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Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case Mm11

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Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case Mm11

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Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case

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Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case Empty Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case

Post by Guest 09.08.12 14:28

Oh Gawd, here we go again. Some poor sods smoking on a balcony Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case 442375629 Don't people usually smoke on balcony on their holidays, especially if they have children or perhaps it is non smoking inside.................

Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann case

PUBLISHED: August 9, 2012 at 11:50 am • LAST EDITED: August 9, 2012 at 2:13 pm
Lead2, National News • 0 Comments

Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case Maddie-cig-butts
• Maddie went missing in 2007

A PILE of discarded cigarette butts could have been the link to finding missing Madeleine McCann.

A witness claims the discarded butts were found on a shared balcony that had a bird’s eye view of the apartment in Portugal, from where toddler was snatched a few days before her fourth birthday in 2007.

However the tourist, who contacted the police, insists detectives never took vital DNA evidence from them.

She had stayed in the apartment a week after Maddie’s disappearance from Praia da Luz, while on a family holiday.

“You could see the front and back of the building from that view point,” she told detectives.

“It was as if there had been someone stood there for some time smoking.

“I thought that was odd and it could have been someone watching the McCann’s apartment to monitor their comings and goings.”

This was mentioned in the Graham McKenzie statement according to MM.

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Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case Empty Re: Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case

Post by Guest 09.08.12 14:37

Yes, it is in the Graham McKenzie statement here on link, interesting to read this statement it is the one where he mentions GM talking on the phone about paedophile gangs and they had abducted Madeleine................

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Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case Empty Re: Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case

Post by sharonl 09.08.12 14:37

Oh, The Olive Press

It will be in the Sun within a few days as an exclusive

Then the Mail

The the others will join in

So now we have a mediterranean Bundleman who is a cross between Murat and Victoria Beckham who chain smokes. The net is closing in on him
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Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case Empty Re: Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case

Post by tigger 09.08.12 15:21

candyfloss wrote:Yes, it is in the Graham McKenzie statement here on link, interesting to read this statement it is the one where he mentions GM talking on the phone about paedophile gangs and they had abducted Madeleine................

The date of that interview is 12th June 07. Since there was no DNA nor any trace of an abductor in 5a, analysing the cigarette stubbs, (and when exactly did he tell the police this?) would be pointless. Even an ugly paedophile is allowed to smoke in an open air area.
The McKenzies (who had an under age child who did not qualify for the creche) were moved to a presumably previously occupied apartment.
It's likely to have been the result of a few nights' smoking.
As to the view: you cannot possibly see both the patio doors and the front door of 5a from any angle. So pretty pointless really.

He does seem genuine, too much CSI on TV I think. But the really interesting bit is one hour after the abduction Gerry reported it was a paedophile who had taken Madeleine. Early start on the story Ger. Can't they see (as in the Irish interview) the crying incident comes to mind the moment Kate finds Maddie missing. That's not logical folks, because that paedophile should really have been lurking at the back of your mind that morning when Maddie allegedly told you. You'd already seen a suspicious guitar player the previous day.
Simply over-egging the pudding.

Olive Press: why publish this now? Anything to do with Tia?

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Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case Empty Re: Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case

Post by ShuBob 09.08.12 15:51

sharonl wrote:Oh, The Olive Press

It will be in the Sun within a few days as an exclusive

Then the Mail

The the others will join in

So now we have a mediterranean Bundleman who is a cross between Murat and Victoria Beckham who chain smokes. The net is closing in on him

Will the McCanns risk the story hitting the British press now that links are being made between their case and Tia's disappearance with the Shannon Matthews case thrown in insinuating fake abduction?

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Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case Empty Jon Clarke - a regular promoter in Spain to the expat community of new Madeleine McCann stories

Post by Tony Bennett 09.08.12 16:40

tigger wrote:
candyfloss wrote:Yes, it is in the Graham McKenzie statement here on link, interesting to read this statement it is the one where he mentions GM talking on the phone about paedophile gangs and they had abducted Madeleine................

The date of that interview is 12th June 07. Since there was no DNA nor any trace of an abductor in 5a, analysing the cigarette stubbs, (and when exactly did he tell the police this?) would be pointless. Even an ugly paedophile is allowed to smoke in an open air area.
The McKenzies (who had an under age child who did not qualify for the creche) were moved to a presumably previously occupied apartment.
It's likely to have been the result of a few nights' smoking.
As to the view: you cannot possibly see both the patio doors and the front door of 5a from any angle. So pretty pointless really.

He does seem genuine, too much CSI on TV I think. But the really interesting bit is one hour after the abduction Gerry reported it was a paedophile who had taken Madeleine. Early start on the story Ger. Can't they see (as in the Irish interview) the crying incident comes to mind the moment Kate finds Maddie missing. That's not logical folks, because that paedophile should really have been lurking at the back of your mind that morning when Maddie allegedly told you. You'd already seen a suspicious guitar player the previous day.
Simply over-egging the pudding.

Olive Press: why publish this now? Anything to do with Tia?
PeterMac on this board is an acquaintance of Jon Clarke, the Editor of 'The Olive Press'. I am bound to say that Jon Clarke's role since the disappearance of Madeleine McCann has been significant and inexplicable. Just for a start, he claimed to have been in Praia da Luz during the morning of Friday 4 May - who called him to get him there that quick, when he lives 250 miles and 5 hours' drive away from where he lives, near Ronda, Spain?

Then again, look at how he was a link in the initial reporting of one of the most absurd 'Madeleine sighted' stories ever to appear - the claim by basketball-playing Angolan-born Spaniard and 'amateur sleuth' Marcelinho Italiano that 'Maddie is in the U.S.!"

Jon Clarke gets well paid by News International for his stories...and out of deference to PeterMac I will not say any more about him.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case Empty Re: Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case

Post by Guest 09.08.12 17:07

It's totally ridiculous. The files have been out for 4 years and more, anyone with any interest in the case, like a journalist for instanceMissing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case 302873 would have read this then in Mr McKenzies statement. Why are they re-hashing this now, what is happening elsewhere. It's taken 4 years to suddenly discover this missing link............oh well done bravo Olive Press Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case 3139096799

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Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case Empty Nice little earner

Post by Tony Bennett 09.08.12 17:33

candyfloss wrote:It's totally ridiculous. The files have been out for 4 years and more, anyone with any interest in the case, like a journalist for instanceMissing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case 302873 would have read this then in Mr McKenzies statement. Why are they re-hashing this now, what is happening elsewhere. It's taken 4 years to suddenly discover this missing link............oh well done bravo Olive Press Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case 3139096799
I would venture to suggest (and Jon Clarke can publicly correct me if I'm wrong) that Jon has had a 'phone call from his mates at News International, has been offered a handsome fee, has been provided a complete briefing for his article on a plate (possibly by Clarence Mitchell himself), and will now be looking forward to a nice little addition to his bank account from News International via BACS. This is not journalism. This is propaganda, pure and simple.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case Empty Re: Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case

Post by Spaniel 09.08.12 17:52

candyfloss wrote:It's totally ridiculous. The files have been out for 4 years and more, anyone with any interest in the case, like a journalist for instanceMissing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case 302873 would have read this then in Mr McKenzies statement. Why are they re-hashing this now, what is happening elsewhere. It's taken 4 years to suddenly discover this missing link............oh well done bravo Olive Press Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case 3139096799
Simply nothing else to report? Like any press, there has to be something to read or there will be no advertising sold.

A Madeleine story may be the clincher as to whether an ad is placed or not. That's the Olive Press income sorted for another six months.

Poor sweet child has spawned a whole industry, and I include books written in that, Police or otherwise. Had the proceeds been donated to a chidren's charity, that would have been fine. As it is, anyone who made a penny from Maddie's demise needs to look at themselves.



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Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case Empty Re: Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case

Post by uppatoffee 09.08.12 17:55

Why now? Whenever one of these stories appears, it's always to try and cover up something else that is happening.

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Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case Empty Re: Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case

Post by PeterMac 09.08.12 18:43

uppatoffee wrote:Why now? Whenever one of these stories appears, it's always to try and cover up something else that is happening.
My guess, for what it is worth, is that that TM keep being mentioned in relation to the Tia case, in the same context as Shannon Matthews.
This is deeply worrying to TM, so NI have got the Sun to get the OP to publish this piece, so that they, the Sun, can report it second hand tomorrow morning to draw attention away.
I have been restrained in my comment to the OP, but will ask Jon C sometime why he is publishing things from 4 year old statements.

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Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case Empty Re: Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case

Post by Spaniel 09.08.12 19:31

PeterMac wrote:
uppatoffee wrote:Why now? Whenever one of these stories appears, it's always to try and cover up something else that is happening.
My guess, for what it is worth, is that that TM keep being mentioned in relation to the Tia case, in the same context as Shannon Matthews.
This is deeply worrying to TM, so NI have got the Sun to get the OP to publish this piece, so that they, the Sun, can report it second hand tomorrow morning to draw attention away.
I have been restrained in my comment to the OP, but will ask Jon C sometime why he is publishing things from 4 year old statements.
Revenue, plain and simple. No one with a living to make truly cares about a little girl?

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Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case Empty Re: Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case

Post by uppatoffee 09.08.12 19:41

There has to be more than just revenue. Look at all the recent rehashes of old sightings. They were all published at strategic times, to the point where you can almost predict when they will appear. Expect a whole flurry of activity in September during Amaral's trial and subsequently during Tony's case. There has always been some kind of spin going on during court cases or other events. The Olive Press certainly seem to be behind most of these stories, which to anyone watching might suggest that there is some sort of reason for this to be the case.

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Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case Empty Re: Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case

Post by Guest 09.08.12 20:04

From Anorak............

Madeleine McCann: The cigarette butt theory

Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case Maddie-cigaretteEVERY summer since she vanished in 2007, tales of Madeleine McCann have appeared in the papers as fast the hacks could press f9 on their keyboards. When the Olympics London 2012 ends, look out for an Our Maddie story in the national tabloid prress.

Anyone sane wants the child to be found alive and well. Everyone wants closure. The latest news reaches us via The Olive Press, “The best English newspaper in southern Spain.”

The headline announces:

Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann case
Link… Link to what?

A PILE of discarded cigarette butts could have been the link to finding missing Madeleine McCann. A witness claims the discarded butts were found on a shared balcony that had a bird’s eye view of the apartment in Portugal, from where toddler was snatched a few days before her fourth birthday in 2007.
Why is this witness unnamed?

However the tourist, who contacted the police, insists detectives never took vital DNA evidence from them. She had stayed in the apartment a week after Maddie’s disappearance from Praia da Luz, while on a family holiday.
A week after the child vanished, as the parents, police, Robert Murat and the region swirled in a voracious media feeding frenzy this tourist was on the scene.

The tourist is quoted as having told “detectives”:

“You could see the front and back of the building from that view point. It was as if there had been someone stood there for some time smoking. I thought that was odd and it could have been someone watching the McCann’s apartment to monitor their comings and goings.”
Cigarette butts on the balcony at a holiday resort frequented by families, you say. Round up the usual suspects…

Spotter: Karen


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Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case Empty ?

Post by aniandr 09.08.12 20:27

I dont get the clue? Isnt it normal 2 drink beer and smoke to Many cigs on holiday? Blaim the cleaninglady for not doing her job! Jeez....

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Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case Empty Re: Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case

Post by Guest 09.08.12 20:34

aniandr wrote:I dont get the clue? Isnt it normal 2 drink beer and smoke to Many cigs on holiday? Blaim the cleaninglady for not doing her job! Jeez....

It was probably the cleaning lady having crafty fags on the balconyMissing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case 82678

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Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case Empty Re: Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case

Post by Cristobell 09.08.12 20:42

This is a bit of nothing story. It would have been easy enough to trace previous occupants/holidaymakers who used the apartment and I am sure they would have been interviewed, especially if they had such a good view of 5A.

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Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case Empty Re: Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case

Post by Lance De Boils 09.08.12 22:24

If this tourist was staying there a week after Maddie's disappearance, they had obviously heard of it. They spotted a pile of dog ends and were very concerned that they weren't being taken for analysis. If it was me and I was that concerned, I'd have packed them into a carrier bag and brought them home to a UK police station. But then that's me. (Customs officers might have thought WTF?! if they opened my case, but that's another issue!) This holiday maker must have thought, "hey - potential evidence there being overlooked - ah well, never mind."
Another non-story... spin
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Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case Empty Re: Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case

Post by monkey mind 10.08.12 6:34

PeterMac wrote:
uppatoffee wrote:Why now? Whenever one of these stories appears, it's always to try and cover up something else that is happening.
My guess, for what it is worth, is that that TM keep being mentioned in relation to the Tia case, in the same context as Shannon Matthews.
This is deeply worrying to TM, so NI have got the Sun to get the OP to publish this piece, so that they, the Sun, can report it second hand tomorrow morning to draw attention away.
Worth quite a lot that guess I'd say.....

Because it happens to be mine also big grin high5

See! See! Cigarette butts! Across the way! Can only mean one thing! Abductor! Nothing like the Tia or Shannon Matthews cases! Nothing like them at all! Can't have anything to do with the family 'cos there's abductors butts across the way! Probably smoked them while he was preparing his drug cocktail to knock out the twins! Judging by how far down they've been smoked I certainly wouldn't think it was a speedo oh no! Probably one half of a childless couple! Do you see what this means!?!? Quick, quick what's the number of Grange?? Whitehall 1212 isn't it?? An the fund, where's your credit card?? Go on quick quick, go fetch it!! No, no, Grange can wait.....
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Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case Empty Re: Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case

Post by aiyoyo 10.08.12 8:51

If the insinuation is that the chain smoker could be the abductor, then the supposed abductor must have superb self restraining power mustn't he because he definitely wasn't smoking when he was hiding in the room from Gerry and when he did the dry run night before.

Well, the mccanns didn't mention anything about cigarettes smell despite insinuating the abductor left tea-stain on Madeleine's pyjamas during the dry run.


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Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case Empty Re: Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case

Post by aiyoyo 10.08.12 8:58

PeterMac wrote:
uppatoffee wrote:Why now? Whenever one of these stories appears, it's always to try and cover up something else that is happening.
My guess, for what it is worth, is that that TM keep being mentioned in relation to the Tia case, in the same context as Shannon Matthews.
This is deeply worrying to TM, so NI have got the Sun to get the OP to publish this piece, so that they, the Sun, can report it second hand tomorrow morning to draw attention away.
I have been restrained in my comment to the OP, but will ask Jon C sometime why he is publishing things from 4 year old statements.

Well, don't be surprised Jon C will be very restrained where truthful answer is concerned.

I don't see the need for OP to print from 4-year old statements especially since the Yard is still on the review. So the publication of such a statement by Jon C must have an "innocent" explanation doubtless especially if supplied by team mccanns HQ.

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Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case Empty Re: Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case

Post by tigger 10.08.12 9:26

Missed you Aiyoyo!

Shall we coin the phrase 'whitewashing news'?
Whitewashing being a useful word to precede other nouns in this case...

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Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case Empty Re: Missing link overlooked in the Madeleine McCann Case

Post by Guest 10.08.12 11:15

PAT BROWN@ProfilerPatB
Who is behind all these idiotic stories in The Olive Press? #McCann [url= …][/url]

PAT BROWN@ProfilerPatB

@DodgyDrPayne Correct, but when I read stupid leads on the McCanns, why does The Olive Press keep popping up?

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