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Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge  Mm11

Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge  Regist10
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Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge  Mm11

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Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge

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Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge  Empty Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge

Post by Keitei 26.02.17 23:04

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BY TRACEY KANDOHLA AND PAUL HARPER  26th February 2017, 8:50 pm

MADDIE PROBE BLOW Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge to find Madeleine McCann to ‘end her parents’ torture’
Met Police boss is stepping down with cops no closer to finding the missing child after thousands of potential sightings

BRITAIN’S top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits this week breaking his pledge to the “end the torture” of Madeleine McCann’s parents.

The Scotland Yard chief is stepping down as his force is still NO closer to knowing what happened to Maddie, who vanished in the Algrave on a family holiday on May 3 2007.

Sir Bernard had vowed he was “confident of resolving” the world’s biggest missing child mystery after nearly 10 years.

Parents Gerry and Kate discovered Maddie was missing after they had left their children - including toddler twins Sean and Amelie - while they dined at a nearby tapas bar.

Operation Grange, the inquiry launched in May 2011 to the spiralling £13 million cost to the taxpayer, has failed to unearth any significant new clues despite thousands of potential sightings.

Yesterday a Met Police spokesperson insisted: “We are cracking on.”

But she refused to divulge if a final “last throw of the dice” lead which Sir Bernard said would be investigated last summer has produced a shred of evidence.

He said: “If somebody comes forward and gives us good evidence we will follow it.

"We always say a missing child inquiry is never closed."

The high-profile case is however being wound down and the Home Office has not allocated any extra cash after next month.

A spokesperson said: “Funding will continue until the end of this financial year.

"The resources required will be reviewed again at this point.”

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Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge  Empty Re: Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge

Post by jeanmonroe 26.02.17 23:29

"Yesterday a Met Police spokesperson insisted: “We are cracking on.”

That's like saying 'we are going to line up nine JT 'egg head, suspects', tap each one, with a teaspoon, and see which one cracks first'


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Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge  Empty Re: Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge

Post by Keitei 26.02.17 23:43

This pair of journalists really do contradict themselves, in one SMALL article they say:

force is still NO closer to knowing what happened to Maddie wrote:

Followed by:

But she refused to divulge if a final “last throw of the dice” lead which Sir Bernard said would be investigated last summer has produced a shred of evidence. wrote:

A nonsense article, we didn't even have any "source" or "friend" spouting this time, what a relief.

Note to The Sun:  Scotland Yard is NOT giving a running commentary.  How can you then say the police are No closer?  You just don't know, none of us do.  big grin

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Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge  Empty Re: Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge

Post by jeanmonroe 27.02.17 0:28


Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge to find Madeleine McCann to ‘end her parents’ torture’


If ONLY 'our Bernie' had had access to, say, £15-£16 million and further 'unlimited' taxpayer 'funding', and had, say. a full time, totally dedicated, 38 'strong' team, of 'experienced, elite' detectives and 'staff', for, say, nearly six YEARS, I'm pretty 'sure' he would have kept 'his pledge' and 'solved' a SINGLE (1) Solitary (1), 'missing', three years old child, 'case'!

I'm pretty 'SURE'!

Hogwash-Howe being the UK's 'top cop' and all that!

Oh, hang on.....

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Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge  Empty Sir Bernard(watch my lips)Hogan Howe

Post by willowthewisp 27.02.17 11:01

jeanmonroe wrote:MADDIE PROBE BLOW:

Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge to find Madeleine McCann to ‘end her parents’ torture’


If ONLY 'our Bernie' had had access to, say, £15-£16 million and further 'unlimited' taxpayer 'funding', and had, say. a full time, totally dedicated, 38 'strong' team, of 'experienced, elite' detectives and 'staff', for, say, nearly six YEARS, I'm pretty 'sure' he would have kept 'his pledge' and 'solved' a SINGLE (1) Solitary (1), 'missing', three years old child, 'case'!

I'm pretty 'SURE'!

Hogwash-Howe being the UK's 'top cop' and all that!

Oh, hang on.....

With a special hand to DCS Hamish Campbell and DCI Andy Redwood without them the case would not have proceeded to where we are today,but Scotland Yard cannot confirm or deny any involvement to this extra ordinary case,Operation stGrange?

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Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge  Empty Re: Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge

Post by Guest 27.02.17 11:27

I have yet to see evidence that BHH did any bog-standard Police work on this case.

As Julie Andrews once said, "start at the very beginning, it's a very good place to start..."

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Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge  Empty Re: Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge

Post by jeanmonroe 27.02.17 12:15

BlueBag wrote:I have yet to see evidence that BHH did any bog-standard Police work on this case.

As Julie Andrews once said, "start at the very beginning, it's a very good place to start..."

"Hogwash" Howe didn't have to 'do' any 'bog standard police work, on this case'...............HE only had to 'TELL' ex-DCI Redwood 'WHAT' to 'investigate'...or 'NOT'!

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Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge  Empty Re;Sir Bernard Hogan Howe.

Post by willowthewisp 27.02.17 13:44

jeanmonroe wrote:
BlueBag wrote:I have yet to see evidence that BHH did any bog-standard Police work on this case.

As Julie Andrews once said, "start at the very beginning, it's a very good place to start..."

"Hogwash" Howe didn't have to 'do' any 'bog standard police work, on this case'...............HE only had to 'TELL' ex-DCI Redwood 'WHAT' to 'investigate'...or 'NOT'!
At which point DCI Andy Redwood crossed all the I's and dotted all the T's to fix a Remit-Abduction,jigsaw completed to an happy retirement package,kerching?

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Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge  Empty Re: Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge

Post by jeanmonroe 27.02.17 14:10

willowthewisp wrote:
jeanmonroe wrote:
BlueBag wrote:I have yet to see evidence that BHH did any bog-standard Police work on this case.

As Julie Andrews once said, "start at the very beginning, it's a very good place to start..."

"Hogwash" Howe didn't have to 'do' any 'bog standard police work, on this case'...............HE only had to 'TELL' ex-DCI Redwood 'WHAT' to 'investigate'...or 'NOT'!
At which point DCI Andy Redwood crossed all the I's and dotted all the T's to fix a Remit-Abduction,jigsaw completed to an happy retirement package,kerching?

At which 'point' did ex DCI AR............'sell his soul'?

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Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge  Empty Re: Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge

Post by jeanmonroe 27.02.17 14:36

I wonder if, tomorrow, Hogwash-Howe's last day 'in office', whether the last, 'two or three' officers at OG, will hold a 'sponsored' '£1 a balloon' launch, led by Hogwash himself, with all 'proceeds' going to the private ltd co, Madeleine's Fund, Leaving No Stone Unturned.?

('Directors': K&G McCan't!)

Like the '£1 a balloon' launch, in 2007, 'led' by Hogwash-Howe in Liverpool, with ALL the 'proceeds' going to possibly, future 'suspects', in 'a child disappearance case'.


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17 June 2007, 10:07 GMT 11:07 UK

"The balloons will cost a pound to sponsor and all money will go to the Madeleine appeal fund."

"The Chief Constable of Merseyside Police - Bernard Hogan Howe 'will lead the release of balloons' on the highest point of Liverpool inner city on Mossley Hill Field at 1400 BST."

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Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge  Empty Re: Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge

Post by Liz Eagles 27.02.17 16:40

Does anyone remember the documentary not so long ago where BHH went out onto the mean streets and interrupted his filming to listen to a taxi driver who hadn't been paid (something like that) and then bragged about making an arrest at every rank he'd attained?

If courting publicity and fake PR is to be considered an achievement in high office then he is indeed a high achiever, as is Nichola Wall who talks about nail varnish to a fashion magazine.

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Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge  Empty Re: Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge

Post by Doug D 27.02.17 16:57

This one, aquila.

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Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge  Empty Re: Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge

Post by Liz Eagles 27.02.17 17:13

Doug D wrote:This one, aquila.

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Yes, that's the one thank you Doug D.

There's a word (which escapes me) for which the definition is finding fortunate things in unlikely places. How absolutely mavelous that the top cop was out there in the ranks with his minions and he came to the rescue and pursued a vehicle.

There's another word for the above which anyone with an IQ above their waist size will summon.

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Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge  Empty Re: Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge

Post by plebgate 27.02.17 18:49

On the subject of BHH back last year someone posted a video of BHH being interviewed by (I think) someone at LBC radio.   I can't find it.   
Does anyone remember it and if so are they able to post it again on this thread?

Judge Judy to shifty  witnesses   -    LOOK AT ME  -   Um is not an answer.

If I forget to add it to a post everything is In My Opinion and I don't know anything for sure.
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Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge  Empty Re: Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge

Post by Hesinsenburg 27.02.17 21:35

plebgate wrote:On the subject of BHH back last year someone posted a video of BHH being interviewed by (I think) someone at LBC radio.   I can't find it.   
Does anyone remember it and if so are they able to post it again on this thread?
April 2016,this the one?


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Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge  Empty Re: Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge

Post by plebgate 27.02.17 23:14

Thank you Hesinsensburg that's it.

from 1.32 -1.51 on the recording BHH says along the lines of there was a whole room of documents - this had to be translated.

I just thought that was very interesting that SY had all that huge amount of documents translated and yet Summers and Swan reportedly said that Mr. Redwood had told them to look on line at the translated files (the gist of it anyway from memory).

Given that Mr. & Mrs. reportedly had the files translated paid for, Xclamation did it free of charge, we then have a third translation it seems.   We know that some documents were not released but would that have been a huge room full?
Did SY ever request the translation from Mr. & Mrs.?
That might have saved a big amount on any bill the SY will have forked out on even if other documents might have had to be translated?
So much public money being spent on this one case and yet we know next to nothing.

Judge Judy to shifty  witnesses   -    LOOK AT ME  -   Um is not an answer.

If I forget to add it to a post everything is In My Opinion and I don't know anything for sure.
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Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge  Empty Re: Britain’s top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe quits without seeing through pledge

Post by MayMuse 03.03.17 4:02

Is BHH related in any way to Noel Hogan of Hogan International that was once connected  to the case, IIRC  in the early days?

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