever happen to the fund unless there was absolute pressure from the public to

It's more the fact that on the 17th May 2007 we are informed that the Fund has partners which include 'multi-nationals from the oil, banking, telecoms and retail sectors. Other multinational companies etc. unquote

It's not likely to be true at all imo, most of those promised money if it were demanded by kidnappers, a lot of those promises were withdrawn in September 07.
Big organisations like to be seen to be giving money and in this case they mainly promised it which gave them good publicity but in no way did they become partners of the McCanns or the Ltd. Co. by doing so.

Making it a Ltd. Co. actually had no tax advantage for the donors I believe. That only applies to charities. So these partnerships (this is beginning to remind me of the Admiral's song in HMS Pinafore) never existed in the first place imo. Just beefing it up for the public and so showing their true colours.

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Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.  - Page 8 Empty Re: Please note: the Fund is not a Charity.

Post by plebgate 10.06.13 21:42

The fund is not a charity because if it was they wouldn't have been able to make any mortgage repayments with the money. Still can't believe that this detail is never discussed when sitting on the many tv sofas they have been invited on to.

It still annoys me intensely that they would use money donated to find Maddie for that purpose.

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