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Bruna Nunes - a dreadful story, but once again... Mm11

Bruna Nunes - a dreadful story, but once again... Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Bruna Nunes - a dreadful story, but once again... Mm11

Bruna Nunes - a dreadful story, but once again... Regist10

Bruna Nunes - a dreadful story, but once again...

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Bruna Nunes - a dreadful story, but once again... Empty Bruna Nunes - a dreadful story, but once again...

Post by Jill Havern 21.09.17 13:25

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The terrible death nearly three years ago of 17-year-old schoolgirl Bruna Nunes is about to see her mother’s former lover face justice.

Mihai Oprea, 36, fled Portugal the day before Bruna’s battered, half-naked body was found on scrubland near Aldeia Velha, Aljezur.

As reports explained, Bruna had been sexually assaulted, her head smashed in with what investigators suggested was a rock.

The autopsy termed her injuries as “lacerations to the brain with a cranial fracture”.

Round her neck were marks consistent with strangulation.

A local roller-blading champion - she had recently won the distinction of junior national champion - Bruna had been missing for three days.

For two of those days, Oprea joined in local searches, for all intents and purposes, “acting normally”.

On the third day however he skipped the country,
taking with him his partner’s car and what tabloid Correio da Manhã described as “the family’s gold”.

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Jill Havern
Jill Havern
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