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Online Store back open - Page 3 Empty Re: Online Store back open

Post by Mirage 10.01.14 9:08

russiandoll wrote:
marconi wrote:The only T-shirt I agree with is the one "Madeleine was abducted by paedophiles". It was fabricated before most people started mistrusting the parents 'version.
At least the parents were sincere at that moment and finally both police are treating the case as being an abduction.
Who are the paedophiles?

 Marconi if you are speaking about the photo posted by admin I think you will find that it is a spoof, have you seen the signs behind the 3 adults?

 Whilst I understand the sentiment behind this spoof photo and the incongruous smiles of the adults given the gravity of the situation they had found themselves in, I wish it would be made clear that the McCanns never stood holding a t shirt with this message on, it gives ammunition to critics of those who doubt the Mcs story.

I agree RD. I've always said this was the wrong approach.

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Online Store back open - Page 3 Empty Re: Online Store back open

Post by Mirage 10.01.14 9:13

The re-opening of the store under odd circumstances reminds me of pop-up shops flogging tat for a day or two on dying high streets.

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Online Store back open - Page 3 Empty Re: Online Store back open

Post by Guest 10.01.14 9:28

Mirage wrote:The re-opening of the store under odd circumstances reminds me of pop-up shops flogging tat for a day or two on dying high streets.

Ah, you've visited my home town!

It's like the football photos (the significance of which were underestimated I think). Either dying throes, or we can expect more - much more - of the same from now on.

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Online Store back open - Page 3 Empty Re: Online Store back open

Post by Mirage 10.01.14 9:48

Clay Regazzoni wrote:
Mirage wrote:The re-opening of the store under odd circumstances reminds me of pop-up shops flogging tat for a day or two on dying high streets.

Ah, you've visited my home town!

It's like the football photos (the significance of which were underestimated I think). Either dying throes, or we can expect more - much more - of the same from now on.

Aw. Lots of high streets dying on their feet, not just yours Clay.

Interesting about the football photos. I think about the significance of those a lot. I like to re-visit them and look at detail. For instance, I don't think Harry looks delighted to be glad-handing GM. He has a very penetrating look in his eye. I noticed you'd mentioned it was unusual for him to be in the opposition's box before KO, although there was a delay due to traffic congestion.

Having listened to HR interviewed on radio recently, I was taken with his introverted character. He said he was a home-loving person who was happiest in a domestic setting in the company of his wife. He favours a simple life, dislikes socialising. He finds formal occasions/dinners a trial etc Much prefers an evening in, or popping down to a favourite Italian restaurant for a quiet meal with his wife. His life revolves around football and family. He talked about his trial openly and the effects etc. He obviously felt he'd been unfairly picked on and talked of the unstinting support of his son. All in all, I didn't have him down as someone to be played for a fool; a cheap publicity stunt. But then, I have only this to go on.

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Post by debs 10.01.14 9:55

russiandoll wrote:
 Whilst I understand the sentiment behind this spoof photo and the incongruous smiles of the adults given the gravity of the situation they had found themselves in, I wish it would be made clear that the McCanns never stood holding a t shirt with this message on, it gives ammunition to critics of those who doubt the Mcs story.
would you clear something up for me please, are you referring to this picture or another one, ie is this one genuine (apart from the photo on the shirt which is obviously added) thanks

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Online Store back open - Page 3 Empty Re: Online Store back open

Post by Bishop Brennan 10.01.14 10:05

On the surface the re-opening of the store actually adds to what has actually been a good few months for the McCanns. Their PR machine (and perhaps something more) has switched up several gears.  We have had:  

CW (twice) + huge press coverage of the new efits
Confirmation that they are 'not suspects or persons of interest' in either the UK or Portugal
Stories in the UK press about all kinds of new 'prime suspects'
Stories in the Portuguese press about tractorman being a new 'prime suspect'
Zero coverage of the libel trial and the witnesses
Brief coverage (partly retracted) about the efit suppression story
The recent program on crimes telling us they are "100% innocent"
Appearances on TV shows for 'missing people'
Everton celeb status

Why have they done it?  Who knows.  It might be as simple as loving the publicity, and cashing in on the recent interest in the case based on the SY investigation and the Panorama program.  

In terms of them feeling threatened / in trouble... other than their faces on CW, I just don't see it.  Nothing so far indicates that either police force has moved the case forward one jot.  Sure we have lost tannerman, but that takes us no nearer to 'new evidence' or anything like closure.  Both police forces appear to be casting around hoping that something will appear.  Meanwhile the McCanns sense this and have upped their PR profile.   I think we can expect more of the same.
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Post by plebgate 10.01.14 10:14

Five Star wrote:They could at least hand the medical records a lie detector and answer all the questions .......  Then ask for more money    yes
Yes that would go a long way imo, but as two police forces are investigating why the need for any donations? - IMO they should be donating to the two police investigations (any monies they may not have spent from the fund).   So............................................. is there any money left in the fund, if not where has it all gone?

Have SY asked them to do a lie detector?  We are not being told anything and all of this is/was public money.   What is going on?

Do SY find it perhaps odd that they are still asking for donations to the FIND MADELEINE WEBSITE, are they still looking?

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Post by Guest 10.01.14 10:21

Of course they're not looking.  The Fund is there for one reason only, IMO, and that is to provide the cash to pay their legal fees and to sue anyone who disagrees/challenges their version of events.

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Post by plebgate 10.01.14 10:22

bristow wrote:
Cristobell wrote:
aquila wrote:Perhaps the Fund needs to sell a 'physical product' (i.e. tat) in order to comply with terms of trading. Maybe Enid O'Dowd or someone else on the forum with expertise in business law can confirm.

If the Fund only had donate buttons would that change its operating status? (I don't know, I'm just thinking out loud). If the Fund had NO products or donate buttons what would the company be trading as?

I see PayPal is reinstated. Also, interestingly the donate amounts are now in pounds.99p and .98p

Someone on the OFM facebook page has helpfully suggested that the half million plus members of the site all donate £1 each - they need funds!
Sounds very much like Stephen Birch asking for £1 from each member to reach his £50.000 to dig for Madeleine, is there a connection?
He didn't get it though.  Someone posted he ran off with his football.  big grin

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Online Store back open - Page 3 Empty Re: Online Store back open

Post by Guest 10.01.14 11:02

debs wrote:
russiandoll wrote:
 Whilst I understand the sentiment behind this spoof photo and the incongruous smiles of the adults given the gravity of the situation they had found themselves in, I wish it would be made clear that the McCanns never stood holding a t shirt with this message on, it gives ammunition to critics of those who doubt the Mcs story.
would you clear something up for me please, are you referring to this picture or another one, ie is this one genuine (apart from the photo on the shirt which is obviously added) thanks

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I must admit to thinking the photo was genuine with that photo on the shirt. I see on the website though that the shirts currently on sale have the poolside photo on them. What a help that will be in identifying Madeleine now, it didn't even look like her back in 2007!

The McCanns have only themselves to blame by their behaviour that spoof photos are so believable, particularly the one where they appear to be counting money on a table.

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Online Store back open - Page 3 Empty Re: Online Store back open

Post by aiyoyo 10.01.14 11:24

marconi wrote:Maybe they got permission to reopen it, to sell the left overs of the store.

Sorry, what a load of tosh !

Got Permission !  From who ?

They don't need permission  on however they like to operate a Pte Ltd Co.

It's a Private Ltd company for crying out loud, well within its right to trade and generate income as they see fit.

If tomorrow they decide to sell Grandma Healy's size / style Pjyamas to OAPs, or sell Kate's knickers to fans, they are still within the  law, so to speak.

The ever burning question of why they need money for what purpose now that two Police Forces are back working on their case, and they'd scaled down PIs, will never be forthcoming.  It's obvious they're still incurring legal bills that need to be paid.

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Post by Cristobell 10.01.14 11:34

Bellisa wrote:tangled web I have an e mail reply saying that they are amending site now.
Its telling how keen they are to get cash in given that both pages are not accepting donations simultaneously.

Cristobell That post was unbelievable, the child(3) felt close to Madeleine and this is why slept in the t shirt so Madeleine wasn't alone. Bizarre.

This has whitewash written all over it IMO.

Perhaps they are thinking of bringing out a range of kids nightwear featuring the faces of dead and missing children?

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Online Store back open - Page 3 Empty Re: Online Store back open

Post by Daisy 10.01.14 11:37

aiyoyo wrote:
marconi wrote:Maybe they got permission to reopen it, to sell the left overs of the store.

Sorry, what a load of tosh !

Got Permission !  From who ?

They don't need permission  on however they like to operate a Pte Ltd Co.

It's a Private Ltd company for crying out loud, well within its right to trade and generate income as they see fit.

If tomorrow they decide to sell Grandma Healy's size / style Pjyamas to OAPs, or sell Kate's knickers to fans, they are still within the  law, so to speak.

The ever burning question of why they need money for what purpose now that two Police Forces are back working on their case, and they'd scaled down PIs, will never be forthcoming.  It's obvious they're still incurring legal bills that need to be paid.
Oh for gawds sake, pleeeease don't be giving them ideas Aiyoyo!

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Online Store back open - Page 3 Empty Re: Online Store back open

Post by Guest 10.01.14 11:43

Cristobell wrote:

Perhaps they are thinking of bringing out a range of kids nightwear featuring the faces of dead and missing children?

It's them or Primark.

I just can't believe anybody buys this stuff, except ironically. Like for instance I can imagine my other half finding it hilarious to buy me a wristband from there.

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Online Store back open - Page 3 Empty Re: Online Store back open

Post by Guest 10.01.14 11:48

I will confess to having ordered those good quality wristbands in the past and I hope that the recipients are eternally grateful for them. Yes it was for a joke.

Aiyoyo, I shall have nightmares now at the thought of Kate's underwear being offered for sale.

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Online Store back open - Page 3 Empty Re: Online Store back open

Post by aiyoyo 10.01.14 12:01

canada12 wrote:Perhaps for tax purposes they need to have the store active. Creative accounting could result in the store (and website) costing more money to run than funds coming in...thus a reported tax loss... ?

They can shut down the site to save cost if that's the case.  

It serves no purpose anyway when the Public can call the Police Hotline and that would be more effective.

What is the statistic call figures received?  
Of that, what percentage of them are time wasters;more importantly what percentage is useful ?
By whose standard it is useful to ? Mccanns ?  
There is no other cases of missing child where Parents assume the role of investigators - collecting information, shifting and selecting what they deem suitable to pass on ? to who? to Police ?

It's all about $$$$..give us more more more $$$, we have lawyers bill..bill...bill...and more lawyers bills to overcome.....

Sadly there's gullible joe public who believe it compassionate to sleep in oversized T-shirt as Pyjamas (as suggested by comment left on by webmaster or Kate (?) I read ).
I suspect even if T-shirt were imprinted "Taken by Paedophile - Help ME!" there will still be gullible pleb snapping them up.....anything  just to help poor suffering Kate & Gerry.  

Kate said: "The People will Riot t" (words to that effect) if they're arrested.  
She does not know yet how correct she is with  her prophecy, except people will be demanding "Hang Her".

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Post by Cristobell 10.01.14 12:04

Clay Regazzoni wrote:
Cristobell wrote:

Perhaps they are thinking of bringing out a range of kids nightwear featuring the faces of dead and missing children?

It's them or Primark.

I just can't believe anybody buys this stuff, except ironically. Like for instance I can imagine my other half finding it hilarious to buy me a wristband from there.

Indeed. Who buys t-shirts with the face of a missing/dead child, to wear on holiday? And who buys posters to put up at their holiday destination? Are resort owners happy to have Missing Posters plastered all over communal leisure areas? Do other holidaymakers really appreciate having the world's worst holiday disaster rammed down their throats whilst they are relaxing with their families?

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Online Store back open - Page 3 Empty Re: Online Store back open

Post by aiyoyo 10.01.14 12:19

Cristobell wrote:
Clay Regazzoni wrote:
Cristobell wrote:

Perhaps they are thinking of bringing out a range of kids nightwear featuring the faces of dead and missing children?

It's them or Primark.

I just can't believe anybody buys this stuff, except ironically. Like for instance I can imagine my other half finding it hilarious to buy me a wristband from there.

Indeed.  Who buys t-shirts with the face of a missing/dead child, to wear on holiday?  And who buys posters to put up at their holiday destination?  Are resort owners happy to have Missing Posters plastered all over communal leisure areas?  Do other holidaymakers really appreciate having the world's worst holiday disaster rammed down their throats whilst they are relaxing with their families?

But ....but...but People are supposed to use T-shirts as pyjamas in the privacy of bedroom, not walk around parading in it in the public to scare the daylight out of fainted hearted who knows Maddie is dead - she must be even if abducted !

People need permission to stick up posters in public or service establishment - can't just nilly willy stick it wherever takes people's  fancy.
Their whole idea is:  Buy our Posters as we're desperately in need of CASH - We dont care whether you stick them on your Toilet Doors or bin them.

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Online Store back open - Page 3 Empty Re: Online Store back open

Post by jeanmonroe 10.01.14 13:24

The store is re-opened, just like the PJ investigation!

Wee Lorraine will now be able to finally buy her good quality 'findMadeleine' wristband!

And wear it every day from here to eternity on her show.

Surprised really she hasn't ever worn one during all these years Madeleine's been 'missing'.

So here's her chance. Get your dosh out Lorraine!

Has anyone actually seen anyone wearing the T-shirts?

Could someone check the 'Lying' programme to see if Dr Leal was wearing her good quality wristband?

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Post by Mirage 10.01.14 13:36

I think they should get more up to date and bring out a onesie with a pinkish aspect.  big grin

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Post by jeanmonroe 10.01.14 13:55

Mirage wrote:I think they should get more up to date and bring out a onesie with a pinkish aspect.  big grin

And with 'frilly' turn-ups that your 'friend' can see from 50 metres!

And with a massive round contrasting logo on one leg that your 'friend' can't see from any distance!

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Post by tigger 10.01.14 14:00

Is the £ 100,-- Donate button still there?   splat

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Post by Hopespringseternal 10.01.14 14:06

tigger wrote:Is the £ 100,-- Donate button still there?   splat

I was about to ask why the donations go from 'round pound' amounts to £49.99 and then £99.98? Not that I'm even considering donating, just wondered if it was something to do wth tax or legal stuff. spin

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Post by tigger 10.01.14 14:09

Hopespringseternal wrote:
tigger wrote:Is the £ 100,-- Donate button still there?   splat

I was about to ask why the donations go from 'round pound' amounts to £49.99 and then £99.98? Not that I'm even considering donating, just wondered if it was something to do wth tax or legal stuff. spin

Perhaps it's a special offer - it's sale time after all..... laughat 

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Post by ultimaThule 10.01.14 14:30

Ye Olde Crappe & Tatte Shoppe has been transformed into streamlined one stop supermarket for all of those holiday non-essentials which will mark you out as an easy touch wherever you go.

For a mere £99.98 inc VAT you too can become a mug - but don't expect to receive one with Madeleine or any of those well-known McCann/Healy faces on it unless the proprietors do a deal with Wedgewood.  

No fear - I've copyrighted this idea and will plough any future royalties into a worthy cause, such as Dr Amaral's defence fund.   

Before Phil's hubby starts seeing £ signs, I've also secured the copyright to 'Snuff Swamp Art' mugs and other artifacts including but not limited to wristbands, luggage tags, t-shirts, and posters (for private display only)

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Online Store back open - Page 3 Empty Re: Online Store back open

Post by aiyoyo 10.01.14 14:39

tigger wrote:
Hopespringseternal wrote:
tigger wrote:Is the £ 100,-- Donate button still there?   splat

I was about to ask why the donations go from 'round pound' amounts to £49.99 and then £99.98? Not that I'm even considering donating, just wondered if it was something to do wth tax or legal stuff. spin

Perhaps it's a special offer -  it's sale time after all..... laughat 

Oh come on you guys have a heart!

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The likes of C-R, ID et al don't come cheap.
Imagine the alternatives!

ETA: They've increased each one by 1p. Last time I looked it was 49.99, 99.99.

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Post by sallypelt 10.01.14 14:44

I fail to see what this Fund is all about, now. There are two investigations going on at this very moment. Is this one to run concurrently with those two?

What a farce!!!

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Post by ultimaThule 10.01.14 14:45

Hopespringseternal wrote:
tigger wrote:Is the £ 100,-- Donate button still there?   splat

I was about to ask why the donations go from 'round pound' amounts to £49.99 and then £99.98? Not that I'm even considering donating, just wondered if it was something to do wth tax or legal stuff. spin
Could it be that PayPal charges for receiving money are pro rata - i.e. x% of sum received £1-£20, x+.5% £20-50,  x+.10% £50-100 and so forth.

In view of the wee one's plan to take the brand 'global', I'm surprised there's no designated donate button for  gold/platinum Amex, Coutts, etc, cardholders as K&G rarely miss an opportunity to turn a quick buck, or rouble, yen, dollar as the case may be.

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Post by aiyoyo 10.01.14 14:47

sallypelt wrote:I fail to see what this Fund is all about, now. There are two investigations going on at this very moment. Is this one to run concurrently with those two?

What a farce!!!

I don't.

I never fail to see its about MONEY Al Capone style.

It's a CASH supermarket their Pte Ltd Co.

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Online Store back open - Page 3 Empty Re: Online Store back open

Post by tigger 10.01.14 14:50

aiyoyo wrote:
tigger wrote:
Hopespringseternal wrote:
tigger wrote:Is the £ 100,-- Donate button still there?   splat

I was about to ask why the donations go from 'round pound' amounts to £49.99 and then £99.98? Not that I'm even considering donating, just wondered if it was something to do wth tax or legal stuff. spin

Perhaps it's a special offer -  it's sale time after all..... laughat 

Oh come on you guys have a heart!

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The likes of C-R, ID et al don't come cheap.
Imagine the alternatives!

ETA:  They've increased each one by 1p.  Last time I looked it was  49.99, 99.99.

Those cute boxes make it look as if it's the giver is getting a surprise present. Used to be buttons I'm sure.

Perhaps these surprise presents might be knickers..... laughat 

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