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Joana Morais:  Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"  Mm11

Joana Morais:  Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"  Regist10
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Joana Morais:  Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"  Mm11

Joana Morais:  Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"  Regist10

Joana Morais: Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"

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Joana Morais:  Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"  Empty Joana Morais: Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"

Post by Guest 29.12.18 16:04

Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"

by Joana Morais 9 years ago

McCann Couple wants to reopen the 'Maddie case'

Joana Morais:  Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"  Mccanns+expresso+capa

Gerry and Kate McCann guarantee that they have new clues about their daughter's disappearence and that they are going to formally request the reopening of the process. The couple admits that they do not have any concrete evidence that Madeleine McCann, who would have today seven years old, is alive or if she has been kidnapped and they only know that it will be very difficult to get the agreement of the Public Ministry. In an interview to Expresso, done this week at a Lisbon hotel, the parents of the English child who disappeared three years ago in the Algarve, reveal that they still have half a million pounds in the fund and a 3 persons team working daily in a search that has proved fruitless. [Cover Page image]

The interview

Kate and Gerry McCann In Lisbon, three years after the disappearance of their daughter

Joana Morais:  Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"  Mccanns+expresso+1

"We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"

Madeleine McCann disappeared three years ago and her parents returned to Portugal to try to reopen the process. They admit that they do not have any evidence that their daughter is alive, but guarantee that they have clues which should be investigated.

Is your life back to normal?

Kate McCann - It will never be the same, but we live with a certain normality. Gerry works at the hospital, and I work full time in the campaign to find Madeleine and the twins go to school and swimming. We have children, we owe them a normal life.

Have you told them what happened?

KM - We told them immediately, but as they grow up - they have 5 now - they make other questions. Amelie asked me if Maddie had ran away and I had to explain to her that she was stolen.
Gerry McCann - Sean speaks all the time about finding Maddie and what he will do to the person who has stolen her. They know they went to sleep and when they woke up their sister was gone. But they still don't understand that someone has taken her. When they gain that conscience, I believe they will want to know where we were. And we will have to explain that we were having dinner at a nearby restaurant.

What are you doing at this moment to find your daughter?

GM - We have an investigative team working for us full time. They've analysed all the information in the process, spoke with people who have entered in contact with us and identified a new line of investigation. It's a small team, of three persons, based in England.

Have you found anything in concrete?

GM - There are lines, leads which weren't investigated thoroughly and information has been released to the authorities.

To the Judiciary Police?

GM - Yes and to the English authorities. We know that one of the leads was followed and eliminated and another was considered irrelevant. We don't agree.

Which leads are those ones?

GM - I can't speak about them.

Eye witnesses?

KM - We will not enter in any details so we don't place in danger our findings.
GM - I am not saying that we have someone who saw Madeleine. But leads take to other leads and we have to convince the police to investigate them.

Have you made a formal request to reopen the process?

GM - Not yet. But we will ask for the reopening of the process. Surely. That was what we came to Portugal to do.

But with which fundamentation? Do you believe that any prosecutor will agree with your request?

GM - Can it be done? It can. Will it be done? I don't know. We will never obtain evidence that Madeleine is here or there. At most we might get leads that will have to be investigated.

But everything that you've got till now was inconsistent...

KM - But if someone says that they have seen her in a blue car somewhere, shouldn't that be investigated? Are we going to dismiss leads without even verifying them?
GM - We will ask the police to gather all the case information, we will place it on the same system [sic] and analyse each point. The PJ has statements which are not in the process. It is an enormous work that we cannot do, but someone has to do it.

Why is it so important to prevent the sales of Gonçalo Amaral's book?

GM - The book was prejudicing the search for Madeleine.


GM - Because if people believe that Madeleine is dead and that we have covered up the crime, they will give up on the search. The book is full of omissions and lacks circumstantial evidence.

It is the conclusion arrived by the police who investigated the case. Does he not have the right to his opinion and to publish it?

GM - When we have a disagreement we turn to the courts. And the law said we were right. Freedom of expression in not more important than our right of being falsely accused.

Gonçalo Amaral is not to blame for the dogs who detected cadaver odour in the house.

GM - We were disturbed with the dogs story but the truth is that they are not 100% reliable, they have to be corroborated with forensic evidence, which didn't happen. There wasn't Madeleine's DNA. Even the PJ director [Alípio Ribeiro, former PJ national director] admitted that it was hasty to constitute us as arguidos [official suspects].

Is there any money left in the fund?

KM - Yes. Contributions haven't stopped and we have 500 thousand pounds.

Do you believe that Maddie is dead?

KM - At the beginning yes, I didn't think about anything else. But no one has found any evidence that she was dead and the truth is she might be held by someone. It happened in Austria and in the US.
GM - We are not naive and there is a probability that she is dead. However she is a small child and in abduction cases, the younger you are, bigger is the possibility of adapting and surviving.
KM - It happens. It has already happened.

Is she still present in your house?

KM - Yes. We still keep her room as it was, there are pictures of her all around the house. And we speak about her everyday.
GM - And we have to find out what happened in order to move forward.

Do you dream about her?

KM - I've only dreamt with her three times. Very real dreams, where I was holding her in my arms. Strange, isn't it?

Expresso Portuguese weekly newspaper - page 23, 01.05.2010 [paper edition], written by Rui Gustavo, photos by Tiago Miranda

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Joana Morais:  Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"  Empty Re: Joana Morais: Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"

Post by PeterMac 30.12.18 8:11

Do you believe that Maddie is dead?

KM - At the beginning yes, I didn't think about anything else.  . . .
GM - We are not naive and there is a probability that she is dead. 

And there, in a direct quote from the two principal suspects, is the proof that the "Fund" has been fraudulent from the start.

Think Al Capone.

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Joana Morais:  Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"  Empty Re: Joana Morais: Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"

Post by Guest 30.12.18 14:14

Just like any organisation out there that wants your money but doesn't want to give anything in return, there is always a get out clause - it's all in the wording..

Joana Morais:  Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"  Fundnew

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Joana Morais:  Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"  Empty Re: Joana Morais: Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"

Post by PeterMac 30.12.18 16:11

I never cease to be amused by, and infuriated at the Fund's Objectives
1 . . . Madeleine McCann who was abducted .  .
2 . . . Madeleine's abduction . .
3 . . . financial assistance to the family
4 . . . similar cases

1 . She wasn't
2.  She wasn't
3.  Ah . .   now we begin to see what it is really about
4.  There weren't any, aren't any, and won't be any. This case is so egregious it is never likely to be repeated anywhere - which leaves the Directors free to dump all the remaining cash on the family, as allowed by Objective 1.1.3.  Perhaps this is why "we were glad the investigation had been closed."

As they say in the interview they BOTH accepted / knew, knew, right from the start that Madeleine was dead
The "Fund" was set up some time after this, when they and probably their lawyers realised that they had to backtrack and claim there was no evidence of her death.  
It could be argued that until the British dogs alerted they might just have had a point, but after that, even this was shown to be sophistry. And in bringing up the question of "evidence' of Madeleine's death, they opened themselves to the issue of the total lack of "evidence' for the alleged Abduction.

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Joana Morais:  Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"  Empty Re: Joana Morais: Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"

Post by Doug D 30.12.18 21:14

The ‘Objects’ clauses were amended as follows to drop off the ‘provide support, including financial assistance’ bit, back in 2011, but this has never been reflected in the ‘Find Madeleine’ site (I think it shows the old ‘objects’ clauses in two different places from memory). It also still shows Michael Linnet, but at least that was only last year!
Amendment filed at Companies House 17thDecember 2011
2B       The objects of the Foundation are
            2B 1 1             To secure the safe return to her family of Madeleine                             McCann who was abducted in Praia da Luz, Portugal on                                Thursday 3rd May 2007; and
            2B 1 2             To procure that Madeleine's abduction is thoroughly                            investigated and that her abductors, as well as those who                 played or play any part in assisting them, are identified and                 brought to justice
            2B 2                If the above objects are fulfilled then the objects of the                                                 Foundation shall be to pursue such purposes in similar                                       cases arising in the United   Kingdom, Portugal or                                               elsewhere.
Clause 2C 1 under ‘Powers’ does however give:
‘provide and assist in the provision of money, materials or other help,’
which was clause 4.1 in the original Mem & Arts and probably amounts to the same thing, if a little less obvious.
However if they felt back in 2011 it was worth deleting the blatantly obvious ‘we can give money to the Mc’s clause’, quite why this was never reflected on the FM site has always been a mystery.
Doug D

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Joana Morais:  Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"  Empty Re: Joana Morais: Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"

Post by Guest 31.12.18 0:44

However the Find Madeleine Fund board of directors objectives evolved from year to year, one thing can't be denied - it was never the McCanns themselves who dictated the terms of reference.  It's a legal procedure pure and simple and would therefore have been conducted in compliance with the law.

I can't say it's impossible for the fund to be investigated as fraudulent, it's not unheard of, I do however think it extremely unlikely they have laid themselves open to scrutiny considering the circumstances - a high profile lost child.

I believe the fund to be carefully worded to cover all eventualities.  Realistically, how could it ever be proven that the McCanns, even less their representatives, knew beyond doubt that Madeleine was no longer alive when the fund was launched, or since for that matter.

Unless of course they find themselves in a court of law at some time in the future - I can't see that ever happening.

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Joana Morais:  Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"  Empty Re: Joana Morais: Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"

Post by Hobs 02.01.19 6:50

GM - We are not naive and there is a probability that she is dead. However she is a small child and in abduction cases, the younger you are, bigger is the possibility of adapting and surviving.

Given they have been telling us that Maddie is alive and has not come to serious harm, even to the point of taking legal action against certain media and also Tony Bennett when they dared to say that Maddie was dead, why does he use the word Probability rather than the expected Possibility as in We are not naive and there is a possibility that she is dead.

Even then they leak the truth, they simply can't help themselves.

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Joana Morais:  Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"  Empty Re: Joana Morais: Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"

Post by PeterMac 02.01.19 8:26

Verdi: Realistically, how could it ever be proven that the McCanns, even less their representatives, knew beyond doubt that Madeleine was no longer alive when the fund was launched, or since for that matter.

Let us never forget there are at least 7 other people who also probably know beyond doubt . . .  quite apart from those who on any test must have reasonable suspicion, because of what they were asked to do in preparing and maintaining the official story
The McCanns must live in constant terror.  
The lines etched into Kate's face are not from laughing

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Joana Morais:  Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"  Empty Re: Joana Morais: Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"

Post by Rogue-a-Tory 02.01.19 10:20

PeterMac wrote:Verdi: Realistically, how could it ever be proven that the McCanns, even less their representatives, knew beyond doubt that Madeleine was no longer alive when the fund was launched, or since for that matter.

Let us never forget there are at least 7 other people who also probably know beyond doubt . . .  quite apart from those who on any test must have reasonable suspicion, because of what they were asked to do in preparing and maintaining the official story
The McCanns must live in constant terror.  
The lines etched into Kate's face are not from laughing
And Peter's last point is where we all come in. From an absolute minimum we must ensure that the McCann's are kept in the spotlight, questions continue to be asked and points continue to be maintained so that they will always feel that scrutiny and doubt is constantly bearing down upon them. They are living in an open prison of their own making.

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Joana Morais:  Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"  Empty Re: Joana Morais: Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"

Post by PeterMac 02.01.19 10:39

They are of course free to explain.  To prove that everyone has been harbouring unworthy thoughts.
To show the world the clear and irrefutable evidence of 'abduction'; to demonstrate how it must have been done; to produce other photos taken at noon on 3/5/7 which show the bright sunshine; to produce weather reports proving how hot and sunny it was; to reveal how they immediately knew, knew, that Madeleine had been taken by a pae*** ring; to give the detailed accounts of the "Fund" showing how every penny has been spent in the endless search for their daughter.

Simply repeating something does not make it true.

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Joana Morais:  Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"  Empty Re: Joana Morais: Kate and Gerry McCann "We have clues and we will ask for the reopening of the process"

Post by Liz Eagles 02.01.19 11:59

PeterMac wrote:They are of course free to explain.  To prove that everyone has been harbouring unworthy thoughts.
To show the world the clear and irrefutable evidence of 'abduction'; to demonstrate how it must have been done; to produce other photos taken at noon on 3/5/7 which show the bright sunshine; to produce weather reports proving how hot and sunny it was; to reveal how they immediately knew, knew, that Madeleine had been taken by a pae*** ring; to give the detailed accounts of the "Fund" showing how every penny has been spent in the endless search for their daughter.

Simply repeating something does not make it true.

By the same token both Portuguese and UK Police decline to officially declare the McCanns to be wholly innocent.
Liz Eagles
Liz Eagles

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