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Fiona Bourgeon: French Faked Abduction Case Mm11

Fiona Bourgeon: French Faked Abduction Case Regist10
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Fiona Bourgeon: French Faked Abduction Case Mm11

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Fiona Bourgeon: French Faked Abduction Case

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Fiona Bourgeon: French Faked Abduction Case Empty Fiona Bourgeon: French Faked Abduction Case

Post by StarsOnYou 03.12.13 18:46

Today would have been Little French Fiona's sixth Birthday. Alas she sent "missing" in a park in France on the 12th May 2013. Her mother claimed that she'd probably been abducted... and cracked up and CONFESSED in September: in fact her little girl had been BATTERED TO DEATH and BURIED in a forest, as she and her partner claimed.

Note: while hundreds of police officers, army men and voluntary helpers were beating and combing the land searching for Fiona, the mother, Cécile Bourgeon, was complaining that the police was TOO SLOW!

The step-father, her partner, was having a go at the reporters outside their flat, telling them to leave them alone.

Until now, both the mother and her partner, Berkane Makhlouf, have accused each other of heavy violence towards the child and both claim they "cannot remember" where they would have buried the naked body of Little Fiona, WHILE HER SISTER WAS WAITING IN THE CAR.
Both the mother and her partner are drug addicts (heroin). It was revealed by police that they were consuming these drugs IN THE PRESENCE of the little girls. They have both been incarcerated yet their definite sentence awaits more information.

During the confrontation, at some points they STILL hugged, exchanging sweet words and KISSING, to the point they had to be separated by police officers. The mother told the police, during trips to try and pinpoint the body location, that she was "very disappointed" at the fact her daughter's body couldn't be found!
To get rid of the body, they both claimed that she was DRIVING the car, Makhlouf, who doesn't have a license, being the passenger. They also claimed he found a spade beside a country house... and that she dumped the bag, once empty, in someone's bin... That bag has never been found. A spade was found yet this led to nothing positive regarding the body location. It's a vast rural and sylvan area around a lake and, given that they have both lied in the first place, there is no guarantee that the little body would even be buried anywhere... And why lie about this too? What has really happened to Child Fiona??!!

look at her LYING to the cameras and everyone else: faked abduction lies, daily motion, Cécile Bourgeon
We can NOTE the absence of tears here too.......

On the second video of this article, you will see how the "step dad" was getting angry at the media:

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Fiona Bourgeon: French Faked Abduction Case Empty Re: Fiona Bourgeon: French Faked Abduction Case

Post by StarsOnYou 03.12.13 20:38

The 'step father' is being tried on Thursday:

He is said to have expressed death threats to prison staff (on top of it all). On the internet at first there was enormous support and sympathy for mother Cécile and her partner, which has backfired into a hurricane of hatred. Stupidly ( but perhaps very well for the police) Cecile Bourgeon has left her facebook account open, with her own past posts free for anyone to comment on! I have never in my life seen such a large catalog of insults.

A coincidence? Last year in November Cécile had posted photos of herself with her daughters in a forest: OOOPS, now her facebook account has gone. I saved pics and a few screen captures the other day.

I share this petition for a Trial for the McCanns.

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Fiona Bourgeon: French Faked Abduction Case Empty Re: Fiona Bourgeon: French Faked Abduction Case

Post by StarsOnYou 05.12.13 21:18

The question I ask myself in this French case is the reverse of this of Maddy*: has little Fiona really died? In fact no one has ever read about proofs she did. Has the police brought in the cadaver dogs and have they analysed fluids to confirm the death? It is stated nowhere on public reports. The couple both assert she died YET they both "forget" where THEY "buried the body" (= LIE, obviously). For all we know, Child Fiona could be, as we speak, used to be begging in some streets in Algeria or, used for worse... The French public has been very insulting yet I haven't seen any discussion + in-depth page about the case yet. (if you know of one, please let me know)

* It is only my opinion. I don't believe in abduction for Madeleine but all the elements are present to indicate that she died. However as we all know here, her parents claimed an abduction straight away. It is strange how they didn't get out to look for her just in case she'd have wandered away. Gerry apparently went out for a while and I don't believe he did so to look for Maddy. Kate, strangely, stayed in. She claimed she saw the curtains open, in police statement but then on Crime Watch BBC, for example, she claimed the opposite. Regarding this case, would it be possible that Kate really thought at first that her daughter was abducted? (And, didn't she say that at first she considered the possibility of Maddy wandering off? (please add info...) )

Let me explain my thoughts: if Gerry was the guy on the e-fit (the Martin Smith and family witnessing), could he have been the one who found Maddy dead and decide, without Kate's knowledge or consent, to hide her body, temporarily, somewhere near the beach? And Kate would have been told the truth say, after the PJ went away late at night...

In this hypothesis, Matt would have been instrumental... By offering his help to check on the McCanns' kids, he would have supported Gerry in making sure that Kate did not know (yet). This way she would have sounded genuine in the "alarm" and when she had to face the police...

It is Matt who is seen comforting Kate on a photo taken not so long after that night, on the day after or within a few days. Also there is a deleted footage by a British TV channel ( I think it was ITV): on the first day (4th May 07) Gerry forces Kate, by twisting her wrist, to go forward and stand in front of the cameras. So she did NOT want to do this (perhaps was she in the process of changing her mind and was thinking to tell the truth to the police instead?). As she anyway did, forced like we saw it, she had learned to say something like "please bring our little girl back" in Portuguese, but her tone, unconvincing, seemed forced to me: like she was either forcing herself to do this OR she was forced to do it! Well if she had found out that her child was dead in fact, instead of missing, no wonder she didn't sound convincing at asking an abductor to bring her back!

If this had happen ( again MY SPECULATION, a possibility I thought of, just) then still both parents would have been having a responsibility in the death. The first obvious one: not being there. Yet what happened? Would Kate have given a sedative to Maddy, but Gerry, not realising that she had, gave her one in turn, which would have cause Maddy's death? Would he have attempted to revive her, hence the blood droplets (even high on curtains) and, as a suppressed Portuguese article (said to be from PJ leak) stated: larynx "fine spray/ mist"?

I've seen speculation about Maddy dying before the 3rd May night. Yet the PJ, the closest to all the elements, has not expressed this possibility in their 2008 conclusions. Also, how "easy" would it be to wait til 10 pm, eating and drinking, for parents, KNOWING that their child's already dead for days?? That would also involve the nannies being corrupted (with money): how "easy" is this? Surely afterwards, eaten by remorse and heavy conscience, at least one of them would have talked.

Another thing: 3rd May night, TWO Tapas workers have stated that GERRY was NOT present at the table for a while (up to the moment when everyone started to search = after 10pm). Where was he?
Also: TWICE, Kate slipped up and, if we calculate the hours from what she said, Maddy would have been "missing" at 9 pm. (see her response to social worker Yvonne Martin and, four years later, her angry comment directed at PJ on RTE Late Late Show.) If by "missing" she means "dying", 9 pm was Gerry's turn of check. And what did he say? "She was in the RECOVERY position"...

I share this petition for a Trial for the McCanns.

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Fiona Bourgeon: French Faked Abduction Case Empty Re: Fiona Bourgeon: French Faked Abduction Case

Post by Jill Havern 26.02.18 11:59

An update on this case:

Mother who buried daughter has sentence extended to 20 years

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Fiona Bourgeon: French Faked Abduction Case Empty Re: Fiona Bourgeon: French Faked Abduction Case

Post by Verdi 26.02.18 12:42

People who think adults are incapable of committing an horrendous crime against their own child/ren, should take note of these cases that all too frequently come to light.

It's because folk don't want to believe that so many get away with murder. The ostrich syndrome.

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