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Madeleine McCann questioning shocked suspect Mm11

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Madeleine McCann questioning shocked suspect Mm11

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Madeleine McCann questioning shocked suspect

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Madeleine McCann questioning shocked suspect Empty Madeleine McCann questioning shocked suspect

Post by Jill Havern 03.05.17 6:22

One of the suspects questioned by British police about Madeleine McCann's disappearance has said he was shocked to be asked about how she went missing.

Paulo Ribeiro was one of four local suspects who denied any involvement when questioned by British detectives.
"I thought it was incredible," he said.

The men were questioned in connection with Scotland Yard's theory that the three-year-old was taken in a burglary that went wrong but were never charged with any offence.

It is 10 years to the day since Madeleine disappeared from the McCanns' holiday apartment at the Ocean Club complex in the Portuguese resort of Praia Da Luz.

The British investigation into the case was started in 2011 at the request of the then Prime Minister David Cameron. It has cost more than £11m.

The four men, who were questioned in 2014, were made official suspects and are still living in Praia Da Luz.

Mr Ribeiro said: "I knew of nothing when the police arrived at my door with a piece of paper that had a drawing on it, saying it bore a likeness to me and that someone had said I was involved and that I looked like the person who had kidnapped Maddie.

"I don't know who that person was."

He said he was at home on the night that Madeleine disappeared and that he was not involved in any burglaries.
The Portuguese police clearly believe the men know nothing about what happened.

VIDEO here on this link: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Media captionPaulo Ribeiro, who is no longer a suspect, spoke to the BBC's Richard Bilton
Pedro do Carma, deputy director of the Policia Judiciaria, told Panorama he had never considered them to be suspects.

"I can only say that we questioned those people on request of the Metropolitan Police and only based on the request of the Metropolitan Police.

"We never questioned those people. We never saw or looked at those people as suspects of the crime."

Last week, Scotland Yard announced there was no evidence to implicate the four men and the case against them had been closed.
The Met say they are pursuing new lines of inquiry and that they have not ruled out the burglary theory.

But many in Portugal are sceptical about the Met's involvement.

Carlos Anjos, the former head of the Policia Judiciaria officers' union, has told Panorama that the British investigation has been a waste of money.

"This burglary theory is absurd. Not even a wallet disappeared, no television disappeared, nothing else disappeared. A child disappeared."

The BBC Panorama programme - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] - is on BBC1 at 9pm Wednesday and available on iPlayer afterwards.

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Jill Havern
Jill Havern
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Madeleine McCann questioning shocked suspect Empty Re: Madeleine McCann questioning shocked suspect

Post by plebgate 03.05.17 8:16

I saw this man with a translator being questioned on the news last night.

He looked utterly bewildered and shell shocked.  

250 questions were put to him - I could not believe what I was hearing.  250 questions which led to nothing.


Judge Judy to shifty  witnesses   -    LOOK AT ME  -   Um is not an answer.

If I forget to add it to a post everything is In My Opinion and I don't know anything for sure.
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Madeleine McCann questioning shocked suspect Empty Re: Madeleine McCann questioning shocked suspect

Post by princess_leia 03.05.17 8:29

plebgate wrote:I saw this man with a translator being questioned on the news last night.

He looked utterly bewildered and shell shocked.  

250 questions were put to him - I could not believe what I was hearing.  250 questions which led to nothing.

I bet he answered each and every one of those questions though! Unlike the 48 questions KM refused to answer.

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Madeleine McCann questioning shocked suspect Empty Re: Madeleine McCann questioning shocked suspect

Post by Mirage 03.05.17 8:47

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Mrs May promises strong and stable leadership

My litmus test for this oft repeated GENERAL ELECTION mantra, Mrs May, is  for you to step in, show true leadership and sort out this omnishambles which you have had personal oversight of as Home Secretary and now Prime Minister.

If you are keen on steering Britain onto a greater future with your proposed government acting as some sort of flagship for a brave new future showcasing true British values, I challenge you to show true leadership here and now,  in this case that is shaming our nation, by proving British justice acts without fear or favour.

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Madeleine McCann questioning shocked suspect Empty Re: Madeleine McCann questioning shocked suspect

Post by sar 03.05.17 10:19

+ 1 Mirage

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