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Inspector Ricardo Paiva report to Goncalo Amaral  'strange behaviours of the couple' Mm11

Inspector Ricardo Paiva report to Goncalo Amaral  'strange behaviours of the couple' Regist10
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Inspector Ricardo Paiva report to Goncalo Amaral  'strange behaviours of the couple' Mm11

Inspector Ricardo Paiva report to Goncalo Amaral  'strange behaviours of the couple' Regist10

Inspector Ricardo Paiva report to Goncalo Amaral 'strange behaviours of the couple'

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Inspector Ricardo Paiva report to Goncalo Amaral  'strange behaviours of the couple' Empty Inspector Ricardo Paiva report to Goncalo Amaral 'strange behaviours of the couple'

Post by Jill Havern 18.01.16 8:00

Inspector Ricardo Paiva report to Goncalo Amaral

'strange behaviours of the couple'

Date: 2007/09/03

For : Goncalo Amaral

From Ricardo Paiva, Inspector

Subject: Disappearance of Madeleine McCann

During the course of the ongoing investigation, various personal contacts were made by the undersigned with Kate and Gerald McCann, within my task of serving as communication element between the police and the McCann couple.

Within this context, the undersigned was present during various 'strange' behaviours by the couple, who gradually began to react in a very negative manner to the increased investigative activity carried out by this police force, especially during the use of the English sniffer dogs for detecting cadaver odour, when more evidence arose in the investigation for the hypothesis of the death of Madeleine McCann.

Several times, the McCann couple said that the attention of the police should be maintained focussing on the abduction hypothesis, which, in the couple's opinion, was the only scenario that occurred and that the police should not forget to continue to investigate the suspect Robert Murat.

Strangely, Kate also made several requests, three months after the disappearance of Madeleine, that the police should take blood, hair and nail tests of Madeleine's twin siblings, because, as she said, she remembered that on the day of Madeleine's disappearance, in spite of all the commotion and noise made by the authorities and other persons who were looking for Madeleine in apartment 5A of the OC, the twins never woke up, having been transported to another apartment, they remained asleep, due to which she now presumes that they were under the effect of some sedative drug that a presumed abductor had administered to the three children in order to be able to abduct Madeleine, a situation which Kate refers to being possible according to what she read in a criminal investigation manual given to her by the British authorities, that would have been the procedure of the abductor in the real case involving abduction, rape and murder of the girl.

Today, when the undersigned went to the McCann's temporary residence to notify them of the need to present themselves at the police station to make statements, being able to take their lawyer with them, Kate McCann immediately reacted in a negative manner, making comments such as 'what are my parents going to think?' and 'what is the press going to say when they find out?' and that 'the Portuguese police is under pressure from the government to finish the investigation quickly'.

With regard to Gerald McCann, he constantly insisted in giving the undersigned letters and emails that he was receiving, mostly from psychics and mediums, whom he had selected and which mainly contained information without much credibility about the possible whereabouts of Madeleine and her presumed abductor.

More recently, and even before Kate's interrogation, during a telephone call between Gerald McCann and the undersigned, he made a reference regarding the investigation, that he was certain that the police did not have any proof that could incriminate them with regard to the death of Madeleine McCann and he said that the police were wasting their time in directing the investigation around the parents.

I bring this to your knowledge.

Ricardo Paiva

(PJ Files)

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Inspector Ricardo Paiva report to Goncalo Amaral  'strange behaviours of the couple' Empty Re: Inspector Ricardo Paiva report to Goncalo Amaral 'strange behaviours of the couple'

Post by Jill Havern 18.01.16 8:04

kate McCann agreed to drug tests

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Inspector Ricardo Paiva report to Goncalo Amaral  'strange behaviours of the couple' Empty Re: Inspector Ricardo Paiva report to Goncalo Amaral 'strange behaviours of the couple'

Post by sar 18.01.16 12:27

Thanks for posting Get'emGonçalo,

Wonder which phone calls this refers to???

"More recently, and even before Kate's interrogation, during a telephone call between Gerald McCann and the undersigned, he made a reference regarding the investigation, that he was certain that the police did not have any proof that could incriminate them with regard to the death of Madeleine McCann and he said that the police were wasting their time in directing the investigation around the parents."

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