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On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. Mm11

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On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. Mm11

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On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. Empty On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link.

Post by EnglishBull 24.04.17 10:35

I got so angry watching this but I thought I should still share as I hear people can't watch "official" due to GEO Blocking.

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On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. Empty Re: On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link.

Post by Jill Havern 24.04.17 10:39

EnglishBull wrote:I got so angry watching this but I thought I should still share as I hear people can't watch "official" due to GEO Blocking.
Thank you thumbsup

Is that the whole thing?

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
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On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. 1f1fa-1f1f8 MAGA On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. 1f1ec-1f1e7 MBGA
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On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. Empty Re: On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link.

Post by ChippyM 24.04.17 10:40

EnglishBull wrote:I got so angry watching this but I thought I should still share as I hear people can't watch "official" due to GEO Blocking.


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On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. Empty Re: On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link.

Post by EnglishBull 24.04.17 10:44

Get'emGonçalo wrote:
EnglishBull wrote:I got so angry watching this but I thought I should still share as I hear people can't watch "official" due to GEO Blocking.
Thank you thumbsup

Is that the whole thing?

It is indeed.  It is not my channel however I came across it this morning on Youtube and thought I should share it.  If you look at his other videos he also has it uploaded into 5 parts.  Then it seems he added all 5 parts together.

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On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. Empty Re: On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link.

Post by Jill Havern 24.04.17 10:55


I think! titter 

But will try to watch it, so thank you for finding it.

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. 1f1fa-1f1f8 MAGA On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. 1f1ec-1f1e7 MBGA
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On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. Empty Re: On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link.

Post by RosieandSam 24.04.17 11:30

EnglishBull wrote:I got so angry watching this but I thought I should still share as I hear people can't watch "official" due to GEO Blocking.

Brilliant - and thank you!

I certainly like to watch everything for myself.

You are a star! Thank you for taking the time to record and upload or find it on YouTube.

Madeleine McCann | Sunday Night | Exclusive | Full


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On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. Empty Re: On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link.

Post by ChippyM 24.04.17 12:31

On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. David_10

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On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. Empty Re: On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link.

Post by Verdi 24.04.17 12:31

Thank you for the link EnglishBull but no thanks to Australian television for wasting 42 minutes of my life!

What a con - a con with the name Clarence Mitchell stamped all over it !!!

For the most part it's made to look as though Dr Amaral and indeed the McCanns are being interviewed specifically for the show - they are not!  It's old footage.

The sole reason for this production is to make Dr Amaral look like a conspiracy theorist and incompetent buffoon.

It is a collation of age old clips, edited to flow and appear like a new TV exclusive.

The shows promotion said it had exclusive new evidence which would be handed to the police after being aired on TV.  What new evidence?

Pat Brown is being ridiculed by the smug presenter, Colin Sutton only appears briefly and the main spokesman for the show, other than Mitchell, is a journalist who appears to be very pro-McCann and Dave Barclay - another retired cop who flies in the face of evidence.

Eddie and Keela are given a mention but only in passing as, only to be expected, not only did the UK Forensic Science Service fail to corroborate the dogs alerts by forensic analysis but also the dogs are dismissed as worthless!



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On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. Empty Re: On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link.

Post by RosieandSam 24.04.17 13:45


It is a collation of age old clips, edited to flow and appear like a new TV exclusive.

No, it is more than that.  It is so much worse.  It is a collation of old clips (mis-represented in the programme trailer to suggest that Dr Amaral, the parents etc actually agreed to contribute to THIS programme) woven together with NEW interview footage from Pat Brown and Colin Sutton whose words were manipulated by the McCann-sympathiser/sycophantic presenter.

The programme was deliberately mis-leading. 

To ignore this deliberate intent to obfuscate Madeliene's case (from Australia - the other side of the world - no less) would be short-sighted.  

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On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. Empty Re: On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link.

Post by polyenne 24.04.17 13:47

What a complete load of nonsense ! I've just wasted 45 minutes of my life on this pro-McCann cr*p. Some interesting elements :

8.50 : the bedroom plan doesn't specifically detail which was Madeleine's bed
8.59 : "Madeleine" is shown in bed by the window
25.06: Dave Barclay's "shifty" look at the camera
30.32 : there's that GM "mannerism" when asked "that" question

Also, there now seems to be a distinct effort to push the fact that KM ran to the Tapas table shouting "she's gone, someone's taken her". The initial reports had her shouting from the balcony "they've taken her".

And a clear hatchet job on the Portugese Police enqury.


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On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. Empty Re: On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link.

Post by sandancer 24.04.17 13:49

Thanks​ English bull for putting​ this up .

I will watch it once I've made sure everything breakable is well out of reach​ !  

Just​ watching the trailer told me what a pile​ of utter bilge ( please note I'm being​ very​ careful with my words here    big grin ) this was going​ to be​ !

Along with​ the continued daily​ dross in the papers how much more do we have​ to endure until 3rd May arrives​ .
Poor Madeleine , used as a cash cow for those​ only interested​ in lining their own pockets 

Poor twins​ , having to live​ with​ it daily .My heart breaks for them​ .

Be humble for you​ are made​ of earth . Be noble for you​ are made of stars .

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On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. Empty Re: On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link.

Post by ChippyM 24.04.17 13:57

Does anyone know if Clarrie's interview was an old one or was he interviewed specifically for this 'special' show?

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On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. Empty Re: On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link.

Post by Verdi 24.04.17 14:36

ChippyM wrote:Does anyone know if Clarrie's interview was an old one or was he interviewed specifically for this 'special' show?
I read earlier that the interview was recorded a few months ago for the show - I'll see if I can locate the link.

ETA:  I think this was it, in the 'intelligent tabloid' #madeuthink..

They are also suggesting in the “landmark television event” they have secured a new interview with Kate and Gerry, which their spokesman Clarence Mitchell said today is “simply not true.”

Mr Mitchell also claimed "there's nothing new" in the programme that he is aware of.

The spokesman was also interviewed for the show five months ago and re-iterated what Maddie’s parents have always insisted.

I can't vouch the accuracy.  Suffice to say it's good old Tracey Kandohla at it again smilie .

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On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. Empty Re: On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link.

Post by Verdi 24.04.17 14:40

Madeleine McCann Australian Interview 2011

Presenter:  "Did you kill your daughter"

Gerry McCann:  "No.  That's an emphatic no [grins]"

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On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. Empty Re: On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link.

Post by Verdi 24.04.17 15:32

ChippyM wrote:On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. David_10
big grin That schnozz tells a tale or two big grin !  As an ex-cop, he needs to brush up on his dogs.

Martin Grimes


'Eddie' The Enhanced Victim Recovery Dog (E.V.R.D.) will search for and
locate human remains and body fluids including blood in any environment or
terrain. The initial training of the dog was conducted using human blood and
stil born decomposing piglets. The importance of this is that the dog is
introduced to the scent of a decomposing body NOT FOODSTUFF. This
ensures that the dog disregards the 'bacon sandwich' and 'kebab' etc that is
ever present in the background environment. Therefore the dog would
remain efficient searching for a cadaver in a café where the clientele were sat
eating bacon sandwiches. He has additionally trained exclusively using
human remains in the U.S.A. in association with the F.B.I. The enhanced
training of the dog has also involved the use of collection of 'cadaver scent'
odor from human corpses using remote technical equipment which does not
contact the subject. This method is comparable to the simulation of cross
contamination. It does however differ in that the remote scent samples
recovery does not involve subject matter and therefore is a 'pure' scent
sample. The dog has since initial training gained considerable experience in
successfully operationally locating human remains and evidential forensic

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On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. Empty Re: On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link.

Post by Verdi 24.04.17 15:36

Madeleine: FB Live Promo of Controversial 'Sunday Night' Program


The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. Empty Re: On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link.

Post by Guest 24.04.17 15:41

Was Gonçalo Amaral's interview with the presenter spliced? Was she really interviewing him recently? This article

Says he didn't speak to channel 7 yet you see him walking up the hill towards the apartment with the presenter looking very thin although you don't hear him speak.  In the actual interview indoors you can see he is a lot fatter in the face. When did the meeting outside the ocean club take place and has the indoor interview been seen before on tv?

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On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. Empty Re: On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link.

Post by hogwash 24.04.17 16:23

What a load of old baloney this film was.

Clearly Rahni was speaking to herself for the most part of it, pretending to ask people questions and getting answers from people that were interviewed years ago! big grin

The only people who were new were Pat Brown, Colin Sutton and of course Clarence Mitchell who clearly orchestrated this whole pile of utter shoite.

The only thing that sticks in my mind now is how Kate raised the alarm, ran to the tapas bar and screamed at Gerry who was sitting at the table that Maddie's been taken.

Yet wasn't he supposed to be walking to the beach at that time so the Smiths could see him?


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On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. Empty Re: On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link.

Post by Guest 24.04.17 16:31

hogwash wrote:What a load of old baloney this film was.

Clearly Rahni was speaking to herself for the most part of it, pretending to ask people questions and getting answers from people that were interviewed years ago! big grin

The only people who were new were Pat Brown, Colin Sutton and of course Clarence Mitchell who clearly orchestrated this whole pile of utter shoite.

The only thing that sticks in my mind now is how Kate raised the alarm, ran to the tapas bar and screamed at Gerry who was sitting at the table that Maddie's been taken.

Yet wasn't he supposed to be walking to the beach at that time so the Smiths could see him?

That's exactly what I thought. This is why I was asking if Gonçalo Amaral's interviews were aired before. It looked like it was spliced and he wasn't sitting across from her.  Why, if this is the case, would she do something like that or be talked into doing that? It's extraordinary.

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On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. Empty Re: On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link.

Post by Phoebe 24.04.17 16:41

Er, what is "The vital clue Madeleine left behind" (20 secs in)? I think Dave Barclay has solved it. It's rotting meat! Kate left bacon rashers and sausages on the tiles behind the sofa as the fridge was faulty (the McCanns are partial to a full English, ask auntie Phil) and that's what the dogs scented. Realizing they had gone off she then tried to hide them in the cupboard and claim they had been abducted, in case Gerry would be miffed about having cornflakes instead. She rolled them up in her checked trousers and vest and wrapped a kids T-shirt around them to keep the whiff down. She tried chucking them into the garden but Portuguese cats are picky eaters, unlike cuddlecat who had a go at them but his lack of teeth interfered, so she had to put them in the boot of the car to bring to the dump. Simples! How else could rotting meat make contact with all those surfaces?

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On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. Empty Re: On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link.

Post by ChippyM 24.04.17 16:55

Verdi wrote:
ChippyM wrote:Does anyone know if Clarrie's interview was an old one or was he interviewed specifically for this 'special' show?
I read earlier that the interview was recorded a few months ago for the show - I'll see if I can locate the link.

ETA:  I think this was it, in the 'intelligent tabloid' #madeuthink..

They are also suggesting in the “landmark television event” they have secured a new interview with Kate and Gerry, which their spokesman Clarence Mitchell said today is “simply not true.”

Mr Mitchell also claimed "there's nothing new" in the programme that he is aware of.

The spokesman was also interviewed for the show five months ago and re-iterated what Maddie’s parents have always insisted.

I can't vouch the accuracy.  Suffice to say it's good old Tracey Kandohla at it again smilie .

I wouldn't be surprised if Clarrie concocted the whole thing a long time in advance and selected a 'journalist' he could trust to do a hatchet job of his liking. If that's true it's an interesting choice to use an Australian program as a vehicle for this and not a UK one.

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On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. Empty Re: On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link.

Post by Guest 24.04.17 17:03

ChippyM wrote:
Verdi wrote:
ChippyM wrote:Does anyone know if Clarrie's interview was an old one or was he interviewed specifically for this 'special' show?
I read earlier that the interview was recorded a few months ago for the show - I'll see if I can locate the link.

ETA:  I think this was it, in the 'intelligent tabloid' #madeuthink..

They are also suggesting in the “landmark television event” they have secured a new interview with Kate and Gerry, which their spokesman Clarence Mitchell said today is “simply not true.”

Mr Mitchell also claimed "there's nothing new" in the programme that he is aware of.

The spokesman was also interviewed for the show five months ago and re-iterated what Maddie’s parents have always insisted.

I can't vouch the accuracy.  Suffice to say it's good old Tracey Kandohla at it again smilie .

I wouldn't be surprised if Carrie concocted the whole thing a long time in advance and selected a 'journalist' he could trust to do a hatchet job of his liking. If that's true it's an interesting choice to use an Australian program as a vehicle for this and not a UK one.
It was an interesting choice.   Also interesting is that all this frenzied news is only in the tabloids, you never hear it repeated on our six o'clock/ten o clock news.

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On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. Empty Re: On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link.

Post by polyenne 24.04.17 17:15

Oh come on, as old Loyd Grossman (not Tannerman or Crecheman) used to say "the clues are there".

Rahni Sadler. Rearrange : Ha ! Darn Lies

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On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. Empty Re: On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link.

Post by Verdi 24.04.17 21:19

One thing that strikes me - nah, riles me - the repeated reference to the PJ botched investigation, partly because they failed to cordon-off the crime scene and allowed all and sundry to trample around.

Reminder - the crime scene had already been contaminated by the McCann group, Ocean Club employees and whoever else before the Portuguese police were called by team McCann !!!

Get yer blooming facts right before spouting out before the world.

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On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link. Empty Re: On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link.

Post by ChippyM 24.04.17 22:14

And on the channel 7 hatchet job, Ms. Sadler says Evidence was gone/ destroyed due to not treating as a crime scene. So she is psychic too, being able to go back in time and know there was evidence there to be destroyed!  

Maybe she could do the decent thing and let everyone know what it was.

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