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The McCanns Mark 1000 Days Empty The McCanns Mark 1000 Days

Post by Pussycat 17.01.10 10:30


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The McCanns Mark 1000 Days Empty Re: The McCanns Mark 1000 Days

Post by vaguely1 17.01.10 10:42

By James Murray and Tracey Kandohla

Kate and Gerry McCann will mark the 1,000th day since their daughter
disappeared with a celebrity packed £150-a-head fundraising dinner and
auction at a top London venue.

Tycoon Sir Richard Branson and
their businessman backer Brian Kennedy will join stars at Kensington
Roof Gardens in west London on January 27.

Radio Five’s Nicky Campbell and children’s author JK Rowling have also been invited.

event for 180 supporters comes in the middle of the couple’s tense
court battle against their tormentor, former police chief Goncalo
Amaral, in Lisbon and gives them a night of light relief after weeks of

Kate, 41, said yesterday: “We will raise money for Madeleine’s Fund and the ongoing search for her.

“If our circumstances remain unchanged, this day will sadly mark 1,000 days since Madeleine was taken from us.”

will be raised through ticket sales and a charity auction. Half the
profits, expected to exceed £100,000, will go to Madeleine’s Fund,
which currently stands at about £400,000, with the other half split
between two other charities.

Kate explained: “Madeleine’s Fund
is not depleted but we are aware, given the uncertainty of our
situation, that we need to plan ahead to continue the search to find

Kate said: “Fifty per cent of the profits from the event
will be split between two charities, Missing ­People and Missing
Children Europe.

“These two charities are among many others who
work incredibly hard despite limited funding to help missing and
exploited children.”

A close friend of the McCanns, who live in
Rothley, Leicestershire, said: “Kate and Gerry are hoping to raise as
much money as possible to help them and two other charities.

guests are people who have pledged their support to help find
Madeleine, including celebrities and wealthy business people.”

friend added: “The event doesn’t indicate that the fund is in ­crisis
but money does need to come in.” Madeleine vanished from her parents’
holiday flat in Praia da Luz, ­Portugal, in May 2007, just days before
her fourth birthday.

The Portugese police have shelved the case,
leaving the McCanns effectively on their own and needing a flow of cash
to finance the hunt for leads into their daughter’s disappearance,
though there is a certain amount of support from Leicestershire Police.

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The McCanns Mark 1000 Days Empty Re: The McCanns Mark 1000 Days

Post by vaguely1 17.01.10 10:47

I think it's actually owned by Branson. Beautiful venue.......who could resist a bar with its own flamingos The McCanns Mark 1000 Days 110921

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The McCanns Mark 1000 Days Empty Re: The McCanns Mark 1000 Days

Post by Autumn 17.01.10 13:49

sorry posted twice by mistake

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The McCanns Mark 1000 Days Empty Re: The McCanns Mark 1000 Days

Post by Autumn 17.01.10 13:49

Just when you think that this grotesque pair can sink no lower, they pull a sick stunt like this.
Maybe we need to start thinking about drafting a leaflet, hi-lighting the damning evidence against the McCanns at last week's hearing in Lisbon - does anyone know if there is is a transcript available?

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The McCanns Mark 1000 Days Empty Re: The McCanns Mark 1000 Days

Post by vaguely1 17.01.10 16:25

With all due respect Autumn, there was no damning evidence given against the McCanns in the hearing - there was no evidence given against them at all.

It wasn't their trial.

I would suggest it would be essential to read a transcript.

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The McCanns Mark 1000 Days Empty Re: The McCanns Mark 1000 Days

Post by Pascal 17.01.10 17:23

they sure know how to wind people up.

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The McCanns Mark 1000 Days Empty Re: The McCanns Mark 1000 Days

Post by Pussycat 17.01.10 19:41

I have a feeling that this little 'fund-raising' bash may be cancelled - just as the 100 days Elton John et al concert was - not that it ever got off the ground in the first place


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The McCanns Mark 1000 Days Empty Re: The McCanns Mark 1000 Days

Post by Autumn 17.01.10 19:43

vaguely1 wrote:With all due respect Autumn, there was no damning evidence given against the McCanns in the hearing - there was no evidence given against them at all.

It wasn't their trial.

I would suggest it would be essential to read a transcript.

Many people were hearing for the first time, thanks to Snr Amaral's impressive witnesses, information from the police files that has been, witheld from the general public. Even to those of us familiar with the PJ investigation, some of what emerged at last week's hearing was very disturbing to say the least and I do believe, at long last, the scales are falling from people's eyes re the McCanns.

It would be most interesting to read the full transcript and hope that it will be available to the general public soon.

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The McCanns Mark 1000 Days Empty Re: The McCanns Mark 1000 Days

Post by vaguely1 17.01.10 19:53

Autumn, I agree, a lot of information came to light last week.

My point was only that it's not 'evidence'.

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The McCanns Mark 1000 Days Empty Re: The McCanns Mark 1000 Days

Post by Autumn 17.01.10 19:54

Pussycat wrote:I have a feeling that this little 'fund-raising' bash may be cancelled - just as the 100 days Elton John et al concert was - not that it ever got off the ground in the first place


Lets face it, after last week's sensational headlines linking the McCanns to Maddie's disappearance, who in their right mind would wish to be associated with them. It has been rumoured that this event has been arranged for the 27th of Jan so as to ditract from the start of Halligen's trial. There may well be something in that as it does seem bizarre to hold a 'celeb fund raising event' mid-way through the court hearing. I see that they have linked this event to missing children charities, probably fearing that no-one would attend if it was in support of the McCann Fund alone - had they not done this, I think, as you say Pussycat, they would have been forced to cancel.

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The McCanns Mark 1000 Days Empty Re: The McCanns Mark 1000 Days

Post by vaguely1 17.01.10 20:04

The sensational headlines were all printed two years ago. It didn't seem to affect their support then, so not sure why it being re-printed will make any difference.

same old same old.

It'd have been more shocking back then, because people didn't have access to the reality of the situation in relation to the police files.

If Martin Brunts 100% DNA match didn't frighten people off then I doubt a bit of recycled shock horror reporting is going to.

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The McCanns Mark 1000 Days Empty Re: The McCanns Mark 1000 Days

Post by Guest 17.01.10 20:09

Autumn wrote:
Pussycat wrote:I have a feeling that this little 'fund-raising' bash may be cancelled - just as the 100 days Elton John et al concert was - not that it ever got off the ground in the first place


Lets face it, after last week's sensational headlines linking the McCanns to Maddie's disappearance, who in their right mind would wish to be associated with them. It has been rumoured that this event has been arranged for the 27th of Jan so as to ditract from the start of Halligen's trial. There may well be something in that as it does seem bizarre to hold a 'celeb fund raising event' mid-way through the court hearing. I see that they have linked this event to missing children charities, probably fearing that no-one would attend if it was in support of the McCann Fund alone - had they not done this, I think, as you say Pussycat, they would have been forced to cancel.

The point is the other charities are looking for hundreds of missing children and they desperately need the funds. The McCanns say they still have £400,000 in the fund, why do they need more? Talk about planning ahead.... thinking According to them Madeleine is still alive, therefore, logically she could be found any minute, so why want the fund to have such huge amounts of money? Surely you would wait till you were penniless and then plead for more?? Or beter still ask your family and friends to help?

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The McCanns Mark 1000 Days Empty Re: The McCanns Mark 1000 Days

Post by Cath 17.01.10 20:29

Oh I don't know. If people want to spent their money on that dinner, why not? It's their money, their choice.
At least there's half of the profit that goes to other charities.

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The McCanns Mark 1000 Days Empty Re: The McCanns Mark 1000 Days

Post by vaguely1 17.01.10 20:34

I'm sure those charities will benefit greatly. This is good news.

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The McCanns Mark 1000 Days Empty Re: The McCanns Mark 1000 Days

Post by Autumn 17.01.10 20:44

vaguely1 wrote:I'm sure those charities will benefit greatly. This is good news.

Well, imo, it isn't good news that these charities feel the need to align themselves to Rothley's very own 'HIndley and Brady' in order to raise money.

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The McCanns Mark 1000 Days Empty Re: The McCanns Mark 1000 Days

Post by vaguely1 17.01.10 20:54

Do you know what Hindley and Brady did?

The other day you said you felt sorry for the McCanns - now you are saying they are equivalent to Hindley and Brady.

I don't understand where you're coming from on that.

ETA, sorry, pitied was the word you used. Not sorry for.

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The McCanns Mark 1000 Days Empty Re: The McCanns Mark 1000 Days

Post by Autumn 17.01.10 21:08

vaguely1 wrote:Do you know what Hindley and Brady did?

The other day you said you felt sorry for the McCanns - now you are saying they are equivalent to Hindley and Brady.

I don't understand where you're coming from on that.

ETA, sorry, pitied was the word you used. Not sorry for.

I have never said I feel sorry for the McCanns. I have said that I believe that kate is to be pitied at times as she appears to be having more difficulty than Gerry in carrying the burdon of guilt - it is etched in her face.

I stand by my comments and think them every bit as evil and twisted as Hindley and Brady.

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The McCanns Mark 1000 Days Empty Re: The McCanns Mark 1000 Days

Post by vaguely1 17.01.10 21:15

Then I can only assume that you are unaware of the depth of depravity shown by Hindley and Brady, and that you are unaware that they were convicted as such.

Even going along the lines that Amaral's theory is correct, for the purposes of your post, - to liken a child dying in an accident to the torture and sexual molestation of those poor, poor children is bizarre, recorded for pornography.....

It leads me to believe that you're not a supporter of the accident theory.

Or that you're trying to get a rise out of me.

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The McCanns Mark 1000 Days Empty Re: The McCanns Mark 1000 Days

Post by Kololi 17.01.10 21:25

Good to see that they are considering other children who are missing - properly considering this time by sharing some of that massive pot that they have around. That's actually good news though their celebrities bash night does still leave me wide eyed and opened mouthed as to where their heads are in this sad sad situation.

Take care

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The McCanns Mark 1000 Days Empty Re: The McCanns Mark 1000 Days

Post by aliberte2 17.01.10 22:26

The McCanns are not Serial Murderers.
There is No Comparison.

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The McCanns Mark 1000 Days Empty Re: The McCanns Mark 1000 Days

Post by Ruby 17.01.10 22:40

So your child gets 'abducted' while you eat and drink with friends, what better way to mark 1000 days than with kids at home while you eat and drink with friends. Why do they never think things through? daft

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The McCanns Mark 1000 Days Empty Re: The McCanns Mark 1000 Days

Post by Pascal 17.01.10 23:29

vaguely1 wrote:Do you know what Hindley and Brady did?

The other day you said you felt sorry for the McCanns - now you are saying they are equivalent to Hindley and Brady.

I don't understand where you're coming from on that.

ETA, sorry, pitied was the word you used. Not sorry for.

I have never said I feel sorry for the McCanns. I have said that I believe that kate is to be pitied at times as she appears to be having more difficulty than Gerry in carrying the burdon of guilt - it is etched in her face.

I stand by my comments and think them every bit as evil and twisted as Hindley and Brady.[/quote]

No Autumn you couldn't possibly. Please think about that. Let me remind you what they did.

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The McCanns Mark 1000 Days Empty Re: The McCanns Mark 1000 Days

Post by jack 18.01.10 0:31

The McCanns have been criticised in the past for not helping other lost children . I think we have to support them on this occasion for there support of others.

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The McCanns Mark 1000 Days Empty Re: The McCanns Mark 1000 Days

Post by jack 18.01.10 0:35

Autumn wrote:
vaguely1 wrote:Do you know what Hindley and Brady did?

The other day you said you felt sorry for the McCanns - now you are saying they are equivalent to Hindley and Brady.

I don't understand where you're coming from on that.

ETA, sorry, pitied was the word you used. Not sorry for.

I have never said I feel sorry for the McCanns. I have said that I believe that kate is to be pitied at times as she appears to be having more difficulty than Gerry in carrying the burdon of guilt - it is etched in her face.

I stand by my comments and think them every bit as evil and twisted as Hindley and Brady.

Autumn, I think this comment speaks more about your psyche than it does about the McCanns. Quite scary.

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