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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Mm11

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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Mm11

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Jane Tanner Liar?

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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty One more witness contradicts Jane Tanners Story

Post by LG78 23.08.11 11:53

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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Tanner lie revieled

Post by LG78 23.08.11 15:01

This is interressting, the tapas bar was not an option in the all inclusive at OC. Only Millenium was.

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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Re: Jane Tanner Liar?

Post by Guest 23.08.11 15:17

But if you read the statement from the tapas receptionist, she confirms that it was. !!

Processos Vol III Pages 50 – 51

Date: 2007/05/08

Luisa Ana de Noronha de Azevedo Coutinho

Occupation: Receptionist
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She has been a receptionist at the Garden for 1 year, but has worked there previously.

The OC Garden reception has less functions than the main reception and deals with subjects relating to activities (Pool, Tennis) etc and excursions.

She points out that the family in question came via Mark Warner and this company takes care of all relations with clients and there is practically no contact between the clients and reception.

She adds that this family (McCann), like all MW clients had half-board, that is breakfast and dinner. For dinner the guests could choose between two restaurants, the Tapas and the Millenium, the first being à la carte and the second a buffet service, clients make their choice not only because of the food but because of the proximity of the restaurant to their accommodation. She says that the guests told her that the Tapas was of better quality but that it was difficult to reserve there as a MW guest as the MW daily quota was of only 20.

In this concrete case the reasonable option was the Tapas as the distance was only 40 metres from the accommodation as opposed to 200 m from the Millenium.

She remembers that on Sunday 29th April one of the elements of the group arrived with the child Madeleine McCann, she does not know his name and can only say that he was male and tall and thin and that he approached her to request a booking for the whole group, for the whole week and always at 20.30.

When questioned, she confirms that the man was not the father of the girl but one of the members of the group whom was often seen in his company.

The man justified his request by saying that the group had many small children whom they would leave alone when they went to dine. She said that at intervals some two parents would go to the apartments to see if everything was OK.

The deponent made some comments about the request, saying that the Tapas received many requests and that MW only had a quota of 20 per day, but upon the insistence of the guest she managed to make the bookings requested.

She confirms that it was possible to see the apartment from the restaurant, including the window of the sitting room.

She does not know in which bedroom the children were sleeping but upon being informed that it was on the opposite side of the apartment she confirmed that it would be completely out of sight from anyone at the restaurant.

That the most viable solution would be to leave the children with a baby sitter, which is the procedure normally adopted by clients.

Regarding the question as to the availability of the baby sitting service between 19.30 and 23.30, she confirms that the service exists and that it is free of charge.

When questioned, she says that she does not understand, as the service is free, why the parents of Madeleine McCann did not use it.

When asked she says that the contact with this family was normal, like with other clients and describes them as “nice”.

With regard to the date of the disappearance she says that she worked from 09.00 to 19.00 and only returned at 08.00 on 4th May.

It was on this day at 08.30 when she arrived that she was informed about the disappearance by colleagues.

She only knows what third parties have told her and from what she has seen in the press.

She never saw anything strange. During this interview she provided a book with the reservations for the Tapas restaurant.

No more was said, reads, ratifies and signs.

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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Re: Jane Tanner Liar?

Post by Guest 23.08.11 15:20

[quote="LG78"]This is interressting, the tapas bar was not an option in the all inclusive at OC. Only Millenium was.

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Sorry, I'm confused now, are you saying that it was included on half board, but not full board or all inclusive??

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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Re: Jane Tanner Liar?

Post by Guest 23.08.11 15:30

I think back in 2007 you could eat at both in the deal. I think, not sure, but the Tapas was taken over sometime last year by another company, therefore it wouldn't now be included. The email Textusa has posted is from July 2010. The Editor of This is Money confirmed that you could eat at both inclusive (in 2007) in this post I put up the other day - he actually stayed there the week before the McCanns .....................

09 May 2007 1:32 PM

My experience of Maddie's resort in Praia de Luz, the Algarve

I need to break from the usual financial slant of posts on this blog. I'm sure you'll understand as I thing's it's important to give my views on this...
My family and I returned last week relaxed from a holiday at the sleepy end of Portugal’s Algarve. We were, however, stunned to wake on Friday morning, days after we returned, to hear news that a girl, three-year-old Madeleine McCann, had gone missing from the same complex, yards from where we stayed.
We picked the Ocean Club resort in Praia de Luz, a quiet village, because of its connections with Mark Warner Holidays. The company has a growing reputation among families for offering comprehensive childcare wrapped in packages with free sports activities, such as tennis and water sports. The balance of a family holiday with time to relax away from the kids is attractive to millions of Britons.
We had a great time, able to spend time together as a family while also having some time out. Sam, our two-year-old son, was well looked after while we lounged by the pool, or why I played tennis or sailed. My wife Andrea and I even made nightly jaunts to local restaurants, a rare treat for new parents.
Luz, as the locals call it, is a laid back resort with a mix of Portugese holidaymakers and locals and, in off-peak May, a smaller number of foreign tourists. A handful of restaurants and bars in the town have a balance of mainly British families and friendly locals. This is an area you would not associate with crime, let alone the abduction of a child.
The Ocean Club has several hubs. One is a 24-hour reception, the other two have swimming pools, restaurants and tennis courts. At their furthest point, these centres are 10 minutes walk apart. In between are Ocean Club apartments mixed with local homes.
The options for childcare were numerous, well organised and of a very high standard. A well-staffed nursery with a child-to-carer ratio that was often just two-to-one, took youngsters from 9.30 to 12.30 every day and from 2.30 to 5.30 in the afternoon.

These creche facilities were next to the poolside Tapas restaurant where Madeleine’s parents were eating when she disappeared.
Madeleine and the younger twins Amelie and Sean were sleeping at the McCanns’ apartment overlooking the swimming pool at the main hub of the resort. Around that pool was the Tapas bar which was in high demand every night. Most guests went to the buffet at the Ocean Club’s Millennium restaurant, a 10-minute walk away from the McCanns’ apartment. But eager guests would queue from 9am to book one of the limited number of tables at the Tapas bar, which served barbecued fish and meat dishes to order. Both restaurants were included in the price of the holiday.

The McCanns’ choice to leave their children at the flat and make regular checks is surprising given the alternatives. In their defence, they may have been expecting, as advertised in Mark Warner brochures, a ‘listening service’. Staff told us that the service had been discontinued because the apartments were too spread out. The resort, however, offered a baby-sitting service for 15 euros (£10) an hour, which was staffed by a member of the daytime nursery teams, or a ‘dining out club’. This involved parents dropping off children at the crèche where they would be supervised watching videos until they went to sleep. Parents would then return before 11.30 to scoop up their sleepy offspring.
I can imagine the McCanns’ dilemma. The ‘dining out club’ was more than a five-minute walk from where the McCanns stayed along cobbled streets or a winding pedestrian path through the apartments. It’s not far - it worked brilliantly for us on most nights - but it would have felt much further if you had to ferry thee children there and back (and hope they were still asleep after doing so). Plus parents were required to wait until children under two, which includes the McCanns’ twins, were asleep. We talked to parents who said this was enough to put them off the option.
The McCanns opted instead to eat 40-50m from their apartment, not much more than a pool’s width away. They hoped it would be just close enough to hear a crying baby but with bar music playing and restaurant hubbub, it wasn’t close enough to hear what happened to Madeleine that night.
I can't imagine what they're going through now. I, along with millions others, only hope they can find her soon and safe.

- Andrew Oxlade, Editor, This is Money

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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Re: Jane Tanner Liar?

Post by Guest 23.08.11 15:32

Thanks Candyfloss [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Re: Jane Tanner Liar?

Post by Guest 23.08.11 16:17

Found this written just before 4th Anniversary of Madeleine going missing ( 25 April 2011) I'm sure I read that it was under different management, but anyway it definitely doesn't open at night .........................

There have been subtle changes, too, in the Ocean complex. On the night their daughter was snatched, the McCanns and seven other British couples in their party, dined in the complex, leaving all their children – in adjacent apartments – alone. They did not lock the doors, fearing the children would be trapped should a fire break out. Neither did they pay for a baby-sitting service, saying they didn’t want to leave their children with strangers. Instead, in a decision that will forever haunt the couple, they opted to take turns checking on all the sleeping children at half-hourly intervals.
Today, the dining area has been turned into a pizzeria and is no longer open in the evenings.

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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Re: Jane Tanner Liar?

Post by Guest 13.09.11 22:41

twitter - from spudgun...............

Mike Spudgun (@spudgun01)
Posted Tuesday 13th September 2011 from Twitlonger

#McCanns Jane Tanner clarifies the confusion surrounding her ever-changing witness statements:-
when she was interviewed by Leicestershire Police in April 2008. When asked to describe the man she saw in detail, she stated, (verbatim):

“You see, this is where, now, I'm really... I don't even know whether it's worth doing this, because there's been so much since then. I've had the... when they took me round for the surveillance to look at... and I'm guessing now it's MURAT they wanted me to look at and, you know.........all the other bits and bobs, I really don't know, but I think I'd prefer just to stick with what I said in my original statement, in terms of the... because, even... I mean, this is coming back to the sketch, even when I did the sketch, by that stage, you know, things were... were murky..... I needed to do that sketch that first night, I mean, they took me in to do the sketch, but they only had, errm... front facing software, know... and at that point I said, you know, is there?... can I do?... because the clothes and everything was the thing... was the thing that was the most in my mind then and I can remember saying to the chap I met on the stairs earlier......”

Got that?. Good...............

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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Re: Jane Tanner Liar?

Post by jd 13.09.11 22:58

Is it me but I always have great difficulty trying to make any sort of sense with what Jane Tanner says. I mean, you know,I mean, I'm english and I am struggling so it must be impossible for the Portuguese Police, you know, I mean! Not a very bright flower that one

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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Erm err tut

Post by juliet 13.09.11 23:14

ALL the Tapas 9 stutter their way through the investigations.

If they were telling the truth, their statements would be clear and they wouldn't be trying to hide behind errs and umms and "I forgets".

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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Re: Jane Tanner Liar?

Post by Guest 13.09.11 23:20

Exactly J D and Juliet. For well-educated people they are very inarticulate. Jane Tanner is certainly the worst but the rest aren't much better.

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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Re: Jane Tanner Liar?

Post by PeterMac 14.09.11 7:02

I do not believe they actually are so inarticulate, except in the circumstance where they are trying to find answers to questions which they have not rehearsed.
They are struggling not only to think ahead as to the possible consequence of saying a particular thing, but simultaneously having to remember what they said before, and either remembering, or guessing what the others have said, or may have said.
In one or two of the rogatories they are very clearly waffling around and not answering the question at all, by diverting the interviewer towards something else. He seems not to have been sharp enough to spot what was going on, and to keep pressing for direct or clear answers. Or perhaps he had been briefed. I don't know.

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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Re: Jane Tanner Liar?

Post by Guest 14.09.11 8:17

candyfloss wrote:twitter - from spudgun...............

Mike Spudgun (@spudgun01)
Posted Tuesday 13th September 2011 from Twitlonger

because the clothes and everything was the thing... was the thing that was the most in my mind then and I can remember saying to the chap I met on the stairs earlier......”

What chap on what stairs??? Is she talking about in 2008 at the time of the interview, if so, who speaks on the stairs. If in 2007 after the alarm was raise, who is she referring to?

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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Sightings in real life

Post by Guest 13.11.12 9:44

Last night I woke up in the middle of the night from sounds in my hallway downstairs.. I soon ruled out a natural explanation and soon understand there was a burglar in my house.
I have two children and I was very afraid. I went quietly into my kitchen getting to big knifes, then I woke my husband up.

He manage to scare the guy out, and we both saw him and his car and got the numberplate.

I saw the burglar when he stood outside, maybe 7-8 meters away not to light, not to dark I saw him well enough to see he had beard, was not from my country and aged between 25-30.
Already today this picture of him is vague, and I could not have identified him today. I can't clearly remember his clothing or facial expressions, take a man in the same agen and colored skin infront of me, I could not have pointed out the man or even given a reliable sketch of him I think...

I find it so unbelieveble that Jane could remember more over time, and that for a person she really did not pay any special attention to when seeing him, as I did whit the burglar..

I saw the burglar in a better lighting and in closer distance than Jane saw the alleged abductor...

Just wanted to share my experience on this...

And I do not feel comfortable beeing alone in that house tonight Sad my husband is going away for two days.. On the other side im glad I was not home alone as it happened...Probably they stay away tonight !

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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Re: Jane Tanner Liar?

Post by Nina 13.11.12 9:49

Moa wrote:Last night I woke up in the middle of the night from sounds in my hallway downstairs.. I soon ruled out a natural explanation and soon understand there was a burglar in my house.
I have two children and I was very afraid. I went quietly into my kitchen getting to big knifes, then I woke my husband up.

He manage to scare the guy out, and we both saw him and his car and got the numberplate.

I saw the burglar when he stood outside, maybe 7-8 meters away not to light, not to dark I saw him well enough to see he had beard, was not from my country and aged between 25-30.
Already today this picture of him is vague, and I could not have identified him today. I can't clearly remember his clothing or facial expressions, take a man in the same agen and colored skin infront of me, I could not have pointed out the man or even given a reliable sketch of him I think...

I find it so unbelieveble that Jane could remember more over time, and that for a person she really did not pay any special attention to when seeing him, as I did whit the burglar..

I saw the burglar in a better lighting and in closer distance than Jane saw the alleged abductor...

Just wanted to share my experience on this...

And I do not feel comfortable beeing alone in that house tonight Sad my husband is going away for two days.. On the other side im glad I was not home alone as it happened...Probably they stay away tonight !

Oh dear Moa what a terrifying experience for you. How had he got in?

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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Re: Jane Tanner Liar?

Post by PeterMac 13.11.12 9:56

Nina wrote:
Oh dear Moa what a terrifying experience for you. How had he got in?
Through the patio doors ?
(Sorry Moa. One shouldn't joke. I know how unsettling it is to find someone strange in your home. Don't dwell on it. You did the right thing, grabbing the knives to protect your family, but very pleased you were not called upon to use them. You showed great courage and strength of character, and I applaud you for your level headed approach. taking the car number, instead of wailing and smashing furniture, for example. Did you call a priest ? big grin )

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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Re: Jane Tanner Liar?

Post by Guest 13.11.12 10:17

PeterMac wrote:
Nina wrote:
Oh dear Moa what a terrifying experience for you. How had he got in?
Through the patio doors ?
(Sorry Moa. One shouldn't joke. I know how unsettling it is to find someone strange in your home. Don't dwell on it. You did the right thing, grabbing the knives to protect your family, but very pleased you were not called upon to use them. You showed great courage and strength of character, and I applaud you for your level headed approach. taking the car number, instead of wailing and smashing furniture, for example. Did you call a priest ? big grin )

LOL , well im a person using humor in mylife, no worries there PeterMac :D

Well no they did not enter the patio door :). I live where noone things anyone lives, above an electrical shop. In the basement there is a little appartment used by my landlords son maybe 2 out of 12 months in a year.( so I soon ruled out that the person I heard was him) , he went in trough a window then broke up a door before he entered my hallway, where there is an emergency exit from the electric shop and into my hallway. So he was trying to break that door open, my bedroom is right up the stairs in that hallway, only 3 /4 meters away from where he was..Im very sure he would have continued up to my appartment and room if I had not wokend up, luckily im a light sleeper and wakes up very easily, but he made so much noices that he was either just very stupid or totally unawear of us living there...Creepy experience it was either way...

Luckely I did ( and the burglar) did not need a priest big grin

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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Re: Jane Tanner Liar?

Post by Liz Eagles 13.11.12 10:43

Moa wrote:Last night I woke up in the middle of the night from sounds in my hallway downstairs.. I soon ruled out a natural explanation and soon understand there was a burglar in my house.
I have two children and I was very afraid. I went quietly into my kitchen getting to big knifes, then I woke my husband up.

He manage to scare the guy out, and we both saw him and his car and got the numberplate.

I saw the burglar when he stood outside, maybe 7-8 meters away not to light, not to dark I saw him well enough to see he had beard, was not from my country and aged between 25-30.
Already today this picture of him is vague, and I could not have identified him today. I can't clearly remember his clothing or facial expressions, take a man in the same agen and colored skin infront of me, I could not have pointed out the man or even given a reliable sketch of him I think...

I find it so unbelieveble that Jane could remember more over time, and that for a person she really did not pay any special attention to when seeing him, as I did whit the burglar..

I saw the burglar in a better lighting and in closer distance than Jane saw the alleged abductor...

Just wanted to share my experience on this...

And I do not feel comfortable beeing alone in that house tonight Sad my husband is going away for two days.. On the other side im glad I was not home alone as it happened...Probably they stay away tonight !

Dear Moa,

I hope you are ok. We were taken hostage earlier this year by three gunmen. I can no longer remember what they look like or what they were wearing. One of them had a gold sort of tattoo beneath one of his eyes (I can't even remember which eye). I can remember exactly what they did, I can remember exactly what they said but I can't remember what they looked like or what they were wearing. Please Moa, if you can, ask/pay someone to stay with you for the next couple of nights - preferably someone with a big dog. Be safe.

aquila x
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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Re: Jane Tanner Liar?

Post by Guest 13.11.12 11:00

aquila wrote:
Moa wrote:Last night I woke up in the middle of the night from sounds in my hallway downstairs.. I soon ruled out a natural explanation and soon understand there was a burglar in my house.
I have two children and I was very afraid. I went quietly into my kitchen getting to big knifes, then I woke my husband up.

He manage to scare the guy out, and we both saw him and his car and got the numberplate.

I saw the burglar when he stood outside, maybe 7-8 meters away not to light, not to dark I saw him well enough to see he had beard, was not from my country and aged between 25-30.
Already today this picture of him is vague, and I could not have identified him today. I can't clearly remember his clothing or facial expressions, take a man in the same agen and colored skin infront of me, I could not have pointed out the man or even given a reliable sketch of him I think...

I find it so unbelieveble that Jane could remember more over time, and that for a person she really did not pay any special attention to when seeing him, as I did whit the burglar..

I saw the burglar in a better lighting and in closer distance than Jane saw the alleged abductor...

Just wanted to share my experience on this...

And I do not feel comfortable beeing alone in that house tonight Sad my husband is going away for two days.. On the other side im glad I was not home alone as it happened...Probably they stay away tonight !

Dear Moa,

I hope you are ok. We were taken hostage earlier this year by three gunmen. I can no longer remember what they look like or what they were wearing. One of them had a gold sort of tattoo beneath one of his eyes (I can't even remember which eye). I can remember exactly what they did, I can remember exactly what they said but I can't remember what they looked like or what they were wearing. Please Moa, if you can, ask/pay someone to stay with you for the next couple of nights - preferably someone with a big dog. Be safe.

aquila x

Ty Aquilla, I remember your story wich was much more horrifing than mine !!
Yeah I do not feel good about beeing alone to night.. Im gone lock some extra doors and sleep inside the living room. Our bedroom is in the hallway on the outside of the appartment, so if I sleep in the living room I can then lock and extra door into the acuall apartment where the children sleep..
my landlord was also going to secure doors and windows with extra lockes :)
And yes I remember every sound and movement and the numberplate, wich I almost got wrong right after due to stress ! But the looks of this guy has faded amasingly quickly away ..

The police called me an hour ago , they where out looking for this Abdulla Kurtis age 25 ! Oh he also drove his father car when doing it so im praying he has some very strickt religious parents that will wipe his ass !! big grin

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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Re: Jane Tanner Liar?

Post by Hobs 14.11.12 18:19

Three is the liars number (Mark McClish)

When someone makes up a story or a crime, quite often they will use the number 3 when choosing a number of persons, a time, floor etc

It may be to do with the fact that as children when we are read fairy stories 3 crops up a lot and as such becomes a part of our subconscious.

Thus when a guilty person makes a statement about an alleged crime the number 3 crops up examples being charlie rogers and the 3 men who assualted her ( currently facing charges) tiffany hartley and the 3 boats that allegedly chased her and her husband on a lake between texas and mexico with the result her husband was shot on the mexican side of the lake ( refused polygraphs, interviews with the mexican investigators, 3 o'clock as the time the timeline was allegedly written (tanner and russell) number of checks performed (oldfield gerry and kate)

In statement analysis seeing the number three crops up in a statement it doesn't mean the subject is being deceptive, it however should be noted (red flagged) and firther questions asked in relation to the number, either immediately or on returning to the question and perhaps phrasing it differently.

One or two red flags in a statement doesn't necessarily mean deception is indicated rather when there are multiple red flags it causes the analysts to look closer.

Other red flags would be pronouns, dropped pronouns and tenses. Are they in the correct place, consistent and appropriate?

If they aren't, where are they missing from or where do they change?

Why does it change?

We also look for changes in language.

A good interviewer doesn't ask compound questions nor do they introdice new language.

The let the subject introduce new language and note where it occurs, a change in language reflects a change in reality, is the change warranted?

In cases of missing children the expected is to see from the mother particularly a lot of I, she is protective of her child and her emotions are on high alert.

What i note with kate is a lot of we ( we indicates shared guilt or minimising of her own role) and you when asked how she feels or would react.

Her replies invariably skip to 3rd person distancing, she doesn't take ownership of what she says , instead, she tells us the interviewer and listener how we would feel in the same situation.

If she can't take ownership of something we can't do it for her.

Listen closely or read closely what she ACTUALLY says rather than what you THINK she says.

The same for the rest of the group

Remeber with casey anthony, she told us dead squirrels ran into the engine.

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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Re: Jane Tanner Liar?

Post by Guest 14.11.12 18:27

I once linked to a great article about liars number, and number 3 was the most common liars number. And 5 I think. Interresting stuff.

have you ever done an Analyse of Kates story as to what happend? Would be interresting to have an analyse of when she tells the story in their own documentary compared to how she tells it in the book. There are some significant changes in the story as to what she did and thought at that moment when she entered the apartment and discovered Madeleine gone.


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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Re: Jane Tanner Liar?

Post by Hobs 14.11.12 21:23

Moa wrote:Hobs:
I once linked to a great article about liars number, and number 3 was the most common liars number. And 5 I think. Interresting stuff.

have you ever done an Analyse of Kates story as to what happend? Would be interresting to have an analyse of when she tells the story in their own documentary compared to how she tells it in the book. There are some significant changes in the story as to what she did and thought at that moment when she entered the apartment and discovered Madeleine gone.

Hi Moa.

I haven't done a word for word analysis on her story, i have analysed sections of it and posted them online on sundry blogs. The problem isher story tends to change depending who she is talking to and the skill of the interviewer and also needing an exact transcript of what was said rather than best guestimate.

Peter Hyatt has analysed an interview she did with Jane hill part one of which can be found here

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I have talked with Peter about this case and pointed him in the general direction of where transcripts of interviews and the PJ files can be found. I have indicated where i found deception and why i found it to be deceptive. I indicated expected behavior and where it would and should be found and also where i have found unexpected behavior.

I will try and find the time and look through one of her interviews, the Oprah one might be interesting to look at.

They have given us plenty to look at, i did however notice in the panoram interview where they talked to tanner she said in the video i carried yet in the transcript it said he carried, an important difference.

Hopefully i can watch the video and follow the transcript and note and discrepancies (thank goodness i am a speed reader)

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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Re: Jane Tanner Liar?

Post by Guest 14.11.12 21:34

@ Hobs. Hi :-)
I think you would find the best material in the early days, when they weren't completely "settled" in their mantras. You may find they did settle in the middle years, though still not without inconsistencies, au contraire. But, IMO the best would be to analyse and compare their early and late statements, which will show up the major contradictions.

As we used to say in early days already: give them enough rope ... and they took it ...

Good night to you et al ... zzzz .... ;-)

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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Re: Jane Tanner Liar?

Post by tigger 15.11.12 5:32

@ Hobbs

Could some of your posts here be copied to the topic Statement analysis? Where there is the transcript of the interview you mention.

Sounds very interesting - the numbers used by liars but we're not just talking about Jane here. We posted about the Australian interview for analysis as well. McCannfiles and Dr. Roberts are good sources for this, I can't get enough of it!

Here's the link:

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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Re: Jane Tanner Liar?

Post by Hobs 15.11.12 23:16

Sure thing. Peter Hyatt has also done an analysis of their interview it is available on his blog to read and comment on.
I will also be doing an analysis at some time and will post there and here.

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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Re: Jane Tanner Liar?

Post by Guest 18.10.13 12:53

Bump in light of the Crimewatch programme

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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Re: Jane Tanner Liar?

Post by sharonl 18.10.13 22:08

Bumping again
This is a vital thread in light of the Crime Watch programme.
After 6 years we are still not aware of one shred of evidence that supports the McCanns' claim of abduction, apart from the Jane Tanner sighting.
Once again this sighting has been discredited but how credible was it to start with?  14 Reason to suspect Tanners' testimony lacked credibility
1.  The only person to see the suspect was Jane Tanner
2.  Jane Tanner changed her story, and the description of this man or woman, several times
3.   She later pointed the finger at Murat who looked nothing like the suspect
4.  Despite not seeing his face at all, she was later able to identify a moustachioed man as being the same
5.  She never challenged Dave Edgar who said that she seen a woman and not a man
6.  Gerry McCann and Jez Wilkins contradicts her testimony when she says that she passed them, they did not see her or the suspect
7.  Tapas staff claim that Tanner never left the table
8.  Portuguese Police conclude that no stranger entered the apartment
9.  There was no sign of a break in
10. There was no trace of any abductor in the apartment
11. The window and shutters were not open or tampered with as claimed
12.  Portuguese Police concluded that Tanner was not a credible witness
13.  Moita Flores of the Portuguese Police proved in a TVI documentary that abduction was not possible
14. The Metropolitan Police have now concluded, for whatever reason, that The man that Tanner may have seen was not Madeleines' abductor
That leaves us with no evidence whatsoever that Madeleine was abducted.
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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Re: Jane Tanner Liar?

Post by bobbin 18.10.13 22:47

sharonl wrote:Bumping again
This is a vital thread in light of the Crime Watch programme.
After 6 years we are still not aware of one shred of evidence that supports the McCanns' claim of abduction, apart from the Jane Tanner sighting.
Once again this sighting has been discredited but how credible was it to start with?  14 Reason to suspect Tanners' testimony lacked credibility
1.  The only person to see the suspect was Jane Tanner
2.  Jane Tanner changed her story, and the description of this man or woman, several times
3.   She later pointed the finger at Murat who looked nothing like the suspect
4.  Despite not seeing his face at all, she was later able to identify a moustachioed man as being the same
5.  She never challenged Dave Edgar who said that she seen a woman and not a man
6.  Gerry McCann and Jez Wilkins contradicts her testimony when she says that she passed them, they did not see her or the suspect
7.  Tapas staff claim that Tanner never left the table
8.  Portuguese Police conclude that no stranger entered the apartment
9.  There was no sign of a break in
10. There was no trace of any abductor in the apartment
11. The window and shutters were not open or tampered with as claimed
12.  Portuguese Police concluded that Tanner was not a credible witness
13.  Moita Flores of the Portuguese Police proved in a TVI documentary that abduction was not possible
14. The Metropolitan Police have now concluded, for whatever reason, that The man that Tanner may have seen was not Madeleines' abductor
That leaves us with no evidence whatsoever that Madeleine was abducted.
And even if she had seen a man carrying something, as has been shown by AR, it still delivered no 'evidence' of abduction.
No forced entry, no forensic material found of stranger in apartment.
It is only Kate And Gerry's word for it that it was an abduction. And they have told lie after squirming lie. Ergo, no abduction.
It will only be an abduction if Smithman is identified and he confesses or is investigated and found to have abducted Maddie.
Otherwise, it's down to the parents. What they did after what had happened. Maddie went on holiday with her family (possibly) and did not return with her family (for sure).

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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Re: Jane Tanner Liar?

Post by Google.Gaspar.Statements 18.10.13 22:48

The bottom line is that Madeleine is missing and there were alerts from two British sniffer dogs of blood and death scent in exactly the same places. Alerts that the McCanns acknowledged existed because they tried to explain them away by saying it was rotting meat and dirty nappies. Alerts that caused the McCanns to air the boot of the hire car.

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Jane Tanner Liar? - Page 4 Empty Re: Jane Tanner Liar?

Post by sallypelt 07.03.17 20:43

This is an extract from Maria C R Batista’s statement, taken on 7 May 2007. It raises so many questions. One, for example, where Gerry tells her that he “closed the window”. Now why would he close the window if he believed that someone had come through the window and taken his daughter.?

 Also, she talks about “a lady” saying she saw a man, but again, MCRB is puzzled by this statement, and gives her reasons why she found it implausible.


On reflection, there are quite a lot of MCRB’s statement that jumps out.



Witness statement of Silvia Maria Correia Ramos Batista 2007.05.07


As she said earlier she was alerted about the disappearance of Madeleine between 22.30 and 23:00. She was at home and was informed of the event via a telephone call.
She drove immediately to the Ocean Club where she arrived a few minutes before elements of the GNR popped in.
After she arrived she went immediately to the apartment A5 where she found several people inside the apartment and outside of it. She entered in the flat but soon left without having spoken with anyone, because she was informed that elements of the GNR were in the principal reception. She went there to meet them.
When she came close to the elements of the GNR she found that behind her was
Gerry, Madeleine's father, accompanied by another man whose identity she doesn't remember. Then Gerry kneeled down, hit the floor with both hands, positioning himself as if he were a praying Arab, and screamed twice of anger, what he said being impossible to understand. Then Gerry stand up and accompanied her (the witness) and the other man in the car of the GNR to the apartment A5.
She entered the apartment and asked for the passports of all elements of the family, and also photographs of the missing girl. She went with Gerry to the GNR car to hand over the requested documents. She mentions she did this, as well
as other tasks, at the request of the GNR Commandant, because she could translate their questions and the missing girl's family's answers.
She remembers Gerry gave the Commandant of several photographs of the missing girl. They were postcard-like pictures, taking into account their size and shape and seemed all the same to her.
She understood also that since the very beginning either Gerry or the others insisted on stating that Madeleine had been snatched, all using the word "abducted" instead of missing, and all showing much interest in informing the press of the situation.

She also recalls entering in the room where Madeleine should be sleeping and remembers now that the door was closed. The room was dark. The blinds were down, some light entering through their holes. The windows were closed and the curtains slightly open. Gerry, who followed her and the elements of the GNR, said he did close the window because of the babies sleeping in the room, a fact she confirms.
Gerry said that when he discovered the disappearance of Madeleine he noticed that the window and the blinds were open and the curtains fluttering.
She recalls that the beds which were in the middle of the room and used by the babies
were aligned and therefore found it strange that someone had taken Madeleine from the bed where she would be sleeping and had gone to the window because there was no space to pass.
She opened the wardrobes of that room in order to confirm that Madeleine wasn't eventually hiding there.
Then everyone left the room and someone shut the door. She remained for some time in the living room, near the GNR elements, Gerry and other elements of the group
who got in and out and spoke on their cellular phones.
She observed that none of the elements of the group including the father and mother
of the child was concerned with looking for her.

The mother was sitting on the bed of her room, the father was with her (the witness) and the elements of the GNR, and other
elements of the group got in and out
and spoke on the phone, anxious, in her opinion, to tell the press what happened
She thought that the child's mother was devastated, the father was worried and
also asked to notify the press and to get dogs to search.
About the others she only remembers that Fiona and her husband, Payne, were hysterical with the situation.
At a certain time, after the arrival of the PJ elements, the parents removed the twins
from the beds in which they were still sleeping and took them to the first floor flat.
At the request of Kate she (the witness) to remove their puppets drink and a blanket that she took to the first floor flat. Only the mattresses remained.
She wanted to mention that around 3h00 Madeleine's parents asked for a priest to be present. They didn't explain why they wanted a priest but she (the witness) was amazed, because there were no indications that the little girl was dead and only in these circumstances is usually asked the presence of a priest.
At some point she translated the statement of one of the ladies who belonged to the group and that she describes as a brunette one.
This lady said to the GNR elements, and she (the witness) translated, that she had seen a man on the road who might have carried a child.
This situation surprised her because she (the witness) was convinced that when the lady saw the man, the lady was in a place from where she had no angle of vision for the place where she saw the man. She doesn't know exactly what was the position of the lady when she saw the man, but she knows that the lady said she saw the man in the street in front of the Madeleine's bedroom window, walking in the direction of the street that then leads to the Baptista supermarket.
Asked about the way the members of the group were dressed up in that night, she only remembers that Fiona was wearing a green blouse, that Geny was wearing a dark shirt
and the husband of Fiona wearing clear pants, beige she thins.
And more she did not say. Read the self as the thought, ratified and will sign

Bold and underlining have been added by me.

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