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Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance  Mm11

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Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance  Mm11

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Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance

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Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance  Empty Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance

Post by Verity 03.05.18 2:31

Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance

MADELEINE McCann's parents are set to join well-wishers to remember their daughter at a prayer service to mark the 11th anniversary of her disappearance.

By Jerry Lawton  21.05, 02 May 2018 UPDATED 22.05, 02 May 2018

Kate and Gerry McCann are expected to take part in the 30-minute outdoor gathering in their home village to pray for the youngster who vanished on holiday in Portugal on May 3, 2007.

On Thursday, crowds of supporters, relatives, friends and locals will assemble at the war memorial in Rothley, Leics, where a `beacon of hope' lantern still shines around the clock for the world’s most famous missing child.

Prayers will be said for Madeleine and other missing youngsters.

Former GP Kate, 50, and heart specialist Gerry, 49, hope their daughter – who was three when she disappeared – may still be found alive.

She would now be 14.

Maddie vanished from her parents' holiday apartment in the Algarve resort of Praia da Luz while they dined with pals in a nearby tapas bar.

Madeleine's great uncle Brian Kennedy – who lives in Rothley and will be attending the service – said: "We find it hard to believe 11 years have passed but we never lose hope.

"We’ve no idea how many might turn up after such a long time but all are welcome.''

Mary Pritchard, who lives nearby, said: "No-one can really believe it is 11 years since Madeleine was taken.

"But we’ll never forget her and we can only hope and pray that one day she will be found safe and well and returned to her loving family.

"Our hearts go out to Kate and Gerry.

"We want them to know the village still thinks and cares about them.

"It is symbolic and significant that the candle inside the lantern still burns every minute of every day for Madeleine. It is always there in the heart of the village. The light for her, guiding her home, never goes out.''

A Metropolitan Police team has been probing Madeleine's disappearance for the past seven years in an on-going operation which has so far cost £12million.

The youngster's twin brother and sister Sean and Amelie – now 13 – both attend a Catholic secondary school in Loughborough, Leics, which is still holding a place for Madeleine.

The siblings were asleep in the same bedroom as her when she vanished.

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Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance  Empty Re: Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance

Post by Verity 03.05.18 2:40

Madeleine McCann's parents post heartfelt message on eve of agonising 11th anniversary of her disappearance

In a post on the official Find Madeleine Campaign Facebook page, Kate and Gerry have revealed that "work goes on" to find their daughter

By Tracey Kandohla

The parents of Madeleine McCann have posted a heartfelt message on the eve of the 11th anniversary of her disappearance.
Kate and Gerry cling onto a glimmer of hope that "their little girl" who they describe as "a real person" could still be alive.
And in a message to mark another painful milestone they vow: "We will do whatever it takes to find her."
The couple said "hope and perseverance remain" as they face 11 years since their daughter went missing tomorrow.
In a post on the official Find Madeleine Campaign Facebook page the pair from Rothley, Leicestershire, reveal that "work goes on" to find her.
Three-year-old Madeleine vanished during a family holiday in Praia da Luz, Portugal, in May 2007.

Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance  111

She disappeared from a bedroom at a complex apartment after being left sleeping alone with her younger twin siblings while her parents were dining in a nearby tapas restaurant with friends.
Former GP Kate, 50, and heart doctor Gerry, 49, said continued support from family, friends and the public was “a real tonic and a boost to our spirits.”
In a joint message they have written: "Thank you to everyone who continues to support us and wish us, especially Madeleine, well.
"After 11 years such warmth and persisting solidarity is truly remarkable.
"We couldn’t bear for Madeleine to be forgotten or become just a ‘story.’
"Thank you so much for staying with us on this mission."

Madeleine would now be aged 14, nearly 15.
Her parents admit: "It gets hard to know what to say or write as each anniversary of Madeleine’s abduction approaches then passes.
"Life is full and busy which helps but Madeleine is still missing and is dearly missed."
The McCanns remain extremely grateful to Scotland Yard who have actively been searching for their daughter for the past seven years.

They said information 'continues to come in incredible as it may seem' after so long, adding that they are grateful.
Kate and Gerry are expected to join well wishers to remember Madeleine tomorrow night during a poignant prayer service to mark the anniversary.
They are due to take part in the simple outdoor gathering in their home village to pray for their girl.
Crowds of supporters, family, friends and locals will assemble at the war memorial where a lantern - a beacon of hope - still shines brightly around the clock for the world’s most famous missing child.

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Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance  Empty Re: Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance

Post by Verity 03.05.18 2:42

Madeleine McCann hunt to continue as police get more funds on 11th anniversary of disappearance

By Martin Evans

2 May 2018 • 11:16pm
Scotland Yard is to continue the hunt for Madeleine McCann, the Telegraph can reveal ahead of the 11th anniversary of her disappearance on Thursday.
The Home Office has granted the force an extra £154,000 in funding which will allow detectives to extend the investigation for another six months.
Operation Grange, which was launched by the Metropolitan Police in 2011, is still pursuing several lines of inquiry.
It's now 11 years since Madeleine's disappearance from her family's holiday apartment in the Portuguese resort of Praia da Luz on May 3 2007.
Portuguese police shelved its own investigation in 2008, but after pressure from Madeleine's parents, Kate and Gerry McCann, Scotland Yard launched its own inquiry three years later.

Her parents said “hope and perseverance remain” on the anniversary of their daughter’s kidnap.
In a posting on the official Find Madeleine Campaign Facebook page they said: “It gets hard to know what to say or write as each anniversary of Madeleine’s abduction approaches then passes.
“Life is full and busy which helps but Madeleine is still missing and is dearly missed.”
Operation Grange initially had 29 full time officers working on it, who took almost 1,500 statements and collected over 1,000 exhibits.

The investigation has so far cost in excess of £11 million, but detectives remain committed to following up any remaining leads.

During Operation Grange detectives from the Met regularly travelled to the Algarve to liaise with their Portuguese counterparts and undertook a number of exploratory digs in the Praia da Luz area. 
Police said they had also investigated more than 60 persons of interest. A total of 650 sex offenders have also been considered as well as reports of 8,685 potential sightings of Madeleine around the world. 
In 2013 detectives working on Operation Grange announced they were looking into possible links between Madeleine’s disappearance and bogus charity collectors who were knocking on doors in Praia da Luz at the time. 
They issued a series of photo-fit images of suspects they said may have been hanging around the Algarve around the time Madeleine disappeared. 

Three years ago the inquiry was scaled back with the number of full time detectives reduced to just four, but funding has been granted every six months to keep the inquiry open.
Last year officers travelled to Bulgaria in an effort to track down a potential witness who they believed could have crucial information about the toddler's disappearance.
Details of the extra funding were revealed in a parliamentary written answer from Home Office minister, Baroness Williams of Trafford.
The answer stated: "Baroness Williams of Trafford: "An application from the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) for further Special Grant funding for Operation Grange for 01 April – 30 September 2018 has been received. 

"This is for an amount similar to the £154,000 granted for the period of 01 October 2017 – 31 March 2018. The MPS has been briefed that its latest application will be granted."

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Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance  Empty Re: Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance

Post by Cammerigal 03.05.18 11:17

RIP Madeleine Beth mcCann. 11 long years, Time for her ‘devout Catholic’  parents to arrange a proper Christian service for her. In the absence of their honesty and recognition,  we shall remember her.

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Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance  Empty Re: Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance

Post by Verdi 03.05.18 12:14

shhhh .... don't dare mention the M word this coming May day..


May 2018 – 11th Anniversary of Madeleine’s Abduction

Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance  Madeleine_age9_english
It gets harder to know what to say or write as each anniversary of Madeleine’s abduction approaches then passes. Life is full and busy which helps but Madeleine is still missing and she is still dearly missed. Information continues to come in (incredible as it may seem after so long, although we are grateful for that) and work goes on. Perseverance and hope remain.

Thank you to everyone who continues to support us and wish us, especially Madeleine, well. After eleven years such warmth and persisting solidarity is truly remarkable, and at the same time a real tonic and boost to our spirit. We couldn’t bear for Madeleine to be forgotten or to become just a ‘story’. She is a real person and still our ‘little girl’ and as we always have, we will endeavour to do whatever it takes to find her. Thank you so much for staying with us on this mission.

Kate and Gerry

Officially yours,

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Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance  Empty Re: Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance

Post by polyenne 03.05.18 12:31

I was listening to Nick Ferrari on LBC just before 9 this morning as he discussed the anniversary and the new OG funding.
Now, I generally find Mr Ferrari to be an interesting earful as I'm driving and he can be a good interviewer but he really needs to get a grip on the facts of the case (possibly by reading CMoMM). In addition, he is ex-MSM.

And then up pops, Ms Kandohla to spot out more of the tripe. During the short section on Madeleine, including with TK, I lost count of the number of times the word "abduction" was mentioned. It really does amount to subliminal brain-washing.

Ugh !

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Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance  Empty Re: Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance

Post by Doug D 04.05.18 12:55

KM’s up to Tracey’s tricks now, recycling an old poem she read out in 2012.
I’ve cut out most of the Mail’s photos, but any thoughts on the pictures posted up on the railings? Is one the ‘Missing People’ running team in white t-shirts?
What is the house/shop?
What on earth is the tree?
At least Tracey has managed to avoid ‘buoyed’ in this article, even if she can’t proof read and mis-spells ‘Madeline’, three times, half way through and continues to call her 'Maddie' throughout, even when her 'bestie' says they never called her that.
‘The village came to a standstill…………..’    Really?

December 17, 2012

I've been unable to get the Sandy Hook school tragedy out of my head.  I think anyone with small children, or grandchildren will know that feeling - what if it had been one of mine?  How do you live with the loss - the gap in your life?   The poet Clare Pollard wrote a beautiful sonnet about missing children which was read at a recent church commemoration by Kate McCann.  You can read the whole thing on her website here.  I've copied the sonnet below.

The Contradiction 

The absence contradicts itself:
the missing conjures what we miss.
You are not here, I’m not myself,
but still I talk to you like this.
You’re in the crowd, the news, the glimpse -
I make you there when you’re not there.
I trace your steps, I map your face,
I say your name, see you in air.

You’re all I know and so unknown.
I cannot hold you, yet I do:
please let me hold you in my head
and where you are now, hold me too.
How can you be so near and far?
You are not here. But here you are.

Copyright Clare Pollard
'I cannot hold you, yet I do': Kate McCann reads heart-breaking poem at vigil marking 11 years since her daughter Maddie disappeared
   Parents of Madeleine McCann mark the 11th anniversary of their daughter's disappearance from Portugal
   Brave Kate and Gerry cling to a glimmer of hope Maddie could still be alive despite no trace of her being found
   At vigil in their home town of Rothley, Leicestershire, Kate read a poem that began: 'I cannot hold you, yet I do'
By Tracey Kandohla For Mailonline
Published: 06:53, 3 May 2018 | Updated: 23:16, 3 May 2018
Madeleine McCann's devastated mother Kate marked the 11th anniversary of her daughter's disappearance with a heartbreaking poem.
Kate and Gerry McCann were joined by a 70-strong crowd in their home village, on Thursday, where they spoke publicly about Madeline, who hasn't been seen since 2007.
Kate read a poem called The Contradiction, with haunting words: 'I trace your steps, I map your face. You're all I know and so unknown. I cannot hold you, yet I do.'
Brave Kate and Gerry McCann cling onto a glimmer of hope that 'their little girl' who they describe as 'a real little person' could still be alive as they said 'hope and perseverance remain'.     
And in a message to mark another painful milestone they vowed: 'We will do whatever it takes to find her.' 
Crowds gathered at a war memorial in Rothley, Leicestershire, to pray for Maddie's safe return. The memorial is home to a 'beacon of hope' lantern which shines around the clock, for Maddie.  
Eminent heart doctor Gerry, 49, who has just returned from a hectic work trip to Scotland, thanked the 70-strong crowd for turning out. 
He said: 'It means an awful lot for so many people to come out on such an unhappy day - another anniversary. But it gives us strength and your support for us is tremendous.'
During the 25-minute gathering a sombre-looking Kate handed out Maddie bookmarks, with a prayer which the crowd chanted together. The former GP, 5O, dressed in jeans and purple hooded jacket, later hugged supporters. 
The McCann's also revealed Scotland Yard received another £154,000 to continue the investigation into her disappearance in Portugal in 2007, for another six months.
In a posting on the official Find Madeleine Campaign Facebook page the pair revealed that 'work goes on' to find her.
Kate and Gerry McCann attend an outdoor gathering in their home village to pray for their daughter who vanished on holiday in Portugal on May 3, 2007
Villagers in Leicestershire gathered at a memorial where a 'beacon of hope' lantern shines for missing Maddie McCann 11 years after her disappearance in Portugal 
A computerised image of what police believe Madeline McCann will look like now is displayed at an event in her honour in Leicestershire 
Kate and Gerry McCann revealed the hunt for their daughter is still going after police were granted further funds to investigate the mysterious disappearance of Maddie in Praia da Luz
Kate and Gerry McCann continue to hunt for their missing daughter Maddie who will now be fourteen-years-old
Kate and Gerry cling onto a glimmer of hope that 'their little girl' who they describe as 'a real little person' could still be alive
Three-year-old Maddie vanished during a family holiday in Praia da Luz, Portugal, in May 2007. 
She was snatched from a bedroom at a complex apartment after being left sleeping alone with her younger twin siblings while her parents were dining in a nearby tapas restaurant with friends. 
In a joint message they write: 'Thank you to everyone who continues to support us and wish us, especially Madeleine, well. After 11 years such warmth and persisting solidarity is truly remarkable. 
'We couldn't bear for Madeleine to be forgotten or become just a 'story.' 
'Thank you so much for staying with us on this mission.'
Maddie would now be aged 14, nearly 15. 
Former GP Kate, 50, and heart doctor Gerry, 49, said continued supported from family, friends and the public was 'a real tonic and a boost to our spirits.' 
In a posting on the official Find Madeleine Campaign Facebook page the pair from Rothley, Leicestershire, reveal that 'work goes on' to find her
Crowds remember missing Maddie as police are given a fresh cash boost of more than £150,000 to continue their investigation
A `beacon of hope' lantern still shines around the clock for Madeleine McCann in the village where her family lives in Rothley, Leicestershire 
The event took place at the Rothley war memorial on Thursday as crowds gathered to support Kate and Gerry McCann 
The village came to a standstill as the procession paused at the war memorial to think about Madeline, 11 years after she went missing in Portugal 
Her parents admit: 'It gets hard to know what to say or write as each anniversary of Madeleine's abduction approaches then passes. 
'Life is full and busy which helps but Madeleine is still missing and is dearly missed.' 
The couple said: 'We couldn't bear for Madeleine to be forgotten or become just a 'story'. Thank you so much for staying with us on this mission.'
Film makers expose 'major new developments' in McCann case
The McCann's remains extreme grateful to Scotland Yard who have actively been searching for their daughter for the past seven years.  
Scotland Yard has been handed another £154,000 by the Home Office to continue the investigation into Maddie's disappearance for another six months.   
Local police ended their investigation in 2009.  
Operation Grange, which was launched in 2011, is still pursuing several lines of inquiry with detectives regularly travelling to the Algarve to chase down leads.
The task force was scaled back three years ago but funding has continued every six months to keep the inquiry going. 
Maddie's parents said: 'Information continues to come in incredible as it may seem after so long although we are grateful for that.'
Kate and Gerry are expected to join well wishers to remember Maddie tomorrow night during a poignant prayer service to mark the anniversary. 
They are due to take part in the simple outdoor gathering in their home village to pray for Maddie. 
Crowds of supporters, family, friends and locals will assemble at the war memorial where a lantern - a beacon of hope - still shines brightly around the clock for the world's most famous missing child.
Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance  4BD0C8CA00000578-5685683-The_event_took_place_at_the_Rothley_war_memorial_on_Thursday_as_-a-22_1525384986943
Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance  4BD0C8CE00000578-5685683-A_computerised_image_of_what_police_believe_Madeline_McCann_will-a-17_1525384956974
Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance  4BD0ED0400000578-5685683-The_village_came_to_a_standstill_as_the_procession_paused_at_the-a-23_1525384992545
Doug D

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Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance  Empty Re: Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance

Post by sandancer 04.05.18 14:59

Hey Operation Grange , Kate was dressed in " a PURPLE hooded jacket " ! 

Look no further !      spin

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Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance  Empty Re: Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance

Post by Verdi 04.05.18 15:44

Madeleine McCann's parents post heartfelt message on eve of agonising 11th anniversary of her disappearance

In a post on the official Find Madeleine Campaign Facebook page, Kate and Gerry have revealed that "work goes on" to find their daughter

By Tracey Kandohla

Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance  Oliveoyltypewriter

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Post by willowthewisp 04.05.18 16:15

Hi Verdi,what a wonderful well played piece of Music by gifted Musicians,tremendous, puts Operation Grange to shame of what individuals acting collectively are able to achieve?

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Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance  Empty Re: Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance

Post by Verdi 05.05.18 2:13

willowthewisp wrote:Hi Verdi,what a wonderful well played piece of Music by gifted Musicians,tremendous, puts Operation Grange to shame of what individuals acting collectively are able to achieve?

Well, Operation Grange was/is/always will be a well orchestrated charade, what do you reckon - Andy Redwood as conductor?

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Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance  Empty Re: Maddie McCann's parents to join prayer service marking anniversary of her disappearance

Post by sar 05.05.18 11:22

Maybe they should recreate one of the late great Clemment Freud's strawberry daiquiri's to cheer themselves up?  (Oh wait, ...he's been exposed as a peterfile)

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