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Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  Mm11

Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  Regist10
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Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  Mm11

Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  Regist10

Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house

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Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  Empty Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house

Post by Jill Havern 05.03.18 10:44

Courtesy of PeterMac:

Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  122185374--575x474No trace of eight-year-old boy who disappeared on short ...
Fears are growing for the safetly of an eight-year-old boy who disappeared on the 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house to his cousin's home on Tuesday afternoon.

Father IMMEDIATELY says he has been kidnapped . . .

More here...Not going to end well.

Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  Th?id=OVFEl juez envía a prisión al acosador de la madre de Gabriel
Diego F.A. está acusado de quebrantar la orden de alejamiento
google translate

A judge ordered Diego F. A's arrest on Saturday for breaking the restraining order he had regarding Patricia Ramírez, the mother of Gabriel Cruz, the missing child in Las Hortichuelas (Níjar) on Tuesday. On Saturday afternoon, the maximum legal term of 72 hours that could have been stopped without going to court expired. The relatives of the boy said that the harasser has nothing to do with the disappearance of his son, but is the only one detained so far.

It was not the first time that Diego F. A. broke the restraining order. More than a dozen complaints have been made against him by Patricia Ramírez in the two years he has suffered his repeated harassment. Since a judge forced him, in October 2017, to wear an electronic wrist control system - after breaking the first restraining order that had been imposed on him in November 2016 - for the persecution he subjected to the woman, Diego FA overcame at least twice the distance of 200 meters (first) and 500 meters (after), in April and June of 2017. He waited for her inside the car at the door of his house for days, went to the bars that she frequented, asked for her at work with any excuse, called her and sent messages, also to her friends.

The man, 42 years old, is born in Antas, a town in the Levant of Almeria, near Vera. And he is -until the moment- the only detainee in the family's environment since the disappearance of Gabriel Cruz Ramírez, aged eight. The Civil Guard, in charge of the investigation, is trying to find out now if it may or may not be related to the case, although the child's mother hurried yesterday to disassociate him from what happened.

Diego F. A. is a person "with a basic affective deficit that determines an altered perception of reality," as recorded in court decisions. That "mental disorder", reflected and considered in his judicial process, has been considered "an attenuating". Something that has not happened on this last occasion, in which the mechanism that has been attached to the body again whistled and alert the police.

The obsession of Diego F. A. for Patricia Ramírez began in a popular race, according to sources in his environment. He is fond of running and she played the role of speaker, cheerleader of the competition and its participants. Once, when Diego crossed the finish line, she extolled and acclaimed him and there began the ordeal of a separated woman with an eight-year-old son, who carries two "in a sinvivir", "afraid", according to his friends. and coworkers, who these days work as volunteers in the search of the child.

The search area has been expanded and the people involved -between police, fire and volunteer bodies- are more than 500. All of them combing the Natural Park of Cabo de Gata, the place where they find the small neighborhood of Las Hortichuelas, no more than one hundred inhabitants and belonging to the municipality of Níjar.

Ramírez "did not go anywhere alone", "he never left his son alone", but his multiple denunciations against Diego FA resulted in orders of withdrawal of more meters each time and with the impossibility of him participating in the races in which she worked as a sports technique of the Diputación de Almería.

When Gabriel Cruz Ramírez disappeared on Tuesday he was at his paternal grandmother's house in Las Hortichuelas, passing the Andalusia Day bridge. Around 3:30 pm he went to his cousins' house, about a hundred meters away. Never arrived. In that little trip his trail was lost. The search and the investigation continue.

Patricia Ramírez, the mother of the missing child, referred yesterday to the arrest of Diego FA: "[He is in jail] for a matter of harassment towards me, in which I had been almost two years, in which I felt very harassed and afraid, "he said. She added that she presented "all possible complaints" and insisted that the breach of the restraining order "has been the reason for her detention." "Nothing to do with our son," he said. "That path is totally ruled out."

Desperate, the woman asked that, "without grudges", if someone is holding her son, she leaves him "in a public place", "where he can come and call someone". "We just want to be with him," he said.

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Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  1f1fa-1f1f8 MAGA Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  1f1ec-1f1e7 MBGA
Jill Havern
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Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  Empty Re: Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house

Post by Jill Havern 05.03.18 11:51

Courtesy of PeterMac:

And now DNA ! Kidnapped, then T shirt with DNA. Have we seen this before ?

Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  1520246196351Las pruebas de ADN confirman que la camiseta es de Gabriel Cruz
Sigue la búsqueda del niño de 8 años desaparecido en Níjar (Almería)
The tests carried out on the T-shirt that was found last Saturday near the Las Negras treatment plant in Níjar (Almería) by the father of Gabriel Cruz Ramírez, the child disappeared since last Tuesday when he was driving from his grandmother's house to the of relatives in a space of 100 meters, they have certified the presence of the minor's DNA.

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  1f1fa-1f1f8 MAGA Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  1f1ec-1f1e7 MBGA
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Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  Empty Re: Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house

Post by Jill Havern 05.03.18 12:05

And now it turns out his father "FOUND" the T shirt . . . Look over here, not over there

THE parents of an eight-year-old boy who has been missing in southern Spain for almost a week haven’t given up hope of finding him alive.
On Saturday, the boy's father found a white t-shirt belonging to the child - and today authorities have confirmed his DNA has been discovered on it.
However, it is reported the t-shirt was not on the list of garments the child was reported to be wearing at the time of his disappearance and it was 'found' several kilometres from the route the boy would have taken.
Yesterday (Sunday) a specialist underwater search team from the Guardia Civil searched a water treatment plant in the area but without success.
Gabriel Cruz Ramirez was last seen on Tuesday, February 27, when he left his grandmother's house in Las Hortichuelas, a hamlet in the town of Nijar in the province of Almeria.
He had gone to play at a friend's house but he never returned.
Despite huge searches of the area, involving more than 500 personnel, no other trace has since been found of Gabriel.
At a press conference last night the parents said they are more hopeful of finding Gabriel alive after the search of the water treatment plant proved fruitless as they feared he may have drowned.
Last week it was revealed that police had detained a man for breaking restraining order against Gabriel's mother - but they did not link the two events.
Emergency services will continue their search for Gabriel today using a specialist dog unit, riders on horseback and drones.

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  1f1fa-1f1f8 MAGA Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  1f1ec-1f1e7 MBGA
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Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  Empty Body found - Stepmother arrested

Post by Tony Bennett 12.03.18 8:25



Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  Empty Re: Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house

Post by quaestorr 12.03.18 11:59

Also one of the two people who saw him last.

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Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  Empty Re: Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house

Post by Jill Havern 13.03.18 10:04

From PeterMac:

As we KNEW . KNEW. Yet another one involving a parent who then seeks to put the stupid plod off the trail by doing something ridiculous . . . and obvious to the stupid plod that it is nonsense, thereby ensuring that he comes under intense scrutiny . . .
depressingly familiar.

More details, spelling out the suspicions the police had . . .

Ana Julia Quezada hugs Gabriel's father as the boy's mother looks on during an awareness event on Friday. / EFE

   Eight-year-old Gabriel Cruz disappeared on 27 February in Níjar (Almeria). The Guardia Civil had been following the suspect for several days

Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  116


12 March 201813:28

The 13-day search for missing eight-year-old Gabriel Cruz came to a tragic end in Almeria on Sunday when his body was found wrapped in a blanket in the boot of a car driven by the boy's father's girlfriend.
The Guardia Civil had suspected 35-year-old Ana Julia Quezada, who is originally from the Dominican Republic, for several days and officers had been following her movements closely.
Since the boy's disappearance, when he was walking the no more than 100 metres between the houses of his grandparents and his cousins in Las Hortichuelas, Níjar, Ana Julia has been seen alongside his father, during searches and public appearances.

It was Ana Julia who found a child's white vest, which later tested positive for Gabriel's DNA, near the sewage treatment plant northeast of Las Hortichuelas.
Far from sending detectives on a false trail the vest led officers to focus their investigation on Ana Julia. The vest had not been included on the initial list of clothes worn by the boy when he disappeared and showed no signs of having been exposed to the wind and rain for so many days.
Ana Julia had been taken in for questioning and her movements had been followed closely by officers to be able to confirm their suspicions.
Both the boy's parents had been aware that she was under suspicion in recent days but had been told to behave normally around her until evidence had been found.
On Sunday officers watched as she apparently moved the body from a well on a country estate around six kilometres away from where the body disappeared. Her vehicle was intercepted by officers outside her home in La Puebla de Vícar and the body found in the boot.
On Monday the area where the body had been hidden in a well was searched by the authorities.

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  1f1fa-1f1f8 MAGA Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  1f1ec-1f1e7 MBGA
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Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  Empty Re: Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house

Post by Liz Eagles 13.03.18 11:07

How many drainage areas have been searched in PdL? How many soakaway systems (these are not septic tanks) have been identified and searched - it isn't too difficult to find out about drainage systems within the area and take a no stone unturned approach.

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Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  Empty Re: Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house

Post by ShiningInLuz 13.03.18 12:23

aquila wrote:How many drainage areas have been searched in PdL? How many soakaway systems (these are not septic tanks) have been identified and searched - it isn't too difficult to find out about drainage systems within the area and take a no stone unturned approach.
Kindly explain what you mean by a soakaway system.

There are sewer drains.  There are rainwater drains.  There are septic tanks.  There are wells, and springs.

I have not heard of a soakaway system in the 6 years I have lived on the Algarve, but I still have much to learn.

Many thanks in advance.

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Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  Empty Re: Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house

Post by Liz Eagles 13.03.18 13:01

If you don't know the difference between a soak away drainage system from a septic tank and you write a blog about living in the Algarve, God help you is all I can say.

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Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  Empty Re: Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house

Post by ShiningInLuz 13.03.18 13:53

aquila wrote:If you don't know the difference between a soak away drainage system from a septic tank and you write a blog about living in the Algarve, God help you is all I can say.
Thank you for your response.  That tells me all I need to know.

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Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  Empty Re: Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house

Post by Liz Eagles 21.03.18 18:41

There were photographs of Salke in drainage tunnels. Salke is dead.

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Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
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Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  Empty Re: Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house

Post by polyenne 21.03.18 20:34

Forgive me Aquila, who is Salke ?

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Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  Empty Re: Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house

Post by Verdi 21.03.18 21:27

polyenne wrote:Forgive me Aquila, who is Salke ?

Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  Sahlketaylorsearch7

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Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  Empty Re: Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house

Post by polyenne 21.03.18 21:37

OK, so we’ve established what a drainage tunnel looks like. Who is Salke ?

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Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  Empty Re: Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house

Post by Doug D 21.03.18 21:58

'According to the British press in May 2007, a former British paratrooper, Colin Sahlke, went to Praia da Luz to search for Madeleine McCann. He sold his possessions and gave up his job and his rented home to finance the search.

Under strange circumstances almost 3 years later, Sahlke suddenly died in bed on April 19, 2010. His death is a mystery and the traces of what caused his death are gone forever—Sahlke was cremated in Skipton on April 29, 2010. At the time of writing in early June 2010, the family still do not know the cause of death.'
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Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  Empty Re: Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house

Post by Verdi 21.03.18 22:32

polyenne wrote:OK, so we’ve established what a drainage tunnel looks like. Who is Salke ?

My apologies.  For someone who likes to kick around the blurred edges and claims to have been reading the forum for years, I thought you'd be more clued-up on the case.  The story was well publicized back in the day.

Anything else you are not sure about, just ask, I am at your disposal.  Or you can use the forum search box top right of the page.   hat .

You will also see it featured on the forum homepage, to the right of the page (your right) under the heading 'Death Toll in the McCann case'..

Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  Colins15

Colin Shalke died suddenly in
mysterious circumstances with
a significant amount of morphin
in his system. At the Inquest the
coroner said there was no evidence
as to how he had come to take morphine,
and no needle mark was found.


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Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  Empty Re: Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house

Post by polyenne 22.03.18 5:47

Thank you Doug D for your response.

No thanks to Verdi for your school ma’am response, we can’t all be as wonderful as you.

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Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  Empty Re: Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house

Post by Jill Havern 22.03.18 14:40

polyenne wrote:Thank you Doug D for your response.

No thanks to Verdi for your school ma’am response, we can’t all be as wonderful as you.
I've been told that Verdi is like 'Frosty knickers' from The Chase titter

Maybe time for a new avatar Verdi? big grin

That aside, I agree with you that Verdi is wonderful - he voluntarily gives of his time to moderate the forum, quickly finds information to help people on the discussion threads, adds new reference threads for all of us to use, and now he's learning the admin panel. And he's only been in the job about a year! thumbsup

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  1f1fa-1f1f8 MAGA Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  1f1ec-1f1e7 MBGA
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Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house  Empty Re: Another one to watch closely: Fears are growing for 8-year-old boy who disappeared on 100-metre walk from his grandmother's house

Post by polyenne 22.03.18 15:24

I've been told that Verdi is like 'Frosty knickers' from The Chase

I've never seen him but I'll take your word !!

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