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"What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?" - Page 9 Mm11

"What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?" - Page 9 Regist10
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"What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?" - Page 9 Mm11

"What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?" - Page 9 Regist10

"What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?"

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"What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?" - Page 9 Empty Re: "What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?"

Post by Silentscope 03.11.23 11:37

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If it wasn't Madeleine at high tea on Thursday, then who was it.

I can only think of two possible explanations.

1. Either all the people who claim to have seen her are mistaken. 
2. Someone played the part of the real Madeleine.

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"What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?" - Page 9 Empty Re: "What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?"

Post by crusader 03.11.23 11:42

There could have been a stand in willing to be called Madeleine all week, but untill we have concrete proof, I say it was Madeleine.
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"What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?" - Page 9 Empty Re: "What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?"

Post by Silentscope 03.11.23 13:22

I have always wondered if Murat was approached by unseen Forces because he had a simular aged female child? 

Only when she was not available did they need him as a PJ Spy.

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"What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?" - Page 9 Empty Re: "What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?"

Post by Guest 03.11.23 14:07

why would a pro team behind it all, goes so far, when this is absolutely not needed. it is very easy to pull a family out of a situation. it would not be the first time too.

i already said before, arrange a family crisis, or a job crisis, that is not very hard, both are doctors, just an unknown vip, that never exists of course, that had need of gm and send in the nice black car, with assistance of some nice blue lightnings of portuguese police, and let then get a accident that never happened for real, and one child dies, easy to arrange in the uk. 

give it a lot of commotion and busy people in the ocean club and no one would see really something. 

why play it all out by doing a lot of stuff, to fake a child, or put a substitute in. with the fat chance someone smells a rat, and would be certain there was indeed a rat when that child that looked a bit different to you, is exactly the one who got abducted. all you need is just one child or adult that is to hang you. 

substitutes and playing the fake not there impression is really for the amateurs. nice in the movies, not in a real live setting. yes , the majority of people hardly does look at the face of a child, if it is not their child, or another they have responsibilities too, it is just a child, just a girl. the 10 blonds of bridget on the tennis courts- effect.

most people not even use the face to recognize others, they use how they move, and that is something that you can not easily fake in just another, looks enough substitute of that same age. 
could you risk other children telling their parent(s), that madeleine was a very odd child, she even forgot who you was. 

faking the creche records itself is quite easy, because the adults around it would just go by the adult they already know.

there are things of with the statements of cat the nannie, try the boat adventure for yourself. certainly with such adventures near water, the guidelines would be, there always had to be a responsible adult with the children, no matter if they are on the beach, in the transport boat with steve or on the boat with alice. 

and i can see cat used the second trip for madeleine without the crying episode to make it sounding natural, but it cannot happened in that manner if cat was a responsible nannie that day. she would not have left other children alone on the beach. and to let her story happen, she must have. 

and i would believe it easily if cat was not even there for the full afternoon, only she had no official leave arranged, but just with other nannies around. 

such things do happen, and could be one of many that are not part of this case, but is just a side line. 
the common life was just going on as always.

and of course the ocean club and mark warner bosses have given instructions to the staff in how to behave in statements. they already had been lucky nothing did go wrong during their watch. and only the pennington fairy had gone for the lime light, multiple times. it is the only person, who talked herself into it all as witness to include murat and cb both, and is probably still on speed dial to put some oil on a fire. like the anti-rape whistle story. 

the reason why cat could have as said by her mother a mental break down, could be from assisting in letting madeleine be part of the week of creche activities when it did not happen, but it could been only because she was simply not there that last afternoon, to know if madeleine was at high tea or not. if that was a lie, to just protect herself, it would some hard thing to live with when the first fingers gone pointed at the mccanns themselves. with both situations she would made herself part of a possible crime. 

and this is what i mean that with what is known, and that consists of very little facts that could be connected if a crime has indeed happened, you could easily make a write up for each day after sunday. 

the problem that stands is there goes a lot of work in it, to cover it all up, fat to many people who become part of a crime, because a lot can never be arranges without knowledge something is very fishy. 

what could have solved a lot would be if the counter statement not only have been made from the staff, but also from all people who take part in all activities. like the parents of all children that take part in a creche above the main reception, all parents who's child did take part in the high tea. 

not one of that group had made a statement about that, and none had come out in the media to seriously state how they experienced that part of their week. only some strange stories, who ended up to be almost fully faked like the vicky boyd stories. 

and it is strange the pj did not used these people, and the uk boots did not give an advice to do just that. 
so the result is all about the creche is only half a story of the staff and some, but still as marginal as they could keep it from the tapas 9. 

and that is missing on more points, outsider counter statements. it is okay to let the staff tell how the procedures work, but that can be a very cleaned up story, that suits their employment, but there is nothing that tells about how that happened in real life experience. the tapas 9 had already their own ground to cover, i would have wanted the outsiders version too. it is all kept a bit to small to much fixation on only madeleine, it just does not paint the full picture.

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"What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?" - Page 9 Empty Re: "What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?"

Post by Verdi 03.11.23 16:14

As I've said many times in the past, the holiday brochure might paint a pretty picture but the reality of any holiday environment is quite ugly.

The seasonal staff are there for only one purpose - sun sea sex and sangria, there are no exceptions, you will never find a good hard working studious type working in a holiday complex and the fixed staff that interact with the happy campers aren't much better.

Add to that in fairness, holiday makers come and go throughout the season, mostly staying for only one or two weeks - unless they be regular visitors to the same establishment the staff are very unlikely to recognize one person from another, unless there's a sexual attraction or they tip well. Don't expect a set in stone witness statement from a member of staff - nor indeed other holidaymakers, they can only be viewed as intelligence to assist a police investigation.

Any records kept by a holiday resort, in relation to the movement and bookings of guests, are an informal arrangement with management stipulated requirements acknowledged but otherwise somewhat slapdash. It's not until the muck hits the fan that everyone jumps to attention to cover their own backs. I'm not saying the seasonal staff are not attentive to the guests wishes but they are in it for themselves - if there's a scam up for grabs they are quick to find it.

What goes on behind the scenes is an eye opener.

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"What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?" - Page 9 Empty Re: "What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?"

Post by Silentscope 06.11.23 18:17

/check-in Warner/Creche lists
The McCann case: anomalies in the case file
Since a small part of the case file - the DVD version was made accessible to the public, a great deal of ink has flowed. We note that it is necessary to be cautious as to its contents. In fact, it is only 17% of the complete case file and certain details are only of interest in relation to the complete file and not taken out of their context.

You probably know that our team, at the association, is comprised mainly of professionals from the field of police work. As such, we have analysed the case file and from the first pages, we have identified a few anomalies. Thus, the registers from the Kids Club appeared to be incomplete. Certain gaps have not been explained.

Thus we note that on May 1st 2007, Madeleine McCann's name is on the Kids Club register. She arrived at 9.30am, dropped off by Gerry. According to the register, Gerry spent the morning playing tennis. He went back to fetch Madeleine at 12.20pm. Where things seem stranger to us is in the entries for the afternoon. Gerry drops Madeleine off at the Kids Club at 2.30pm and he spends his afternoon, again according to the register, playing tennis and at the swimming pool. Oddly, no one went back to fetch Madeleine in the evening! No signature for the evening of May 1st 2007. Why? Why did no one sign the register that evening?

Various explanations are possible.

It could be imagined that the parents arrived late to pick up Madeleine and that they didn't take the time to sign the register. In that case, why isn't that made clear in the case file? Why is there no mention of this possible lateness? And above all, why were they late? Right in the middle of an investigation into the mysterious disappearance of a little four year-old girl, these details are important. But the anomalies continue the following day.

According to the register for May 2nd 2007, the day before Madeleine's disappearance, Kate dropped Maddie off at the Kids Club at 9.20am. Madeleine was picked up at 12.30pm but it's not Kate or Gerry's signature on the register. Someone else has signed the register in the space for parents. The signature of Cat nanny, in other words, CATRIONA BAKER is found there.

Here too, you could imagine various explanations. The parents arrived late (once again?) and in a hurry (why?), they didn't sign the register. You could think that they forgot, for the second time, to sign the register. You could imagine that Catriona had finished her shift and as the parents had not yet come to fetch Maddie, Catriona signed the register then took Madeleine to her parents. You could imagine lots of things. But no explanation is provided in the case file. Catriona didn't mention it in her interview, the parents neither. But this kind of detail raises questions that need to be resolved. Too many unanswered questions, too many whys, too many gaps, not enough explanation.

These explanations could go in both directions. Thus, the investigators must wonder if Maddie didn't disappear sooner than May 3rd? If she was indeed present present at the Kids Club on the afternoon of May 1st? Why didn't anyone sign the register? Was she actually present at the Kids Club on the morning of May 2nd? Why did Catriona sign in the space for parents? Why does Kate's signature on the register for May 2nd seem different from Kate's other signatures? Where were the parents if someone else signed for them?

Certainly, these anomalies may only be trivial details, but these details could equally be significant, even fundamental to the investigation. Don't forget we are talking about the disappearance of a little four year-old girl. We cannot allow ourselves to leave these questions unanswered.

These anomalies, which are the first of a long series, were communicate to whom they may concern. And it is in referring to the article on SOS Madeleine of November 19th, we discover that a hand-writing report would be necessary. This confirms our suspicions and implicitly confirms certain rumours mentioning forged pieces of writing, forged signatures....manipulated documents...signatures added several days after the date indicated...etc.

If this report, that SOS Madeleine speaks of, confirms our our suspicions (and the rumours) these details which we have officially revealed, are then clearly less "trivial" !!!!

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"What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?" - Page 9 Empty Re: "What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?"

Post by Verdi 06.11.23 19:46

Please note:

From the same source...

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As previously highlighted, the blogspot SOS Madeleine, as mentioned in the commentary, was hosted by a freelance journalist Duarte Levy, who for quite a while had a close liaison with another freelance journalist by the name of Paulo Reis.

This is not moving forward, it's moving backwards - raking up old news.

The child daycare sheets are a shambles but in retrospect what would you expect, the system was provided to register times of coming and going and the whereabouts of the parent/s in case of emergency, of course the staff would relax the rules - all the necessary information appears to be intact.

An informal approach administered by a low key holiday resort employing seasonal staff - not military precision you would expect from a regimental establishment.

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"What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?" - Page 9 Empty Re: "What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?"

Post by Silentscope 06.11.23 20:43

SOS Madeleine is a French language Blog from Belgium.

Nothing to do with Duarte Levy or Paulo Reis.

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Paulo Reis actually wrote confirming this.

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"What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?" - Page 9 Empty Re: "What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?"

Post by Verdi 06.11.23 23:59

Duarte Levy is a freelance Belgian journalist, his platform was SOS Madeleine.

Your 'sources' are totally irrelevant, they don't even support your claim.

Seriously no you are a joke .

I just hope the 1,060 recipients of your private messages eventually grow to realise.

Now go away and stop wasting my time - and their time.

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"What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?" - Page 9 Empty Re: "What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?"

Post by Silentscope 07.11.23 7:13

Paulo Reis apologised for allowing himself to be misled by Levy, who used SOS Madeleine as his Platform, but did not own it as far as I know.

I am still not certain whether Duarte was following his own Agenda, or acting on someone else’s Instructions.

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"What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?" - Page 9 Empty Re: "What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?"

Post by Verdi 07.11.23 12:49

surgical mask

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"What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?" - Page 9 Empty Re: "What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?"

Post by Verdi 08.11.23 0:37

Verdi wrote:Duarte Levy is a freelance Belgian journalist, his platform was SOS Madeleine.

Your 'sources' are totally irrelevant, they don't even support your claim.

Seriously no you are a joke .

I just hope the 1,060 recipients of your private messages eventually grow to realise.

Now go away and stop wasting my time - and their time.

1,060 private messages and going up ....


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"What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?" - Page 9 Empty Re: "What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?"

Post by Silentscope 08.11.23 8:45

The Forum active Membership is only 19-20.

Check it in Membershiplist on the above Toolbar.

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"What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?" - Page 9 Empty Re: "What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?"

Post by Silentscope 08.11.23 9:29

Having checked my PM sent and received Lists I will reveal:

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And that since March 2023.

I will be securing this Information by Screenshot and sending it to Admin as a Formal Complaint.

By external Email. Not PM.

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"What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?" - Page 9 Empty Re: "What's the evidence that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April?"

Post by Verdi 08.11.23 10:52

Sorry but I don't understand your point, what are you complaining about?

You can PM me on this issue as you don't have my e-mail address.

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