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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Mm11

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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Mm11

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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo

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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Empty Re: VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo

Post by Nina 20.07.12 17:47

Something I find very odd is the placing of one small box into that huge boot, it would have been bashing around every corner he took, unless of course he had a lot of stinking rubbish to drop off on his journey.

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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Empty Re: VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo

Post by tuom 20.07.12 17:54

admin wrote:
anil39200 wrote:How long before we see the ambassador carrying a little doggie in her handbag to a public appearance. Ooops forget not keen on doggies is she?

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No, she prefers a cat in her bag [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Empty Re: VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo

Post by tigger 20.07.12 17:57

ShuBob wrote:
candyfloss wrote:I don't understand why they let this be broadcast. Surely you would get that cut from the film, after all it was their friend who filmed it?

Makes no sense, does it?

I think it probably was Gerry's idea to show it to further paint Kate as an unstable character in case charges were to be laid further down the line. IMO, the stage was being set for Kate to take the fall.

Well, we have the broken bed which was kicked by Kate on the night of the 3rd. We have her wildly flapping hands, the whoosh - clunk. That click of the tongue - then we also have Gerry allegedly saying he would stand by her -when they were made arguidos. (I couldn't find the ref for this - it came from another poster).
We have Kate taking the arguido bit a lot better than Gerry did and we have her swearing at Mrs. Fenn and reciting the famous mantra f.....t..... where any good catholic would be calling on the intercession of Our Lady or a suitable saint.

We seem to have a woman who is burning inside with a deep and fiery anger. I love the photograph of Kate leaving the police station and her Portuguese lawyer d'Aubreu? looking at her with a mixture of amusement and caution.
Then there is the way Gerry looks at her in one of the photographs taken at the Madrid launch of the book. As if he is sitting next to an unexploded bomb.

Certainly in the beginning a lot of the initiative lay with Gerry and there is one interview where he leans over to her and says something like 'Belt up'. Being managed in other words.

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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Empty Re: VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo

Post by Guest 20.07.12 17:57

tigger wrote:
candyfloss wrote:I don't understand why they let this be broadcast. Surely you would get that cut from the film, after all it was their friend who filmed it?

Didn't Jon Corner go along with them to Huelva, yet no shots of them distributing leaflets were used in the film? That was only one or two days later.
There are a few clips and just the one cameraman JC probably. Surely the Huelva trip would have been useful, actually showing them distributing leaflets in the deserted looking bus station.

Talking of Huelva, why was Jon Corner and film crew based there when doing this filming? It's around 110 miles from Huelva to PDL, why would they be based so far away. Why if filming the McCanns at their apartment did they not stay in PDL??

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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Empty Re: VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo

Post by ShuBob 20.07.12 18:07

tigger wrote:
ShuBob wrote:
candyfloss wrote:I don't understand why they let this be broadcast. Surely you would get that cut from the film, after all it was their friend who filmed it?

Makes no sense, does it?

I think it probably was Gerry's idea to show it to further paint Kate as an unstable character in case charges were to be laid further down the line. IMO, the stage was being set for Kate to take the fall.

Well, we have the broken bed which was kicked by Kate on the night of the 3rd. We have her wildly flapping hands, the whoosh - clunk. That click of the tongue - then we also have Gerry allegedly saying he would stand by her -when they were made arguidos. (I couldn't find the ref for this - it came from another poster).
We have Kate taking the arguido bit a lot better than Gerry did and we have her swearing at Mrs. Fenn and reciting the famous mantra f.....t..... where any good catholic would be calling on the intercession of Our Lady or a suitable saint.

We seem to have a woman who is burning inside with a deep and fiery anger. I love the photograph of Kate leaving the police station and her Portuguese lawyer d'Aubreu? looking at her with a mixture of amusement and caution.
Then there is the way Gerry looks at her in one of the photographs taken at the Madrid launch of the book. As if he is sitting next to an unexploded bomb.

Certainly in the beginning a lot of the initiative lay with Gerry and there is one interview where he leans over to her and says something like 'Belt up'. Being managed in other words.

Not forgeting when Gerry wrote in an early blog insinuating Kate struggled to cope alone with the kids when he was away on call and how other family members came over to help her. At the time, I just couldn't understand why he felt the need to share such information.

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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Empty Re: VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo

Post by Spaniel 20.07.12 19:22

tigger wrote:
ShuBob wrote:
candyfloss wrote:I don't understand why they let this be broadcast. Surely you would get that cut from the film, after all it was their friend who filmed it?

Makes no sense, does it?

I think it probably was Gerry's idea to show it to further paint Kate as an unstable character in case charges were to be laid further down the line. IMO, the stage was being set for Kate to take the fall.

Well, we have the broken bed which was kicked by Kate on the night of the 3rd. We have her wildly flapping hands, the whoosh - clunk. That click of the tongue - then we also have Gerry allegedly saying he would stand by her -when they were made arguidos. (I couldn't find the ref for this - it came from another poster).
We have Kate taking the arguido bit a lot better than Gerry did and we have her swearing at Mrs. Fenn and reciting the famous mantra f.....t..... where any good catholic would be calling on the intercession of Our Lady or a suitable saint.

We seem to have a woman who is burning inside with a deep and fiery anger. I love the photograph of Kate leaving the police station and her Portuguese lawyer d'Aubreu? looking at her with a mixture of amusement and caution.
Then there is the way Gerry looks at her in one of the photographs taken at the Madrid launch of the book. As if he is sitting next to an unexploded bomb.

Certainly in the beginning a lot of the initiative lay with Gerry and there is one interview where he leans over to her and says something like 'Belt up'. Being managed in other words.

The power between them shifted in the early days would you say tigger? He definitely started it, leading her to the press like a lamb to the slaughter. It was obvious who was to blame and it was her, well according to him. I remarked that she was an abused wife and was met with a torrent of abuse that she was sedated.

Something happened behind the scenes as she took over and was the strong one on questioning. That I believe is because he knew what happened and she didn't, so could hardly answer the questions asked.

If someone can bring up the pics of their visit/exit to be questioned. She looked the best ever. He entered normally.

Watch them exit. She is supremely confident, why? Take a look at his face on exit. It has completely altered shape. He was so traumatised and was that for his wife? Of cause not.

I believe she carried the can for him which gave her immense power.

I have no idea why GA placed the blame on her. It could quite easily have been him.

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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Empty Re: VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo

Post by tigger 20.07.12 19:46

One other snippet from the film is that they wanted the FBI to be called in, instead the PJ called in the specialist dog team from GB.
They can't have watched this film very attentively themselves, as Gerry has on more than one occasion said it was their idea to get the dogs in.
Both of the McCanns also like to mix up the two sets of dogs, the GNR search and rescue dogs and Eddie and Keela. Confusion is good Gerry, but doesn't always work.

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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Empty Re: VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo

Post by Spaniel 20.07.12 19:50

candyfloss wrote:I don't understand why they let this be broadcast. Surely you would get that cut from the film, after all it was their friend who filmed it?

I watched that candyfloss and I wondered also. Some thoughts and what a friend eh?

Corner wanted to make a name for himself, no matter what the cost to their friendship.

They knew they were on the up, so let Corner cling to their coat tails.

"Missing People" and the Mccanns were already involved. Corner was filming for them.

He was as high as her!!

He wanted to show her for what she is.



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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Empty Re: VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo

Post by littlepixie 20.07.12 19:51

I think they filmed the car boot pretending it was the day they were going to Huelva, when in fact it wasn't. They filmed the boot so that everyone could see there was "no Madeleine" in there. They could have moved her before then.

Corner came over to PDL the day AFTER Eddie and Keela searched Apartment 5A and the day BEFORE the dogs searched the Villa.

IIRC Gerry was seen driving past 5A as the dogs were searching it so he knew what would be coming next IMO.

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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Empty Re: VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo

Post by Liz Eagles 20.07.12 19:52

tigger wrote:One other snippet from the film is that they wanted the FBI to be called in, instead the PJ called in the specialist dog team from GB.
They can't have watched this film very attentively themselves, as Gerry has on more than one occasion said it was their idea to get the dogs in.
Both of the McCanns also like to mix up the two sets of dogs, the GNR search and rescue dogs and Eddie and Keela. Confusion is good Gerry, but doesn't always work.

As Mr Grimes is apparently working for the FBI now, perhaps their wish could be granted and he'll hot-foot it back. The trousers must still be somewhere, the floor of the apartment is still for the car.....

The irony of that!

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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Empty Re: VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo

Post by ShuBob 20.07.12 19:54

Spaniel, that's interesting because I think of the two it's Kate who's more likely to have been responsible for what happened to Maddie. She doesn't appear to me the type who's willing to carry the can for someone else. On the contrary!

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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Empty Re: VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo

Post by ShuBob 20.07.12 19:57

Spaniel wrote:
candyfloss wrote:I don't understand why they let this be broadcast. Surely you would get that cut from the film, after all it was their friend who filmed it?

I watched that candyfloss and I wondered also. Some thoughts and what a friend eh?

Corner wanted to make a name for himself, no matter what the cost to their friendship.

They knew they were on the up, so let Corner cling to their coat tails.

"Missing People" and the Mccanns were already involved. Corner was filming for them.

He was as high as her!!

He wanted to show her for what she is.

I believe Corner was flogging his footage for £10k at a time.

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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Empty Re: VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo

Post by Liz Eagles 20.07.12 19:59

ShuBob wrote:
Spaniel wrote:
candyfloss wrote:I don't understand why they let this be broadcast. Surely you would get that cut from the film, after all it was their friend who filmed it?

I watched that candyfloss and I wondered also. Some thoughts and what a friend eh?

Corner wanted to make a name for himself, no matter what the cost to their friendship.

They knew they were on the up, so let Corner cling to their coat tails.

"Missing People" and the Mccanns were already involved. Corner was filming for them.

He was as high as her!!

He wanted to show her for what she is.

I believe Corner was flogging his footage for £10k at a time.

Who paid him for the assignment? anyone know?
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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Empty Re: VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo

Post by ShuBob 20.07.12 20:02

Aquila, I think it was a money-making venture cooked up by Corner himself and the McCanns. When challenged after information came out that he was charging for the footage, he claimed the money was going into the fund.

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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Empty Re: VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo

Post by Guest 20.07.12 20:04

Spaniel wrote:If someone can bring up the pics of their visit/exit to be questioned. She looked the best ever. He entered normally.

Watch them exit. She is supremely confident, why? Take a look at his face on exit. It has completely altered shape. He was so traumatised and was that for his wife? Of cause not.

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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Empty Re: VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo

Post by tuom 20.07.12 20:08

tigger wrote:One other snippet from the film is that they wanted the FBI to be called in, instead the PJ called in the specialist dog team from GB.
They can't have watched this film very attentively themselves, as Gerry has on more than one occasion said it was their idea to get the dogs in.
Both of the McCanns also like to mix up the two sets of dogs, the GNR search and rescue dogs and Eddie and Keela. Confusion is good Gerry, but doesn't always work.

Ah , but I think they may have , I am surprised it is still around , it may explain why she rarely was interviewed alone after that , that clicking of her tongue has put me in bad form ! tsk tsk oh god [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Empty Re: VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo

Post by tigger 20.07.12 20:08

ShuBob wrote:Spaniel, that's interesting because I think of the two it's Kate who's more likely to have been responsible for what happened to Maddie. She doesn't appear to me the type who's willing to carry the can for someone else. On the contrary!

That's what I think. Gerry's smugness comes from the fact that he got the result he wanted without getting his hands dirty. If you look at Forensic Linguistics, on returning to the UK (having phoned Sky to tell them to be at the airport) he said ...' if only to say that I had no part in the disappearance etc ....
Dr. Roberts interprets this as ' had no active part'.
Kate's fury - a word she used frequently in the bewk - seems a likely source of trouble.

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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Empty Re: VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo

Post by Liz Eagles 20.07.12 20:11

ShuBob wrote:Aquila, I think it was a money-making venture cooked up by Corner himself and the McCanns. When challenged after information came out that he was charging for the footage, he claimed the money was going into the fund.

Thanks Shubob,

This is new info for me and begs the question who was buying the footage at whatever price?

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Sir Winston Churchill: “Diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for directions.”
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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Empty Re: VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo

Post by tigger 20.07.12 20:15

ShuBob wrote:Aquila, I think it was a money-making venture cooked up by Corner himself and the McCanns. When challenged after information came out that he was charging for the footage, he claimed the money was going into the fund.

Jon Corner made a film about Maddie - a year on? The snow white one, which also has a number of questionable photographs in it. This was posted on the internet. I think the double icecream photo features in it as well.
The video above reminded me of that because both films are shot with a very 'kind' lens which blurs wrinkles and so on.
Jon Corner is also the person who gave a very suggestive description of Maddie, worse than the Payne one and that was pretty weird.

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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Empty Re: VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo

Post by ShuBob 20.07.12 20:18

aquila wrote:
ShuBob wrote:Aquila, I think it was a money-making venture cooked up by Corner himself and the McCanns. When challenged after information came out that he was charging for the footage, he claimed the money was going into the fund.

Thanks Shubob,

This is new info for me and begs the question who was buying the footage at whatever price?

I think Panorama paid for it's use. I suspect other broadcasters both local and foreign may have paid as well.

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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Empty Re: VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo

Post by ShuBob 20.07.12 20:20

tigger wrote:
ShuBob wrote:Aquila, I think it was a money-making venture cooked up by Corner himself and the McCanns. When challenged after information came out that he was charging for the footage, he claimed the money was going into the fund.

Jon Corner made a film about Maddie - a year on? The snow white one, which also has a number of questionable photographs in it. This was posted on the internet. I think the double icecream photo features in it as well.
The video above reminded me of that because both films are shot with a very 'kind' lens which blurs wrinkles and so on.
Jon Corner is also the person who gave a very suggestive description of Maddie, worse than the Payne one and that was pretty weird.

Ah, his dreaded Vanity Fair interview. If he reads it back and doesn't cringe at his words then he's a weirder man than I think he is.

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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Empty Re: VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo

Post by Liz Eagles 20.07.12 20:23

ShuBob wrote:
tigger wrote:
ShuBob wrote:Aquila, I think it was a money-making venture cooked up by Corner himself and the McCanns. When challenged after information came out that he was charging for the footage, he claimed the money was going into the fund.

Jon Corner made a film about Maddie - a year on? The snow white one, which also has a number of questionable photographs in it. This was posted on the internet. I think the double icecream photo features in it as well.
The video above reminded me of that because both films are shot with a very 'kind' lens which blurs wrinkles and so on.
Jon Corner is also the person who gave a very suggestive description of Maddie, worse than the Payne one and that was pretty weird.

Ah, his dreaded Vanity Fair interview. If he reads it back and doesn't cringe at his words then he's a weirder man than I think he is.

do you have a link? my brain's fried today and I don't know where to look it up.
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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Empty Re: VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo

Post by ShuBob 20.07.12 20:27

aquila wrote:
ShuBob wrote:
tigger wrote:
ShuBob wrote:Aquila, I think it was a money-making venture cooked up by Corner himself and the McCanns. When challenged after information came out that he was charging for the footage, he claimed the money was going into the fund.

Jon Corner made a film about Maddie - a year on? The snow white one, which also has a number of questionable photographs in it. This was posted on the internet. I think the double icecream photo features in it as well.
The video above reminded me of that because both films are shot with a very 'kind' lens which blurs wrinkles and so on.
Jon Corner is also the person who gave a very suggestive description of Maddie, worse than the Payne one and that was pretty weird.

Ah, his dreaded Vanity Fair interview. If he reads it back and doesn't cringe at his words then he's a weirder man than I think he is.

do you have a link? my brain's fried today and I don't know where to look it up.


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“So beautiful, astonishingly bright, and I’d have to say very charismatic. She would shine out of a crowd, ”family friend Jon Corner says of the child. “So—God forgive me—maybe that’s part of the problem. That special quality. Some bastard picked up on that.”

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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Empty Re: VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo

Post by Liz Eagles 20.07.12 21:09

ShuBob wrote:
tigger wrote:
ShuBob wrote:Aquila, I think it was a money-making venture cooked up by Corner himself and the McCanns. When challenged after information came out that he was charging for the footage, he claimed the money was going into the fund.

Jon Corner made a film about Maddie - a year on? The snow white one, which also has a number of questionable photographs in it. This was posted on the internet. I think the double icecream photo features in it as well.
The video above reminded me of that because both films are shot with a very 'kind' lens which blurs wrinkles and so on.
Jon Corner is also the person who gave a very suggestive description of Maddie, worse than the Payne one and that was pretty weird.

Ah, his dreaded Vanity Fair interview. If he reads it back and doesn't cringe at his words then he's a weirder man than I think he is.

do you have a link? my brain's fried today and I don't know where to look it up.


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“So beautiful, astonishingly bright, and I’d have to say very charismatic. She would shine out of a crowd, ”family friend Jon Corner says of the child. “So—God forgive me—maybe that’s part of the problem. That special quality. Some bastard picked up on that.”

Thanks ShuBob, ploughing my way through it now.
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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Empty Re: VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo

Post by Guest 20.07.12 22:33

Easy guys, I don't see anything wrong about Corner's words personally. Or the 3 year anniversary video particularly.

He seems genuine to me in the 2007 Panorama, unlike some of the others interviewed in it. Why is Philomena grinning? Look at Mrs Healy's reaction when Bilton asks what state Kate was in on the night of May 3/4 when they spoke - she doesn't reply for 8 seconds. I think that's very revealing.


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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Empty Re: VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo

Post by Olive_Boyle 20.07.12 23:34

Why would someone so fastidious with cleanliness by wearing rubber gloves to carry, possibly dusty, boxes into the boot of a car then leave rotten meat and soiled nappies in it. That's what they said the smell/dna was, wasn't it?

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Post by marxman 20.07.12 23:58

Olive_Boyle wrote:Why would someone so fastidious with cleanliness by wearing rubber gloves to carry, possibly dusty, boxes into the boot of a car then leave rotten meat and soiled nappies in it. That's what they said the smell/dna was, wasn't it?

I think Gerry is wearing only one glove, which

maybe a case of forgetting to take it off after

handling something before hand. Nobody to

my mind puts only one glove on intentionally,

unless of course they only have the one.

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Post by Clouseau 21.07.12 0:29

is it me or what ? ............what about the glove ? anybody ?

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VIDEO - Kate McCann interviewed by Jon Corner - HiDeHo - Page 2 Empty Come on, let's not add more crap to this case!

Post by ProfessorPPlum 21.07.12 0:54

It's not a glove folks.

If anything it's a yellow bracelet that flashes by.
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Post by Oh come on 21.07.12 1:15

Clouseau wrote:is it me or what ? ............what about the glove ? anybody ?

It could be a red herring.

from wiki

A red herring, according to the Oxford English Dictionary ([You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]), is a clue which is intentionally or unintentionally misleading or distracting from the actual issue.[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] The term is mostly used to claim that the argument of another person is not relevant to the issue being discussed. In [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.], a clue or lead that turns out not to be relevant to the solution of the mystery would also be a red herring.

Coincidentally, one of the books on the night table was mystery fiction. The Interpretation Of Murder.

from wiki

The Interpretation of Murder, published in 2006, is [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]'s first novel. The book is written in the first person perspective of Dr. Stratham Younger, supposedly an American psychoanalyst. Other events where he is not present he is informed upon so that he has enough knowledge to write and comment on them.
Oh come on

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