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Inspector Ricardo Paivo  Mm11

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Inspector Ricardo Paivo  Mm11

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Inspector Ricardo Paivo

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Inspector Ricardo Paivo  Empty Inspector Ricardo Paivo

Post by tigger 17.10.12 15:38


Sunday, May 20, 2012

McCann: Ricardo Paivo - The McCanns curious behaviour, as witnessed by Inspector Ricardo Paiva, 03 September 2007
McCann: Ricardo Paivo - The McCanns curious behaviour, as witnessed by Inspector Ricardo Paiva, 03 September 2007

Processos Vol X
Pages 2533 - 2534

Date: 2007/09/03

For : Goncalo Amaral

From Ricardo Paiva, Inspector

Subject: Disappearance of Madeleine McCann

During the course of the ongoing investigation, various personal contacts were made by the undersigned with Kate and Gerald McCann, within my task of serving as communication element between the police and the McCann couple.

Within this context, the undersigned was present during various "strange" behaviours by the couple, who gradually began to react in a very negative manner to the increased investigative activity carried out by this police force, especially during the use of the English sniffer dogs for detecting cadaver odour, when more evidence arose in the investigation for the hypothesis of the death of Madeleine McCann.

Several times, the McCann couple said that the attention of the police should be maintained focussing on the abduction hypothesis, which, in the couple's opinion, was the only scenario that occurred and that the police should not forget to continue to investigate the suspect Robert Murat.Strangely, Kate also made several requests, three months after the disappearance of Madeleine, that the police should take blood, hair and nail tests of Madeleine's twin siblings, because, as she said, she remembered that on the day of Madeleine's disappearance, in spite of all the commotion and noise made by the authorities and other persons who were looking for Madeleine in apartment 5ª of the Ocean Club, the twins never woke up, having been transported to another apartment, they remained asleep, due to which she now presumes that they were under the effect of some sedative drug that a presumed abductor had administered to the three children in order to be able to abduct Madeleine, a situation which Kate refers to being possible according to what she read in a criminal investigation manual given to her by the British authorities, that would have been the procedure of the abductor in the real case involving abduction, rape and murder of the girl.

Today, when the undersigned went to the McCann's temporary residence to notify them of the need to present themselves at the police station to make statements, being able to take their lawyer with them, Kate McCann immediately reacted in a negative manner, making comments such as "what are my parents going to think" and "what is the press going to say when they find out" and that "the Portuguese police is under pressure from the government to finish the investigation quickly".

With regard to Gerald McCann, he constantly insisted in giving the undersigned letters and emails that he was receiving, mostly from psychics and mediums, whom he had selected and which mainly contained information without much credibility about the possible whereabouts of Madeleine and her presumed abductor.

More recently, and even before Kate's interrogation, during a telephone call between Gerald McCann and the undersigned, he made a reference regarding the investigation, that he was certain that the police did not have any proof that could incriminate them with regard to the death of Madeleine McCann and he said that the police were wasting their time in directing the investigation around the parents.

I bring this to your knowledge.
Ricardo Paiva


Intercalary report compiled by chief inspector Tavares de Almeida, for the attention of the Criminal Investigation Coordinator, 10 September 2007
........the media suggested the possibility that the children could have been sedated to be kept asleep and allow the parents some rest.

Distant in time, Kate’s father, the grandfather of the child, Brian Healy, admits to the press that Kate could have administered some medication to the little girl, Calpol, to help the child (the children??) to sleep, contrary to what his daughter Kate has been stating.

Kate, through the PJ inspector that acted as “liaison” with the family, asked why samples weren’t taken from the twins in order to test that hypothesis. She knew well enough at that time, more than 3 months later, that such an exam would be worthless.She went even further and said that we – the investigation – should verify that the abductor had sedated Madeleine, in order to accomplish his action and that he had also sedated the twins…to consummate the act…however she didn’t say that at the right moment.

What we certainly know is that the sedatives have timings to act and timings to be expelled, that vary between six and 200 hours.

The McCanns’ medical knowledge is enough to know this, even if their professional activity never included performing toxicology exams.

When the media informed that blood had been detected “in the car and in the apartment”, Kate and members of her family come to the public with the simple excuse that it had been someone, who had access to the apartment, that had placed the evidence.

Now they even admit it was the criminal investigation body that placed the “false” evidence (blood and cadaver odour in the apartment and in the car).

In an attempt to justify the blood, Kate went even further, informing, on that occasion, that Madeleine sometimes suffered nosebleeds.( Observations from Jill Havern forum)
Posted by SteelMagnolia at 5:10 AM

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Inspector Ricardo Paivo  Empty Re: Inspector Ricardo Paivo

Post by sami 17.10.12 16:21

There are many interesting elements to your post Tigger. The McCanns, for all of their insuations that the dogs are not reliable, certainly made a good attempt to justify any findings that might be proved accurate, either directly or through a family member. That does not make sense to me . You either discount the dogs altogether or accept their findings and give reasons as to why what was found was there. They have tried to do both which does not make sense. You cannot be a little bit pregnant.

I have always found Kates very obvious hatred for Pavia interesting. From what I have read he was kind to them in the early days, taking them into his home for dinner, he had a child the same age as the McCanns children so I assume on a humane level felt some compassion towards them. Because he continued to do his job and ultimately was present at Kates questioning, she has displayed a very worrying level of hatred. She would appear not to be able to come to terms with the fact that the man may well have received orders to attend the interview and did so in his capacity as a serving police officer. As someone with medical training, I would have thought she would be able to identify with a profession where one needs to maintain a certain detachment from certain issues or indeed appreciate there are instances where you just have to do the job you are paid to do, regardless of personal feelings.

Her hatred of this man and indeed Amaral who she claims she never met, until much much later, speaks volumes to me. IMO Kate is fully aware these two men have a very detailed knowledge of what happened, even to the point of knowing exactly what happened, but being unable to put together enough evidence prior to the case being shelved.

She very quickly disposed of the English family liason officers too, did she not ? Interesting that . Those people I am sure can read people very well, in a very short period of time. I doubt they exist entirely for the benefit of the family but on occasions will be a useful investigative tool to their colleagues investigating cases.

All in all, any person or indeed dog who may have had reason to doubt the McCann story were well and truly treated to a dose of their venom.

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Inspector Ricardo Paivo  Empty Re: Inspector Ricardo Paivo

Post by Springers are FAB 17.10.12 16:47

sami wrote:
All in all, any person or indeed dog who may have had reason to doubt the McCann story were well and truly treated to a dose of their venom.

Yes, I was just reading about poor Mrs Fenn and how she was portrayed in the book....presumably for stating she heard the crying on the Tuesday rather than the Wednesday and mucking up the plan!!


"Go, go, go, said the bird: human kind
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Inspector Ricardo Paivo  Empty Re: Inspector Ricardo Paivo

Post by tigger 17.10.12 17:33

Springers are FAB wrote:
sami wrote:
All in all, any person or indeed dog who may have had reason to doubt the McCann story were well and truly treated to a dose of their venom.

Yes, I was just reading about poor Mrs Fenn and how she was portrayed in the book....presumably for stating she heard the crying on the Tuesday rather than the Wednesday and mucking up the plan!!

I've always been amazed that her 'mantra' as Kate calls it (F.......g..T......r) was first published in the tabloids and then in her book. Otherwise we'd never have know. Same with the 'few choice words' she and Fiona called Mrs. Fenn on the night of the 3rd.
The way it is written, it seems we should admire this swearing.
As a good Catholic woman, shouldn't she have been praying during the interview? Did any of this come up in confession? Or is confession a part of the religion not too strictly adhered to.

She really hated Paiva, 'His children played with my children' she said at one point. Not: My children played with His children.Well, obviously not.
Different class altogether.
I'm beginning to think, having read some of the things the Leicester Police inspector Stuart (something) said, that calling him 'Stu' was much the same tactic as being matey with Paiva.

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Inspector Ricardo Paivo  Empty Re: Inspector Ricardo Paivo

Post by Liz Eagles 17.10.12 17:45

I'm always amazed the Mc's had police manuals. I doubt Tia/April's parents were issued with the same.

eta. the pj must surely have thought it a bit odd that during their investigations, the UK police had allegedly issued the McCanns with police manuals.
Liz Eagles
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Inspector Ricardo Paivo  Empty Re: Inspector Ricardo Paivo

Post by Springers are FAB 17.10.12 18:00

aquila wrote:I'm always amazed the Mc's had police manuals. I doubt Tia/April's parents were issued with the same.

eta. the pj must surely have thought it a bit odd that during their investigations, the UK police had allegedly issued the McCanns with police manuals.

Police manuals??? really?? could you direct me to where this is stated please?


"Go, go, go, said the bird: human kind
Cannot bear very much reality."
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Inspector Ricardo Paivo  Empty Re: Inspector Ricardo Paivo

Post by Liz Eagles 17.10.12 18:09

Springers are FAB wrote:
aquila wrote:I'm always amazed the Mc's had police manuals. I doubt Tia/April's parents were issued with the same.

eta. the pj must surely have thought it a bit odd that during their investigations, the UK police had allegedly issued the McCanns with police manuals.

Police manuals??? really?? could you direct me to where this is stated please?

It's on a sticky. I don't know how to point you to it. It begins with Kate & Gerry McCann the books found in the apartment
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Inspector Ricardo Paivo  Empty Re: Inspector Ricardo Paivo

Post by Nina 17.10.12 18:11

tigger wrote:
Springers are FAB wrote:
sami wrote:
All in all, any person or indeed dog who may have had reason to doubt the McCann story were well and truly treated to a dose of their venom.

Yes, I was just reading about poor Mrs Fenn and how she was portrayed in the book....presumably for stating she heard the crying on the Tuesday rather than the Wednesday and mucking up the plan!!

I've always been amazed that her 'mantra' as Kate calls it (F.......g..T......r) was first published in the tabloids and then in her book. Otherwise we'd never have know. Same with the 'few choice words' she and Fiona called Mrs. Fenn on the night of the 3rd.
The way it is written, it seems we should admire this swearing.
As a good Catholic woman, shouldn't she have been praying during the interview? Did any of this come up in confession? Or is confession a part of the religion not too strictly adhered to.

She really hated Paiva, 'His children played with my children' she said at one point. Not: My children played with His children.Well, obviously not.
Different class altogether.
I'm beginning to think, having read some of the things the Leicester Police inspector Stuart (something) said, that calling him 'Stu' was much the same tactic as being matey with Paiva.

Yes agree, she allowed his children to play with hers, big of her. In my opinion she has an elevated opinion of herself yet as soon as she opens her mouth shows just what she is, then she writes it down and that reinforces it.

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Inspector Ricardo Paivo  Empty Re: Inspector Ricardo Paivo

Post by Guest 17.10.12 18:24

aquila wrote:
Springers are FAB wrote:
aquila wrote:I'm always amazed the Mc's had police manuals. I doubt Tia/April's parents were issued with the same.

eta. the pj must surely have thought it a bit odd that during their investigations, the UK police had allegedly issued the McCanns with police manuals.

Police manuals??? really?? could you direct me to where this is stated please?

It's on a sticky. I don't know how to point you to it. It begins with Kate & Gerry McCann the books found in the apartment

Here's the link:

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Inspector Ricardo Paivo  Empty Re: Inspector Ricardo Paivo

Post by Liz Eagles 17.10.12 18:26

thanks Admin.
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Inspector Ricardo Paivo  Empty Re: Inspector Ricardo Paivo

Post by Springers are FAB 18.10.12 9:21

admin wrote:
aquila wrote:
Springers are FAB wrote:
aquila wrote:I'm always amazed the Mc's had police manuals. I doubt Tia/April's parents were issued with the same.

eta. the pj must surely have thought it a bit odd that during their investigations, the UK police had allegedly issued the McCanns with police manuals.

Police manuals??? really?? could you direct me to where this is stated please?

It's on a sticky. I don't know how to point you to it. It begins with Kate & Gerry McCann the books found in the apartment

Here's the link:

Thankyou Admin!! (and Aquila)


"Go, go, go, said the bird: human kind
Cannot bear very much reality."
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Inspector Ricardo Paivo  Empty Re: Inspector Ricardo Paivo

Post by jozi 18.10.12 9:26

Hi tigger

Your post is very interesting, this bit is could be where SB got the info about DNA being planted by Mr Amaral. Look as if they have alway's claimed this to justify the findings of the blood ???

" When the media informed that blood had been detected “in the car and in the apartment”, Kate and members of her family come to the public with the simple excuse that it had been someone, who had access to the apartment, that had placed the evidence.

Now they even admit it was the criminal investigation body that placed the “false” evidence (blood and cadaver odour in the apartment and in the car).

In an attempt to justify the blood, Kate went even further, informing, on that occasion, that Madeleine sometimes suffered nosebleeds.( Observations from Jill Havern forum) ".

Family eh !!!

Nose bleeds by Maddie in car are a no no as they did not hire car untill way after she went missing, so has to be planted LOL.

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Inspector Ricardo Paivo  Empty Re: Inspector Ricardo Paivo

Post by tigger 18.10.12 11:24

jozi wrote:Hi tigger

Your post is very interesting, this bit is could be where SB got the info about DNA being planted by Mr Amaral. Look as if they have alway's claimed this to justify the findings of the blood ???

" When the media informed that blood had been detected “in the car and in the apartment”, Kate and members of her family come to the public with the simple excuse that it had been someone, who had access to the apartment, that had placed the evidence.

Now they even admit it was the criminal investigation body that placed the “false” evidence (blood and cadaver odour in the apartment and in the car).

In an attempt to justify the blood, Kate went even further, informing, on that occasion, that Madeleine sometimes suffered nosebleeds.( Observations from Jill Havern forum) ".

Family eh !!!

Nose bleeds by Maddie in car are a no no as they did not hire car untill way after she went missing, so has to be planted LOL.

The remarks about the DNA having had to be planted came from that priceless member of the family Philomena, Gerry's sister. A lot of information was 'filtered' through the family so that the mcCanns could never directly be proved to have said this. Although, come to think of it, Kate may have mentioned it herself in the book.

They had several excuses for the DNA being there, the interesting thing is that they initially did not deny it being that of Maddie, they denied the way it got there.
The very first excuse was that Maddie's dirty pyjamas and sandals had been thrown in the boot when they moved from OC to the villa.
That excuse must have been dropped because it could hardly explain the pyjamas being so dirty that they leaked. This excuse also provides the puzzle that Maddie must have had three pairs of pyjamas on holiday.
One pair she was wearing, one pair dirty in the boot and one pair, clean and washed, displayed on a bed in their ''new' apartment in the OC after 3/5

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Inspector Ricardo Paivo  Empty Re: Inspector Ricardo Paivo

Post by Angelique 23.11.12 4:05


What is curious is, as you say, that as information about what was found in the apartment and car came to light the various reasons they gave to explain the blood and DNA changed. 

I was of the opinion in the first instance, unless Kate was acting, as to why she was so angry with Ricardo Paiva was because she realised too late that his off duty association - invites to dine, children etc., were most probably part of his job. But even though Kate and Gerry had advisors I would be very surprised if they never told them that this was "covert association" .

Or maybe they did and Kate's anger was the double bluff. That they knew all the time that he was observing them. They must have known that this is what was happening and this nonsense about "his children played with my children" was for the benefit of the UK plebs. But perhaps they thought they could use it as another stick to beat the Portuguese Police with. Maybe whoever was controlling this for TM was looking so far ahead that anything they could use to discredit the Police and gain sympathy for Kate and Gerry was useful. From what I have read from snips from her Book it seems every little bit of information gleaned has been used in some way.

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Inspector Ricardo Paivo  Empty Re: Inspector Ricardo Paivo

Post by russiandoll 23.11.12 12:14

quote Tigger
"They had several excuses for the DNA being there, the interesting thing is that they initially did not deny it being that of Maddie, they denied the way it got there.
very first excuse was that Maddie's dirty pyjamas and sandals had been
thrown in the boot when they moved from OC to the villa.
That excuse
must have been dropped because it could hardly explain the pyjamas
being so dirty that they leaked. This excuse also provides the puzzle
that Maddie must have had three pairs of pyjamas on holiday. "

1. Were these words used.......thrown in the boot? Loving parents of a missing child did not carefully bag her PJs?
2. And what would the dirty PJs be leaking according to the parents.. Maddie was almost 4 and not in overnight nappies was she?


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Inspector Ricardo Paivo  Empty Re: Inspector Ricardo Paivo

Post by tigger 23.11.12 12:27

From Dr. Roberts; 2011 'Dormant Issues'

The Daily Mirror (19.9.2007) had the following comment to make: 'It is believed the entire Portuguese case rests on DNA evidence from body fluids which allegedly suggests that Madeleine's corpse was carried in the boot of the McCanns' hired Renault Scenic.

'But the McCanns say the fluids probably came from Madeleine's unwashed pyjamas and sandals which were carried in the boot when the family was moving apartments.' (DM unquote)

To have been somehow soiled with Madeleine's DNA these unwashed pyjamas must have been worn earlier in the week. They could not have been worn by Madeleine after May 3, the day when Kate McCann saw fit to wash the pink pyjama top on account of an overlooked tea stain, whilst Madeleine's previously worn and unwashed pair remained - unwashed.

So far that's three pairs of pyjamas for Madeleine and one each, at least, for the twins (who have equal needs), making five pairs in all. Might that be seven? It might if one takes into account the fact that Amelie was denied the use of her Disney pyjamas all the while they were touring Europe. She must have had at least one spare set herself. If so then so too did Sean. Unless of course they were each dressed, once again, in 'Maddie's jammies.'

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