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Killers who cry crocodile tears Mm11

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Killers who cry crocodile tears Mm11

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Killers who cry crocodile tears

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Killers who cry crocodile tears Empty Killers who cry crocodile tears

Post by Verdi 29.10.17 20:32

Killers Who Cry Crocodile Tears

By Chris Summers of BBC News - 25th June 2008. 

The boss of a limousine firm has been convicted of ordering the murder of his wife, an off-duty special constable. Fadi Nasri, who made a televised appeal for information in the days after she was stabbed, is not the first killer to cry crocodile tears.
One night in December 1996 Lee Harvey was stabbed to death on an isolated road in Alvechurch, Worcestershire.
His fiancee, Tracie Andrews, told police he had been attacked by another motorist after a “road rage” incident.
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Killers who cry crocodile tears Start_quote_rb I held her hand at the press conference when all my family were pointing the finger and at the end of the day she lied Killers who cry crocodile tears End_quote_rb
Maureen Harvey
She later appeared at a police press conference looking in a terrible state and begging for help in catching the killer.
The former model claimed a “fat man with staring eyes” had attacked her boyfriend, stabbing him more than 30 times.
But detectives became sceptical of her story and they discovered that the couple had a stormy and often violent relationship.
Andrews, who was 28 at the time, was later charged with murder and at her trial a jury was told she had stabbed him to death after a row.
Last year, Mr Harvey’s mother, Maureen, said she could never forgive Andrews, who is serving a life sentence for the murder.
Mrs Harvey said: “I held her hand at the press conference when all my family were pointing the finger and at the end of the day she lied.”
In January 1997, nine-year-old schoolgirl Zoe Evans went missing from her home in Warminster, Wiltshire.
Her mother, Paula Hamilton, and stepfather Miles Evans appeared at a press conference, begging for her to come home.
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Miles Evans appealing for information to find missing Zoe
Unbeknown to Zoe’s mother, the man sitting next to her was actually responsible for killing her daughter.
Zoe’s naked body was later found in a badger sett and Evans was arrested and eventually convicted of her murder.
It transpired that Zoe had been taken her from her bed and sexually assaulted.
A post-mortem examination showed she died from asphyxiation.
Zoe’s mother later said Evans deserved the death penalty for what he had done.
In September 1994, Carol Wardell, the manager of a building society in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, was murdered and around £15,000 stolen from the branch.
Her husband, Gordon, appeared at a press conference and told reporters he had returned home from the pub on a Sunday afternoon to find his wife being held captive by a man who was wearing a clown mask and was armed with a knife.
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Gordon Wardell claimed his wife’s killer wore a clown mask
Wardell claimed he had been punched and forced to the ground and fell unconscious after a chloroform-soaked cloth was pressed over his face.
Wardell, his eyes hidden behind dark glasses, told journalists: “A man got hold of my wife and was threatening her with a knife.”
He claimed he had been tied up by the gang who took his wife off to the building society early the following morning.
But within a month police realised his story was a pack of lies and he was arrested.
Sentencing him to life imprisonment, the judge at Oxford Crown Court said Wardell had gone to elaborate lengths, including tying himself up and inflicting injuries, to make it appear as if the couple were the victim of robbers.
In August last year, Wardell, 54, was told he would not be eligible for release for another 18 years.
In May 1991, the boyfriend of Oxford University student Rachel McLean reported her missing and so began a drama more intriguing than any of Inspector Morse’s cases.
John Tanner, 22, who was studying classics at Nottingham University, not only appeared in a press conference appealing for help but also took part in a televised reconstruction.
He claimed Miss McLean had seen him off at Oxford railway station and said a long-haired stranger had offered to give her a lift home.
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John Tanner even took part in a reconstruction with a policewoman
Tanner told reporters his girlfriend had been “a lover of life” and even asked people to help “out of sheer consideration for her mother and father and myself”.
But a few days later police discovered Rachel’s remains under the floorboards at her flat in Oxford and Tanner was immediately arrested.
His tall story crumbled around his ears and he was charged with her murder.
At his trial at Birmingham Crown Court, Tanner changed his story and said he snapped and killed her after she admitted she had been unfaithful.
But he was convicted of murder and jailed for life.
On Valentine’s Day in 2005, Joanna Nelson, who worked at a Jobcentre in Hull, vanished.
Paul Dyson soon appeared on television acting the concerned boyfriend.
Humberside Police launched a massive search but Miss Nelson’s body was not found until 24 March, near Malton, North Yorkshire.
Killers who cry crocodile tears OKillers who cry crocodile tears _44582499_dyson226
Killers who cry crocodile tears Start_quote_rb You went on TV and displayed breathtaking and nauseating hypocrisy Killers who cry crocodile tears End_quote_rb
Judge Tom Cracknell
Under interrogation by detectives Dyson, 31, finally cracked and admitted he was responsible for her death and said he had strangled her after a trivial row about housework.
Sentencing him to life in prison, Judge Tom Cracknell, highlighted his callous appearance on the TV appeal for information in finding Miss Nelson.
The judge told him: “You went on TV and displayed breathtaking and nauseating hypocrisy.”
As he was led away to begin a life sentence Dyson was verbally abused by friends and family of his victim.
The phenomenon is not confined to Britain.
In October 1994, a young mother, Susan Smith, told police in South Carolina she had been carjacked by a man who had driven off with her two young sons still in the vehicle.
Smith appeared on television appealing for the man to return the children.
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Susan Smith blamed a black carjacker
But nine days later she confessed to police to having driven the car into a lake, with the boys, three-year-old Michael and Alexander, 14 months, still inside.
It emerged that she had been having an affair with a man and had killed her boys because he had told her he did not want any children.
The case was seen as racially sensitive because Smith had claimed a black man had been responsible.
She was later convicted of murder but a jury spared her the death penalty and she was given a life sentence.

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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Killers who cry crocodile tears Empty Re: Killers who cry crocodile tears

Post by G-Unit 29.10.17 20:47

I remember seeing Gordon Wardell on TV and not believing him, although I didn't know why. For some reason I feel exactly the same when a certain couple appear on the TV.

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Killers who cry crocodile tears Empty Re: Killers who cry crocodile tears

Post by Hobs 29.10.17 22:24

All well and good since they are after the fact and all were found guilty.
What would be impressive is if they did the same to the mccanns using the exact same method and conclusions as used on the above cases.

Should they do so then the mccanns could not be anything but found deceptive and therefore guilty of involvement in the death, disposal and subsequent cover up.

If they found no deception then it proves them to be deceptive in themselves and basing their conclusions not on the evidence presented but rather the evidence as found proven in a court of law resulting in guilt.

Their conclusions are biased, based only on a guilty verdict.

There are also plenty of cases in America relating to murders, faked abductions of loved ones, especially children, where the language alone points to the guilt of the subject.

methinks they would refuse to say anything against the mccanns even though the mccanns could not afford  a legal letter let alone a full blown court case.

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Killers who cry crocodile tears Empty Re: Killers who cry crocodile tears

Post by Verdi 29.10.17 23:30

Hobs wrote:There are also plenty of cases in America relating to murders, faked abductions of loved ones, especially children, where the language alone points to the guilt of the subject.
This is a point that's always made me curious as to why the McCanns ever hit the studios of the Oprah Winfrey Show.

I know Winfrey is a shrewd business woman who knows how to work her audience but why the McCanns?  Madeleine didn't disappear on USA soil, nor is there any reason to believe her to be hidden in the lawless hills of California - at least I don't think so.

I digress offtopic .

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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Killers who cry crocodile tears Empty Re: Killers who cry crocodile tears

Post by Cmaryholmes 29.10.17 23:56

Verdi wrote:
Hobs wrote:There are also plenty of cases in America relating to murders, faked abductions of loved ones, especially children, where the language alone points to the guilt of the subject.
This is a point that's always made me curious as to why the McCanns ever hit the studios of the Oprah Winfrey Show.

I know Winfrey is a shrewd business woman who knows how to work her audience but why the McCanns?  Madeleine didn't disappear on USA soil, nor is there any reason to believe her to be hidden in the lawless hills of California - at least I don't think so.

I digress offtopic .
I imagine that a few $$$$$$$$ exchanged hands!

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Killers who cry crocodile tears Empty Re: Killers who cry crocodile tears

Post by Verdi 30.10.17 1:13

Cmaryholmes wrote:C
Verdi wrote:
Hobs wrote:There are also plenty of cases in America relating to murders, faked abductions of loved ones, especially children, where the language alone points to the guilt of the subject.
This is a point that's always made me curious as to why the McCanns ever hit the studios of the Oprah Winfrey Show.

I know Winfrey is a shrewd business woman who knows how to work her audience but why the McCanns?  Madeleine didn't disappear on USA soil, nor is there any reason to believe her to be hidden in the lawless hills of California - at least I don't think so.

I digress offtopic .
I imagine that a few $$$$$$$$ exchanged hands!
Quite so!  You don't become a billionaire by being decent do you. 

One wonders just how many and who profited by this escapade - it certainly wasn't Madeleine McCann.  Then again, Madeleine was always at the bottom of the list of priorities for the McCann campaign wasn't she.


The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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Killers who cry crocodile tears Empty Re: Killers who cry crocodile tears

Post by Hobs 30.10.17 5:09

Mutual publicity methinks.

Oprah gets to interview the parents of the biggest missing child news story in the world and can thus play the sympathy card, the caring card, the I'm a rich black woman and i want to do my bit for these parents whilst making myself look good as well as getting big ratings) and the mccanns get interviewed by a billionaire black female TV star in America with a huge TV show watched by millions of women and who may be tempted to donate to their 'fund' and who could persuade all her viewers to donate to their 'fund' possibly bringing in millions if they all donated $1 each.

Particular care was taken in choosing what to wear.
Kate normally wearing trousers including the infamous black and white checked cropped pants wore a smart skirt and cardigan which made her appear like the average maternal mom that Americans all love.
It made her seem vulnerable, comforting, approachable, honest and believable.
Even though kate was a GP and professional and could have dressed the part in a pant suit or jacket and skirt, looking like a doctor, it would have made her seem distant and unapproachable.
It would have made her look too professional and officious and would have made their claim of neglect by leaving their children home alone each night unbelievable.
Professionals don't leave their children home alone, especially doctors, they hire nannies and make use of creches etc.
They make use of the facilities offered to look after their children, especially if free.

To make their version of events believable, to humanize them, especially kate, to make them appear the sort of people like the viewers who perhaps would leave their children home alone and doing regular checks, who perhaps couldn't afford the cost of a private babysitter/nanny for every evening.
Who perhaps didn't trust a stranger looking after the children each night  (perhaps insinuating that the evening babysitters were different to the daily creche staff)
Who preferred the children to sleep in their apartment rather than at the evening creche and then have all the hassle of getting them home and into their own beds, preferably without waking them.

The whole show was an attempt to make the mccanns one of us, to downplay their jobs, to explain away inconsistencies and concerning and unexpected behavior with an "it's a British thing".

Kate was dressed to appear as a stay at home mom who loved her children, baked pies, read them bedtime stories, took them to the park and all the other things the ideal mom (American) would do.

This would forestall the awkward questions such as if they were both Doctors why didn't they pay for a private babysitter etc since they must be loaded.

By dressing down, it would make them appear to be spending all their money on the search, it would imply self sacrifice, look at us we are spending so much of our money on the search we can't even afford to wear professional looking smart clothes.
Their appearance was designed to bring in donations, without even needing to promote the fund.

Heck if they could persuade Oprah to donate a million dollars or even a couple hundred thousand, it all helps.

Plus they wanted the fame and publicity.

They were on Oprah and she is smart, they must be telling the truth if she is backing them.
Where do i donate?

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Killers who cry crocodile tears Empty Re: Killers who cry crocodile tears

Post by Cmaryholmes 30.10.17 5:36

I was half expecting them to be on Oprah’s show for the tenth anniversary circus, but instead we had BBC stooge Fiona Bruce, who could be relied on not to ask any awkward questions. As for Kate’s clothes, on Oprah, I thought she was dressed somewhat bizarrely ,like a little girl, with pink cardie and short skirt. The innocent and vulnerable look.

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Killers who cry crocodile tears Empty Re: Killers who cry crocodile tears

Post by Hobs 30.10.17 6:15

Cmaryholmes wrote:I was half expecting them to be on Oprah’s show for the tenth anniversary circus, but instead we had BBC stooge Fiona Bruce, who could be relied on not to ask any awkward questions. As for Kate’s clothes, on Oprah, I thought she was dressed somewhat bizarrely ,like a little girl, with pink cardie and short skirt. The innocent and vulnerable look.

Exactly, chosen just to give that impression.

Everything the mccanns wear, do and say is for a specific reason.

Their coordinated clothing in the early days was to give the impression of unity and shared cooperation.
It couldn't be us, we are together, we are united in our search for Maddie, our love for Maddie and each other, we are one unit.

This also makes me think that they both played a part in Maddie's death, disposal and cover up.

The little unremembered acts of kindness and love are the best parts of a person's life.

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Killers who cry crocodile tears Empty Re: Killers who cry crocodile tears

Post by Cmaryholmes 30.10.17 7:05

Hobs wrote:
Cmaryholmes wrote:I was half expecting them to be on Oprah’s show for the tenth anniversary circus, but instead we had BBC stooge Fiona Bruce, who could be relied on not to ask any awkward questions. As for Kate’s clothes, on Oprah, I thought she was dressed somewhat bizarrely ,like a little girl, with pink cardie and short skirt. The innocent and vulnerable look.

Exactly, chosen just to give that impression.

Everything the mccanns wear, do and say is for a specific reason.

Their coordinated clothing in the early days was to give the impression of unity and shared cooperation.
It couldn't be us, we are together, we are united in our search for Maddie, our love for Maddie and each other, we are one unit.

This also makes me think that they both played a part in Maddie's death, disposal and cover up.
I agree. If Gerry were just covering up for Kate, he would have thrown her under the bus long ago, IMHO. If Kate were under pressure to cover  up for Gerry, she could have scooped up the twins and gone to Mum’s long ago and come clean IMHO. They are both in it together, permanently shackled together by their secrets. It almost makes me pity them, but, then again, no it doesn’t. You reap what you sow.

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