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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 10 Mm11

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 10 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by Verdi 19.10.19 12:38

I strongly suspect it's the Kate McCann brand melodrama coming to the fore but when publishing a book (I'm careful not to say writing), detailing their (she and her husband) version of the truth, I think she should have been more circumspect.

Either that or change the title of the book to .... KATE MCCANN !!!

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Post by PeterMac 19.10.19 14:36

Almost on topic.
Picked this old list up from twitter.

Damning Quotes.

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Gerry McCann: "Find the body and prove we killed her”. . ..
David Payne: "We have a pact. This is our matter only. It is nobody else's business”. . .
David Payne: “We know they didn’t do it. One of our party saw Madeleine being abducted. We were waiting for something  to happen but didn't in our worst nightmare think it would be  this.”. . .
Clarence Mitchell: "There is a wholly innocent explanation for any material the police may or may not have found”. . .
Clarence Mitchell:  "Kate and Gerry are not responsible for Madeleine`s death”. . .
Clarence  Mitchell: "What goes on the internet has not been sanctioned by Kate and Gerry.”. . .
Chief Inspector Olegario Sousa: "There is one piece of stand alone evidence.”. . .
Michael Wright: "I noted some disagreeable smells on a number of occasions which I judged to have come from the twins’  nappies. I have no knowledge of anything spilling from any article nor  of any cleaning of the car after such a hypothetical spill.”. . .
Eileen McCann: "If someone lifted her out of bed Madeleine would have screamed the place down. That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted  to”. . .
Clarence Mitchell: “Anybody who has given money to help find  Madeleine need have no fear that their money is being spent on lawyers’ fees or anything like that.”…
Clarence Mitchell: "Just put money into  an envelope and send it to Kate and Gerry McCann, Rothley, it'll get  there”. . .
Kate McCann: "Rome is preparing itself for our  visit.”. . .
Susan Healy: "Kate said last night 'If I weighed another two stone, had a bigger bosom and looked more maternal, people would be more  sympathetic.”. . .
Kate McCann: "Be brave, sweetheart.”. . .
Martin Brunt:  "We all thought they were a chavvy family from some estate in Essex who  weren't looking after their children properly but the fact that these were two middle-aged, middle-income or, even high-income professionals, doctors, it did rather take on a different hue.”. . 
Carlos Anjos: "If  that situation had been of an abduction, it would have been terrible for the child. Because if that child were to be sold, or something else. . .  She was as good as. . . it was her death sentence. That situation, that day, advertising that photo, was simply the death sentence of that child.”. . .
Gerry McCann: "The iris is Madeleine’s only true distinctive feature. Certainly we thought it was possible that this could  potentially hurt her or her abductor might do something to her eye.… But in terms of marketing, it was a good ploy.”…
Clarence Mitchell: "If  she's dead then she's dead, but not by their hand”. . .
Kate McCann: "My struggle to control 'very difficult' Madeleine”. . .
Question 41 to Kate McCann: "Is it true that in England you even considered handing over  Madeleine’s custody to a relative?”. . .
Maddie McCann: "Why didn't you come when we were crying last night?”. . .
Kate McCann: ". . .that means that, you know, she must have fallen back asleep very quickly, errm. . .  and then she moved on … you know, she moved on.”. . .
Kate McCann: "I don't want to dwell on it too much.”. . .
Kate McCann:"When lunchtime came, Gerry and I were in the middle of another meeting when we discovered there  was no one around to collect Sean and Amelie. We had to interrupt  proceedings and go to the Toddler Club ourselves”. . .
Maria Bandeirinha:  “Kate passed by my door, laughing her head off, with a friend, days  after her daughter disappeared. What mother has a child in an unknown location and feels like laughing?”. . .
Kate McCann: "Well, it was our  holiday too”. . ..
Kate McCann: "It's funny, we were having such a good  time. We were with our friends and their kids. I think cos there was a  group of us, you're just into each other, d'you know what I  mean”. . .
Gerry McCann: "If Madeleine had hurt herself inside the  apartment – why would that be our fault?”. . .
Kate McCann: "It was so  dark. . .it was dark, erm I've never had such a long night it was dark and  you're just praying for the light you know to come up to get out  there…". . .
Rachael Oldfield: "I didn’t really like going up there by  myself, it was, like going through that car park was quite dark and  there was never anyone around, it was a bit, you know made me feel a bit  uneasy”…
Kate McCann: "I know that what happened is not due to the fact of us leaving the children asleep. I know it happened under other  circumstances.”. . .
Kate McCann: "I can't stop thinking about Madeleine, about her fear of pain”. . .
Kate McCann: "Whoever Madeleine's with she'll be giving them her tuppence worth.”. . .
Kate McCann's diary: "Gerry put on another great performance”. . .
Daily Express reporter: "She and husband Gerry burst into laughter as they promoted her book about their lost  daughter Madeleine.”. . ..
Gerry McCann: "Ask the dogs, Sandra.”. . .
Gerry  McCann: "It wasn't as bad as the night we found her…". . .
Gerry McCann:  "Nothing of value was taken the night Madeleine disappeared”. . ..
Gerry  McCann to Ed Smart: "Ed, I would not be surprised if they, you know, don't plant evidence in the car, you know, to have them think that  there's DNA in this car that I rented after the fact is just outrageous, and what could they possibly have?”. . ..
Dave Edgar: "Maddie is in a  secret lair in a lawless village in PDL”. . .
Donal MacIntyre: Maddie's  abductor cleaned the apartment, after a rehearsal, leaving no  DNA…
Gerry McCann: "My plan was to stay quiet and not answer.”. . .
John  McCann: "It's not bad for a bunch of amateurs”. . .
Moita Flores: "I have  no doubts that the child died. Who knows, one day a fishing net will  pick up a bag with a child's bones in it.”. . .
PJ Case Files: "Between  15h00 on August 4th 2007 and 06h30 on August 5th 2007, the following  samples were recovered in the living room of apartment 5A at the OCEAN  CLUB where a murder probably took place.”. . ...
Gonçalo Amaral: "The  priests also know very well what happened that night.”…
Gonçalo Amaral:  "I receive a phone call from Sofia, who insists on my going home: our  Shitzu dog is dead. She found it that morning, lifeless on the ground,  with a head injury.”. . .
Dr Paulo Sargento: "Gonçalo Amaral is the visible  target the McCanns want to take down”. . ..
Portuguese AG, Fernando Pinto Monteiro: "One way or another the McCanns were responsible for their  child's death.”. . .
Gonçalo Amaral: “There are things that I haven’t said – yet”…
Gonçalo Amaral: "I am not shutting up”. . .

And to conclude –
Kate McCann; “I certainly have no plans at all to go home with Madeleine.”

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 10 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by sandancer 19.10.19 16:36

" The man I loved " 

Not " the man I love " 

" The person " then becomes " the man " , how does she know it's a " man " who has " abducted " her , after all they weren't there were they ? 

" I wanted my old life back " 

Again past tense , which " old life " did she want back ? 

An account of the " truth " written for their children to read ! No child wants to think about their parents having sex   notlistening sick  is generally their reaction ! 

Not to mention their mothers potty mouth !

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 10 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by Hobs 19.10.19 16:47

Verdi wrote:Kate McCann's autobiographical novel goes into great detail about the group's encounter with Robert Murat in the first 48 hours after Madeleine McCann's disappearance was reported, I won't reproduce it here for that reason alone.

In short, there was a concerted effort to implicate Robert Murat in Madeleine's disappearance, not so much the McCanns themselves, they never commit when there is willing spokesperson on call, but from their 'friends', in particular the infamous quartet - Jane Tanner, Russell O'Brien, David Payne and Fiona Payne.

If guilt is overpowering I quite understand the need to find a quick fix but in this instance - why Robert Murat?

Ocean Club staff, guests and lurking strangers were all milling about nillywilly - why not one of them?  Why create a lie to implicate a stranger, the one who had been assisting with interview interpretations, a prominent figure during those first few days?

There is little doubt in my mind that Robert Murat's interference in those early hours/days was by design rather than chance but the reason is unclear.  On the surface it could easily be concluded that he was a covert employee of the abduction scam - a facilitator to gain confidential information on behalf of the alleged victims - the McCanns.  That's how it appears to me but how exactly does that fit in with the deliberate attempt by team McCann to implicate Robert Murat in those early hours/days - only to backtrack and distance themselves soon after?  

Why, a diversion of course!

For the record, I don't believe Robert Murat was working for MI5 or any other branch of the UK establishment.  The diplomatic corps were swiftly deployed to control the investigation, flying in the face of international diplomatic protocol - do they normally work closely with MI5 in the case of a missing child on holiday with the family?  Not to my knowledge!

Still, I digress....

Perhaps because murat bears a striking resemblance to payne?
There was also an estate agent, Angus Symington who also bore a resemblance to murat and payne.

Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 10 MuratSymingtonSolar_468x385

Angus is on the left, murat is on the right

Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 10 Zzpaynemuratprofile.jpg.w300h337

Payne is on the left, murat on the right.

This all helps to muddy the water.
If payne was spotted in a place he shouldn't have been then there is murat or Symington to  divert attention to and vice versa for murat.

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Post by Verdi 22.10.19 1:03

A role model for the new generations in line with contemporary thinking..

My reason for writing it is simple: to give an account of the truth. It has always been my intention to set down a complete record of what happened to our family, for our children, Madeleine, Sean and Amelie, so that, when they are ready, the facts will be there for them to read. I wanted to make sure they would always have access to a written chronicle of what really happened, no matter how many years have passed. They have already been through too much, and there will be further challenges ahead. Understanding our ordeal will give them the best chance of dealing with whatever life throws at them.
Under my breath, I found myself whispering, ‘Fucking tosser, fucking tosser.’ This quiet chant somehow kept me strong, kept me in control. This man did not deserve my respect. ‘Fucking tosser . . .’
I asked Gerry apprehensively if he’d had any really horrible thoughts or visions of Madeleine. He nodded. Haltingly, I told him about the awful pictures that scrolled through my head of her body, her perfect little genitals torn apart.

madeleine by KATE MCCANN

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Post by ROSA 22.10.19 7:47

The words of a insane woman I think that what happened to Maddie has something to do with Kate and it has aged her badly.

For Paulo Sargento, the thesis that Gonçalo Amaral revealed at first hand to "SP" that the blanket could have been used in a funeral ceremony at the Luz chapel "is very interesting".
And he adds: "In reality, when the McCanns went to Oprah's Show, the blanket was mentioned. At a given moment, when Oprah tells Kate that she heard her mention a blanket several times, Kate argued that a mother who misses a child always wants to know if she is comfortable, if she is warm, and added, referring to Maddie, that sometimes she asked herself if the person who had taken her would cover her up with her little blanket (but the blanket was on the bed after Maddie, supposedly, disappeared!!!).

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Post by Hobs 22.10.19 22:41

The idea of a monster like this touching my daughter, stroking her,

This is close, that is distancing, she places herself close to the idea of a monster.
She does not use the word thought which i would expect as she is thinking of what was allegedly being done to her missing daughter, instead she uses the word idea which implies something not existent is is not an actual monster, it is her idea of a monster.
She is telling us what she thinks such a monster would do.
I would think she would want to distance herself from the monster as would be expected and which would come through in her language yet she uses the word THIS which places her close to the monster,the monster sexually abusing her daughter.
Next she uses the word stroking  which is a huge red flag.
Stroking is a loving, caring description, is indicates intimacy and love.
Why would the mother of a missing daughter allegedly abducted by a paedophile use such a positive description of a horrendous crime perpetuated on her daughter.
I would expect to see words such as touching, defiling, abusing, hurting and other negative descriptions of actions.
I would not expect to see the word stroking.

This tells me she knows what happened to Maddie and who was responsible.

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Post by Guest 23.10.19 13:24

You are exactly right Hobs,they and there co conspirators have told
More lies than the Donald and I thought that would be impossible.

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Post by tiki 01.11.19 19:02

Yet another strange quote from Ms Healy. It's just not how people speak at all but then I don't think I've ever heard the McCanns talk normally probably because they are as guilty as hell and as Statement Analysts tell us, the guilty behave one way and the innocent behave another. They know, without a shadow of a doubt, what happened to their daughter but I doubt we ever will, not unless we live long enough to read about someones death bed confession.

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 10 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by Verdi 02.11.19 15:23

At 1am on Wednesday, 27 February 2008, Gerry and I were woken suddenly from our sleep. The room appeared to be shaking and a photograph of Madeleine toppled over on my chest of drawers. We were terrified. Our immediate thought was that somebody was trying to kill us. Maybe a bomb had gone off, or perhaps a gang was trying to break into our house.

madeleine by KATE MCCANN

Fracking or did the earth move reading ?

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Post by Verdi 14.11.19 1:21

By the Sunday evening, we found ourselves giving our statements again, this time to a couple of detectives from Control Risks. We were concerned that parts of the statements we had made to the Portuguese police, especially on that first day, might have been lost in translation. We also felt that these accounts were not sufficiently thorough and wanted to have every detail we could remember registered properly.

madeleine by KATE MCCANN

[For study and research only]


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Post by ferrotty 14.11.19 20:47

Meaning I'll use the translation excuse in case we f**k up.

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Post by Verdi 15.11.19 0:24

Giving statements again - at a time, the summer of 2007, when Portuguese law forbade concurrent private investigations.

Yet here we have Ms Healy openly admitting that she/they broke the law .... the Portuguese law and not for the last time!

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Post by Verdi 20.11.19 11:29

Gerry was distraught now. He was on his knees, sobbing, his head hung low. ‘We’re finished. Our life is over,’ he kept saying over and over again. The realization that we were at the mercy of an incomprehensible criminal justice system had hit him hard. It was excruciating to see him like this. I love him so much and he is usually so strong. I was very conscious that my response was different. Maybe I should have been on my knees, too.

madeleine by KATE MCCANN

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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Post by Verdi 21.11.19 0:13

The nice little woman indoors - the victim..

It was not until about 11.10pm that two policemen arrived from the nearest town, Lagos, about five miles away. To me they seemed bewildered and out of their depth, and I couldn’t shake the images of Tweedledum and Tweedledee out of my head.


Gerry and I felt it was important, essential even, for us to attend to represent Madeleine. She needed somebody there for her. She was the victim in this, not Gonçalo Amaral. I also needed to see the whites of Sr Amaral’s eyes.


Not sure how I feel about seeing Mr Amaral – for the first time ever, I hasten to add! I know I’m not scared but that man has caused us so much upset and anger because of how he has treated my beautiful Madeleine and the search to find her. He deserves to be miserable and feel fear.


Under my breath, I found myself whispering, ‘Fucking tosser, fucking tosser.’ This quiet chant somehow kept me strong, kept me in control. This man did not deserve my respect. ‘Fucking tosser . . .’

madeleine by KATE MCCANN

To this day some people still believe Kate McCann to be the true victim, the innocent victim of someone's heinous crime. The poor woman caught-up in a mass conspiracy, forced to deceive in order to protect the true criminal, hiding a secret revealed in her time-worn haggard features.

Not for her that overwhelming guilt of the criminal, only the suffering and concealment of another's misdemeanor. Playing to the scene set by the true perpetrators of little Madeleine McCann's fate, forced by the squeeze of a hand or a withering glance to repeat a rehearsed mantra.

Well .... remember Bonny and Clyde?

Partners in crime - it's an act.

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Post by Verdi 09.12.19 0:12

As we were walking up from the beach at about 5pm, I had a call from Cherie Blair, in her final days as wife of the prime minister (her husband Tony would announce his resignation two days later and leave office the following month). She was kind and helpful. She told me it was amazing but encouraging that Madeleine was still the first topic on the news every night. This was only five days after the abduction: as it turned out, our poor daughter would continue to headline the bulletins for some time to come. Cherie also warned me, ‘Whatever happens, your life will never be the same again.’

She mentioned that a friend of hers, Catherine Meyer, was the founder of PACT – Parents and Abducted Children Together – and said she would get in touch with her on my behalf.  

Doubtless I asked Cherie if there was anything the British government could offer the Portuguese in the way of resources to assist or expedite the search for Madeleine. It wasn’t my intention to make her feel uncomfortable by asking this, and I’m sure I didn’t. We were just so desperate I couldn’t let the opportunity go by.

madeleine by KATE MCCANN

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 10 Scree362

Baroness Catherine Meyer
- In brief

In October 1997, she married Christopher Meyer on the eve of his departure to Washington to become British Ambassador to the United States. During their five and a half years in America, she campaigned against international parental child abduction alongside a number of American parents in a similar situation with Germany.

In 1998, she co-founded with Ernie Allen Ernie_Allen the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (ICMEC),   In 2000 she created her own organisation PACT, renamed Action Against Abduction, affiliated to NCMEC and ICMEC.


I remain convinced that Gerry McCann's visit to the US of A in June 2007, was engineered by Baroness Catherine 'my husband stole my children' Meyer, in conjunction with the Blairs and Clarence Mitchell - master media manipulator extraordinaire.

Why is another matter altogether.

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Post by Verdi 09.01.20 1:12

Four years on, as we strive to piece together the puzzle of what happened to Madeleine, many questions remain unanswered and several people who may be able to help us have yet to be identified.

The following sightings are still of great interest to us. Explaining them is very important to our continuing investigation, if only to eliminate the individuals concerned from our inquiry. Artists’ impressions and sketches based on the descriptions given by witnesses can be found at the end of the Picture Section.


Witness One: Jane Tanner

Witness Two: Holidaymaker from Ireland

These two crucial sightings of a man carrying a child in the street, made around the time of Madeleine’s abduction on the night of 3 May 2007, have been discussed in detail in this book. The description of the man seen by Jane Tanner was eventually made public three weeks after Madeleine’s disappearance and an artist’s impression commissioned by our own investigative team was released in October 2007. Yet to this day no man has come forward to identify himself as the father, relative or family friend of the child in either case.

Although the police appear to have considered these sightings to be unrelated on the basis of the forty-five-minute gap between them, the similarities speak for themselves.

Artist’s impressions of the man seen by Jane Tanner are reproduced at the end of the Picture Section.

Witness One sighting Witness Two sighting

Date and time of sighting 3 May 2007; 9.15pm approximately 3 May 2007; 10pm approximately

Location Rua Dr Agostinho da Silva, Praia da Luz Rua da Escola Primária, Praia da Luz

Age of man 35–40 34–35

Height of man About 5ft 10ins/1.78m (recorded incorrectly in statement as 1.7m) 1.75–1.8m (5ft 9ins–5ft 10ins)

Hair Thick, dark, slightly longer at back of neck Short, brown

Clothing Beige or gold trousers wide and straight, chino style; dark jacket Cream or beige trousers; classic cut

Other Carrying child across arms at front of chest; child's head to the left of man's chest Carrying child over arms with child's head towards left shoulder

Walking hurriedly Did not carry child in a comfortable way

Not felt to be a tourist because of the clothing worn Not felt to be a tourist because of the clothing worn

Age of child Young child, not a baby; assumed to be female because of clothing Approximately four years; female; medium-blonde hair; pale skin, typically British

Clothing of child Pale pink and/or white pyjamas with floral pattern Light-coloured pyjamas

Other Barefoot

No blanket or covering Witness unsure (family members say child was barefoot)

No blanket or covering

[Book extracts for study and research only]

madeleine by KATE MCCANN

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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Post by Verdi 29.01.20 15:17

Everybody sprinted back to our apartment, except for Dianne, who remained in the Tapas area, and Jane, who was away from the table seeing to her kids. I remember feeling frustrated when David said, ‘Let’s just check the apartment.’ I’d done that, and I knew, I knew, that Madeleine had been abducted. I ran out into the car park, flying from end to end, yelling desperately, ‘Madeleine! Madeleine!’ It was so cold and so windy.

I kept picturing her in her short-sleeved Marks and Spencer Eeyore pyjamas and feeling how chilled she would be. Bizarrely, I found myself thinking it would have been better if she’d been wearing her long-sleeved Barbie ones. Fear was shearing through my body.

madeleine by KATE MCCANN

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 10 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by Jill Havern 29.01.20 16:33

Kate McCann wrote:Bizarrely, I found myself thinking it would have been better if she’d been wearing her long-sleeved Barbie ones.


"Bizarrely, I found myself thinking it would have been better if she hadn't died behind the sofa despite having a mortgage to pay for."


Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 10 Kate_g12

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 10 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by Verdi 31.01.20 12:06

If you strip Kate McCann's book of all the hyperbollox, there is very little left. A few little irrelevant snippets about how Gerry met Katie and their early life together as husband and wife - little else to get any idea of the true purpose of the book.

Undoubtedly a best-underseller, on a par with Barbara Cartland at her finest hour. In short - a boring romanticized unrealistic appraisal of the situation they found themselves in.

I imagine, buried amidst the superfluous adjectives seemingly designed to exaggerate her inner torment, there must be an element of truth somewhere about something - trying to find a needle in a haystack springs to mind.

Much like the contradictory deceptive witness statements given by the McCanns and their group of friends - unfathomable!

I don't believe for a moment Kate McCann wrote the book, I think it to have been written by a source close to the family, or a highly paid ghost funded by , well .... who knows?

A classic example of the wholly innocent explanation to cover all eventualities.

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 10 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by Verdi 07.02.20 1:24


Sunday 10 June 2007

It was pretty late by the time we arrived at the ambassador’s residence, where we would be spending the night
. In the morning, at a meeting with the consular staff, we heard from a British Metropolitan Police attaché, a counter-terrorism liaison and cooperation officer, that Morocco was a police state with excellent networks and intelligence-gathering systems. If Madeleine was here, she was sure to be found. It was something we’d be told several times during our visit.

madeleine by KATE MCCANN

Forgive me but this must be the first time in the history of diplomatic relations that the prime suspects in a very serious crime have been welcomed and accommodated at an ambassador's residence. As I was reminded only yesterday, how the McCanns were escorted from the Midlands airport back to their home in Rothley by British police after they fled Portugal in September 2007.

This case really stinks.

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 10 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by Jill Havern 07.02.20 7:48

Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 10 Theres12

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 10 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by Verdi 10.02.20 0:15

Well, here's a metaphor..

No Stone Unturned

Jane phoned DCS Bob Small. She told him she’d encountered Murat before her rendezvous with the PJ and mentioned that Russell and Rachael had said they’d noticed him outside our flat on the night Madeleine vanished, in case either piece of information was important.

Although at that stage it didn’t appear to our friends to be noteworthy for Murat to have been nearby when Madeleine was abducted – he lived just along the road, after all, and there was no reason why he shouldn’t have been there – the police took further statements from Fiona, Russell and Rachael.

It was perhaps telling that Jane had not been required to sign anything, since the absence of documentary evidence to the contrary allowed claims to be made later that she had identified Murat as the man she’d seen on 3 May. This was completely untrue. Jane would’ve loved to have been able to make a definite identification, because it might have helped the investigation, but the fact is she couldn’t. The set-up was so inadequate that she was unable even to recognize Murat as the man she had met half an hour earlier, let alone say with any certainty that he was the one she had seen ten days before.

madeleine by KATE MCCANN

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 10 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by Verdi 10.02.20 0:28

Isn't it debatable as to when exactly,  team McCann's early day private detectives commenced working on a private investigation, thus contravening Portuguese law in force at the time? Didn't Metodo3 claim to have a private winkwink with the PJ who turned a blind eye?


By October, with the battle to clear our names under way, we were able to concentrate properly on our top priority: finding Madeleine. Since the very beginning, various friends had proposed hiring private investigators.

So far, beyond following up the odd piece of information outside Portugal, we had not gone down this road. Apart from the legal complications and the potential for interference with the official investigation, we had been reassured that, after a shaky start, the police were doing everything that could be done. Although we had been devastated by the slow response in the first twenty-four hours, and by the initial lack of communication with the police, once the investigation had got going, with the involvement of the British authorities and the cooperation of the UK police, our confidence in it had grown.

The media attention also kept up the pressure on the authorities in both countries to do more.

Until the summer, we had believed that our best hope of Madeleine being found lay with the police. We needed to believe that. However, as the months rolled by, our faith in them had rapidly declined, hitting rock-bottom in August. Once we were declared arguidos, it became frighteningly clear to us that they were no longer looking for Madeleine.

What they were looking for now, it seemed, was a conviction. Feeling more desperate for Madeleine now than at any time since that first night, we had no option but to launch our own investigation. But if it wasn’t for all the help we have been given by Brian Kennedy, I’m not sure how, or even if, any search would have resumed. It doesn’t bear thinking about.

madeleine by KATE MCCANN

The audacity .... unbelievable!  Shes' got that right - it doesn't bear thinking about.

Not difficult to understand why good hearted folk what answers to this protracted case of lies, deceit and contradiction.

The case stinks.

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 10 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by crusader 10.02.20 8:49

It's true they were no longer looking for Madeleine, when the dog found cadaver odour in the apartment, they were looking for a corpse.
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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 10 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by Guest 10.02.20 10:07

Brian Kennedy... a real puzzle.

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 10 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by Verdi 10.02.20 12:17

I just don't know. It's like a writhing mass of earth worms, Murdoch stylised. As with any large organisation/enterprise, the string of connections seems never ending - be it by association past and present, old school tie, marriage, divorce, infidelity, money .... there is always another connection previously unknown or uncovered.

This is one such case for some bizarre reason, the McCanns don't appear to me to be anything special - unless they form part of a scandal of international proportions.

They, the McCanns (or this case), have attracted attention from across the the full spectrum of global bigwigs, every which way you turn there is another connection or coincidence Wink . I believe that to be the key .... what who why when and where.

On the surface, the case seems simple enough in itself - it's what lies beneath the surface that troubles.

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 10 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by crusader 10.02.20 14:16

From the early hours of 4th may 2007, it was as if the Mccann's and the tapas 7 swung into action as if they had done all the rehearsals and now it was time to play the part for real.

Yes, the statements they gave to the police were, to say the least, conflicting. But this could be part of the script.

Everything fell into place, a friend in England lived in the same street as Gordon Brown's brother.  Someone informed the papers, another informed the television news desk and so on.

The arrival of the British consulate who forbade G Amaral to remove any of Madeleine's clothes from the apartment (they had already been sent to the laundry anyway.)

The Madeleine fund set up within days of her disappearance.

Then enter the money men, and women, with their private planes, and their open check books.

Priests giving them the keys to the church.

Seems like everybody they knew, flying out to Portugal to offer support.

What was in it for the millionaires? Publicity, Tax relief because they were in a position to help? Shrewd people putting the trappings of wealth at the disposal of 2 doctors, were are they now, what do they know.

It seems to me, things fell into place at first, then started to fall apart. It's a jigsaw with some pieces in place and some just waiting to be placed in the right spot.
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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 10 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by Verdi 10.02.20 15:11

BlueBag wrote:Brian Kennedy... a real puzzle.

Brian Kennedy is given quite a bit of air space in the Netflix production which I thought a bit odd considering his past reluctance to be seen in the limelight as regards this case..

More surprisingly still, his son Patrick Kennedy also features.

Now tell me the McCanns didn't want anything to do with this production because it 'harmed the search' and/or interfered with the (?) police investigation.

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 10 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by Verdi 11.02.20 15:27

crusader wrote:The arrival of the British consulate who forbade G Amaral to remove any of Madeleine's clothes from the apartment

It was worse than that crusader - it was indeed the British Ambassador.  bignono ..

The Truth of the Lie by Gonçalo Amaral:  Chapter 3


Someone puts forward the hypothesis according to which Madeleine would have died in her apartment, and that a member of the group would have removed her. It's a possibility, but nothing so far, no evidence, happens to support that theory.

The McCanns are put up with David Payne. We want to search the accommodation of the family friends to try to pick up Madeleine's clothes, especially those she was wearing on May 3rd at 5.35pm when she returned from the day centre with her mother and the twins. Evidently, this initiative is not widely supported. The British ambassador meets with the team directing the investigation. The political and the diplomatic seem to want to prevent us from freely doing our work.

- I'm sure this check is necessary.

- The clothes? Are you mad? if I understand you properly, you want to go into the apartment to take clothes to have them analysed?

- Yes. What's the problem? It's a perfectly normal procedure in cases like this.

- Of course, but with this media hype...I don't think I have ever in my life seen so many journalists....And I didn't come down in the last shower.

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