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Caroline Lowbridge, BBC: In Madeleine's shadow Mm11

Caroline Lowbridge, BBC: In Madeleine's shadow Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Caroline Lowbridge, BBC: In Madeleine's shadow Mm11

Caroline Lowbridge, BBC: In Madeleine's shadow Regist10

Caroline Lowbridge, BBC: In Madeleine's shadow

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Caroline Lowbridge, BBC: In Madeleine's shadow Empty Caroline Lowbridge, BBC: In Madeleine's shadow

Post by Jill Havern 03.05.17 6:14

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"Be careful who you let on to your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship 
just because they can't be the Captain."
Jill Havern
Jill Havern
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Caroline Lowbridge, BBC: In Madeleine's shadow Empty In Madeleine's Shadow.

Post by ferrotty 25.05.18 8:00

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Caroline Lowbridge, BBC: In Madeleine's shadow Empty Re: Caroline Lowbridge, BBC: In Madeleine's shadow

Post by Guest 25.05.18 12:50

Funny you post that link.  I was about to do the same when I saw your post..

I have just been reading the extremely moving story of the death and life of Joseph Cockle, a young Cornish man who died following his passion for life, the ocean and photography.

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Following on from this amazing account of a young man's adventures I see this..

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Is anywhere sacred?  Is it too much to ask that one persons tragedy can have it's own special place without the name McCann tagging on?

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Caroline Lowbridge, BBC: In Madeleine's shadow Empty Re: Caroline Lowbridge, BBC: In Madeleine's shadow

Post by ferrotty 25.05.18 14:24

Yes I was reading that as well and noticed the Madeline one.

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