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Textusa latest post 31 March 2017 Mm11

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Textusa latest post 31 March 2017 Mm11

Textusa latest post 31 March 2017 Regist10

Textusa latest post 31 March 2017

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Textusa latest post 31 March 2017 Empty Textusa latest post 31 March 2017

Post by willowthewisp 31.03.17 15:27

If any of the latest post(Theory) from Textusa is near the"Truth",then that certainly leaves a n awful lot of Egg on a face moment for"Operation stGrange"?

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Textusa latest post 31 March 2017 Empty Re: Textusa latest post 31 March 2017

Post by kaz 31.03.17 17:39

If I could make head or tail of Textusa’s post I would hopefully make some constructive comment. What ARE they saying? That Gerry did the Smith run ? WHY? If it the death was an accident, why would you? To cover up swinging?  No way. Who cares what people get up to? Each to his own. You normally take your kids to the park to swing, surely?  I’m obviously missing something here which wouldn’t surprise me one bit since Textusa is ……………………….obscure to say the least ?  Verdi annoys me but at least he/she can be understood .

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Textusa latest post 31 March 2017 Empty Re: Textusa latest post 31 March 2017

Post by Liz Eagles 31.03.17 17:55

kaz wrote:If I could make head or tail of Textusa’s post I would hopefully make some constructive comment. What ARE they saying? That Gerry did the Smith run ? WHY? If it the death was an accident, why would you? To cover up swinging?  No way. Who cares what people get up to? Each to his own. You normally take your kids to the park to swing, surely?  I’m obviously missing something here which wouldn’t surprise me one bit since Textusa is ……………………….obscure to say the least ?  Verdi annoys me but at least he/she can be understood .
Textusa's blog is akin to looking for a chipped tooth in a plate of spaghetti.
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Textusa latest post 31 March 2017 Empty Re: Textusa latest post 31 March 2017

Post by kaz 31.03.17 18:07

aquila wrote:
kaz wrote:If I could make head or tail of Textusa’s post I would hopefully make some constructive comment. What ARE they saying? That Gerry did the Smith run ? WHY? If it the death was an accident, why would you? To cover up swinging?  No way. Who cares what people get up to? Each to his own. You normally take your kids to the park to swing, surely?  I’m obviously missing something here which wouldn’t surprise me one bit since Textusa is ……………………….obscure to say the least ?  Verdi annoys me but at least he/she can be understood .
Textusa's blog is akin to looking for a chipped tooth in a plate of spaghetti.
Certainly about as appetising as !!

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Textusa latest post 31 March 2017 Empty Re: Textusa latest post 31 March 2017

Post by Liz Eagles 31.03.17 18:14

kaz wrote:
aquila wrote:
kaz wrote:If I could make head or tail of Textusa’s post I would hopefully make some constructive comment. What ARE they saying? That Gerry did the Smith run ? WHY? If it the death was an accident, why would you? To cover up swinging?  No way. Who cares what people get up to? Each to his own. You normally take your kids to the park to swing, surely?  I’m obviously missing something here which wouldn’t surprise me one bit since Textusa is ……………………….obscure to say the least ?  Verdi annoys me but at least he/she can be understood .
Textusa's blog is akin to looking for a chipped tooth in a plate of spaghetti.
Certainly about as appetising as !!
I think the most unappetising thing I've ever read was Gerry McCann's enthusiasm for his less then two year old son taking a liking to sea bass.
Liz Eagles
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Textusa latest post 31 March 2017 Empty Textusa latest post 31 March 2017

Post by willowthewisp 31.03.17 18:32

The blog or whatever you wish to call it,is often long and drawn out and goes off in different directions.
If you remember what Gerry stated to the public,"Confusion is good"?
What has been offered by the UK Government is a remit,Operation Grange,with No jurisdiction in the UK,Alison Saunders,Cressida Dick?
In 2011 David Cameron set up Operation stGrange to help the McCann family?
In 2013 the Portugal PJ had to re-open the Madeleine McCann disappearance in a"Combined"dual process of Investigation.(some say it was a scoping exercise)wherebye the Family had access to information(Clarence)Summer &Swann article?
What can be confirmed is,Operation Grange has a close attachment to the defamation case brought by Kate And Gerry McCann against the Former Detective in Portugal,Mr Goncalo Amaral,the"Truth of the Lie"that he had published.
If there has been a "Cover Up",it now involves a large swath of Personnel who could find themselves once again in a "Dark Tunnel"with certain cohorts?
Wait for the Next few sentences to include in News Paper articles,"Conspiracy Theory"by the Anti McCann followers,as there is No Evidence for a successful Prosecution!?
PS,Reference to JT,GMc,Jez moment and Dave Edgars"mockumentary" and the Textusa article and ask yourself,was that a"Reality Moment" of what she had seen happening on the Evening of 3 May 2007!!!

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Textusa latest post 31 March 2017 Empty Re: Textusa latest post 31 March 2017

Post by Liz Eagles 31.03.17 18:49

Oh I don't know, Gerry McCann's blogs are still online for everyone to read. If you want to gain an insight into a 'grieving parent' this is a marvel.

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Sir Winston Churchill: “Diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for directions.”
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Textusa latest post 31 March 2017 Empty Re: Textusa latest post 31 March 2017

Post by princess_leia 31.03.17 18:57

Perhaps I am wrong, but having just spent half an hour reading Textusa's post I believe it is highlighting how Edgar, UK Media and Team McCann distance themselves from a once PJ suspect Euclides Monteiro. We all know how TM love a patsy, so why avoid this guy...I think that about sums it up?
I could have that all wrong though, because it does make difficult reading at times.

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Textusa latest post 31 March 2017 Empty Re: Textusa latest post 31 March 2017

Post by Liz Eagles 31.03.17 19:02

princess_leia wrote:Perhaps I am wrong, but having just spent half an hour reading Textusa's post I believe it is highlighting how Edgar, UK Media and Team McCann distance themselves from a once PJ suspect Euclides Monteiro. We all know how TM love a patsy, so why avoid this guy...I think that about sums it up?
I could have that all wrong though, because it does make difficult reading at times.
You've only spent half an hour reading Textusa tripe?

I respect you immensely. I've read most Textusa blogs and they take hours and are completely meaningless waffle.
Liz Eagles
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Textusa latest post 31 March 2017 Empty Textusa latest post 31 March 2017

Post by willowthewisp 31.03.17 19:06

princess_leia wrote:Perhaps I am wrong, but having just spent half an hour reading Textusa's post I believe it is highlighting how Edgar, UK Media and Team McCann distance themselves from a once PJ suspect Euclides Monteiro. We all know how TM love a patsy, so why avoid this guy...I think that about sums it up?
I could have that all wrong though, because it does make difficult reading at times.
Euclides Montaeiro,may have worked at the Boavista Spa Golf Club,where it was reported that certain person's had made contact with each other,Phone Text messages and may have access to the Water treatment plant in Portugal?
The same Golf club a Mr John Geraherty had access to keys to a church and a Renault scenic hire car,another coincidence?

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Textusa latest post 31 March 2017 Empty Re: Textusa latest post 31 March 2017

Post by princess_leia 31.03.17 19:31

aquila wrote:
princess_leia wrote:Perhaps I am wrong, but having just spent half an hour reading Textusa's post I believe it is highlighting how Edgar, UK Media and Team McCann distance themselves from a once PJ suspect Euclides Monteiro. We all know how TM love a patsy, so why avoid this guy...I think that about sums it up?
I could have that all wrong though, because it does make difficult reading at times.
You've only spent half an hour reading Textusa tripe?

I respect you immensely. I've read most Textusa blogs and they take hours and are completely meaningless waffle.

Reading the latest blog led me onto the 'Cadaverine' blog post - which I've now read and don't know what to make of it. And this led me to 'Extreme Backfiring' which I want to read, I just wish it was more condensed, because I think Textusa raises some good points, it's just so difficult to read at times. Whatever...I support anyone who is trying to get justice for Madeleine.

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Textusa latest post 31 March 2017 Empty Re: Textusa latest post 31 March 2017

Post by princess_leia 31.03.17 19:34

willowthewisp wrote:
princess_leia wrote:Perhaps I am wrong, but having just spent half an hour reading Textusa's post I believe it is highlighting how Edgar, UK Media and Team McCann distance themselves from a once PJ suspect Euclides Monteiro. We all know how TM love a patsy, so why avoid this guy...I think that about sums it up?
I could have that all wrong though, because it does make difficult reading at times.
Euclides Montaeiro,may have worked at the Boavista Spa Golf Club,where it was reported that certain person's had made contact with each other,Phone Text messages and may have access to the Water treatment plant in Portugal?
The same Golf club a Mr John Geraherty had access to keys to a church and a Renault scenic hire car,another coincidence?
Thanks...John Geraghty, now that's a name I've not heard about for a long time. Off to do some googling, as I know the name but can't remember the connection.

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