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 Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police - Page 2 Mm11

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 Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police - Page 2 Mm11

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Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police

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 Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police - Page 2 Empty Re: Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police

Post by Guest 03.01.14 11:53

yes i hope they will soon be rewarded for their loyalty to Madeleine.
And another good thing is that as much as mccanns gain valuable information on here so can SY if they are so inclined. They appear to have the resources to follow up inconsistencies so I am hopeful they are using this research done by tony petermac and kikorattons phone details to pick up on stuff they may miss themselves.

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 Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police - Page 2 Empty Re: Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police

Post by Guest 03.01.14 12:12

Bellisa wrote:yes i hope they will soon be rewarded for their loyalty to Madeleine.
And another good thing is that as much as mccanns gain valuable information on here so can SY if they are so inclined. They appear to have the resources to follow up inconsistencies so I am hopeful they are using this research done by tony petermac and kikorattons phone details to pick up on stuff they may miss themselves.

I'm now certain SY view this forum constantly. As Doug D mentioned the other day, there is always a cluster of 'guests' showing in Westminster. At least 4-10 of them in a tight cluster around the Met building. While I appreciate that the Map reads IP addresses and can place people miles from where they are, this constant unmoving cluster remains focussed around this area. The very fact very fact that these guests remain stagnant would indicate they are unaffected by the Map's eccentricities. Some people, myself included, are constantly accurately located (unmoving IP address?). Seems too coincidental to be dismissed. Why no cluster over, say, Manchester or Glasgow? There aren't any others, just the one near the Met building.

See 'All at Sea - I need a map' thread in the Members Lounge.

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 Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police - Page 2 Empty Re: Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police

Post by Bishop Brennan 03.01.14 12:18

Yes there are some truly excellent archives as well online. These would be terrific resources for any investigation. Being online means they are easy to download, search, reorganise. A gift for any detective. And something unique to this case. Whoever is guilty of this crime should be very worried. Two police forces, better technology, excellent archives, detailed analysis.
Bishop Brennan
Bishop Brennan

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 Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police - Page 2 Empty Re: Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police

Post by Boosey 03.01.14 12:36

Hi Sallypelt, I do hope you don't think that it is me who is relaying info to the McCann clan.  I don't do twitter - wouldn't have a clue how to go about it.

Yes I do log on every day and I haven't posted because honestly I couldn't compete with the knowledgeable people on this forum.  I am just a housewife who has a granddaughter the same age that Madeleine was when she disappeared and I am totally obsessed with the case and eager for justice to be done.  The whole thing stinks but the truth will come out and I for one think that we won't have to wait much longer.

PS - I show up on the map as being in and around London somewhere (geography not great) but I can assure you I'm in Northern Ireland.

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 Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police - Page 2 Empty Re: Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police

Post by mavisreilly 03.01.14 12:42

another lurker here, again an avid reader but a bit shy, i am not sure how reliable the map is- it showed me in central london/ westminster. I used to live in london but out in tottenham but moved to dorset a couple years ago!

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 Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police - Page 2 Empty Re: Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police

Post by Guest 03.01.14 12:53

I know members can appear at random all over the country, and no-one is under suspicion  smilie !

The anomaly is the cluster of green 'guests' constantly situated around the Met building suggesting people working from stable IP addresses (desk computers?) are taking constant peeps on here. They don't appear to be members - they show as 'guests'. Even given the Map's inaccuracies this does not explain why there aren't more such clusters elsewhere over the UK. Just over Westminster and SY. Really?  spin 

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 Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police - Page 2 Empty Re: Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police

Post by jeanmonroe 03.01.14 13:12

Tangled Web wrote:
Greycatofoxford wrote:A flurry on Hideho, today stating that the Fund has indeed been closed down by the Police . I know nothing about it, but details seem to be emerging there. I wonder if anyone had heard anything ?

Nobody panic! You can still stuff some money in an envelope and send it to Kate & Gerry,'ll get there  big grin 

PS: "and 'don't you forget about me', in Brighton, just send money in an envelope to "THAT PINK TOSSER' Grand Hotel, Brighton. It'll get there'!

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 Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police - Page 2 Empty Re: Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police

Post by Christina 03.01.14 13:26

Dee Coy wrote:
Bellisa wrote:yes i hope they will soon be rewarded for their loyalty to Madeleine.
And another good thing is that as much as mccanns gain valuable information on here so can SY if they are so inclined. They appear to have the resources to follow up inconsistencies so I am hopeful they are using this research done by tony petermac and kikorattons phone details to pick up on stuff they may miss themselves.

I'm now certain SY view this forum constantly. As Doug D mentioned the other day, there is always a cluster of 'guests' showing in Westminster. At least 4-10 of them in a tight cluster around the Met building. While I appreciate that the Map reads IP addresses and can place people miles from where they are, this constant unmoving cluster remains focussed around this area. The very fact very fact that these guests remain stagnant would indicate they are unaffected by the Map's eccentricities. Some people, myself included, are constantly accurately located (unmoving IP address?). Seems too coincidental to be dismissed. Why no cluster over, say, Manchester or Glasgow? There aren't any others, just the one near the Met building.

See 'All at Sea - I need a map' thread in the Members Lounge.
I'm one in that cluster, but I'm not in Westminster, so that's not correct. I am in London though! Not everyone wants to post. I prefer to mostly read. It doesn't mean it's for nefarious reasons though. It isn't.

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 Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police - Page 2 Empty Re: Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police

Post by cass7 03.01.14 13:41

regarding there being someone baysitting the mcanns children - i remember this very early on in the case - like other stuff whooshed and broken furniture - wasnt me btw on that forum - always thought find t 10 + and it will be end game - there was talk of a teenager being there

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 Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police - Page 2 Empty Re: Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police

Post by jeanmonroe 03.01.14 13:50

Dee Coy wrote:

I'm now certain SY view this forum constantly.

All in can add to that is: If NOT, then WHY not?

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Post by suep 03.01.14 16:59

No Fate Worse Than De'Ath wrote:Yes that's correct. Some topics are for members only but I think that the vast majority can be seen by anyone.

You're right NFWTD. Before I joined this forum a few weeks back I spent a few weeks reading everything I could find about the case online. This forum was one of the very few places where I found rational debate and reliable information. I was able to read much of what's available here although some parts were members only. I pay tribute to the high quality of information on this forum which is purely down to the skills and knowledge of the members who post here.

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 Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police - Page 2 Empty Re: Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police

Post by mavisreilly 03.01.14 20:08

Yes I only registered recently but have been reading this and other stuff for ages, most of this forum is accessible to guests.
I think you are right that any investigator SHOULD be looking at this forum and I would imagine any guilty party would be keeping a close eye on it too

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 Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police - Page 2 Empty Re: Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police

Post by Hobs 03.01.14 20:25

I post on the HIdeHO page on occassion, i'm not potty officually since i renewed my certificate of sanity for another year. There is a thin line between genius and insanity and i have a crap sense of balance ( i failed tightrope walking for beginners - walking on the sidewalk in a straight line)

Happy new year one and all  xx

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 Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police - Page 2 Empty Re: Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police

Post by Clocker 03.01.14 23:45

sallypelt wrote:
Moreover, after observing McCann hashgag for a few weeks, I have been left with a very strong gut feeling, (and with a lot of evidence to back it up) that there are is VERY small group of FAMILY members, who are there to disrupt, by tweeting constantly from morning 'til night, day in, day out. They become members of most, if not al, l of the other forums dedicated to finding out the truth about what happened to Madeleine, but again, are there to serve the interests of Team McCann and nothing else.

I believe that there's one member, at least, from this family group on Twitter, who is a member on this forum, who signs in, but never posts. However, I need to do a bit more observation of this member before I say who it is.
Hi Sallypelt
what you state might not necessarily be the case unless you have some particular reason to have that belief. I've been a member since October I think and only posted for the first time a couple of days ago. I'm not a poster but an avid reader which is probably what a lot of members on here are but we have to join to be able to use the search option. I often log in and leave it that way for days at a time. In fact, I only logged out the other day after reading that our IP addresses show up on a map as to the location we live and could possibly even locate the street we live in! I never knew that and as I'm not too keen on that idea i now try to make sure I log back out. 
Anyway, hopefully I can continue coming here to read, learn, catch up, speculate my own theories and also have the occasional chuckle. :) with thanks to the forum.

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 Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police - Page 2 Empty Re: Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police

Post by sonic72 04.01.14 0:10

Sally pelt make a comment about IP's on a map close to New Scotland Yard, and a few new members pop up out of the woodwork to counter what Sally said, and totally missing the core of her comment, which was the fact there was a consistent cluster of guests in the area around NSY, which were not appearing anywhere else.

The fact they were surfing this page without logging in isnt the main or real issue here, like the new posters that have just come out of the woodwork seem to be focusing on for some reason.

I personally think the cluster is a most likely people from NSY, using static IP addresses, because it's a bit too coincidental to have no other nationwide consistent guest IP clusters.

But as already mentioned, of course they will read this website, whether it be to assist their review, or to fully versed on what the public are thinking, whatever their reasons, I'd be pretty surprised if they weren't visiting this site!



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 Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police - Page 2 Empty Re: Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police

Post by suep 04.01.14 5:40

sonic72 wrote:Sally pelt make a comment about IP's on a map close to New Scotland Yard, and a few new members pop up out of the woodwork to counter what Sally said, and totally missing the core of her comment, which was the fact there was a consistent cluster of guests in the area around NSY, which were not appearing anywhere else.

The fact they were surfing this page without logging in isnt the main or real issue here, like the new posters that have just come out of the woodwork seem to be focusing on for some reason.

I personally think the cluster is a most likely people from NSY, using static IP addresses, because it's a bit too coincidental to have no other nationwide consistent guest IP clusters.

But as already mentioned, of course they will read this website, whether it be to assist their review, or to fully versed on what the public are thinking, whatever their reasons, I'd be pretty surprised if they weren't visiting this site!

Is it possible to work out exactly how many guests watching this forum make up that cluster in the vicinity of NSY? I think its interesting that such a small investigation team of only thirty odd officers would dedicate some of them to watching forums as a line of enquiry. Could this be a good sign that they're concentrating at least some effort on the family of MBM... or am I jumping to conclusions?


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 Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police - Page 2 Empty Re: Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police

Post by Ochosi 04.01.14 14:36

sonic72 - I may be reading this wrong, but I think the members "popping out of the woodwork" are referring to sallypelt's theory re the Team McCann tweeter who she believes may be a member here, always logged in but never posting - rather than countering what someone (thought it was Dougd?) said about the cluster around Westminster, which is indeed... interesting.

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 Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police - Page 2 Empty Re: Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police

Post by Guest 04.01.14 15:12

Would be interesting if it dispersed now, after these Forum postings

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 Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police - Page 2 Empty Re: Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police

Post by stumo 04.01.14 15:57

Ochosi wrote:sonic72 - I may be reading this wrong, but I think the members "popping out of the woodwork" are referring to sallypelt's theory re the Team McCann tweeter who she believes may be a member here, always logged in but never posting - rather than countering what someone (thought it was Dougd?) said about the cluster around Westminster, which is indeed... interesting.

I think a lot of people lurk but don't post due to the reception many get. Whether it's warranted or not, it does put people off.

There's lots of topics i'd like to comment on but can't be bothered.

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 Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police - Page 2 Empty Re: Some rumours today that the Fund has been closed down by Police

Post by tiny 05.01.14 7:28

I don't think the police have shut down the fund,its the first signs that the mccanns are going to slink of into the sunset

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