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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Mm11

Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Regist10
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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Mm11

Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Regist10

Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by kangdang 01.09.10 1:51

Cartas Rogatorias Vol III
Page 27

Leicestershire Police Force

From: DC443 J.N. HUGHES
To: SIO, Operation Task
Department: Main Crime Unit
Date: 16th May 2008

Subject: Background Information- Gerald McCANN

Dear Sirs

In response to your letter of request, I can provide the following information regarding the above-mentioned subject

Gerald McCann was born on June 5, 1968 in Scotland.

He is the bearer of British passport No **********.

He lives with his wife and children at Orchard House, 5 The Crescent, Rothley, Leicestershire, LE7 7RW.

The house is subject to a mortgage for the amount of GBP 323.493 with the Northern Rock Bank.

There is no report or statement of bank credit cards listed in the research carried out. However I was alerted to the fact that if an individuals maintains an open account with the same bank or a credit card for a long period of time, these details do not appear in this type of research.

He works for the NHS as a cardiologist at Glenfield hospital.

His previous address was 14 Queniborough Hall Drive, Queniborough, Leicestershire, LE7 3DZ.

His phone number is ******** and he has a mobile phone Vodafone No **********.

He is the owner of two vehicles registered in the PNC, a light blue Volkswagen Passat - R119 and a green BVV VW Touran, FM54 CXR.

No record was found in the National Police Computer. Search reference NE91/0031.

A search of the crime location and information system only indicates that Mr McCann was the victim of a theft of golf clubs from inside his car in the drive way to his home on 01/04/2006. Criminal Reference NQ/010145/06-9

A search of the local section of the child abuse shows a registration number 19309 in the CATS system. A consultation with the DC Soand from the department in question confirms that this is just a file reference, but as a complement to Operation Task system for the purpose of reference, if any investigation should be necessary by the department. No work has been done on the basis of this file.

An examination of all other police files using a search system does not reveal any information about him.

Submitted for your information.

CATS - Case Administration and Tracking System - was developed in the absence of a national database for Child Protection, and in light of recommendation 104 in Lord Laming's report into the death of Victoria Climbie. That is, Chief Constables must ensure that their police force has in use an effective Child Protection database and IT management system. CATS has two modules - Child Protection and Domestic Abuse. CATS can also be configured to record information about Vulnerable Adults if required. Note - The Domestic Abuse module was developed later to complement the Child Protection system.

CATS allows for the effective supervision and management of all police child abuse investigations and referrals including data checks, strategy meeting records, medical examinations, DVD interviews, police protection issues, joint investigation details, supervisor reviews, initial case conferences and review conferences.

The CATS database allows for the effective supervision and tracking of all referrals from initial receipt to disposal and records the details of all persons connected with those investigations.

Each Child Abuse Investigation Unit (CAIU) is equipped with a purpose built scanner, which allows the User to scan various documents directly onto CATS, including the investigation file papers, referrals, conference notes, correspondence, photographs and all associated documents from partner agencies. The aim is to establish a ‘paperless system’ with all information relating to child abuse investigations being
stored on the CATS system. Note - only non-sensitive images will be stored on the CATS.

CATS ‘system owner’ is Detective Chief Inspector, Public Protection, PHQ. Each constabulary will have an assigned deputy “system owner” and a “super user”. Super users have day to day responsibility for the CATS database, are responsible for all training, non-technical issues, password reset, user set up and general working practice issues. Super Users are also National CATS User Group representatives.

Every CATS User utilising the system will belong to a Specific User Group, with relevant privileges being authorised to each group depending on their requirements.

For example - Suffolk Constabulary, the following is a list of user groups within the CATS system

Area staff (JIT trained)
Super Users
VCC staff
CAIU staff
CAIU admin
PHQ Control Room
SPOC Staff
Area Crime Managers


A CATS record will be created for every child abuse related referral received at the CAIU or where an invitation to attend a child protection case conference or case conference review is received. A CATS record will also be created when a police check request has been received from a partner agency.

When a CATS investigation is allocated to an officer for investigation, they will ensure that a detailed ‘initial investigation details and summary’ log will be completed. This log entry should contain specific details of the allegation and the intended course of action for the investigating officer.

A C.I.S. crime report will be completed when a crime has occurred and the ‘initial investigation details and summary’ log information, will be cut and pasted from the CATS record on to CIS crime report. All further investigation details and information will be recorded on to the CATS system.

At the conclusion of the investigation, the investigating officer will ensure that they complete a detailed ‘summary of investigation and conclusion’ log entry on the CATS system prior to concluding the investigation and forwarding the CATS record on to a supervisor for review and finalisation. The investigating officer and supervisor will ensure that a copy of the ‘summary of investigation and conclusion’ log entry is ‘cut and paste’ from the CATS database onto the CIS Crime Report.

Current constabulary users of CATS are -

Dyfed Powys
North Yorkshire
South Wales
South Yorkshire

WPC Software support and maintain CATS, they list system benefits as follows -

• CATS gives police officers a much clearer picture of the child or vulnerable person referred to them. The data collected in CATS can be used to piece together vital information on family background of that individual, helping the officer make more informed decisions.

• CATS may also be used to help identify previous accusations against suspects offering further lines of investigation and valuable information to help assess the safety of the vulnerable person. It may also be used to help identify repeat offenders.

• Incidents go through a managed process, from a new referral to a finalised incident. As a case is progressed, CATS validates the information collected and ensures the case has visibility to the relevant officers and staff members.

• Incident Reports can be generated for sharing of information between Police and Social Services.

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Child Protection Investigations under Section 47, Children Act, 1989

Post by Tony Bennett 01.09.10 2:05

It is known that social workers, some of senior level, visited the McCanns in 2007 after Madeleine was reported missing.

It is also known that where there is evidence that children, especially very young ones, have been left alone in circumstances that exposed them to significant risks, and especially in a situation where one of them has gone missing, presumed abducted, in mysterious circumstances, Social Services have a duty to conduct what is called a 'Child Protection Investigation' under Section 47, Children Act, 1989.

They then have a range of options, the main alternatives being:

* do nothing
* call a Child Protection Case Conference
* put the remaining two children on a Child Protection Register (what used to be known as the 'At Risk Register')
* place the children under voluntary supervision, or a compulory Supervision Order, possibly with extra conditions
* place the children with relatives or friends ,by agreement with the parents
* take the children into care, known these days as 'placing them in accommodation'.

These procedures are secret - and no-one has yet commented on what action, if any was taken to protect Sean and Amelie.

Dr Gerald McCann did however make the claim that a senior social worker had advised him that their child care arrangements in Praia da Luz were 'well within the bounds of responsible child care'.

The identity of that senior social worker has never been disclosed.
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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by aiyoyo 01.09.10 6:21

Handled with care no less?

Handled with kids gloves?

Treated as fragile?

Treated as bone china?

Handled with special privilege?

Only happens if you're mccanns! clapping

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by kangdang 29.09.10 13:27

Bumping this thread.

Why would there be a CATS file allocated to McCann? Why the absence of details in the file? What is the point of allocating a CATS no to effectively...nothing?

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by Judge Mental 29.09.10 14:44

kangdang wrote:Bumping this thread.

Why would there be a CATS file allocated to McCann? Why the absence of details in the file? What is the point of allocating a CATS no to effectively...nothing?

An empty file?


It needs to be established whether the person who made the original file ever recorded anything in it. If they did, and it is no longer there to be viewed, then it must be assumed that something has been deleted from the file.

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by kangdang 29.09.10 15:20

It is clearly stated that "a CATS record will be created for every child abuse related referral received at the CAIU or where an invitation to attend a child protection case conference or case conference review is received. A CATS record will also be created when a police check request has been received from a partner agency.

When a CATS investigation is allocated to an officer for investigation, they will ensure that a detailed ‘initial investigation details and summary’ log will be completed. This log entry should contain specific details of the allegation and the intended course of action for the investigating officer.

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by kangdang 29.09.10 15:21

So, can it be assumed that details where deleted from the file?

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by aiyoyo 29.09.10 15:36

kangdang wrote:It is clearly stated that "a CATS record will be created for every child abuse related referral received at the CAIU or where an invitation to attend a child protection case conference or case conference review is received. A CATS record will also be created when a police check request has been received from a partner agency.

When a CATS investigation is allocated to an officer for investigation, they will ensure that a detailed ‘initial investigation details and summary’ log will be completed. This log entry should contain specific details of the allegation and the intended course of action for the investigating officer.

Can is be assumed the file nr was allocated when social service visited them, but because sr social service officer deemed they were practising responsible parenting (according to GM's claim anyway) nothing was recorded .

Having said that, that cannot be right nor does it make sense, because even if the visit didnt result in any action needed to be taken, it should still record what caused the visit in the first place. So at the very least, it should have purpose of visit. Even if no action was recommendation it should have been recorded as such. So why a void of contents file? Another enigma?

Unless this file is not related to the home visit but something else.
Else I cant see how SS can come with an empty file without recording cause of visit, then leave with an empty file without recommendation or the recording of progress of visit. Bizzare really.


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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Questions to be asked about Leicestershire CATS entry 19309

Post by Tony Bennett 29.09.10 16:21

Judge Mental wrote:It needs to be established whether the person who made the original file ever recorded anything in it. If they did, and it is no longer there to be viewed, then it must be assumed that something has been deleted from the file.

Here is a provisional list of questions that simply MUST be asked about this:

1. On what date was this entry made?

2. Who was the officer who inputted the information and drew down the reference number 19309?

3. S/he must be able to recall why this was done. So, what was s/he told, when and by whom?

4. What information does s/he recollect placing on these records?

5. Has any information on record 19309 been removed?

6. If so, by whom, and when?

7. If so, why?

8. What investigations did Detective Constable Snoad make about this matter before he spoke to Detective Constable Hughes?

9. Did either Detective Constable Hughes or one of his superiors cause enquiries to be made about the provenance of the 19309 entry?
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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by kangdang 29.09.10 18:48

One important point I would like clarified is, is this a system to record child abuse which by definition would cover child neglect also. The reason I ask is that if I recall correctly, perhaps Tony could confirm whether my recollection is correct or not, in social work child abuse and child neglect are two seperate matters, although of course instances of both can be related in some cases.

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Child abuse and child neglect discussed

Post by Tony Bennett 29.09.10 19:16

kangdang wrote:One important point I would like clarified is, is this a system to record child abuse which by definition would cover child neglect also. The reason I ask is that if I recall correctly, perhaps Tony could confirm whether my recollection is correct or not, in social work child abuse and child neglect are two separate matters, although of course instances of both can be related in some cases.
The first point to note is that on reading the CATS information, there appear to be two sub-categories for recording child abuse: (1) child abuse and (2) domestic violence.

I think the 'domestic violence' may be there because children in a household can be considered at risk if their parents are violent towards each other.

The Children Act 1989 contains this definition of significant harm:

Significant harm

2.9 A child is defined as being subject of significant harm where there is ill treatment or impairment of health or development:

• 'Ill-treatment' includes sexual and emotional abuse as well as physical abuse

• 'Health' includes physical and mental health

• 'Development' includes physical, intellectual, emotional, social and behavioural development

• 'Significant Harm' turns on the question of the harm suffered by a child in respect of its health and development compared with the health and development reasonably expected of another child.

(Section 31(10) Child Act 1989)

Neglect can be brought in under some of the above e.g. not feeding a child adequately is impairing a child's health & development.

Leaving young children unattended might come under the same heading.

Child neglect is punishable under the Children and Young Persons Act 1933, that includes cases of leaving young children on their own and was the Act used in my unsuccessful attempt to obtain a summons against the McCanns.

Assaulting a child is punishable under laws relating to common assault, offences of violence, indecent assault, rape etc.

You made this statement: " social work child abuse and child neglect are two separate matters".

No, this is incorrect, physical, emotional, sexual abuse and neglect are all forms or types of child abuse.
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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by kangdang 29.09.10 19:23

Ok, thank you Tony. I thought there were two distinct categories - child abuse occuring when a child is harmed via physical, emotional, or sexual means and neglect occuring when a child's basic needs are not met ie food, shelter etc and adequate protection.

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by nomendelta 25.06.11 10:19

I'm fairly new to this forum and this particular thread is absolutely new to me despite not having any additions recently. As it was new to me I decided to do a google search on Gerry McCann CATS system and a rather interesting couple of mentions on different forums by someone called KaOssis concerning specific allegations about Gerry McCann (which I am choosing not to repeat here) came up.

These allegations, by their specificity, could be extremely important to the case. Does anyone have any further information?

It also occurs to me that there is another way of perhaps confirming or refuting these allegations. If we can find records to build up a picture of where he was in 2002 then we can see if there are any interesting gaps in the records. I am willing to believe the possibiity that the allegations may be true and certain records have been wiped to protect higher-ups BUT I am also sure if there's any truth to this matter there will be a slip up somewhere and we can pinpoint a gap in his resumè.


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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by Guest 25.06.11 11:52

Are you referring to the David Payne and Gaspar statement, or something else. Key words will suffice?

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by Gillyspot 25.06.11 11:57

Pro Mccanns are saying that the file was always empty but why make a file to leave it empty?

No way that would happen at the very least the visit(s) by Social Workers to the Mccanns house in Rothley would be in it.

As usual a Mccann cover up!

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by nomendelta 25.06.11 12:09

Stella wrote:Are you referring to the David Payne and Gaspar statement, or something else. Key words will suffice?

No, not the Gaspar statements. Google what I said and you should see two or three examples of pretty much the same post by KaOssis. Long story short it alleges that a certain individual key to this case was convicted for very relevant charges in 2002 and that one of his mason buddies equipped to do so wiped the details but some records still exist. If there was any truth to this I would think that finding out what said individual was up to in 2002 would shed light on the matter.

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by Gillyspot 25.06.11 12:14

Suffolk Police state that "When a CATS investigation is allocated to an officer for investigation, they will ensure
that a detailed ‘initial investigation details and summary’ log will be completed.
This log entry should contain specific details of the allegation and the intended
course of action for the investigating officer."

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CATS is not just protecting children from paedophiles it is "Child Protection and Domestic Abuse" .

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So it is pretty clear there was something in this file at one time so the question is Who Removed It?

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by Guest 25.06.11 12:19

But we still do not have a date for that CATS entry. What if it coincides with the Gaspar statement? Would that alone trigger a CATS entry?

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by Baronstu 25.06.11 12:22

This may be a red herring.

Cartas Rogatorias Vol III
Page 26

Leicestershire Police Force

From: DC443 J.N. HUGHES
To: SIO, Operation Task
Department: Main Criminal Unit
Date: 16th May 2008

Ref: Background Information– Kate McCann

Dear Sirs,

In response to your letter of request, I can provide the following information regarding the above-mentioned subject.

Kate McCann was born on March 5, 1968 in Merseyside.
Her maiden name is Healy, which she still uses in her clinical practice.
She is the bearer of British passport number **************.

She lives with her husband and children at Orchard House, 5 The Crescent, Rothley, Leicestershire, LE7 7RW. The house is subject to a mortgage for the amount of GBP 323.493 with the Northern Rock bank.

There is no report or statement of bank credit cards listed in the research carried out. However I was alerted to the fact that if an individual maintains an account open with the same bank or credit card accounts for a long period of time, these details do not appear in this kind of search.

She works for the local NHS as a GP in Latham House, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire. She is currently on maternity leave.

Her phone number is ******* and she has a T mobile phone number ********.
There is no record of either of her surnames on the National Police Computer.

The search reference is NE84/0053/4.

A check of the location of the crime and information system is negative.

Inquiries made of local social services are negative.

Searches made of the local section of child abuse investigation shows a registration number 19309 in CATS (system of action location). A consultation with the DC Soand from the department in question confirms that this is just a file reference, but as a complement to Operation Task system for the purpose of reference, if any investigation should be necessary by the department. No work has been done on the basis of this file.

An examination of all other police files using a search system does not reveal any information about her.

Submitted for your information.

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by Baronstu 25.06.11 13:24

She lives with her husband and children at Orchard House, 5 The Crescent, Rothley, Leicestershire, LE7 7RW. The house is subject to a mortgage for the amount of GBP 323.493 with the Northern Rock bank.

I would really like to know what the outstanding mortgage is now.

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by Guest 25.06.11 13:38

She is currently on maternity leave.

The letter is dated 16th May 2008, how can KM have been on maternity leave. The twins would have been 3years and 3 months old at that date???

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by lj 25.06.11 13:56

Maybe I'm a bit dense but wouldn't loosing a child because you left them alone qualify you for an entry?

I googled "Gerry McCann CATS system" but I can't find posts by KaOssis or whatever his name is. Do you have a link?

"And if Madeleine had hurt herself inside the apartment, why would that be our fault?"  Gerry

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by Baronstu 25.06.11 14:00

lj wrote:Maybe I'm a bit dense but wouldn't loosing a child because you left them alone qualify you for an entry?

I googled "Gerry McCann CATS system" but I can't find posts by KaOssis or whatever his name is. Do you have a link?

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by lj 25.06.11 14:04

Baronstu wrote:
lj wrote:Maybe I'm a bit dense but wouldn't loosing a child because you left them alone qualify you for an entry?

I googled "Gerry McCann CATS system" but I can't find posts by KaOssis or whatever his name is. Do you have a link?

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Go down the page to the replies.

Interesting, thanks Baronstu!!

"And if Madeleine had hurt herself inside the apartment, why would that be our fault?"  Gerry

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by ufercoffy 25.06.11 14:27

candyfloss wrote:She is currently on maternity leave.

The letter is dated 16th May 2008, how can KM have been on maternity leave. The twins would have been 3years and 3 months old at that date???

That bit jumped out at me too....

Whose cadaver scent and bodily fluid was found in the McCann's apartment and hire car if not Madeleine's?  [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by Gillyspot 25.06.11 14:39

Particularly as she hadn't worked since around 27th April 2007 before the fateful holiday (so Mccann style maternity leave can last at least 3 1/2 years). Wonder if she is still on it. Interesting again that they couldn't pay the mortgage. Her wage alone was around £38k after tax.

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Empty Files

Post by Jauna Loca 12.07.11 16:24

Hi Folks,
Always thought these empty files were the result of a courtesy call on the sainted Mackers when they returned from Portugal one child less i.e. the
law demanded a visit but the investigation would be toothless at the least. Hence the mandatory registration but with no actual credence given to
Necessity of same so no content in files.
But in light of current revelations, supposing it wasn't?
Supposing the contents of the files are squirreled away in the NOTW for instance, or with CM, thoughtfully provided for financial gain by some tame P.C.?
Maybe the content of these files is the beginning and indeed the root cause of the whole sorry story.
Just Imagine...
A wee toddler presents at a medical facility with suspicious injuries. Parents provide spurious explanations which don't hold water. Mandatory reporting follows and
Parents are registered. Child is tracked: any unexplained injury could result in criminal prosecution. Maybe it wasn't a once off. Maybe there is s litany of unexplained
Injuries on all three children and the parents felt the net was closing. Under such circumstances these parents could not afford another "accident" coming to light and
The desperate tactics of a faked abduction might seem preferable to delivering a child's body with (fatal) tell tale injuries.
This scenario would explain why medical records were buried, why Mrs. Macker flew into a panic of "hostility and aggression" when confronted with a bone-fide UK social worker,
Gerry's extreme reaction to being declared "arguido" ("We're finished!" Apparently the possibility of proving their innocence under trial didn't occur to him), David Payne's
Late night call to a UK child protection agency during the drama of May 3rd/4th. (Initially denied, finally admitted. Called it "'cos his sister had handed him the number".)
Any chance that the contents of these missing files might surface in current investigations?
Jauna Loca
Jauna Loca

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by pauline 12.07.11 20:15

candyfloss wrote:She is currently on maternity leave.

The letter is dated 16th May 2008, how can KM have been on maternity leave. The twins would have been 3years and 3 months old at that date???

I suspect that should have read either 'compassionate leave' or 'on a career break,'

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by Bebootje 12.07.11 21:25

nomendelta wrote:
Stella wrote:Are you referring to the David Payne and Gaspar statement, or something else. Key words will suffice?

No, not the Gaspar statements. Google what I said and you should see two or three examples of pretty much the same post by KaOssis. Long story short it alleges that a certain individual key to this case was convicted for very relevant charges in 2002 and that one of his mason buddies equipped to do so wiped the details but some records still exist. If there was any truth to this I would think that finding out what said individual was up to in 2002 would shed light on the matter.

This KaOssis says that the SIO, Operation Task, Main Crime Unit is where all the UK's paedophile data
files from Operation Ore are kept. Can that be confirmed???

By the way "peado" subject keeps popping up in this case. First brought up by GM himself though...

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Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309 Empty Re: Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Post by Bebootje 12.07.11 22:08

It is obviously a theory by someone called Sine on .
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

WPC is pleased to announce that it has been awarded the contract to
support and maintain CATS – Case Administration and Tracking System
which currently has two modules – Child Protection and Domestic Abuse.
CATS can also be configured to record information about Vulnerable
Adults if required.
The CATS system was developed in the absence of a national database
for Child Protection, and in light of the recommendation in Lord
Laming’s Report into the death of Victoria Climbie that Chief Constables
must ensure that their police force has in use an effective Child
Protection database and IT management system. The Domestic Abuse module
was developed later to complement the Child Protection system.
System Benefits
• CATS gives police officers a much clearer picture of the child or
vulnerable person referred to them. The data collected in CATS can be
used to piece together vital information on family background of that
individual, helping the officer make more informed decisions.
• CATS may also be used to help identify previous accusations against
suspects offering further lines of investigation and valuable
information to help assess the safety of the vulnerable person. It may
also be used to help identify repeat offenders.
• Incidents go through a managed process, from a new referral to a
finalised incident. As a case is progressed, CATS validates the
information collected and ensures the case has visibility to the
relevant officers and staff members.
• Incident Reports can be generated for sharing of information between Police and Social Services.
• A full audit trail is available in CATS, which enables supervisors to monitor usage of the system.
• WPC has provided an online forum for users to download software
updates, find answers to frequently asked questions, and discuss usage
of the application.
The only way that files are emptied in the CATS system, is if the
persons held on that register have died and has no links to a paedophile
ring or organised child porn trafficking, or someone’s hacked into it,
and it’s a known fact that CEOP Jim Gamble had access to the CATS system
well before the McCann’s went to Praia, and also has a habit of
emptying crime files when he was in Northern Ireland’s Seriouos Crime
Sqad and has links to the IRA. Gamble is also suspected of manipulating
certain evidence during Operation Ore and Landslide, leading to the
posability that Gamble had been quite deliberate in the concealing the
identitys of ceertain persons, namely that of MP’s and Lords that used
their credit cards online to access illegal child porn prior to
Operation Ore.
Here is some background infomation of Operation Ore:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
In my opinion, Jim Gamble is in the business of protecting
paedophiles from exposure, and Operation Ore was an organised assult on
innnocent persons that had the same name’s of certain members of
Parliament that needed a scapegoat system that Gamble could easily
manipulate on the inside of the Law Enforcment system, especially in the
area of credit cards, as you know, Gerry McCann made a statement to the
PJ that he had never owned a credit card, but then we read on his blog
that he’d had his wallet containing his credit cards stolen just a
couple of weeks after he reported the abduction of his daughter
Madeleine while he was making a call from a London airport phone boothe,
which was then returned back to him less than 24 hours later still
containing his credit cards minus the specific photo of Madeleine Gerry
mentioned in his blog that his wallet contained, which I believe was
Gerry’s attempt at making up some excuse to cover up the use of his
credit cards for online porn sites and possibly accessing illegal child
There is also the fact that the UK Police forwarded a list of
visiting paedophiles in Portugal at the time of Madeleine’s abduction at
the request of the PJ, but this list was withheld by the Cheif
Prosecutioner in Lisbon, and is still being wihheld today. I believe
that Gerry was on that list of UK paedophiles, due to his registration
in the CATS system (SIO, Operation TASK- a Main Crime Unit Operation
investigation of a cetain paedophile ring), and was associated with
other UK paedophiles/expats living and working in Portugal and Lisbon,
which had links to the Casa Pia Orphanage paedophile scandal, and also
links to Operation Landslide paedophile ring in the U.S.
Another rarely mentioned fact, conerned the father of Hollie Creig,
Denis Charles Mackie. Hollie was sexually abused not only by her father
for many year’s, but also by a Freemason ring of paedophiles in
Scotland. Elish Frances Angiolini QC, a Scottish lawyer who has served
in the political role of Lord Advocate in Scotland since 2006, prevented
any action being taken by the police and the Sheriff of persuing any
legal actions or arrests of any of the Freemason peasophiles mentioned
by Hollie in her statement and consequently allowed the main offender,
Denis Charles Mackie, also a Freemason member, to escape the country and
settle in Portugal the same month of the McCann’s holiday to Praia.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
There’s also these few facts to consider:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
‘ Madeleine’s father hails UK police Friday, 13 Jul 2007 10:14
The father of missing four-year-old Madeleine McCann has praised the
“sterling work” of police officers and detectives in the UK.
Speaking at the National Police Federation annual bravery awards last
night, Gerry McCann said the role of police forces was “often not
appreciated until you really need their help”.’
The National Police Federation Anual Bravery Award that Gerry
attended was conducted at the Rothley ?Court Hotel, which just happened
to have a Freemason Lodge and chapel in it’s private grounds, no more
than 10 minutes walk from the McCann’s residence, and it was this Lodge
and Chapel that both Kate and Gerry attended for an early morning
meeting on the ’1000th day without Madeleine’ gala fund raising
celebrity dinner in London.
In light of the Wikileaks publication of the meeting between US
ambassador Al Hoffman and the British ambassador, Alexander Wykeham
Ellis, which took place a fortnight after Kate and Gerry McCann were
formally declared arguidos, or suspects, by Portuguese police. The
McCanns have stated that there was “absolutely no evidence to implicate
them in Madeleine’s disappearance whatsoever.”, sespite the fact that it
was the UK police that had compiled the evidence for the PJ, which I
believe included the SIO, Operation TASK CATS crime file on Gerry.
What one must ask onself is;
1: Why would Gerry be recieving a Bravery Award from the UK Police
Fedeeration whom were also compiling evidence against him for Homocide
at the same time ?
2: What was Gerry recieiving a Bravery Award for?
3: Why havn’t the McCann’s tried to sue DS Hughes, or DC Sound from
Leicesrtershire HQ for releasing Gerry’s SIO, Main Crime Unit –
Operation TASK, Child Sex Offenders file reference into the public
4: Where did Gerry get those CEOP Police ONLY training material on
how to interview suspects and parents of abducted and missing children
(seen in Gerrys office stationary files in a Portugese Official video of
the McCann’s 2nd holiday apartment – see xklamation’s channel, Youtube
for Official video), before the McCann’s were made El Guedos?
5: Why did Kate McCann refuse to answer 48 questions asked by the PJ
to aid in the search for her daughter is she was innocent of any
involvment in her abduction or construction of abduction?
6: Why did Gerry McCann deliberately lie to the PJ about his credit cards?
7: Why are the McCann’s actively seeking, representing, and speaking
for Madeleine Beth McCann the child when they have no legal parental
rights to do so?
If you can answer these questions, I’ed love to hear them, because as
far as I am concerned, the McCann’s are involved in a lot more than
just the abduction of just one child!

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