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Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt Mm11

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Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt Mm11

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Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt

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Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt Empty Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt

Post by maebee 08.09.11 12:48

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They may not have welcomed the order from Downing Street to launch an investigation into Madeleine McCann's disappearance, but at least Scotland Yard detectives have made a first visit to Portugual.

I can't imagine they were given a warm welcome by their Portuguese colleagues whose work (failure to solve the mystery) the Met team is reviewing.

Still, it's a step in the right direction and officially the two groups met "with very good co-operation and liaison will continue."

There are 30 Met officers - the equivalent of a murder squad - working on the review and I'm told that a senior officer is having to give regular spending updates to the Home Office which is funding an operation that will cost several millions and last many months.

It's four months since the review was launched with great fanfare by the Prime Minister after a plea from Kate and Gerry McCann.

The couple had long felt abandoned by the British and Portuguese authorities to hunt alone for their missing daughter.

But it's difficult to get much information about the operation from the cops, No 10 or the Home Office.

A recent Freedom of Information request for answers to a dozen of so questions has been held up by the Yard's FOI man while he considers if the info sought is in the public interest.
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Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt Empty Re: Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt

Post by Jill Havern 08.09.11 12:52

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Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt Empty Re: Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt

Post by lj 08.09.11 12:56

The couple had long felt abandoned by the British and Portuguese authorities to hunt alone for their missing daughter.

I wonder if the SY already asked the question why the conning couple didn't request the investigation to stay open, when they could.

"And if Madeleine had hurt herself inside the apartment, why would that be our fault?"  Gerry

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Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt Empty Re: Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt

Post by Jill Havern 08.09.11 13:13

I can't imagine they were given a warm welcome by their Portuguese colleagues whose work (failure to solve the mystery) the Met team is reviewing.

How can it be a failure by the Portuguese to solve the mystery when it was the McCanns who allowed the investigation to be shelved because they didn't want the mystery solved? angry

I would think Goncalo/the PJ would welcome the team actually if only that it gives them the reason to finally re-open the case and get 'the bandits' into court.

Surely if the SY try to whitewash this case then the PJ or Goncalo Amaral can make that known...?

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Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt Empty Re: Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt

Post by Guest 08.09.11 13:20

I'm sure the PJ have a lot of info they will pass on to SY team. The text messages they have may be one of those things. What was in those text messages.


11:55: Mr Menezes said that a claim made by the McCanns on the first day after Madeleine’s disappearance was not true.
11:56: The witness said that Kate and Gerry’s report that they had been checking on their daughter every half an hour was inaccurate.
11:57: He claimed that although the parents had been checking on Madeleine, it was not as often as every 30 minutes.
12:01: Police intercepted text messages sent by the McCanns because they were suspicious of the parents’ role in Madeleine’s disappearance.
12:02: The text messages sent by Kate and Gerry were never admitted as evidence gathered as part of the investigation

12:38: Who suggested the checking of the McCanns’ text messages, Mr Menezes is asked. The police, he replies.
12:39: The text messages were never considered as part of the investigation because the judge did not allow it, the court hears.

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Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt Empty Re: Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt

Post by Newintown 08.09.11 13:47

Get 'em Gonçalo wrote:
I can't imagine they were given a warm welcome by their Portuguese colleagues whose work (failure to solve the mystery) the Met team is reviewing.

How can it be a failure by the Portuguese to solve the mystery when it was the McCanns who allowed the investigation to be shelved because they didn't want the mystery solved? [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

I would think Goncalo/the PJ would welcome the team actually if only that it gives them the reason to finally re-open the case and get 'the bandits' into court.

Surely if the SY try to whitewash this case then the PJ or Goncalo Amaral can make that known...?

I really hope that the MET haven't gone to see the PJ purely to get their hands on the parts of the files that were held back so that they can scrutinize them and pass on any info to the McCanns, as the McCanns have been desperate to get their hands on those files.

I wonder if the PJ can be made to hand over the files to the MET by a Court order.

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Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt Empty Re: Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt

Post by Big Vern 08.09.11 13:51

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Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt Empty Re: Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt

Post by Smokeandmirrors 08.09.11 13:53

Wouldn't it be good if Pat Brown was in the Algarve right now and just happened to bump into the guys from SY in, for example, a Tapas bar??

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Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt Empty Ah Say Boy... what's a going on here! Poacher turned gamekeeper!

Post by The Rooster 08.09.11 15:13

"There are 30 Met officers - the equivalent of a murder squad - working on the review"

Unusual words but from Brunt, but why? The problem with the strategy engaged by the two imposters is they can't tell their arse from their elbow and think that they can play the devils advocate and not upset anyone in the process. I expect they'll not be happy with this blog, however, what does the future have in stock for them regarding the press? Considering they want to be involved with the phone hacking enquiry (when there's no evidence that their phones have ever been hacked according to their mouthpiece) and hold the press to account will be their undoing. This may be the time that newspaper editors have been waiting for. They will be able to close this years and next years sales targets when they start reporting what really happened in Portugal.

Ah say boy...Hell hath no fury like an editor scorned!

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Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt Empty Re: Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt

Post by lj 08.09.11 15:32

I think by now the time is ripe for the media. Nobody wants a "poor parents" article anymore, but boy would something like "what really happened in PdL" sell.

Enough to keep CR at bay.

"And if Madeleine had hurt herself inside the apartment, why would that be our fault?"  Gerry

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Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt Empty RE: Scotland Yard Are in Portugal

Post by alfie02 08.09.11 15:38

Im so excited hope the end is near for the mcscams[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt Empty Re: Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt

Post by Newintown 08.09.11 15:56

"There are 30 Met officers - the equivalent of a murder squad - working on the review"

Perhaps Brunty is trying to pass on a message in a sneaky way[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt Empty RE;New scotland Yard

Post by alfie02 08.09.11 16:31

Newintown wrote:"There are 30 Met officers - the equivalent of a murder squad - working on the review"

Perhaps Brunty is trying to pass on a message in a sneaky way[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

OOOOh heres hoping [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt Empty Scotland Yard WERE in Portugal

Post by PeterMac 08.09.11 17:17

According to Sky news the visit was at the beginning of August.
They kept that very quiet.
Nice work ! It may indicate that DCI Redwood is commanding a tight ship.

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Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt Empty Re: Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt

Post by Big Vern 08.09.11 17:42

Taking into account that the McCanns have been strongly supported by not one, not two, but THREE PMs in a row, does anyone really believe that this 'review', requested by the McCanns themselves remember, is seriously intended to be a genuine investigation undertaken in order to get to the truth? If you do believe that I'm afraid you are deluding yourself. It's nothing more than yet another PR exercise. If anything, plod will probably report back at the end of three years that Madeleine was abducted by a person/persons unknown!
The only way this case will ever be solved is when someone within the Tapas group blows a whistle after cracking under the strain.

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Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt Empty Re: Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt

Post by Big Vern 08.09.11 18:04

Maybe the post of mine above should be moved to this thread:
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Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt Empty Re: Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt

Post by lj 08.09.11 18:31

I think your post fits well into any thread. I believe that too, Vern.

"And if Madeleine had hurt herself inside the apartment, why would that be our fault?"  Gerry

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Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt Empty Re: Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt

Post by Gillyspot 08.09.11 18:40

I am with you too Vern. Otherwise why would DC appear to agree to a review the very next day after the McCanns' open letter in Murdoch's Sun.

The only thing I have noted is that the McCanns asked for a transparent review which they didn't get. Unless they meant it to be only as transparent as their "fund"

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Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt Empty Re: Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt

Post by Smokeandmirrors 08.09.11 18:54

Big Vern wrote:
The only way this case will ever be solved is when someone within the Tapas group blows a whistle after cracking under the strain.

Totally agree. I have long thought that there might one day be some sort of confession from deathbed/beyond the grave. A letter could already be lodged with a solicitor somewhere.

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Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt Empty Re: Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt

Post by Angelique 08.09.11 19:21

I don't know if this is good news or not.

TB mentioned about a" McCann Insider" in his letter to SY - is this someone who could blow the whistle ?

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Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt Empty Re: Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt

Post by Cheshire Cat 08.09.11 19:50

Angelique wrote:I don't know if this is good news or not.

TB mentioned about a" McCann Insider" in his letter to SY - is this someone who could blow the whistle ?

Whatever went on at the Ocean Club that week in May was big. Something big enough to engulf the then Blair government ? Why else would Clarence Mitchell, head of Media Monitoring and key member of the Blair Governments communication team be 'seconded' to assist the McCann's?

Media support was provided at an 'appropriate level' according to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in their letter to my MP on 14 May 2009.

Sending Mitchell was "appropriate" according to the FCO but this is very telling because there must have been something extraordinary surrounding the disappearance of Madeleine that required Mr Mitchell to be by the McCann's side.

The continuity of the cover-up is fascinating to observe and as Big Vern says, has even survived a change of Government. Seperate(?) cover-ups continue in Jersey and Aberdeen : I believe the Scotland Yard review is about gaining knowledge in order to continue the protection of the McCann's and many others.
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Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt Empty Re: Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt

Post by aiyoyo 08.09.11 20:30

SY going to crime scene in PDL does not bode well for mccanns. They are probably talking to prime investigators the PJ, and probably also studying the shutters that cannot be opened from the outside without waking up the dead among other things.

What it means is they are not looking elsewhere for Maddie.

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Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt Empty Re: Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt

Post by Daisy 08.09.11 20:42

Cheshire Cat wrote:

Whatever went on at the Ocean Club that week in May was big.
Something big enough to engulf the then Blair government ? Why else would Clarence Mitchell, head of Media Monitoring and key member of the Blair Governments communication team be 'seconded' to assist the McCann's?

Media support was provided at an 'appropriate level' according to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in their letter to my MP on 14 May 2009.

Sending Mitchell was "appropriate" according to the FCO but this is very telling because there must have been something extraordinary surrounding the disappearance of Madeleine that required Mr Mitchell to be by the McCann's side.

The continuity of the cover-up is fascinating to observe and as Big Vern says, has even survived a change of Government. Seperate(?) cover-ups continue in Jersey and Aberdeen : I believe the Scotland Yard review is about gaining knowledge in order to continue the protection of the McCann's and many others.

That's my thoughts too. I also believe Scotland Yard already have all the evidence they need; the review is all part of the hoax and the truth will not be revealed. Not until someone blows the whistle.

I can usually talk myself into 'optimism' but it's not happening on this one.

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Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt Empty Re: Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt

Post by sharonl 08.09.11 21:22

From Portugal

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Scotland Yard officers were in Portugal last August to discuss with the authorities to research the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, confirmed on Thursday an official source in London, but the PGR and PJ Portuguese say ignore this information.

"They were in Portugal in August and met with the Portuguese police, but we will not disclose it," said a spokesman for the British police agency Lusa.

The help of British police in the search for Madeleine McCann, who disappeared in Portugal in 2003 just days before completing four years of age, was ordered by the British Government in May this year.

The intervention of British Prime Minister, David Cameron, came after an open letter from the parents of Madeleine McCann, Kate and Gerry for an "independent review, complete and transparent" process of inquiry.

The couple, who came to be accused made ​​by the Portuguese authorities in 2007, intended to be analyzed all the information gathered by the Police of the two countries.

Investigations by the Judicial Police (PJ) Portuguese ended with the filing of the case by the Attorney General's Office (PGR) in July 2008.

Contacted by AFP, both the PJ and the RMP have not confirmed the information that officers from Scotland Yard were in Portugal in August to discuss the Portuguese authorities with the investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine.

PJ said an official source of "knowing" such information as the PGR said through his spokesman, he has "no knowledge" of this alleged investigation, adding that "in fact, nothing was asked or notified."
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Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt Empty Re: Scotland Yard are in Portugal - Martin Brunt

Post by Guest 08.09.11 21:34

Thanks sharonl. So am I reading correctly that the Portuguese police are saying they have no knowledge of this. What is going on?

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