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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 10.10.23 18:54

at least it gives a nice summoning of where this case was before the summer holidays.

i did find the podcast they talk about in this artikel, it is a german podcast and in german, i have listen to it with the subtitles set to automatic translations by you tube in english, the translation is not that great. and the first part is mostly about the julia intermezzo from earlier this year, i just was able to forget most of that time wasting exercise, but from minute 27 on, it is about the german suspect cb.

it is at least for me the first time i hear johann schwenn one of 4 or 5 lawyers who work on behalve of cb in this case. it is one of the quality lawyers in germany.

he is not live in the podcast, but his sayings are taken on tape from a phone conversation of one of the podcast makers.

the podcast speakers handle also a bit about the contact that hcw, herr staatsanwalt has with the clairvoyant michael schneider, they tell they even have seen an email between der hans and michael the clairvoyant.

johann schwenn start his conversation that he finds it quite curious that der hans rather likes to speak to clairvoyants about the case, than the defense. 

this sentence, for who did miss out on it at the time, the hitler diaries were very fake ones, but bought and sold between german and uk newspapers.
more about it and what it stands for;

ff the other most prominent lawyer of cb, is also not live but taken from an earlier phone call. 

this the link to the podcast itself, in german, when you click on the subtitle icon, and after that on the wheel icon right next to it, you can reset the subtitles to auto translation in the language you choose. 
no high quality but you get a impression about what they talk about. 

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the text of the podcast is behind a paywall, and it to much to translate in a few minutes.
cb his part starts just after minute 27.
there is not really something new to hear, or read if you try the english subtitles, only the direct contact between der hcw and michael the clairvoyant. 

hcw had let them know, he also speaks with 100 others. at least some we already know of, so it must be very busy on his coach. to get it into all these exclusive stories, these guys and dolls must have a good condition by now. 

the auto translation does translates the names too, so helge bier is helge b. and mr. filter is ff. 

they say very little about helge bier, the mann with the ski mask, what he was known from before his payed interview with bild, still he never uses such devices when he spoke long before we ever heard the name of cb to a greek newspaper. only at that interview pretty shortly after he told grange, he said of course he told what he new to the police, the portuguese ones. many years later that grew into the maddie help line of scotland yard. what did result is a nasty press for scotland yard in bild at that time, earlier this year, only i think scotland yard is still busy with looking for such an intervention, they never have had in 2007 and 2008. 

and scotland yard was only supporting the leicester police, who had the gold command over the madeleine mccann case, and who did not have such a thing as a maddie helpline at that time in 2007 and 2008. 

so you see, mister helge has good reasons not to be in court and answer to the questions of the defense team. telling porkies in the media is still a different thing , than telling then in a court of law. 
i like the comments of hcw very much, about the witness in a german court case have no choice in not to show, he must. well maybe that is a bit of an fairy tale, when the guy is not even in germany, or take some days in prison if he keeps his mouth shut in court, or nothing when he says i lied to der hans your honer. sorry. 

it is not that uncommon to see in a case, the witnesses have left the building well before the case starts. or as the saying goes, you can bring the horse to the water, but you cannot make it drink it. you can bring the witness in the court, but you can not make them speak. but who knows, maybe the clairvoyant can be of help there.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 11.10.23 1:01

Talking of happening on something of possible interest, or not as the case may be, this I find perhaps more interesting for the subtitled footage of Helge Busching flapping his gills rather than the body language per se..

"I Know Madeleine McCanns KILLER" Credible or CON?

Forgive me if this has already been uploaded, I recall posting The Behaviour Panel in the past, I'm sure I would remember over one and a half hours of sameness - I might have watched in bite size bits but Busching would have left a mark in my memory.

Not that it matters much whether it's been seen before, it's there for anyone interested.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 11.10.23 9:46

There is a bit of Confusion on the Internet generally about the Attack described by Helge B with the grey painted Swimming goggles.

This is a separate Attack and not the American victim at all.

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However, the Braunschweig judges firmly assume that the raped American woman is not the older woman in the video. The course of the crime is very similar, and the woman also spoke English. But she was not petite, but rather corpulent and wore the swimming goggles that the American had not reported. After the perpetrator beat and raped the woman with a whip in the video, he took off his mask. According to the witness (Helge B) Christian B. took a pillow at the end of the video and pressed it on his victim's face, came to light.
At this moment, the sequence was cancelled.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by crusader 11.10.23 10:33

Helge B the convicted ne'er do well and friend of Brueckner say's he's seen a video of Brueckner raping women.
No video exists to prove this.
He say's he threw a gun found in Brueckner's house, in the reservoir, again no proof of this.
He say's Brueckner told him "she didn't scream", there no proof of this conversation ever taking place.
He say's he contacted police with information about Madeleine but was never contacted so he did nothing.
I'd be interested to know what his testimony in Brueckner's rape case of the American lady was that helped to convict him

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by PeterMac 11.10.23 11:00

You can defeat a Paywall with  before the full link

"In 2019, Christian B. was convicted of raping a 72-year-old woman in Portugal. The verdict contains clear indications that he may have raped women not just once, but several times, following a brutal pattern.

The verdict of the Regional Court of Braunschweig against Christian B. on 16 December 2019 is a disturbing document. In it, the man, who is now considered a new suspect in the Madeleine McCann missing persons case, was found guilty by the Braunschweig judges of raping a 72-year-old American woman in 2005 and sentenced to seven years in prison. The Regional Court also included in this sentence a judgement of the Niebüll Local Court, which had already sentenced Christian B. in 2011 to one year and nine months' imprisonment on probation for trafficking more than ten kilograms of marijuana on the island of Sylt.

Actually, the penalty for drug trafficking on a large scale is up to 15 years. However, the Schleswig-Holstein court of lay assessors was lenient towards Christian B.. It was to be expected that the defendant "would let the sentence serve as a warning and would not commit any more offences in the future, even without the influence of the penal system", the judgement stated. At the same time, there had already been no lack of court-proof warnings to Christian B. at that time. At the time of the conviction in Niebüll, the native Franconian had already been convicted of child abuse, resistance against law enforcement officers, forgery, driving without a licence and twice for theft. The district court nevertheless gave Christian B. a "favourable social prognosis", among other things because "approaches for a further professional consolidation of the accused" were recognisable.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 11.10.23 16:33

crusader wrote:Helge B the convicted ne'er do well and friend of Brueckner say's he's seen a video of Brueckner raping women.
No video exists to prove this.
He say's he threw a gun found in Brueckner's house, in the reservoir, again no proof of this.
He say's Brueckner told him "she didn't scream", there no proof of this conversation ever taking place.
He say's he contacted police with information about Madeleine but was never contacted so he did nothing.
I'd be interested to know what his testimony in Brueckner's rape case of the American lady was that helped to convict him

The man is an inveterate liar aided and abetted by the press and media, why anyone gives him air or mug space I'm at a loss to understand.


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 11.10.23 21:54

helge b. did not sold a exclusive to bild at all, only just another version of his stories. 

so on 18 july 2017 the british police sought contact to the greek police, because helge b had contacted grange in may 2017 and grange had the idea the guy told a believable and even credible story, so, halfway august 2017 helge b, was already interviewed by to vima a greek paper, even with full photo's of him, after it was published in the sunday edition of to vima, keep talking greece an british expat online paper put that story ip too. 

but between the bild exclusive, helge b. used a ski mask when talking to the media. 

his exclusive for bild resulted in articles in bild about how scortland yard could have bungled the helge b statements much earlier, they meant in 2007/2008, when helge b. made his call to scotland yard to their specific maddie help line, they never had at that time. 
but much earlier in 2017 helge b. told to to vima he indeed tried to make contact with the local =portuguese police in 2007/2008. 

it does get any better than that, if it was before the cb confessions by the helge b. standards or after helge b. heard about madeleine mccann being missing and helge b. his knowledge from the mysterious misplaced cb tapes. 

helge b. already had together with manfred s. sold the story of the grey painted swimming goggles to a event one of these 2 had seen on the viewer on the video camera helge nicked or on tv. 

nobody ever have seen a video made from the 2005 rape case, not helge b, not manfred s. not in court, nobody have seen that one. 

from both stories of helge b. and manfred s. is a composition in circulation, because hb told about an old woman of much heavier build than the lady in the 2005 rape case and manfred s. told about a lady he seen on a video with helge within his dating range, of around middle aged, that event did not made it into the 5 infamous cases, on the third story both agree it was a young woman, but the age impression of both are a bit different. the hb one is between 12 and 14, ms his version is 15-16 years of age. at least both their description is about a wasted carpet. so that are 3 different cases compounded from the lists of hb and ms. the 2004 and 2005 cases are other cases beside that. so it is not so very difficult at all, and i do see very little confusion on this forum. at the start a bit, but that is long ago.

helge b. has the grey painted swimming googles also integrated in his how we robbed cb his former dwellings near praia da luz, when cb was in jail in portugal. and he had masses of time, being kept in a greek jail can not be such adventurous of course. 

i do want to know how you can end up in 2015 with a conviction to 7 years and being a free man living in greece, to being able to call grange in may 2017. and the guy not only got 7 years, but also became a unwanted visitor within the borders of greece, and did never leave at that time. but who knows, i got the convo netflix is into serialization maybe they had to keep some reserves in the adventures of helge b. the convict. 

and misunderstandings are very common in the case of madeleine mccann, so they would be expected to be present in the side shows of it. like 5a, that can be a villa, a house, or a appartement, it can be placed in gated community style holiday arrangements or just next to a public road. gerry can be a heart surgeon, or just a cardiologist. the twins can be a boy and a girl, or two boys or two girls. reporters are arriving on multiple times, just like curtains are blowing or not, routes covered by a front door or a patio door at the back. 

so you get used to handle all information with the very common misunderstandings.  reddit is the best source to see how common they are. 
silentscope, if you do want to read on about cb in german, you are reading the wrong topic over there, cb has for his supposed connections to other cases one of his own since february already. 29 pages. only you end up reading the stuff as if some ping pong ball is going around between your ears.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 11.10.23 22:55

Is that Comet Ping Pong ball still bouncing around in NL perhaps?
Never mind…

This might answer your Question as to how Helge B got out of Jail.

Manfred S seems to share Fülschers opinion that he bought his early release with his Information on Brückner.

Keep talking Greece

August 28, 2017

Scotland Yard is looking for the secret of British toddler Madeleine McCann in Athens after a witness contacted the team Grange. A Greek newspaper revealed that a German citizen living in Athens contacted  “Team Grange” claiming he had information about the case as he was in nearby area when 3-year-old Madeleine disappeared from a hotel in Algarve Portugal  in 2007.

According to Sunday newspaper To Vima, the 46-year-old German citizen has already spoken with detectives of Scotland Yard’s “Grange”, a team established in 2011 and assigned with the Madeleine’s case.

The meeting between the British detectives and the German took place in Athens a couple of days  ago, the man reportedly gave critical information about the girl’s fate. He has been described as “important and trustworthy witness.”

Citing a memo prepared by the Greek Police on 18 July 2017, To Vima reports that the German national had contacted the Grange team last May the aim to help investigation. The Police memo was based on a briefing the Greek police representative in London had received by the Metropolitan Police of UK.

The 46-year-old had reportedly given to Metropolitan Policed “voluntarily and without any financial or other consideration, information about the case that has been cross-checked” and “he is considered a reliable source.”

Citing several police sources and documents, To Vima writes that the German national who has permanent residence in France was arrested in Igoumenista, North-West Greece, in 2011 for the transport of illegal migrants from Africa. A case was filed but he was set free. He was arrested again in Thessaloniki in 2015, when he returned to Greece for holidays. He was sentenced to seven years and five months imprisonment. He denied charges claiming he had helped the three hiking foreigners. He served his sentence in the prison of Chania, Crete, and from there he contacted the team Grange.

HE was released form prison a few weeks ago and he allegedly used a cell phone registered to a woman, national of a Balkan country, and resident of Agios Panteleimonas district of Athens.

The man had been banned from living the country pending 2nd degree trial scheduled for next month.

To Vima has reportedly contacted the man in the region of Fthiotida, Central Greece. He admitted to have talked with Scotland Yard detectives who had come to Athens in  order to talk with him.

“I give important information for the case. On the day Madeleine disappeared I was also in the particular province in Portugal, in a neighboring area,” the German national told the newspaper. He claimed that he had contacted the local police back then but there was no further investigation.

“Now there is keen interest from Scotland Yard for the information I have, however I am not allowed to say anything to anyone else.” the man said adding that his cooperation with British police will continue in the coming days.

To Vima-reporter’s question about Madeleine’s fate and if he thinks she was still alive, the man replied, ten years have passed since then are a lot..”

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 11.10.23 23:25

no, that does not give me an aswer, and nice to show me an article i put already by links up on the forum long time ago myself, shall i give you the links to the original to vima article too, and the others i have, they are only in greek. you know i already have read them multiple times, and they do not give me the answers i seek. 

and keep talking greece makes it very easy, scroll to the bottom part of their text and you find a direct link to the original with much more information, in greek of course, but deeple can help.  there are even pictures to find of the original memo of the greek police. 

and it looks like it the name of helge is very difficult for the southern languages, because more about the guy is to find when you use elge or helgelar. you will end up with finding the links, already in this topic for a long time to news articles about his italian adventures in crime. der helge was already quite infamous before he decided to talk to operation grange in may 2017. 

and it does sound quite nice to tell the uk public helge b. was working in recycling, but also known as the garbage man. the guy is just not made of hero material. 

the comet ping pong ball was that not the name of that restaurant in the usa in the pizzagate hoax some years ago?
my head has enough with the ordinary ones.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 12.10.23 10:00

I am sure that Fülscher has already translated the Greek papers for himself. He grew up in Thessaloniki, and can speak Greek.

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Busching left Prison on the 12 April 17 and was put on Probation until 2021. In order to ease overcrowding in the Jail system, it was not unusual to be released early back then.


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 12.10.23 13:53

Silentscope wrote:I am sure that Fülscher has already translated the Greek papers for himself. He grew up in Thessaloniki, and can speak Greek.

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Busching left Prison on the 12 April 17 and was put on Probation until 2021. In order to ease overcrowding in the Jail system, it was not unusual to be released early back then.

Can I ask again that you refrain from posting inaccessible links and links to text in a foreign language - that's to say a language other than English.

No problem if you post a translation of documentation.

Thank you.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 17.10.23 12:05

EXCLUSIVE: Trial date for Madeleine McCann suspect is finally set: Christian Brueckner, 46, faces lengthy jail term for ‘violent sexual attacks on women and children’

Jon Clarke (Publisher & Editor) -
16 Oct, 2023 @ 18:51

MADELEINE McCann suspect Christian Brueckner will finally face a number of his alleged victims in court in February.

The Olive Press can reveal a long-awaited trial has been set for the German sex offender at Braunschweig High Court.

He has been charged with five crimes, including three alleged rapes and two sex attacks on children.

The trial – scheduled to run for over a month – could see Brueckner, 46, practically locked up for life due to the severity of some of the alleged attacks.

The Madeleine trial will follow ‘soon afterwards’, police sources in Germany told the Olive Press.

“It’s good news (finally) and we are working on the exact dates now,” a senior detective at the BKA, in Wiesbaden, revealed.

The German sex offender – who was made an official suspect (arguido) over the abduction of toddler Madeleine McCann in Portugal in 2007 – failed to have the court moved to a different jurisdiction last month.

He is currently in prison for seven years for the sadistic rape of an American pensioner in Portugal, in 2005.

Brueckner has been charged with the rape of a young Irish woman on the Algarve in June 2004.

Hazel Behan, then 20, was raped at knifepoint by a blond-haired German, with ‘piercing blue eyes’, who climbed into her apartment and filmed the vicious four-hour attack.

At least two witnesses saw a man resembling Brueckner arrive and leave the first floor apartment in Portimao, at dawn.

One, a hotel worker, claims he saw the German expat and was able to identify him as he had taken off his mask to flee.

“He came forward recently with his evidence,” a German source told the Olive Press. “His testimony is very credible.”

Mother-of-three Behan, 40, told the Olive Press today: “I am delighted our day in court is edging nearer.

“My lawyer in Germany messaged me at the crack of dawn this morning saying the court is starting the case in February. We are just negotiating with the exact dates now between us and Brueckner’s lawyer.

“I have since spoken to the police and we are discussing the logistics of flying out, transfers and where to stay, etc”

She added: “I’m obviously nervous about seeing him again and being cross-examined by his lawyer, but I will just tell the truth and stick to it.”

Brueckner will also be facing two other rapes that he also filmed at the home he rented for seven years, just outside Praia da Luz, where Madeleine went missing.

They include the sexual assault on an, as yet, unknown teenager and an older woman in her sixties.

The videos were found by two of his former acquaintances, Manfred Seyferth and Helge Busching, on a camera they had taken from his home.

He is also facing two other sex offences against children, including the assault of a young German girl on a beach, near Praia da Luz, just a month before Maddie went missing.

The broad daylight attack was witnessed by the girl’s brother and both her parents had a very good look at the assailant who they have identified as Brueckner.

Brueckner is also facing a sexual assault charge for exposing himself to four young children in a playground in Sao Bartolome de Messines, on the Algarve, in 2017.

He was arrested at the time by an off-duty female police officer, who discovered he was wanted via Interpol, in Germany for other crimes.

He has a long list of previous convictions that numbers nearly 20.

As we went to press, we failed to get any official quote from the German judiciary.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 17.10.23 12:09

Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner 'could face trial over separate sex offences as soon as February with Maddie trial following closely after', report claims

Brueckner faces charges over the rape of Hazel Behan in the Algarve in 2004
German authorities have indicated the McCann trial will follow the case

By Rob Hyde In Bremen

Published: 09:38, 17 October 2023 | Updated: 09:44, 17 October 2023

The prime suspect in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann could face trial for a series of heinous crimes as soon as February next year.

According to the Spain-based Olive Press newspaper, convicted paedophile Christian Brueckner, 46, is likely to appear next February at Braunschweig High Court for his involvement in multiple crimes.

The trial, expected to span over a month, could spell a lifetime behind bars for the 46-year-old German sex offender due to the severity of the charges against him.

German police also believe Brueckner separately abducted Madeleine from her family's family apartment in Portugal in 2007, then killed her.

Although the German prosecutors have still not yet formally charged him with this, they have charged him with a range of other sickening crimes including three shocking rapes and two sex attacks on children.

Authorities in Germany have indicated that the long-awaited Madeleine McCann trial will follow closely on the heels of the upcoming case, according to police sources via The Olive Press.

Christian Brueckner's bid to move the court to a different jurisdiction was denied recently, cementing his fate in Braunschweig.

Brueckner is currently serving a seven-year prison term in a high-security prison locally dubbed 'Alcatraz of the North' in Oldenburg, near the historic northern city of Bremen.

He was handed the sentence for the brutal rape of an American pensioner in Portugal in 2005, but he now faces charges for the rape of a young Irish woman, Hazel Behan, in the Algarve in June 2004.

Behan, who was just 20 years old at the time, endured a harrowing ordeal when a blond-haired German intruder with blue eyes broke into her apartment.

The vicious assailant raped her at knifepoint and filmed the vicious four-hour attack.

Two witnesses reported seeing a man resembling Brueckner enter and exit the apartment in Portimao at dawn, with one hotel worker claiming he saw the German expat without his mask.

In addition to Hazel's case, Brueckner will also be tried for two other rapes he filmed at his former residence outside Praia da Luz, the same area where Madeleine McCann disappeared.

These cases involve the brutal sexual assault of an unidentified teenager and an older woman in her sixties.

The incriminating videos were discovered by two petty criminal acquaintances, Manfred Seyferth and Helge Busching, who had taken a camera from Brueckner's home.

Further, Brueckner faces two additional charges related to shocking child sex offences, including the assault of a young German girl on a beach near Praia da Luz, just a month before Madeleine's disappearance.

The assailant was witnessed by the girl's brother, and her parents have identified him as Brueckner.

Additionally, Brueckner is accused of a sexual assault charge for exposing himself to four young children in a playground in Sao Bartolome de Messines, on the Algarve, in 2017.

At that time, he was arrested by an off-duty female police officer who discovered his Interpol warrant for other crimes in Germany, and it was this incident which saw him deported.

With nearly 20 previous convictions to his name, Brueckner faces a reckoning like no other.

Speaking to Germany's Bild newspaper, Friedrich Fülscher, Brueckner's lawyer, however, said he does not think the case will be heard next February:

'Due to other, priority proceedings in court and the defence, I do not expect the trial to begin before March.

'Proceedings in which pre-trial detention is carried out must be processed before proceedings in which the detention takes place on a basis other than a pretrial detention order.'

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 17.10.23 12:16

The Olive Press wrote:He was arrested at the time by an off-duty female police officer, who discovered he was wanted via Interpol, in Germany for other crimes.

I believe this story was also an Olive Press EXCLUSIVE way back in September 2021..

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 17.10.23 12:18

Olive Press:
As we went to press, we failed to get any official quote from the German judiciary.

Bild has at least asked Herr Fülscher for comment :

17.10.2023 - 10:45 Uhr

Braunschweig - According to the Spanish newspaper The Olive Press, the trial against the Maddie suspect is to begin in February before the Braunschweig Regional Court.

Brückner's defender Dr. Friedrich Fülscher (39) confirmed to BILD that the court had requested appointments at the Defence.

Fülscher: "However, due to other, priority proceedings in court and Defence, I do not assume that the trial will begin before March. Procedures in which pre-trial detention is carried out must be dealt with before such procedures in which the detention takes place on a basis other than a detention order."

Silentscope: This ‘Legalise’ means they prioritise Cases where accused Persons in Jail before those held in Police custody.

Source: Bild.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 17.10.23 12:29

Cop who guarded Madeleine McCann flat caught prime suspect 10 years later

In a remarkable coincidence, Vanessa Vieira picked up Christian Brueckner for flashing at a playground in 2017, before he was linked to missing Maddie

ByPatrick HillSenior News Reporter

22:22, 4 SEP 2021

A police officer who guarded the holiday flat from where Madeleine McCann went missing caught the prime suspect 10 years later.

In a remarkable coincidence, Vanessa Vieira picked up Christian Brueckner for flashing at a playground in 2017, before he was linked to missing Maddie.

Her story is revealed in a new book on the case, as authorities build a case against convicted paedophile Brueckner – last year named as the main suspect.

The officer said she still feels the McCanns’ grief after days on duty at the Ocean Club in Praia da Luz, Portugal, from where Maddie vanished in 2007 days before turning four, the Mirror reports.

And she criticised the probe by her Portuguese colleagues, which focused on parents Kate and Gerry

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11th/12th May 2007 - Madeleine's Birthday

Vanessa said she encountered Brueckner while off duty at a food festival with her daughter in Messines, 40 miles from Praia.

She said: “Two kids came running over and said there was a man with his trousers down.

“The dads rushed straight over. He got up and started doing his flies up.

“They were really angry and grabbed him and started pushing him around. It took all my powers of persuasion and strength to hold them off him. They wanted to kill him. I told him I was a policewoman and asked his name.

“He told me ‘Christian’ and said he was visiting friends. He looked drunk.

“I asked him what he was doing with his trousers down. He said he ‘needed to go for a pee pee’.”

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(Image: The Olive Press)

The officer asked Brueckner for his driving licence then phoned the local police station, giving them his full name.

“They told me there was a warrant for his arrest and they bundled him in the car and took him off to be held in the cells overnight.”

Brueckner was deported to Germany to face questioning for other crimes, for which he is still jailed.

Speaking in My Search for Madeleine by British journalist Jon Clarke, Vanessa said: “I stood on duty outside the apartment at the Ocean Club and saw the McCanns on lots of occasions. I felt the tragedy.

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“I could really see their pain. I was as shocked as anyone when they were made suspects... it made no sense. I was pleased when the case against them was dropped.”

Brueckner, 44, is in a German jail for raping a 72-year-old woman in Praia da Luz in 2005.

He has never been questioned or charged in relation to Maddie.

This extract comes from the book My Search for Madeleine, by Jon Clarke, available here.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 17.10.23 12:53

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 17.10.23 13:37

Lest they forget..

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by CaKeLoveR 17.10.23 13:44

I'm struggling  a bit with 'soon after'. Does it mean shortly; in the near future; when we've cooked up another idiotic  'sighting' of CB?

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 17.10.23 14:01

It doesn't need a genius to realise it's never going to happen, the German judiciary haven't even got any evidence.

It has been suggested by some obscure 'armchair detective' group, they have got the evidence but can't reveal until the case goes to trial scratchhead

Maybe they found something worthy of note in the reservoir, or down the back of a sofa, at Stone Henge or a forced confession under a waterfall.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 17.10.23 17:11

FACING JUSTICE Court date for Madeleine McCann prime suspect Christian B REVEALED as he faces separate sex attack charges

Taryn Pedler

Published: 14:00, 17 Oct 2023Updated: 16:20, 17 Oct 2023

THE prime suspect in the disappearance of Madeline McCann could face trial for a spate of separate disturbing crimes as early as February next year, it has been revealed.

Christian B, 46, is set to appear at Braunschweig High Court, Germany, for his involvement in a series of grim sexual offences.

According to the Spanish newspaper, Olive Press, the convicted paedophile could spend a lifetime behind bars after being charged with five crimes, including three alleged rapes and two sex attacks on children.

The trial is expected to span over a month, due to the slew of crimes and their severity.

Christian B is also separately being probed by German cops over Madeleine McCann's 2007 disappearance.

There is a widespread belief that the criminal kidnapped the three-year-old from her family's holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, Portugal.

German authorities have now also indicated that the long-awaited Madeleine McCann trial will follow "soon after" the February trial.

“It’s good news (finally) and we are working on the exact dates now,” a senior detective at the Federal Criminal Police Office, in Wiesbaden, revealed.

Christian B's bid to move the court to a different jurisdiction was denied recently, sealing his fate in Braunschweig.

He is currently serving a seven-year prison term in a high-security prison dubbed "Alcatraz of the North" in Oldenburg.

Christian B was thrown behind bars for the brutal rape of an elderly American woman in Portugal in 2005 but now faces charges for the rape of a young Irish woman in the Algarve in June 2004.

Hazel Behanm, aged just 20 at the time, was abducted, gagged, and raped at knifepoint by the sick assailant, who filmed the four-hour attack.

Two witnesses reported seeing a man resembling Christian B arrive and leave the first-floor apartment in Portimao at dawn, with one hotel worker claiming he saw the German without his mask.

Alongside Hazel's case, Christian B will also be tried for two other cases of rape he filmed at his former home close to where Madeleine vanished.

These disturbing cases involved the sexual assault of an unidentified teenager and an older woman in her sixties.

The grisly footage was unearthed by two of Christian B's criminal pals - Manfred Seyferth and Helge B.

The duo had discovered Christian B's camera in his home before coming face-to-face with the horrific tapes.

The convicted sex offender also faces two additional charges related to despicable child sex offences, including the assault of a ten-year-old German girl on a beach near Praia da Luz, just three weeks before Madeleine went missing.

Christian B was identified by the victim's brother, and her parents have since identified him as the attacker.

The 46-year-old is additionally accused of exposing himself to four children in a playground in the Algarve, in 2017.

He was quickly arrested by an off-duty cop who found his Interpol warrant for other crimes in Germany, and he was finally deported.

Last month the convicted sex offender wrote letters to to at least two former friends as he begged them to defend him in court.

He urged them to show him their support after moaning prosecutors were making him out to be a "monster".

The pals claimed they received the mysterious letters from the criminal after years of having no contact with him.

It has been reported the letters were asking the old acquaintances to "speak in his defence, about what a good guy he was".

In July, his ex-pal turned police informer Helge ­B began assisting officers investigating the prime Madeleine McCann suspect.

An insider told The Sun Online: "Helge spent many years at the side of Christian B travelling with him and being his partner in crime.

"This means he has a huge amount of knowledge about where Christian was, what he was doing and what his motivations were for him being in particular places at specific times.

"There are a number of leads and clues officers have on Christian that they think Helge could provide more information on.

"They genuinely do believe he can be a game-changer in their investigation into Christian B."

But last month, the case against Christian B and his involvement in the tot's disappearance came close to collapsing after Helge B threatened to stop helping.

A German source told The Sun: “Word is that Helge B is about to withdraw his evidence.

“He was paid a huge sum to repeat his statement in a German newspaper and now he’s pulling the plug.

“It just goes to show you what type of people you are dealing with — and their credibility as witnesses.”

Helge B’s move could be the final blow in the stalling bid to bring Christian B to court for the suspected abduction and murder of little Madeleine.

“It just goes to show you what type of people you are dealing with — and their credibility as witnesses.”

Helge B’s move could be the final blow in the stalling bid to bring Christian B to court for the suspected abduction and murder of little Madeleine.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by PeterMac 18.10.23 7:34

The alleged rape of the girl in Praia da Rocha, where he allegedly climbed up and got in through a window or the balcony, watched by witnesses who seem to have done nothing, and was then seen running away by another witness -ditto, was allegedly filmed on a video camera.

This was 2004.  Assuming he stole the video camera, (and the battery charger) and that it was a fairly modern model, this is what they looked like at the turn of the millennium

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NOTE;  this was the new MINI version
Neither of the witnesses mentions the camera, nor the HUGE knife,

And the batteries in those days lasted about 30 minutes, so he might have needed several, or a charger

Do any of the witnesses or the complainant / victim report seeing the camera ? [Rhetorical, obviously !]

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 18.10.23 11:55

From just one of the many 'journalists' attached to the saga..

She added: "I turned on to my back and standing there was a masked man dressed in tights and what resembled a leotard, a machete around 12in long in his hand."

The rapist set up a video camera in the room and told Hazel not to scream as he dragged her into the living room and tied her to a counter-top.

He then produced a bag of whips and chains and used scissors to remove the terrified Brit's clothing before gagging her with a cloth and raping her.

Hazel said she was repeatedly raped for up to five hours before the attacker threatened her with a machete when she refused to perform a sex act on him.

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Of course this all came out around the same time as 'he who can't be named' hit the headlines.

Over one year later along comes..

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Jon Clarke was the first journalist on the scene when Madeleine McCann went missing in 2007… and 14 years later he’s still searching for the truth.
This book charts his often-frightening journey from the Ocean Club holiday resort in Praia da Luz through many isolated parts of Portugal and Spain and finally into Germany. He meets numerous dark and unusual characters, some who live under the radar, and others who he believes hold the key to what happened to Maddie all those years ago.
He points his finger firmly at the new prime suspect Christian Brueckner and explains, in detail and with the help of the people who knew Brueckner best, why he thinks he did it. He traces his grim upbringing, his ease of movement around Europe and also questions the integrity of the Portuguese police and asks if someone, somewhere is covering something up.
With unrivalled access to official documents, exclusive interviews and confessions, no stone is left unturned as Jon searches for the truth, often putting himself in considerable danger in the process.
This book is a must read for anyone interested in the case, or just someone planning a family holiday in Europe this year.


“Tirelessly researched. Told me a lot of things I didn’t know about the case”

“Jon is clearly about as steeped in the story as it’s possible to be, and it’s a fascinating account of the inner workings of what sounds like an extremely seedy place.”

“Jon Clarke is a remarkably experienced journalist who has dug deeply into the movements and life of German new-age traveler and fixated preferential sex offender Christian Brueckner, who should have been a prime suspect in 2007.

“This book breaks a lot of new ground on the case and is a real investigative trawl and deep dive into the world of organized child traffickers… and he has interviews with all the key players from all over Europe.

“It is an investigative man-hunt and Jon’s book is compelling. He has a long heritage in the story and his crusade is journalistically sound and his journalistic instincts are sharp.”

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 18.10.23 12:02

This latest EXCLUSIVE doesn't seem to be taking off as swiftly as the norm - are even they getting a bit bored with the same story lines churned out for over three years with little or no development?

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No disrespect but the Olive Press is hardly a beacon of light in the realms of reputable journalism.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by PeterMac 18.10.23 12:12

"I turned on to my back and standing there was a masked man dressed in tights and what resembled a leotard, a machete around 12in long in his hand."
Machete in one hand, 
The rapist set up a video camera in the room and told Hazel not to scream as he dragged her into the living room and tied her to a counter-top.
Video camera in another hand
Rope (!) in another hand
He then produced a bag of whips and chains and used scissors to remove the terrified Brit's clothing before gagging her with a cloth and raping her.
Bag of whipS and chainS, and scissors in a fourth hand
Hazel said she was repeatedly raped for up to five hours before the attacker threatened her with a machete when she refused to perform a sex act on him.
Raped for 5 HOURS (!) and THEN threatened with the machete ?

And then leaves, through the window, or patio door onto the balcony, before climbing down with his Video camera, bag of whips and chains, Machete, rope and scissors
before 'running away' taking his mask off as he does so.   Using ANOTHER HAND

Spiderman ?

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 18.10.23 12:23

Not forgetting the piercing blue eyes!

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Nightmare on Elm Street..

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Have to say, removing her clothing with a pair of scissors is somewhat intriguing, especially with a machete at hand - why not rip the clothing off, surely that would be more tantalizing for a would be rapist?  Must have taken at least one of those 5 hours cutting his way through the clothing - hope she wasn't wearing a wired brassiere and/or corset.

Did he give her pen and paper to record every detail of the ordeal - she seems to be quite adamant as to the nights events.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 18.10.23 12:42

Mind you, I have to say you can't help but admire the blokes stamina - to keep it up, so to speak, for all those hours.

I wonder if he stopped for a fag break.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 18.10.23 13:28

EXCLUSIVE: Former friend of Maddie suspect Christian B spent months with him in Spain’s Andalucia and believes he’s guilty

By Jon Clarke   superman
8 min
June 22, 2020

A DANGEROUS paedophile linked to the disappearance of Madeleine McCann spent long periods of time in southern Spain, the Olive Press can reveal.

Convicted rapist Christian Brueckner was a regular visitor to the Alpujarras area of Granada, where he bought and sold drugs.

The Olive Press has discovered that the German sex offender, 43, would frequently stop en route to Portugal or Germany, in his various buses or vans.

And chillingly, he was seen in the area with an expensive new winnebago just weeks after the toddler went missing from Portugal in May 2007.

“He was there in various vans and he came many times in his Jaguar,” said his close friend Michael ‘Micha’ Tatschl, 46, who lived in the town of Orgiva for many years.

Austrian Tatschl – who had previously shared a home with him on the Algarve – told the Olive Press: “I am sure he snatched Maddie. I know he did it. He was a pervert and a very strange man.”

The carpenter and petty criminal, who spent eight months in prison with Brueckner, knew the German well and lived with him for years.

The pair even shared a run-down finca in Praia da Luz, which overlooked the seaside resort where Maddie was snatched.

He knew Christian was an excellent burglar, who stole hundreds of passports, and they even got convicted together for stealing fuel from lorries in 2006.


After a two-day grilling by German police last year, he expected an arrest to be ‘imminent’ and he ‘cannot believe’ Portuguese detectives have still not yet searched the former home they shared.

The father-of-one, who now lives near Graz, revealed that the German had a huge stash of cash hidden in the attic, as well as dozens of expensive watches.

Speaking for the first time, he revealed: “I know he did it. I was living with him at the time. He was my best friend and he was definitely a pervert and more than capable of snatching a child, for sexual kicks or money.

“I was staying at his house and camping in a van in the garden. We spent a lot of time together and had good fun.

“He had a German girlfriend who was at least 20 years older than him. I can’t remember her name but she lived a few miles out of town.

“He was always very smart and snappy in the way he dressed. He always had good shoes and sometimes even wore a suit to go out.

“He liked to walk into town so he could drink and get home easily. He did not take drugs at the time and liked to have a drink.”

But while Micha had fun hanging out with the German, he became aware of his dark side.

“He was definitely quite a strange character… how to explain it? Well he was always quite criminal… He liked to brag about the crimes he had done and planned to do… And how he aimed to steal as much money as he could until he reached his dream of having €1 million. Then he would stop.”

Talking by phone at his ex-girlfriend’s home in the village of Tablones, near Orgiva, he added: “It was rich pickings there in Praia da Luz. He was always breaking into apartments in the area and bragging about it to me… He was a very good burglar and would easily climb up to 1st floor apartments when tourists were out.

“He particularly liked European Championships or big football games when everyone would be out watching the game in bars.

“He would climb up to the first floor and steal everything, lots of money, valuables and so many passports. In fact hundreds of passports and lots of Rolexes and other expensive watches.

“He had a hiding place in the house in the rafters. He had all the money and passports hidden up there.

“It was his stash and when we were taken to prison, he ordered a friend to go into the house and clear it up and get rid of any evidence of burglaries or robberies.”

But it was this decision that may ultimately lead to his conviction of Maddie, as the friend and another mate, both German, found a series of sick videos that Christian kept there.

In particular, they found a video camera with a video of him raping an old woman.

“That’s how I found out he was a sick bastard, as they told me it was of this elderly lady who was chained to a wooden post and she was being beaten and raped.

“They said ‘hey Mika what should we do with this?’ I said ‘I really don’t know, I don’t want to see it’ and I think they ended up burning it.

“I told the police all about that story and I hope they verified it somehow.

“On top of that, Christian was always on the dark web. He would talk about it and always had internet in the houses he rented. I don’t know exactly what he did but I suspect it involved drugs and pornography.

“He was always bragging about money and making money. He even talked about selling kids maybe to Morocco…and I think he probably sold Maddie to someone. Maybe a sex ring.

“I didn’t really think about it at the time. Just brushed it off as joking. But I admit I got sucked into some of his schemes.

“Taking fuel seemed pretty harmless and we did it for a few months.

“The cops caught us red handed, caught us stealing diesel and we got 8-and-a-half months in prison on remand waiting for a trial in Portimao.

“It’s just a small prison, so we got to spend a lot of time together. We were caught on April 7, 2006, but we didn’t have our actual trial until December 21. I don’t know why they kept us for so long and I ended up with a €1800 fine, while Christian got a little bit more as he was rude to the judge he said ‘fuck you’ and the judge naturally gave him a bigger fine.”

After spending a few weeks back in Austria for Christmas he came back in February to find Christian was now living in his distinctive white and yellow VW van, having lost his rental home.

“But he was still enjoying living in the Praia da Luz area. I think that confused the police a little as they were not sure where he was living exactly when Maddie vanished.

“He was living free, going to raves and I think selling drugs to the local party crowd. He also had his Jaguar parked up somewhere.”

Micha however, decided to move back to Spain, partly because he hadn’t paid his fine and also to attend the Dragon Festival in Orgiva in March that year.

“The Dragon Festival was fun and the next time I saw him was in late May or early June 2007 when he arrived in Spain with his big American campervan, the Winnebago, the one with the (childrens) swimsuits.

“He parked it up in Orgiva and came looking for me. It was the only reason he had come to Orgiva to find me. He knew that I was living there and he knew I had connections to the marijuana world and could help him make money.

“He had a big dog, an old dog, a big brown and white dog called Charlie I think… But otherwise he was on his own.”

There were certainly suspicions however, about where he had got his money.

“We all wondered where he’d got this big expensive van which he parked it up by a French group who had a big sound system.

“I remember specifically having a conversation with an English guy who lived there called ‘Pops’ and we both said how on earth could have had that vehicle? where did he get the money from? We assumed a big drug deal or something like that. Now I suspect it was Maddie.

“He was only there that time for a couple of days and went on back to Germany selling marijuana.

“After that he was often coming backwards and forwards to Spain and to Portugal, mostly dealing drugs, and we often saw him here with this Jaguar.”

It was only when Micha watched the in-depth Netflix documentary in March last year on the case, that he finally realised Christian may have snatched Maddie.

“I knew immediately that he was guilty. The part where the female tourist talked about the man turning up at her door while her child played by the front door, the creepy guy with acne and blonde hair… I just knew it was Christian.”

It is a bit unclear what happened next but within weeks there was a knock at the door at his village near Graz and four policemen asked him to escort them to the police station.

“It was the first week of April last year and there were two Austrian police and two German Police. I told them my story over 14 hours from 10 am to 6 pm on the first day and then from 10 am until 4 pm the next day.

“They were very clear with me from the first minute. They said ‘we are investigating Maddie McCann and Christian Bruckner’ and I told them I was convinced it was him.

“I told them I know what you want. I hope I can help.

“I hope my information leads to a conviction and I now wish I had gone to the police earlier. It is just I don’t like the police because of my criminal past.

“I just dread to think of what other crimes he may have committed since.

“He was definitely a pervert and all his friends thought that about him. He had some sexual issues but we didn’t think that he liked young children.

“He was certainly in Orgiva quite a few times since then…many times with his Jaguar and other vehicles and normally transporting hashish.

“What sort of crimes might he have committed there? I know there have been some sex crimes around the area over the last decade and it wouldn’t be surprising if he was involved.

“I really hope they can finally close this case for the family and find Christian guilty for what he has done. He needs to admit it to the police and close it for good.

“At least I’m sure he’s having a terrible time in prison and everyone is out to kill him. He won’t be having a nice life now and he doesn’t deserve it.”

Did you see Christian Brueckner in southern Spain? Did he camp near you in the Alpujarras on the Costa del Sol?

The Olive Press

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 18.10.23 13:45

Talking by phone at his ex-girlfriend’s home in the village of Tablones, near Orgiva, he added: “It was rich pickings there in Praia da Luz. He was always breaking into apartments in the area and bragging about it to me… He was a very good burglar and would easily climb up to 1st floor apartments when tourists were out.

“He particularly liked European Championships or big football games when everyone would be out watching the game in bars.

“He would climb up to the first floor and steal everything, lots of money, valuables and so many passports. In fact hundreds of passports and lots of Rolexes and other expensive watches.

“He had a hiding place in the house in the rafters. He had all the money and passports hidden up there.

“It was his stash and when we were taken to prison, he ordered a friend to go into the house and clear it up and get rid of any evidence of burglaries or robberies.”

Enter Hazel Behan!

It has been said the bungling Portuguese cops [sic] failed to investigate the rape claim effectively, Portugal was hosting a major football event at the time - too many unidentifiable bodies invading the region.

Certainly lots of Rolex and what exactly did he do with all those hundreds of passports? Didn't anyone in authority notice?

Long before 2007, in all holiday accommodation I ever stayed had either a room safe available or a safe at reception where you could stash your valuables.

Having said that, the McCann family passports were photographed for the investigation files - Brueckner must have missed that when he stole Madeleine McCann from her bed in the middle of the night of 3rd May 2007.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 8 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by PeterMac 18.10.23 13:57

One might have expected the Local Consulates and Embassy to be concerned about the numbers of Emergency Passports they were having to make, and the Police to be worried but the numbers of high value Wrist watches that their owners brought on holiday BUT THEN DID NOT WEAR, BUT LEFT IN THEIR HOTEL ROOMS OR APARTMENTS, and suspect an Insurance fraud was going on.

The insurers too might have noticed when they did their initial enquiries into the loss of all this stuff.

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