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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Mm11

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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by aiyoyo 27.09.10 5:43

Rainbow wrote:Hi Aiyoyo hi

Re the polygraph,apparently they passed the private one winkwink Incidentally Patsy did say she would take 10 polygraphs if it meant the police would leave them aside and start looking for the real perp.

I am skeptical about private polygraph, no logic in that when the case is so public beamed worldwide.
Promising to do so but didnt deliver is something else - empty words mean nothing.

Re the DNA..I dont think it can be discounted so easily tbh as it matched in 3 places-the long johns,the panties and under her nails although there were considerably less markers in the fingernail DNA there were still enough to be entered into codis.Touch DNA is microscopic skin cells and are found where a person is likely to have touched something.She was put to bed in the long johns which were taken freshly laundered from the drawer...another reason for the DA being certain it is an intruders DNA.I dont know if they were removed or just pulled down,she didnt have tights on and the long johns were more like pyjama bottoms.

I have to agree with TB. More appropriate to term it 'another's person dna' rather than anything else because there was no evidence supporting an intruder. Trace dna obliged the law to declare them 'de-considered' (if there's such a term), meaning not prime focus, but hardly exonerated.

Exoneration applies when case is solved and perpetrator convicted and punished. Anything short of that is ramseys drawing the long straw in the interm. Logics dictate any objective law enforcers working on the case would not completely disregard the ramseys, if nothing else, than the fact no evidence supports intruder.

Your term of 'exoneration is just a technicality of the law' so to speak, and 'not exoneration in its true sense' per se, just like mccanns case. And, similar to the mccanns case, it is well documented that throughout the investigation process, investigators believed the parents were coupable.

Billyjo jenkins, JBR, and MBM case have similarities, in that the parent/s are suspected, and with passing time that has not changed in the eyes of the police or public (at least a vast majority of them).


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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by Rainbow 28.09.10 0:03

However they are no longer being treated as suspects but as victims although IF and its a big if further evidence arose that incriminated them they would of course be investigated further.

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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by Judge Mental 28.09.10 1:00

Rainbow wrote:However they are no longer being treated as suspects but as victims although IF and its a big if further evidence arose that incriminated them they would of course be investigated further.

@ Rainbow

Alas, there are those who would question the size of your IF, Rainbow.

Would you be prepared to try and quantify why your IF is so big? Not that one has a problem with women who are prone to exaggeration. Indeed, one happens to live with one such female, so is therefore quite at home with it.
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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by aiyoyo 28.09.10 2:23

Rainbow wrote:However they are no longer being treated as suspects but as victims although IF and its a big if further evidence arose that incriminated them they would of course be investigated further.

Do you seriously think that investigators working on the case are now just going to be singled-mindedly pursuing one direction just because of the proclamation?

Do you naively believe the unerasble abundance circumstantial evidence on files against the ramseys are going to be ignored by investigators if they hope to crack the case?

You do realise public proclamation very often obliged by the law are not going to affect how police work an unsolved case. Anyone believing the police are not still looking at ramseys alongside other possibilities is not being objective, but the police are obligated to be that - objective I mean.

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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by Rainbow 29.09.10 23:33

aiyoyo wrote:
Rainbow wrote:However they are no longer being treated as suspects but as victims although IF and its a big if further evidence arose that incriminated them they would of course be investigated further.

Do you seriously think that investigators working on the case are now just going to be singled-mindedly pursuing one direction just because of the proclamation?

Do you naively believe the unerasble abundance circumstantial evidence on files against the ramseys are going to be ignored by investigators if they hope to crack the case?

You do realise public proclamation very often obliged by the law are not going to affect how police work an unsolved case. Anyone believing the police are not still looking at ramseys alongside other possibilities is not being objective, but the police are obligated to be that - objective I mean.

Yes I do,they have had 14 years to investigate the Ramseys to no avail.

No not ignored but the DA stated that she was exonerating them on the DNA and OTHER EVIDENCE.

They are no longer suspects though and are to be traeted as victims rather like DCI Roes announcement to Mr Bennett that he is not a suspect with regard to the fraud allegations.

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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by Judge Mental 30.09.10 3:38

Rainbow wrote ............. 'No not ignored but the DA stated that she was exonerating them on the DNA and OTHER EVIDENCE.
They are no longer suspects though and are to be traeted as victims rather like DCI Roes announcement to Mr Bennett that he is not a suspect with regard to the fraud allegations..'

This 'OTHER EVIDENCE' sounds rather dramatic, Rainbow.

When you say they are to be 'treated as victims', do you mean that people who regard the Ramseys with suspicion should now accept the D.A.'s word and stop investigating the discrepancies surrounding JonBenet's parents?

BTW, Rainbow,

The matter of DCI Roe, Tony Bennett and a bit of paperwork is not at all 'rather like' the D.A.'s decision concerning the parents of a murdered child.

One will tell you what is rather like, Rainbow. It is rather like somebody has a compulsion to keep on mentioning something just for the sake of it. That is what it is rather like .

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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by aiyoyo 30.09.10 4:20

Rainbow wrote:
aiyoyo wrote:
Rainbow wrote:However they are no longer being treated as suspects but as victims although IF and its a big if further evidence arose that incriminated them they would of course be investigated further.

Do you seriously think that investigators working on the case are now just going to be singled-mindedly pursuing one direction just because of the proclamation?

Do you naively believe the unerasble abundance circumstantial evidence on files against the ramseys are going to be ignored by investigators if they hope to crack the case?

You do realise public proclamation very often obliged by the law are not going to affect how police work an unsolved case. Anyone believing the police are not still looking at ramseys alongside other possibilities is not being objective, but the police are obligated to be that - objective I mean.

Yes I do,they have had 14 years to investigate the Ramseys to no avail.

I dont believe for a mo. they wasted 14 yrears focusing soley on the ramseys. The ramseys might be primary focus but not the only one. I will give the police more credit than that as I dont believe every one on the team is green.

No not ignored but the DA stated that she was exonerating them on the DNA and OTHER EVIDENCE.

DA's proclamation is one thing, evidence on file another. Like you conceded they wont be ignored.
Police working the case will continue to study them together with other evidence , or any new materials to hand.
Their focus may vary in weight from time to time and at various time, but police will never ignore any evidence past or current for the simple reason even the newest discovery didnt lead them anywhere. So evidence against ramseys wasnt the only aspect that went no where.

They are no longer suspects though and are to be traeted as victims rather like DCI Roes announcement to Mr Bennett that he is not a suspect with regard to the fraud allegations.

It isnt fair of you to compare the two in the same light. There's simply no comparison between the two cases.
One is an investigation of a menacing allegation, pretty straight forward because evidence were presented for scrutiny and eliminated.

while that of the ramseys is of the murder of a little girl, a lot more complicated.


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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by Rainbow 30.09.10 20:18

aiyoyo wrote:
Rainbow wrote:
aiyoyo wrote:
Rainbow wrote:However they are no longer being treated as suspects but as victims although IF and its a big if further evidence arose that incriminated them they would of course be investigated further.

Do you seriously think that investigators working on the case are now just going to be singled-mindedly pursuing one direction just because of the proclamation?

Do you naively believe the unerasble abundance circumstantial evidence on files against the ramseys are going to be ignored by investigators if they hope to crack the case?

You do realise public proclamation very often obliged by the law are not going to affect how police work an unsolved case. Anyone believing the police are not still looking at ramseys alongside other possibilities is not being objective, but the police are obligated to be that - objective I mean.

Yes I do,they have had 14 years to investigate the Ramseys to no avail.

I dont believe for a mo. they wasted 14 yrears focusing soley on the ramseys. The ramseys might be primary focus but not the only one. I will give the police more credit than that as I dont believe every one on the team is green.

No not ignored but the DA stated that she was exonerating them on the DNA and OTHER EVIDENCE.

DA's proclamation is one thing, evidence on file another. Like you conceded they wont be ignored.
Police working the case will continue to study them together with other evidence , or any new materials to hand.
Their focus may vary in weight from time to time and at various time, but police will never ignore any evidence past or current for the simple reason even the newest discovery didnt lead them anywhere. So evidence against ramseys wasnt the only aspect that went no where.

They are no longer suspects though and are to be traeted as victims rather like DCI Roes announcement to Mr Bennett that he is not a suspect with regard to the fraud allegations.

It isnt fair of you to compare the two in the same light. There's simply no comparison between the two cases.
One is an investigation of a menacing allegation, pretty straight forward because evidence were presented for scrutiny and eliminated.

while that of the ramseys is of the murder of a little girl, a lot more complicated.

No of course they didnt focus solely on the Ramseys,I didnt mean to imply they did.

Sorry wasnt meaning to be unfair at all,just stating the wording was similar.

BTW Patsy could not be ruled in or out as the writer of the note although on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being eliminated she was considered a 4 or 4.5.Personally I thought it very like her handwriting but of course handwriting analysis is also based on the differences as well as similarities.

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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by aiyoyo 01.10.10 12:33

hi Rainbow

The 'ransom note' nail it for me.
Handwriting expert put it down to her, and I believe that because of the length and errie contents.

That alone proves the ramseys had motive and reason for doing that. That together with the strong circumstantial against them I think the ramseys were guily of her murder.
The unexplainable trace dna doesnt change it for me, it just lucky break for her parents.

Any idea when was trace dna discovered on her?


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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by carly1979 01.10.10 12:35

i have followed this case since the beginning i think it was either her father or someone stalked her from the pagents and the mum covered it up i could be totally wrong but why would patsy spend the money on all thos pagents etc to kill her? unless it was a accident

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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by Guest 01.10.10 12:38

aiyoyo wrote: hi Rainbow

The 'ransom note' nail it for me.
Handwriting expert put it down to her, and I believe that because of the length and errie contents.

That alone proves the ramseys had motive and reason for doing that. That together with the strong circumstantial against them I think the ramseys were guily of her murder.
The unexplainable trace dna doesnt change it for me, it just lucky break for her parents.

Any idea when was trace dna discovered on her?

Letter from District Attorney-Ramsey Family Exonerated
On July 9, 2008, the Boulder District Attorney's office announced that as a result of newly developed DNA sampling and testing techniques, the Ramsey family members are no longer considered suspects in the case.[13][14] In light of the new DNA evidence, Boulder County District Attorney Mary Lacy gave a letter[15] to John Ramsey the same day, officially apologizing to the Ramsey family:

"This new scientific evidence convinces state that we do not consider your immediate family, including you, your wife, Patsy, and your son, Burke, to be under any suspicion in the commission of this crime.
... The match of Male DNA on two separate items of clothing worn by the victim at the time of the murder makes it clear to us that an unknown male handled these items. There is no innocent explanation for its incriminating presence at three sites on these two different items of clothing that JonBenét was wearing at the time of her murder. ... To the extent that we may have contributed in any way to the public perception that you might have been involved in this crime, I am deeply sorry. No innocent person should have to endure such an extensive trial in the court of public opinion, especially when public officials have not had sufficient evidence to initiate a trial in a court of law. ... We intend in the future to treat you as the victims of this crime, with the sympathy due you because of the horrific loss you suffered. ... I am aware that there will be those who will choose to continue to differ with our conclusion. But DNA is very often the most reliable forensic evidence we can hope to find and we rely on it often to bring to justice those who have committed crimes. I am very comfortable that our conclusion that this evidence has vindicated your family is based firmly on all of the evidence,

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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by Rainbow 01.10.10 12:56

aiyoyo wrote: hi Rainbow

The 'ransom note' nail it for me.
Handwriting expert put it down to her, and I believe that because of the length and errie contents.

That alone proves the ramseys had motive and reason for doing that. That together with the strong circumstantial against them I think the ramseys were guily of her murder.
The unexplainable trace dna doesnt change it for me, it just lucky break for her parents.

Any idea when was trace dna discovered on her?

No handwriting experts DIDNT put it down to her,she was neither ruled IN nor OUT and as I said on the scale she was a 4 or 4.5.

How did the Ramseys have motive and reason?

The DNA was found a couple years ago now I think.

Candyfloss: Thanks for posting that.


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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by carly1979 01.10.10 12:59

rainbow as i posted i dont know who killed little jon benet but i just cant see why jon benets mum would have she adored that little girl or imo she wouldnt of spent so much money on pagents etc she always wanted a little girl from what i know

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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by kangdang 01.10.10 13:13

carly1979 wrote:rainbow as i posted i dont know who killed little jon benet but i just cant see why jon benets mum would have she adored that little girl or imo she wouldnt of spent so much money on pagents etc she always wanted a little girl from what i know

Spending money on a child does not prove adoration. Maybe her mother enjoyed the kudos.

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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by Rainbow 01.10.10 13:18

carly1979 wrote:rainbow as i posted i dont know who killed little jon benet but i just cant see why jon benets mum would have she adored that little girl or imo she wouldnt of spent so much money on pagents etc she always wanted a little girl from what i know

Hi Carly hi

I do agree although my opinion for many years was that the parents were responsible however the recently found DNA of an unknown male has given me pause for thought and doubt.Also Patsy had had cancer and I think she would have valued her time with her children too much to bump one off!! Unless it was an accident but then why not report it.........another strange case to be sure.

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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by carly1979 01.10.10 14:10

Rainbow wrote:
carly1979 wrote:rainbow as i posted i dont know who killed little jon benet but i just cant see why jon benets mum would have she adored that little girl or imo she wouldnt of spent so much money on pagents etc she always wanted a little girl from what i know

Hi Carly hi

I do agree although my opinion for many years was that the parents were responsible however the recently found DNA of an unknown male has given me pause for thought and doubt.Also Patsy had had cancer and I think she would have valued her time with her children too much to bump one off!! Unless it was an accident but then why not report it.........another strange case to be sure.

there was rumors and induendo that jon benet wet the bed and that drove pasty crazy and one night she snapped and accidently hurt jon benet/killed her sort of like the theory that kate mcann may have snapped with maddie

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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by aiyoyo 01.10.10 14:36

carly1979 wrote:rainbow as i posted i dont know who killed little jon benet but i just cant see why jon benets mum would have she adored that little girl or imo she wouldnt of spent so much money on pagents etc she always wanted a little girl from what i know

Desperately wanting a little girl and being able to cope with motherhood are two different realities.


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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by aiyoyo 01.10.10 15:10

candyfloss wrote:
aiyoyo wrote: hi Rainbow

The 'ransom note' nail it for me.
Handwriting expert put it down to her, and I believe that because of the length and errie contents.

That alone proves the ramseys had motive and reason for doing that. That together with the strong circumstantial against them I think the ramseys were guily of her murder.
The unexplainable trace dna doesnt change it for me, it just lucky break for her parents.

Any idea when was trace dna discovered on her?

Letter from District Attorney-Ramsey Family Exonerated
On July 9, 2008, the Boulder District Attorney's office announced that as a result of newly developed DNA sampling and testing techniques, the Ramsey family members are no longer considered suspects in the case.[13][14] In light of the new DNA evidence, Boulder County District Attorney Mary Lacy gave a letter[15] to John Ramsey the same day, officially apologizing to the Ramsey family:

"This new scientific evidence convinces state that we do not consider your immediate family, including you, your wife, Patsy, and your son, Burke, to be under any suspicion in the commission of this crime.
... The match of Male DNA on two separate items of clothing worn by the victim at the time of the murder makes it clear to us that an unknown male handled these items. There is no innocent explanation for its incriminating presence at three sites on these two different items of clothing that JonBenét was wearing at the time of her murder. ... To the extent that we may have contributed in any way to the public perception that you might have been involved in this crime, I am deeply sorry. No innocent person should have to endure such an extensive trial in the court of public opinion, especially when public officials have not had sufficient evidence to initiate a trial in a court of law. ... We intend in the future to treat you as the victims of this crime, with the sympathy due you because of the horrific loss you suffered. ... I am aware that there will be those who will choose to continue to differ with our conclusion. But DNA is very often the most reliable forensic evidence we can hope to find and we rely on it often to bring to justice those who have committed crimes. I am very comfortable that our conclusion that this evidence has vindicated your family is based firmly on all of the evidence,

Thanks candyfloss.
That underscored sentence sounds such an odd thing for DA to have said as if he was under influence or pressure.

It's strange he saw the need to highlight that staining the letter that meant so much to ramseys.
In fact I read police were divided, with one faction strongly convinced ramseys did it, while the other side thought too much was focused on ramseys to the exclusion of all else.

It's one of those bizzare cases.. Unless, new techniques developed and old retained materials rexamined will yield different results.
If she was buried, sometimes it can become necessary to exhume corpse for further evidence depending on developed techniques.

I remember when that happened, I was so disturbed by it because of the horrific way JBR died, and what she was subjected to while alive.


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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by carly1979 01.10.10 15:13

ayyo have you ever watchrd toddlers and tiaras?????? omg that show should be banned they are 4 and look older then iam and im 31

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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by aiyoyo 01.10.10 15:25

Rainbow wrote:
carly1979 wrote:rainbow as i posted i dont know who killed little jon benet but i just cant see why jon benets mum would have she adored that little girl or imo she wouldnt of spent so much money on pagents etc she always wanted a little girl from what i know

Hi Carly hi

I do agree although my opinion for many years was that the parents were responsible however the recently found DNA of an unknown male has given me pause for thought and doubt.Also Patsy had had cancer and I think she would have valued her time with her children too much to bump one off!! Unless it was an accident but then why not report it.........another strange case to be sure.

Her cancer can also mean she's easily tired, frustrated, and stressed if things were not going smoothly her ways or as she expected. If she was a demanding person/mother, then coping with cancer plus coping with pressure at home can become unbearably difficult. But even that I still find it difficult to believe she'd deliberately bump her off. Of course, if she'd snapped then accident can happen.
How could she report the accident without incriminating herself if the accident cause her death ?

If it was accident and child still alive, they could always explain it away, but a death, how to explain that without repercussions? I don think it was only Patsy who was involved alone because of the sexual abuse aspect and the garotte used. My inclination is both were involved.


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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by baconbutty 05.10.10 12:36

Police to quiz JonBenet Ramsay's brother as beauty queen murder is reopened

By David Gardner
Last updated at 12:06 PM on 5th October 2010

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Jonbenet Ramsay was found dead in her family home on December 26, 1996

Jonbenet Ramsay was found dead in her family home on December 26, 1996

Police have sensationally re-opened the investigation into the 1996 killing of six-year-old beauty pageant princess JonBenet Ramsay in a bid to solve one of America’s most notorious unsolved murder mysteries.

Detectives are reportedly hoping to interview Burke Ramsay, 23, who was just nine when his little sister was found strangled and beaten in the basement of the family’s Colorado home.

Investigators are expected to re-examine the physical evidence in the case to see if modern DNA techniques can throw new light on the fourteen-year riddle.

The little girl was found dead on December 26 1996 nearly eight hours after she was first reported missing.

A two-and-a-half page ransom note was discovered on the kitchen staircase at the Ramsay’s house just hours before JonBenet’s body was discovered beneath a white blanket with a white cord around her neck, her wrists tied above her head and duct tape covering her mouth.

At one point or another, every member of the Ramsay family has come under suspicion.

But Burke and JonBenet’s parents John and Patsy – who died of cancer in 2006 – were officially cleared as suspects two years ago.

Former District Attorney Mary Lacy said evidence suggested the killer was an unknown intruder who broke into the home.

But the failure to crack the case has rankled with police.

Bouldert police chief Mark Beckner would not comment on details of the ongoing probe or identify possible new suspects.

'We continue to work the Ramsay case. This has included additional contacts and interviews with those who may have information pertinent to the case,’ he said, adding that an advisory committee recommended the case warranted a fresh investigation.

Burke Ramsay has been contacted by police, but has not yet been interviewed, said family lawyer Lin Wood.

‘I understand they met with Burke and gave him a card and said, "If you want to talk to us, here’s how you would contact me," he said.

‘But the police have not interviewed Burke.’

Whatever the reason for any type of approach with Burke, it would have nothing to do with the case other than with the reality that John and Burke could help the Boulder police as witnesses in the investigation.

‘For all I know, they have gotten some tip and think Burke could give them some information,’ he added.

Denver defense attorney and legal analyst Scott Robinson said it would be premature to assume that police have new information.

‘But it would be absolutely accurate to say they’re not letting this case lie,’ he said.


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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by Guest 05.10.10 12:48

Thanks for that baconbutty thumbsup It's good to see they are not letting this case lie. I wonder if the brother will consent to be interviewed.

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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Inspector Whicher, Madeleine, JonBenet and Ben

Post by Tony Bennett 05.10.10 13:55

There was a nineteenth-century case which, at its time, was every bit as notorious as those of JonBenet Ramsey and Madeleine McCann.

The case has been written up in a book I read recently: 'The Suspicions of Mr Whicher', which is to be made into a film.

This gruesome case concerned a 3-year-old boy (Savile, I think his name was) found gruesomely murdered with his throat cut and his body stuffed into an outside privy of a wealthy Victorian family house at Roade, Wiltshire.

Inspector Whicher was one of the first-ever police detectives and his characteristics bore more than a passing resemblance to those of Goncalo Amaral.

The evidence, he suggested, turned on a missing blanket (!).

He arrested and charged the 14-year-old half-sister of the boy with the murder, but local magistrates threw the case out. He was then publicly ridiculed for jumping to conclusions and rushing in with too little evidence...rings a bell?

The father of these two had re-married and outrageously favoured the little boy over his two children from his first wife. His second wife treated the children of the first wife abominably, leading to a cauldron of seething resentment against the new wife.

Many years later, the 14-year-old half-sister made a full and frank confession to the nmurder, and she had indeed hidden the missing blanket. The only doubt was whether her brother might have been an accomplice. She said not.

So I by no means rule out the possibility of the 9-year-old brother, fed up to the back teeth with all the attention being focussed on JonBenet, lashing out at her on the night of Christmas Day/Boxing Day.

Whilst on this gruesome subject of intra-family murder, I wish to mention the case of Ben Needham. The morning Ben Needham vanished, his 19-year-old uncle, Stephen, had been playing with the toddler on his motorbike, at the front of the house. Ben's grandparents were sunning themselves in the garden. Ben's mother was working as a waitress in one of the main hotels on the island of Kos. After lunch at mid-day, Stephen rushed off on his motor-bike - and little Ben, who had again been playing on the motor-bike with Stephen after lunch, was enver seen again.

Did Stephen roar away with Ben also on the motor-bike?

It was a theory the Greek police pursued.
Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett

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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by soulthief 05.10.10 17:12

soulthief wrote:I once read that suspicion was on the brother at one point and that the Ramseys were covering his long term sexual abuse of her, which had led to him killing her..
I knew I had read that...the enquirer used to write about it weekly with quotes from the police...leaks

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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by Rainbow 05.10.10 21:14

It would have to have been some lashing out to have split her skull so severely and he was only a very slight child.It was said the blow was hard enough to have felled a 250 pound man.

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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by soulthief 06.10.10 0:04

Nothing would surprise me, would depend on what she was hit with and how. two teens today charged with snatching a baby form the mother and throwing under a bus, look at Mary Bell, who killed three kids when she was 8..the Bulger killers, Age stands for nothing..

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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by aiyoyo 06.10.10 1:08

Rainbow wrote:It would have to have been some lashing out to have split her skull so severely and he was only a very slight child.It was said the blow was hard enough to have felled a 250 pound man.

That would depend really isn't it?

Did the forensics determine whether it was caused by a weapon used on her or pushed so forcefully that she fell against something hard and sharp. Anyone remembers detail of the autopsy?

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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by aiyoyo 06.10.10 7:00

It's good they're re-opening it.

Is her brother consent needed to be able to interview him?
I wouldnt have thought so. More like procedure formality.

It means the police have not ruled out her family.

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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by Autumn 06.10.10 11:16

Tony Bennett wrote:

There was a nineteenth-century case which, at its time, was every bit as notorious as those of JonBenet Ramsey and Madeleine McCann.

The case has been written up in a book I read recently: 'The Suspicions of Mr Whicher', which is to be made into a film.

This gruesome case concerned a 3-year-old boy (Savile, I think his name was) found gruesomely murdered with his throat cut and his body stuffed into an outside privy of a wealthy Victorian family house at Roade, Wiltshire.

Inspector Whicher was one of the first-ever police detectives and his characteristics bore more than a passing resemblance to those of Goncalo Amaral.

The evidence, he suggested, turned on a missing blanket (!).

He arrested and charged the 14-year-old half-sister of the boy with the murder, but local magistrates threw the case out. He was then publicly ridiculed for jumping to conclusions and rushing in with too little evidence...rings a bell?

The father of these two had re-married and outrageously favoured the little boy over his two children from his first wife. His second wife treated the children of the first wife abominably, leading to a cauldron of seething resentment against the new wife.

Many years later, the 14-year-old half-sister made a full and frank confession to the nmurder, and she had indeed hidden the missing blanket. The only doubt was whether her brother might have been an accomplice. She said not.

So I by no means rule out the possibility of the 9-year-old brother, fed up to the back teeth with all the attention being focussed on JonBenet, lashing out at her on the night of Christmas Day/Boxing Day.

Whilst on this gruesome subject of intra-family murder, I wish to mention the case of Ben Needham. The morning Ben Needham vanished, his 19-year-old uncle, Stephen, had been playing with the toddler on his motorbike, at the front of the house. Ben's grandparents were sunning themselves in the garden. Ben's mother was working as a waitress in one of the main hotels on the island of Kos. After lunch at mid-day, Stephen rushed off on his motor-bike - and little Ben, who had again been playing on the motor-bike with Stephen after lunch, was enver seen again.

Did Stephen roar away with Ben also on the motor-bike?

It was a theory the Greek police pursued.

I recall watching a documentary about Ben Needham's disappearance and it was established that Stephen had been the last person to see him.. He had been letting Ben ride on his motor-bike and, although I cannot remember what evidence was put forward to support this theory, it was suggested that he may have had an accident resulting in serious injury or death. Didn't the grandparents claim that gypsies must have taken Ben?

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Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who killed JonBenet Ramsay?

Post by Rainbow 06.10.10 17:58

aiyoyo wrote:It's good they're re-opening it.

Is her brother consent needed to be able to interview him?
I wouldnt have thought so. More like procedure formality.

It means the police have not ruled out her family.

All they have done is give him a card with their number on and said if you want to talk to us give us call,they appear to have done that with a lot of people around at the time.

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