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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Mm11

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Mm11

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by Guest 15.04.15 7:14

I don't believe bloggers get paid.  It's more like a hobby.

RH also states she's a playwright and author, and studies human behaviour.

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by Google.Gaspar.Statements 15.04.15 7:28

Ladyinred wrote:I don't believe bloggers get paid.  It's more like a hobby.

RH also states she's a playwright and author, and studies human behaviour.
I wonder if she studies her own human behaviour? It's really disgusting.

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by NickE 18.04.15 19:26

Could this have something to do with the empty file?

Leicester Mercury 24/2-2015

"A police officer who gained unauthorised access to information on force computers could be facing a jail sentence.
Pc Andrew Clay (50) appeared at [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] to plead guilty to six charges of securing unauthorised access to computer material, between September 2002 and March 2013.

Five counts relate to seeking information about individuals and, in three of those cases it also included their family members.
The sixth offence involved seeking information about alleged sex offences in the North West Leicestershire area.
After the guilty pleas were entered, Clay’s barrister, Jonathan Cox, said: “He now intends to formally resign from the constabulary.”
Judge Simon Hammond adjourned the case, for the preparation of a pre-sentence report.
Clay, who lives near [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.], where he was based, was released on bail and will be sentenced at a later date.
Judge Hammond said: “All sentencing options remain open and that includes custody.”
Clay was suspended from duty pending the court hearing.
The charges under the Misuse of Computer Act 1990 follow an investigation by the force’s anti-corruption unit.
Detective Inspector Ferguson said after the hearing: “Clay abused his position as a Leicestershire police officer in order to access confidential information for his own personal gain.
“The force takes incidents of this nature extremely seriously and, as this case demonstrates, we will thoroughly investigate any information received of employees misusing police systems.
“We regularly monitor and scrutinise the use of data and why information is being accessed to ensure it is appropriate.
“Any Leicestershire Police employee who chooses to disregard force policy risks dismissal from the force, and if a criminal offence has been committed, can expect the case to be brought before the courts.”
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Goncalo Amaral: "Then there's the window we found Kate's finger prints.
She said she had never touched that window and the cleaning lady assured that she had cleaned it on the previous doesn't add up"

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by Guest 18.04.15 19:29

I'm sure SY have looked into this.... 

..and found nothing.

Move along.

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Date of CATs file?

Post by Loving Mom 23.04.15 5:42

Tony Bennett wrote:
Judge Mental wrote:It needs to be established whether the person who made the original file ever recorded anything in it.  If they did, and it is no longer there to be viewed, then it must be assumed that something has been deleted from the file.

Here is a provisional list of questions that simply MUST be asked about this:

1. On what date was this entry made?

2. Who was the officer who inputted the information and drew down the reference number 19309?

3. S/he must be able to recall why this was done. So, what was s/he told, when and by whom?

4. What information does s/he recollect placing on these records?

5. Has any information on record 19309 been removed?

6. If so, by whom, and when?

7. If so, why?

8. What investigations did Detective Constable Snoad make about this matter before he spoke to Detective Constable Hughes?

9. Did either Detective Constable Hughes or one of his superiors cause enquiries to be made about the provenance of the 19309 entry?  
I am curious, did anyone ever find out the answer to question 1. On what date was this entry made?
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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by Lands_end 26.05.15 9:11

I've watched this for some time now. I'd really like to see Social Services expand upon "well within the bounds of responsible parenting" . If my next door neighbour went down the pub every night and left the children alone I would have no problem reporting them and knowing Social Services as I do they would take action.
Could it not be assumed that Gerald McCann has maybe made this up or told a little lie? Doctors don't do that sort of thing so I would be most surprised.

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by Doug D 26.05.15 10:06

Lands End:

NSPCC guidance which has been floating round Twitter for last few days:

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Deciding if your child is ready to be left home alone can be a tricky decision.
There are lots of things to think about. Plus, there are no hard and fast ‘home alone’ rules or laws because every child is different. Whether you or your child are comfortable with the idea will often depend on how mature and adaptable your child is – and we all know how much this can vary from child to child.
We hope this advice will help you make up your mind about whether leaving your child home alone is a good idea. And if not, we’ve got some other useful ideas to help.

What the law says

Strange as it may seem, there’s no set age for leaving children home alone. The law simply says that you shouldn’t leave a child alone if they’ll be at risk.
There’s such a wide variation in the rate that children mature that it would be almost impossible to come up with a “one size fits all” law. Instead, the choice is left to parents. They know their children best and can use their own judgement.
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That’s not to say that there are no laws on leaving children home alone. Parents who are judged to have put a child at risk by leaving them on their own can be taken to court and even sent to prison.
There might not be a specific legal age to leave children alone but it’s safe to say babies, toddlers and young children should never be left alone, even if it’s just while you pop down the road. Even if they’re sleeping peacefully when you leave they could well wake up and get very upset when you’re not there to look after them.

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[size=33]Things to consider before leaving a child home alone[/size]

No one knows your child quite as well as you do – so use your knowledge of what they’re really like to answer these questions. This won’t give you a definite answer about whether the time is right to leave your child alone at home, but it’ll certainly give you plenty to think about.

  • Does your child seem to be responsible and mature for their age and always do what you tell him or her?

  • Would they be able to fix themselves something to eat and drink and would you be happy with them using the cooker or microwave?

  • Can you imagine how they’d cope in an emergency like a power cut or a flooded bathroom?

  • Would they know what to do if the phone rang or someone came to the door?

  • Would they know how to contact you or another family member or friend if they needed to?

  • How would they feel about being left alone – pleased to be given the responsibility or scared by the thought of it?

But remember, if you or your child are even the teeniest bit unsure about leaving them at home on their own, it’s always best to be on the safe side and arrange some other kind of care for them such as a babysitter or childminder.

[size=33]If you decide to leave your child at home[/size]

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Set some ground rules(Tab content hidden)

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Ask your child how they feel being left on their own(Tab content hidden)

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Agree what they’ll do while you’re out(Tab content hidden)

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Be clear what time you’ll be back(Tab content hidden)

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Check in with them every now and again(Tab content hidden)

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Put dangerous objects out of sight

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I believe the "well within the bounds of responsible parenting" did not come from SS, and has never actually been attributed to anyone, although various suggestions have been made as to who may have said it.
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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by lj 26.05.15 16:40

Well Madeleine was reading Harry Potter, so I guess she managed all those tasks too.

"And if Madeleine had hurt herself inside the apartment, why would that be our fault?"  Gerry

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by comperedna 26.05.15 16:59

Saying MBM read Harry Potter was one of her mother's most ridiculous comments... Apart from the decoding skills needed to do so being rare as hen's teeth in a child of that age, it is NOT the kind of story that captures the imagination of a three going four year old. Current children of that age go for 'Frozen' and the like. My grandson is just nine and has always been a good reader, but only now does the type of writing in the Potter books interest him.

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by Liz Eagles 26.05.15 17:12

lj wrote:Well Madeleine was reading Harry Potter, so I guess she managed all those tasks too.
The excitement in Gerry's Blogs was breathtaking. The author of Harry Potter had supported the search for Madeleine. So excited was Gerry that he had to give a little premature clue in his blog as to the forthcoming edition.
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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Gerry's Blogs

Post by Liz Eagles 26.05.15 19:11

I mentioned Gerry's blogs in my last post on this thread. I have just skimmed them looking for the appropriate quote re Harry Potter author's support.

Just reading Gerry's blogs makes me understand that there is something deeply, deeply wrong with the disappearance of Madeleine but that is my opinion only.

Read Gerry's blogs for yourself and make up your own mind.

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by HelenMeg 26.05.15 19:29

Having seen and watched and imagined how parents feel when they lose a daughter / son  and dont know what has happened to them - the conclusion is that noone who find them selves in that position could
write a blog with entries such as those in Gerry's.  Just NOT POSSIBLE. The Grief, anxiety and worry renders victims so very humble -at the mercy of the Gods - so helpless.

Not Gerry -

  "[color:da31=000000]The England rugby team wore Look for Madeleine T-shirts at their open training session in the Algarve today. I am looking forward to seeing the pictures tomorrow!"

[color:da31=000000]Sory - but no daughter of his was[color:da31=000000] taken away by anyone - he knew exactly what had happened [color:da31=000000]and had been able to have closure and move on.

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by Carrry On Doctor 26.05.15 20:28

"We have decided that for the majority of trips it will not be practicable, or fair, to take Sean and Amelie with us. They have an established routine which we do not want to disrupt and will be looked after by very close family".

So the close family are also abandoning the twins out on the piss night after night, when the parents are globe-trotting and revelling in the hospitality and limelight ?

Right enough, the twins are sound sleepers even if an abductor is smashing the shutters and everyone is running round in a panic.

Silly me.
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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by Carrry On Doctor 26.05.15 21:37

Possibly slightly off topic, but just reading back on this wonderful article from Dr Martin Roberts, courtesy of McCannfiles.....

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Abduction is most unlikely. Madeleine appears to have been sedated and to have died prior to May 3rd, 2007, in which case her parents discovered her in the lounge of the apartment and put her in their bedroom, whence she was later removed by, or with assistance from, an as yet unidentified third party, then taken to a safe house. The parents feel guilty for not being present when Madeleine was taken from them. By 25th May, 'everyone is acting.' There are clear indications that Madeleine was not directly related to both parents and that she was the least favourite child, hence a lack of genuine concern or regret over her disappearance. The fund is principally for the parents' benefit.
This synopsis, virtually identical to that of Gonçalo Amaral, is derived from the McCanns' own statements entirely.
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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by Carrry On Doctor 27.05.15 8:20

Sorry if this is old hat, but just to add......

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PJ believes that the sperm donor was in England on May 3
Maddie's real father was identified

Madeleine's real father was identified in England by the British police, at the Policia Judiciaria's request, 24Horas could discover with senior sources at the PJ. The sperm donor who made it possible for Madeleine to be conceived, was not interrogated because authorities could confirm that he was in Englandon the date when the child disappeared, on May 3. According to our sources, Maddie's biological father had nothing to do with the disappearance of the child - as 24Horas had reported yesterday. PJ knows he is from Birmingham but they don't know the location or even his address, as it was not necessary, senior sources at the Judiciaria have advanced.

But PJ only rested when they dismissed this lead. 

Gerry is the twins' father

Curiously, it is in the Birmingham area that the Forensic Science Lab is located, at which the DNA tests on the biological residues collected from the apartment and from the McCanns' rental car were performed.

PJ knows that Gerry McCann is not Maddie's biological father, as 24Horas reported yesterday and re-confirmed with several responsible sources at the Policia Judiciaria and at the National Institute for Forensic Medicine (NIFM).

"Gerry McCann was not the sperm donor for Maddie. He was the donor for the twins. But it's possible that Gerry himself doesn't know he is not the biological father. There may have been a switch at the laboratory", a source at the NIFM told 24Horas.

Pinto da Costa, a former president of the Forensic Medicine Institute in Oporto, sustains the explanation, without specifying the Maddie case. "There have been several cases when the husband was not the donor once, and was the donor on other occasions. It can happen that, at a certain moment of one's life, the person has his fertilizing capacity diminished for several reasons, like exhaustion or extreme stress".

IMO if the above is correct (and it looks to be given how specific the information is) then it is significant. Dr Roberts (my previous post above) strongly questioned parentage also, and suggests that GM viewed their children not as 3, but the twins plus MBM. Yvonne Warren Martin (who had concerns over David Payne when she arrived at PDL) asked GM this question as a matter of routine. GM claimed he was the biological father, so why would he lie ? Huge red flag.

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by Doug D 29.05.15 19:49

Just picked up from Guestbook post on L-azzeri something I had forgotten (in my post 26/5/15 @ 10.06), that KM identified the ‘not negligent’ and ‘well within the bounds of reasonable parenting’ person in the bewk p.124.
It was the barrister (not named) in the panama hat, although we do not know where he actually came from, who accompanied the paralegal from the International Family Law Group.
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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty CATS file date

Post by LDM 03.06.16 22:57

Is anyone able to state the exact date this file was begun please

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by MrsC 25.11.16 7:49

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Does anyone know when G McCann worked as a club doctor at Celtic Football Club? thinking

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by tnb 25.11.16 22:48

I'm certainly not a supporter of Celtic football club and have never heard of G McCann being a club doctor (perhaps I'm wrong) however I do feel this is the wrong place to stir up West of Scotland religious indifferences.

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by sammyc 25.11.16 23:14

tnb wrote:I'm certainly not a supporter of Celtic football club and have never heard of G McCann being a club doctor (perhaps I'm wrong) however I do feel this is the wrong place to stir up West of Scotland religious indifferences.
I don't think MrsC is trying to stir up West of Scotland religious indifferences. I'm pretty sure Gerry McCann had links with Celtic. This thread is Gerry's CATS File. Perhaps MrsC is throwing it out there for debate with regards to the sexual abuse to children at Football Clubs. I haven't got an empty CATS File in my name so why has he? Just wondering. Apologies to MrsC if I have misinterpreted the post.

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by Guest 26.11.16 0:13

sammyc wrote:I haven't got an empty CATS File in my name so why has he? Just wondering.
It has been said in the past that it's normal procedure when investigating the case of a missing child for a CATS file to be opened - if you believe that you'll believe anything.

Bit like opening a Swiss bank deposit account just in case you win the lottery roll .

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by Guest 26.11.16 5:16

Verdi wrote:
sammyc wrote:I haven't got an empty CATS File in my name so why has he? Just wondering.
It has been said in the past that it's normal procedure when investigating the case of a missing child for a CATS file to be opened - if you believe that you'll believe anything.

Bit like opening a Swiss bank deposit account just in case you win the lottery roll .
You'd think the file would have a reference to why it was opened.

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by MayMuse 26.11.16 5:36

BlueBag wrote:
Verdi wrote:
sammyc wrote:I haven't got an empty CATS File in my name so why has he? Just wondering.
It has been said in the past that it's normal procedure when investigating the case of a missing child for a CATS file to be opened - if you believe that you'll believe anything.

Bit like opening a Swiss bank deposit account just in case you win the lottery roll .
You'd think the file would have a reference to why it was opened.
A mystery as to why and it wàs in 2002, a year before Madeleine was born. from what i recall it showed in both their names, unfortunately I did not take a screenshot...however it wa there and under that year. It could be, maybe they were both involved in a case? Not sure, funny how they seem to be quiet on that front as well as the Gasper statements.

“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.” [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by Roxyroo 26.11.16 9:04

tnb wrote:I'm certainly not a supporter of Celtic football club and have never heard of G McCann being a club doctor (perhaps I'm wrong) however I do feel this is the wrong place to stir up West of Scotland religious indifferences.


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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by MrsC 26.11.16 9:48

tnb wrote:I'm certainly not a supporter of Celtic football club and have never heard of G McCann being a club doctor (perhaps I'm wrong) however I do feel this is the wrong place to stir up West of Scotland religious indifferences.

Absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by MrsC 26.11.16 9:50

sammyc wrote:
tnb wrote:I'm certainly not a supporter of Celtic football club and have never heard of G McCann being a club doctor (perhaps I'm wrong) however I do feel this is the wrong place to stir up West of Scotland religious indifferences.
I don't think MrsC is trying to stir up West of Scotland religious indifferences. I'm pretty sure Gerry McCann had links with Celtic. This thread is Gerry's CATS File. Perhaps MrsC is throwing it out there for debate with regards to the sexual abuse to children at Football Clubs. I haven't got an empty CATS File in my name so why has he? Just wondering. Apologies to MrsC if I have misinterpreted the post.

Spot on!  : )

Sooner or later in life, we will all take our own turn being in the position we once had someone else in.


The measure of a man's real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out...

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by tinkier 26.11.16 13:26

MrsC wrote:
sammyc wrote:
tnb wrote:I'm certainly not a supporter of Celtic football club and have never heard of G McCann being a club doctor (perhaps I'm wrong) however I do feel this is the wrong place to stir up West of Scotland religious indifferences.
I don't think MrsC is trying to stir up West of Scotland religious indifferences. I'm pretty sure Gerry McCann had links with Celtic. This thread is Gerry's CATS File. Perhaps MrsC is throwing it out there for debate with regards to the sexual abuse to children at Football Clubs. I haven't got an empty CATS File in my name so why has he? Just wondering. Apologies to MrsC if I have misinterpreted the post.

Spot on!  : )
I'm sure Gerry did work at Celtic football club at one point, I think he did medicals. In fact am sure I read it somewhere on this forum. Maybe some other forum member could direct you as I can't seem to find it.

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by Rob Royston 26.11.16 16:06

tinkier wrote:
MrsC wrote:
sammyc wrote:
tnb wrote:I'm certainly not a supporter of Celtic football club and have never heard of G McCann being a club doctor (perhaps I'm wrong) however I do feel this is the wrong place to stir up West of Scotland religious indifferences.
I don't think MrsC is trying to stir up West of Scotland religious indifferences. I'm pretty sure Gerry McCann had links with Celtic. This thread is Gerry's CATS File. Perhaps MrsC is throwing it out there for debate with regards to the sexual abuse to children at Football Clubs. I haven't got an empty CATS File in my name so why has he? Just wondering. Apologies to MrsC if I have misinterpreted the post.

Spot on!  : )
I'm sure Gerry did work at Celtic football club at one point, I think he did medicals. In fact am sure I read it somewhere on this forum. Maybe some other forum member could direct you as I can't seem to find it.
I'm sure I read that Gerry McCann specialised in Sports injuries in his early days as a Doctor before he moved into Cardiology. I'm sure he helped out with the Scotland National team. He is reported here as attending the funeral of the long term Scotland team doctor. It's quite possible that he may have done ad hoc work for many clubs.
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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by tinkier 26.11.16 17:03

Qualifications to date...Gerry Mccann...BSc (Physiology/Sports Science), University of Glasgow, 1989

MB ChB University of Glasgow, 1992 Bachelor of Medicine

MRCP (UK), 1995.. Membership of the royal college of physicians 

Dip.Sp.Med., Scottish Royal Colleges, 1997... “Diploma of Sport Medicine 

MD University of Glasgow, 2002...Abbreviation for the Latin title Medicinae Doctor, Doctor of Medicine. 

Not sure what year he was supposed to have worked at Celtic football club.

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 - Page 6 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by MrsC 26.11.16 17:58

MrsC wrote:
sammyc wrote:
tnb wrote:I'm certainly not a supporter of Celtic football club and have never heard of G McCann being a club doctor (perhaps I'm wrong) however I do feel this is the wrong place to stir up West of Scotland religious indifferences.
I don't think MrsC is trying to stir up West of Scotland religious indifferences. I'm pretty sure Gerry McCann had links with Celtic. This thread is Gerry's CATS File. Perhaps MrsC is throwing it out there for debate with regards to the sexual abuse to children at Football Clubs. I haven't got an empty CATS File in my name so why has he? Just wondering. Apologies to MrsC if I have misinterpreted the post.

Spot on!  : )

I meant to say that you were spot on with your post, not that you were spot on with misinterpreting it. x  thumbup

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