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Philpott fundraisers 'told to stop' Mm11

Philpott fundraisers 'told to stop' Regist10
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Philpott fundraisers 'told to stop' Mm11

Philpott fundraisers 'told to stop' Regist10

Philpott fundraisers 'told to stop'

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Philpott fundraisers 'told to stop' Empty Philpott fundraisers 'told to stop'

Post by nglfi 23.01.14 10:25

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] apologies, I'm not sure of the best way to post links here.
I just thought it was very interesting how quickly the police have reacted to this group of fundraisers, even though they have investigated them and no evidence of wrong doing was found. This group have demonstrably raised money for other children in need of help. I was wondering if any of the money from the Madeleine fund has demonstrably gone on helping individual children, I have a feeling I already know the answer. It's amazing how protected you can be once you are a little media - savvy!

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Philpott fundraisers 'told to stop' Empty Some edited highlights !

Post by PeterMac 23.01.14 10:43

"He was not arrested and co-operated with the thorough police inquiries. No charges have been brought against him as no evidence of wrongdoing was found.
"Fund-raisers will now discuss what to do with the money in the account and will inform police when it is dispersed and who has benefitted from it."
Should make an interesting list.
But Mr Sutherland said the books were balanced and he was "disgusted" at how he had been treated as he only wanted to help local children.
He said in an earlier interview that £70 spent on a pub visit was "a legitimate food expense".
"Legitimate" in the sense that you have to pay for drinks at the bar ?
The group had contributed to the funeral of a young Derby boy and provided 500 wristbands in support of a boy recovering from leukaemia, he added.
It is well known that "wristbands" cure leukaemia, and cause missing children to be found.
Jennifer Lobban, Mairead Philpott's sister, said she was relieved the group had been told to stop using the names of the dead children on its website.
Using the name of a dead child on a fund rising web-site !  This is truly shocking.

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Philpott fundraisers 'told to stop' Empty Re: Philpott fundraisers 'told to stop'

Post by Guest 23.01.14 10:49

Yes I think we know the answer to that one, nglfi!

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A reminder of the fund's objectives; they state that, only if the three objects are fulfilled, will money be used for other similar cases.

Very cleverly worded as the chances of the three objects being fulfilled are as remote as there ever being a similar case anywhere in the universe.

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Philpott fundraisers 'told to stop' Empty Re: Philpott fundraisers 'told to stop'

Post by sallypelt 23.01.14 13:14

PeterMac wrote:
"He was not arrested and co-operated with the thorough police inquiries. No charges have been brought against him as no evidence of wrongdoing was found.
"Fund-raisers will now discuss what to do with the money in the account and will inform police when it is dispersed and who has benefitted from it."
Should make an interesting list.
But Mr Sutherland said the books were balanced and he was "disgusted" at how he had been treated as he only wanted to help local children.
He said in an earlier interview that £70 spent on a pub visit was "a legitimate food expense".
"Legitimate" in the sense that you have to pay for drinks at the bar ?
The group had contributed to the funeral of a young Derby boy and provided 500 wristbands in support of a boy recovering from leukaemia, he added.
It is well known that "wristbands" cure leukaemia, and cause missing children to be found.
Jennifer Lobban, Mairead Philpott's sister, said she was relieved the group had been told to stop using the names of the dead children on its website.
Using the name of a dead child on a fund rising web-site !  This is truly shocking.

I wonder if they paid their mortgage out of this fund, or stayed in five star hotels all over the world?

Opps, silly me. These people wouldn't have mortgages, would they? If anything gives weight to the saying "if they were from a council estate" the closing down of this fund does. I am not suggesting that it should continue. I am totally against any fund that is set up for a single cause, to continue for longer than a year. There should be a law against it.

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Philpott fundraisers 'told to stop' Empty Re: Philpott fundraisers 'told to stop'

Post by nglfi 23.01.14 15:59

I completely agree, sallypelt. I have no doubt the police are right to request that this particular fund raiser ceases, as a few wristbands surely can't account for all the money collected. But where did the police initiative come from in the first place to investigate them over people like the McCanns? After all the objectives and stated aims of this fundraiser have at least been honest - funds collected in the name of children who have sadly, provably died. Funds raised in the name of an 'abduction' however, just because somebody said t happened, ah that's ok!

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Philpott fundraisers 'told to stop' Empty Re: Philpott fundraisers 'told to stop'

Post by Brookers 13.06.17 0:36

Five years on channel 5 tonight - Mick Philpott etc

Wonder what Cliff Lansley the behavioural analyst thinks off the Mcs case?

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Philpott fundraisers 'told to stop' Empty Re: Philpott fundraisers 'told to stop'

Post by jeanmonroe 13.06.17 1:48

Brookers wrote:Five years on channel 5 tonight - Mick Philpott etc

Wonder what Cliff Lansley the behavioural analyst thinks off the Mcs case?


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