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Clutching at straws! Mm11

Clutching at straws! Regist10
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Clutching at straws! Mm11

Clutching at straws! Regist10

Clutching at straws!

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Clutching at straws! Empty Clutching at straws!

Post by Guest 03.05.12 11:54

Latest tweets from Martin Brunt..................


#McCann Information from psychics and dreamers sent to Crimestoppers in early days of investigation newly discovered


#McCann Madeleine's parents say psychic information should not be dismissed out of hand.


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Clutching at straws! Empty Re: Clutching at straws!

Post by Guest 03.05.12 11:58

Nick Bennett‏@njbennett

@skymartinbrunt Is this psychic/dreamer information part of Redwood's new 195 leads? I do hope you are joking. #McCann

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Clutching at straws! Empty Re: Clutching at straws!

Post by Guest 03.05.12 12:05


@skymartinbrunt nevermind cadaver dogs, let's listen to peoples dreams and visions #McCann

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Clutching at straws! Empty Re: Clutching at straws!

Post by friedtomatoes 03.05.12 12:14

If they believed a psychic could help they would have used them all this time. I've watched psychic detectives on TV and there are a few examples where they really seemed to help the police in cold cases.

The two men who were recently on a Portuguese SIC documentary seemed to think she had passed over. One of those as well as three others I found on the web, seemed to think she had an injury to her head.


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Clutching at straws! Empty Re: Clutching at straws!

Post by tigger 03.05.12 14:00

I think we had quite a discussion on psychics in the Swansea connection. I'm open to believe that they can pick up things. From what I've read it seems it can work but only if there are no other influences in the form of publications, opinions etc. In other words, the trail must be fresh or it must never have been discussed by anyone else.

But I just posted somewhere else what Clarrie said last year - there are 500 or so psychic leads which still need investigating -. Well, dig deep, good people of Britain, because even SY isn't going to discount these leads, quite the opposite in fact.

Failing witnesses, we're getting dreams and visions.

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Clutching at straws! Empty Re: Clutching at straws!

Post by jd 03.05.12 14:39


#McCann Madeleine's parents say psychic information should not be dismissed out of hand

Martin, maybe you mean Amanda Hart who "she too had a child taken away from her at a very early age: (see her Madeleine - Psychic Tracker diary)” Considering my daughter was taken just before her birthday, was nick-named Maddy after the character in the programme ‘Moonlighting’, had blonde hair (which was why she took on this nickname) and was now living on this island, I paid attention. I was then reminded that I was told she would come back into my life when she was 16/17 years of age. She is 16 now. This was clarifying what I was originally shown of her being returned"


her friend Diane Lazarus who says " she will fly out to Portugal on Wednesday (9th May 2007) at the request of a family friend. She will visit the holiday apartment on the Warner development at Praia da Luz where Madeline was staying when she vanished. Mum of two Diane, who has helped police in high profile investigations including the Jill Dando and Sarah Payne murder cases, thinks her skills can detect vital clues to who abducted the child and where she could be now.

The psychic believes:
· Maddy is still alive
· She isn't in Portugal
· She has now been disguised as a boy

Diane told the Daily Star exclusively she hopes to link up Maddy's devastated parents once she gets there.

Diane and Redwood both worked on the Jill Dando case...connection there. Diane also worked with lori campbell and clarence eden mitchell on the Soham case...another connection there

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Clutching at straws! Empty Re: Clutching at straws!

Post by tigger 03.05.12 14:42

to finish your sentence, JD. so did Clarence Mitchell - work on the Soham case. Isn't is surprising that we got a photograph of Maddie in an Everton shirt within about ten days? The one that's the easiest to detect as a photoshop - paste the face on - job? Didn't that remind the public of that other iconic photograph of two young girls in the new Manchester strip?

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Clutching at straws! Empty Re: Clutching at straws!

Post by jd 03.05.12 14:43

tigger wrote:to finish your sentence, JD. so did Clarence Mitchell - work on the Soham case. Isn't is surprising that we got a photograph of Maddie in an Everton shirt within about ten days? The one that's the easiest to detect as a photoshop - paste the face on - job?

Exactly Tigger!

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Clutching at straws! Empty Re: Clutching at straws!

Post by russiandoll 03.05.12 14:54

Martin Brunt mentioned that Leicestershire Police were so overwhelmed with info in the early days that they told Crimestoppers not to pass info from dreamers and psychics over.
Makes sense to me, however if this is now being spun as something that should not have been done by LP, then the logical thing now is for the tabloid media to criticise a UK force for being less than thorough.
Amaral said last week that the leads Redwood spoke of were all dreams and psychic stuff didn't he?


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Clutching at straws! Empty Re: Clutching at straws!

Post by jd 03.05.12 15:04


Martin this might a clue you can tweet....

Amanda Hart points out in her post June 13th-15th or just after that, SHE SAW A DOVE AND IT INDICATED PEACE HAD COME FOR MADDY AT LAST!

On meeting the Pope 1st June....During the ceremony, a butterfly landed on kates's yellow and green hair ribbons, flew away ? then returned minutes later to her lapel. She said: "It was strange, but lovely. It was like a small sign of hope."

In KM's diary she says:"Later on, Clarence (Foreign Office family liaison) told me that, before that (meeting the Pope), a butterfly had flown above and had landed on the bow on my hair. ..." (fancy that)

oh but....

One sequence told the story of a previous manager/producer of the Theatre Royal, Bath who wrote all of the successful pantomimes performed there. One year he unfortunately died before his pantomime went on stage. His son took over proceedings and the show went ahead without his father's spectacular butterfly scene, and it went down badly. When it was reintroduced, a ghostly butterfly suddenly appeared and fluttered around the dancers for the duration of their act. All went well that night and the dancing sequence was kept in for the rest of the season. It was seen as a symbol of good luck and hope.
It is now immortalised as a mascot and guardian of the theatre.
I've found this description which tells roughly the same story as told on our DVD --

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Clarence Mitchell would know all about this local theatre ghost story.

He lives in Bath.

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Clutching at straws! Empty Re: Clutching at straws!

Post by sweetex 03.05.12 15:11

I was thinking now, what if they use all of these to have the case reopened? They surely can't say in public they want the investigation to go on because the McCanns are still the main suspects and they suspect them of being guilty in either killing/concealing the body or whatever.

What if they have reason to believe what we do, but are using all the sightings/psychics etc to put pressure on PT to open the case. I for one think, if PT opens this case, and the case continue where Amaral has left off, this whole saga is going to change direction. I am sure SY knows that too. Why are they "urging" PT to open the case?

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Clutching at straws! Empty Re: Clutching at straws!

Post by russiandoll 03.05.12 15:27

SY seem to be leaving no stone unturned with this psychic stuff.


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