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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Mm11

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Bernt Stellander interview

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by deepeepee Yesterday at 8:50

AnneCGuedes wrote:
deepeepee wrote:
I'll ask once more. Maybe you could just address my point about this all offical involvement at incredibly high levels within hours and before any "rumour started".
Could you tell which day and time you're referring to ? (Rumour started in the early morning of May 4)
Well, M allegedly 'discovered' missing 3 May before 10pm. Less than three hours later, the Ambassador's office in Lisbon is contacted and there is a report in The Daily Telegraph just after midnight.

The very next day sees  a huge influx of specialist people arriving from the UK on purpose because of this case.
Numerous UK Police, UK embassy staff, forensic psychologists from CEOP among others and it seems many we do not know about - Security Services staff etc.
(No, Bernt, they did not happen to be there already  Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 1f600 )

Children go missing all the time all over the place. Most are found pretty quickly but it takes quite some time to get in to a National newspaper before there had even been any real searching around.

Rumours take at least a bit of time to spread.

None of this is in any way normal for a missing child case in a foreign country. Even if the parents say she must have been taken and were on the phone spreading rumours before even going to look for her.

This is aleady a big organised operation by midnight on the 3/4 May. No dodgy stories/rumours required.

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Honesty Yesterday at 8:53

Bluebagthepirate wrote:Honesty,

Why would Gerry be so stupid as to wander around near bars and restaurants when he could bump into people he knew just like he did 45 minutes earlier with Jez?

Smithman has been shown to be ridiculous over and over.

It's irrelevant.
Hello Bluebag

With respect, I don't think he was just wandering around. I respect your viewpoint.

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by BerntS Yesterday at 9:25

Not at all. The turdy behaviour of those I OPPOSE with a different theory.
Just watch the hate  campaign initiated by a certain authority. She's tried and recruited anyone that breaths and who promotes smithgerryman. I'd say it's evil. And that's fine. My point was that as soon as I said smithman is irrelevant, the haters started that campaign. It was not just a man with a different theory! 

It means so much to them that as soon as they realize it might not have been Gerry, then they try desparately to fit smithman into the story anyways, conveniently forgetting Smith's first statement. That's leaving even the lowest grade of occams razor and common sense. 
It's almost like the more complicated they can make THE ACCIDENTAL FALL, the stronger they stand by their theory. 
It's fascinating. 

The turds are of course the haters as seen from my side. Not people who argue with arguments, but those who take it to the next level, where evil schemes are implemented. If you knew the plans they've discussed, you'd be shocked. But I'll leave it at this, as I really don't care. I'm just a student of human behavior. That doesn't make me perfect, far from it. But I'm a man who argue really well for an earlier death and an irrelevant smithman, and the hardest critics haven't read the book. That includes some subtle critiques on this page. They claim to have read it, yet continue to prove they haven't, through their words here.

Smithgerryman is not a theory, it's a cult. 
They simply can't let him go, and that's why they've been in the twilight zone, unable to catch the correct timeline. The most interesting are those who agrees to an earlier death, yet still desparateky try and fit smithgerryman into the story. Now that's beyond fascinating. That's actually something you can't even take serious. 

I think myself using the analogy of turds coming to surface, is not even worth mentioning, compared to what they write to eachother about someone they've never met or even read the Brick. All I can say is that the follow up book will include things that will shock you. 

These people prefer the mystery and their theories living on, rather than someone cracking it and revealing the truth. 

Bring it on haters 😎 let it float so all can see you 💩

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by BerntS Yesterday at 9:37

I answered it already. Yes, JE can ask me anything 

The impossible find is fair to call the remains, in general and as per definition. 
That means I can also use those words. 
I even agree as a definition. 
But, those who read part two in my book, and every mathematician on earth would struggle with the probability of her not being there, given the context of what happened on the hill. That's what I've said, and that's why I call it "the impossible find". It deserves that term, not to make a find in my area more sensational, but simply because it's 17 years and in an area "cleared/checked" back then.

I've also said it doesn't matter where remains are, compared to the real timeline. Because as soon as police do police work, the house of cards will fall and Kate will show us, so there can be a proper burial back home.

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by crusader Yesterday at 9:40

Follow up book!!!
I'm still waiting for the first book to be fully explained in the coming podcast.
Will the photo's and video's of the McCann's on Rocha Negra be revealed in the podcast Bernt?
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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Justice for Maddie Yesterday at 9:48

crusader wrote:Follow up book!!!
I'm still waiting for the first book to be fully explained in the coming podcast.
Will the photo's and video's of the McCann's on Rocha Negra be revealed in the podcast Bernt?

Good question. That's all we are waiting for.
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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by BerntS Yesterday at 9:52

I don't think the book needs to be explained, it needs to be read. 
I don't know how many times I've answered about the videos. 
They only have value if there's a find, as seen with the eyes of the critical, and that's a true and fair assessment. 
I have also said that they might be presented in a documentary series. It's not decided yet. 
But I can assure you that you won't be disappointed about the JE2.

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by crusader Yesterday at 10:02

I've read the book, bought because of the new, information about the McCann's being photographed and video of them and Golden Nuggets.
I was impressed by the camping out on Rocha Negra and thought, after all these years, progress and proof was being presented.
Let's be honest, if you had the information you say you have, the police would be taking notice.
Actually, why are the police not interested?
It was you who said you would be showing the photo's and video's, it's not unreasonable for members of the forum to want to see them is it?
I will wait for the new podcast, I have no choice.
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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by BerntS Yesterday at 10:15

I know you read the book. 
But in the book it's clearly explained why the police stopped any actions with me. The Portimao branch did take first step likely without consent from the Porto missing persons branch of PJ, this over riding any political blockages which then came into play when new requests were made by myself to the Purtimao office. The person with the keys started ignoring me for whatever reason. 
I lost trust after having offered to drive up and show her everything. 
The PJ are being politically blocked from doing anything. Why is that so hard to understand, having read that three times at least, I presume..... And I'm sure you're aware of the call Amaral received back in the days where he was told it's fine if this case was shelved as unsolved. 

It would be a bigger sensation if I made all that up... You can believe what you want. 

You should contact the PJ and ask them. The Portimao branch received 4 books, and the PJ Director Luis Neves received one personally from the publisher in Lisbon. Your "Let's be honest" sentence is not only rude, it makes you look naive... (the mildest word I could find 😁

There is a legal situation outing the Nuggets, I'm sure that must have crossed your mind, or maybe not. But now you know. 

Can you please show me in the book where I write that buying this book, you are also buying access to videos of the mccs and the Nuggets?

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by pinkgladioli Yesterday at 10:17

Read post 584 on this thread!

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by pinkgladioli Yesterday at 10:27

Given the Intergovernmental sensitivities surrounding Kate and Gerry’s case

This is what Clarence Mitchell stated at the press conference I presume he called when he resigned from his government post

Intergovernmental suggest to me more than one government involved 
Uk government 
Portuguese government 
and could include other’s!

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by 1Reason Yesterday at 10:34

BerntS wrote:1Reason.
As I've said I think first action by the Home Office was to check the background of the group. I think they found something alarming, which then was sent to Blair.... He pushed a button, and things were set in motion. GB took it another level. 

I've seen a list of people there, but I think Luz is a popular place for all kinds of Brits. I think if you took any day of the year and made a list, it would seem interesting, just due to positions and former positions visitors may have or have had.
MI5/6 were active IN Alvor at the time and no surprise they rushed in as well, from half hour drive away. 

My task if you like, was limited to the where they buried her, and the time she died. Imagine the brick's size if I went into all details about everything 😅
I wasn't out to impress all researchers on everything. The where turned into a book of when, because of what happened on the hill.

I think two names explains the mystery you address, and it's Blair and Brown. Those names are enough to put it together, without going deeper into that shit hole.....
Hi Bernt, 
You have basically nailed it for me in your book.If you went deeper, and got too close to the truth as to why the cover up and so many mi5 etc involved, I think truthfully you would be buried somewhere on a hill in portugal.
The patsys will crumble with your book, to protect .....whoever...whatever....

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Jill Havern Yesterday at 10:36

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Honesty Yesterday at 10:38

BerntS wrote:Honesty. 
I answered it already. Yes, JE can ask me anything 

The impossible find is fair to call the remains, in general and as per definition. 
That means I can also use those words. 
I even agree as a definition. 
But, those who read part two in my book, and every mathematician on earth would struggle with the probability of her not being there, given the context of what happened on the hill. That's what I've said, and that's why I call it "the impossible find". It deserves that term, not to make a find in my area more sensational, but simply because it's 17 years and in an area "cleared/checked" back then.

I've also said it doesn't matter where remains are, compared to the real timeline. Because as soon as police do police work, the house of cards will fall and Kate will show us, so there can be a proper burial back home.
Thank you, Bernt. I look forward to JE2.

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by crusader Yesterday at 10:43

Bernt wrote

Can you please show me in the book where I write that buying this book, you are also buying access to videos of the mccs and the Nuggets?

You know very well that is not in the book, you yourself said at the book launch in Portugal that video and drone footage would be available on your website.
This has never materialised and now you are saying they will only be shown "if there's a find".
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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by BerntS Yesterday at 10:45

Right 😅

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Bluebagthepirate Yesterday at 10:52

Honesty wrote:
Bluebagthepirate wrote:Honesty,

Why would Gerry be so stupid as to wander around near bars and restaurants when he could bump into people he knew just like he did 45 minutes earlier with Jez?

Smithman has been shown to be ridiculous over and over.

It's irrelevant.
Hello Bluebag

With respect, I don't think he was just wandering around. I respect your viewpoint.
He was wandering around past apartment complexes, cctvs, restaurants and bars according to the Gerry is Smithman believers.


It makes no sense and I can not respect such a crazy idea.
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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by BerntS Yesterday at 10:54

That's incorrect. 
1) videos and drone videos and powerpoints etc will be released yes. That does not say Nugget or mcc videos. 
2)  I did not say that would be released "if there was a find". I wrote that it only has relevance if there's a find, I also wrote that it would possibly be released as a documentary. Did you really miss both of those. I thought that was clear.

I'm glad I don't have to debate you, when you pick things out from nowhere, even when someone has shown you the map and pushed your finger down at the exact spot, while you are shouting "where, where where...."

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by GreenTara Yesterday at 11:06

crusader wrote:I've read the book, bought because of the new, information about the McCann's being photographed and video of them and Golden Nuggets.
I was impressed by the camping out on Rocha Negra and thought, after all these years, progress and proof was being presented.
Let's be honest, if you had the information you say you have, the police would be taking notice.
Actually, why are the police not interested?
It was you who said you would be showing the photo's and video's, it's not unreasonable for members of the forum to want to see them is it?
I will wait for the new podcast, I have no choice.
This is not about finding evidence and letting the police know. It’s naive to believe the PJ will then take it from there. We know beyond any doubt there is a major cover up. We know beyond any doubt that the PJs hands are tied against their wishes by the British. Cracking this case and getting justice for Madeleine is not about presenting evidence, it’s about finding ways to force the hands of those who’s hands are currently tied. The footage was obtained for the purposes of forcing such hands. The general public wishing to see this footage helps with leverage in forcing the hands of those who’s hands need forcing of course, but the purpose of that footage is not to entertain or to satisfy curiosities. Personally I find pressure being applied to view this footage with little regard for the power it holds to obtain justice for Madeleine a bit distasteful. I have heard it described as ‘click bait’ by someone that really should know better. Someone that fully understands the scale of the cover up. Someone who fully understands that it’s the cover up that needs to be cracked.

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by crusader Yesterday at 11:41

I certainly hope it does have the power to obtain justice for Madeleine, well that's not my thinking, I just want to know what happened to her, for that we will have to wait and see won't we.
I stand ready to apologise to Bernt if I've got him wrong.
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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by crusader Yesterday at 11:54

Calling me rude and naive is an insult, there is no more I wish to say to you.
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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by BerntS Yesterday at 12:18

That sentence was rude. And it's OK. 
I know you don't want to be fooled by a grifter, but you claim to have read the book, so you should know I'm not.

You don't have to be a believer. That's fine.

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Jill Havern Yesterday at 12:20

Bernt, I have a question... 

I understand your next JE podcast will contain new  Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 1f525  gamechanging information that you received since the release of your book...

Could your investigation still have progressed the way you envisaged if you hadn't received this new info?

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by BerntS Yesterday at 12:39


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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Jill Havern Yesterday at 12:51

If you didn't have this new  Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 1f525 information, would there still have been a follow-up JE podcast at this point?

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Post by BerntS Yesterday at 12:54


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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Jill Havern Yesterday at 12:57

big grin  Is that shorthand for 'mind your own business'?

I do like the sound of those remaining buttons yet to be pressed.

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by pinkgladioli Yesterday at 12:58

I was going suggest 
Does Bernt mean 
Silence is golden wink

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by BerntS Yesterday at 12:59


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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 25 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Farcical Yesterday at 13:12

crusader wrote:Bern't,
Calling me rude and naive is an insult, there is no more I wish to say to you.

I didn't personally see anything remotely rude from yourself. Merely having an opinion is not rude.

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