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Joana Morais:  Kate Breaks Down on Oprah (Without Onions) Mm11

Joana Morais:  Kate Breaks Down on Oprah (Without Onions) Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Joana Morais:  Kate Breaks Down on Oprah (Without Onions) Mm11

Joana Morais:  Kate Breaks Down on Oprah (Without Onions) Regist10

Joana Morais: Kate Breaks Down on Oprah (Without Onions)

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Joana Morais:  Kate Breaks Down on Oprah (Without Onions) Empty Joana Morais: Kate Breaks Down on Oprah (Without Onions)

Post by Guest 11.11.18 0:47

This one is for our friends across the pond in the US of A..

The tabloid Sun: Kate McCann breaks down on Oprah (Without Onions)

by Joana Morais 10 years ago

Joana Morais:  Kate Breaks Down on Oprah (Without Onions) SNN2331AA-280_787421a

By Antonella Lazzeri/

KATE McCann wept last night as she told TV’s Oprah Winfrey she did not recognise photos of how missing daughter Maddie would look now.

But Kate insisted she WOULD know Maddie — who will be six next month — if she saw her in the street.

Kate, 41, and husband Gerry, 40, appeared on the US chat queen’s show to mark two years since Maddie vanished on holiday in Portugal — just days before her fourth birthday.

Computer-generated images of Maddie aged six in a blue dress flashed on to a giant screen as the show was recorded in front of a studio audience in Chicago.

The pictures were created by experts at Virginia’s National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children.

Audience member Chris Myers, 43, said: “Kate told Oprah she felt Madeleine was still alive.

“Oprah and Kate were very emotional. Kate broke down on two occasions.

Joana Morais:  Kate Breaks Down on Oprah (Without Onions) Oscar_wept
Don't all celebrities cry on Oprah's?!

"Oprah had to wipe tears away from her eyes at least three times. The atmosphere inside the studio was very sad.”

Fellow audience member Amy Mundwiler, 33, added: “Everyone watching them felt their pain.”

Oprah will also spend a day in Britain with Gerry and Kate, from Rothley, Leics, and their twins Sean and Amelie, four.

The show — to be screened in 144 countries — goes out in the US on May 4, a day after the anniversary of Maddie’s disappearance.

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Joana Morais:  Kate Breaks Down on Oprah (Without Onions) Empty Re: Joana Morais: Kate Breaks Down on Oprah (Without Onions)

Post by Guest 11.11.18 0:57

I watched a documentary years ago about the mechanics behind an Oprah Winfrey show - an eye opener to say the least.  Carefully selected audience to compliment the theme;   box of tissues under every seat - just in case;  Winfrey's professional manipulative art of setting the scene;  rehearsed interview to create just the right audience reaction  blah

What a showman!  Perfect for the greatest show one earth - the McCanns Magical Mystery Tour.

ETA: It must have taken eleven years before Gerald McCann realised he was traumatised - even then only on radio.

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