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A handy 'Telegraph' guide to the 9 abductors and 2 abductresses we are supposed to be looking for - Page 2 Mm11

A handy 'Telegraph' guide to the 9 abductors and 2 abductresses we are supposed to be looking for - Page 2 Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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A handy 'Telegraph' guide to the 9 abductors and 2 abductresses we are supposed to be looking for - Page 2 Mm11

A handy 'Telegraph' guide to the 9 abductors and 2 abductresses we are supposed to be looking for - Page 2 Regist10

A handy 'Telegraph' guide to the 9 abductors and 2 abductresses we are supposed to be looking for

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A handy 'Telegraph' guide to the 9 abductors and 2 abductresses we are supposed to be looking for - Page 2 Empty Re: A handy 'Telegraph' guide to the 9 abductors and 2 abductresses we are supposed to be looking for

Post by bunny 21.02.10 17:48

had a look at that but I can not recall anything in the files to back that statment up. Sasha could you have a look in the files for that proof as I dont think a link to someones opinion cuts it IMO as proof.

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A handy 'Telegraph' guide to the 9 abductors and 2 abductresses we are supposed to be looking for - Page 2 Empty Re: A handy 'Telegraph' guide to the 9 abductors and 2 abductresses we are supposed to be looking for

Post by bunny 21.02.10 18:02

Found it was a sketch done by the PJ and Jane. The PJ apparently didnt have the software to do a face!I'm assuming that they had to wait to get that software from somewhere else as Im sure they did do some photofits later on. Why on earth the pj felt that would look like anyone is beyond me.

I needed to that sketch that first night, I
mean, they took me in to do the sketch, but they only had, erm, front facing software,
so you know, and at that point I said, you know, is there, can I do, because the clothes
and everything was the thing was the thing that was the most in my mind then and I
can remember saying to the chap I met on the stairs earlier, I think it’s (inaudible), is
4078 “Yeah”.
Reply “Because he took me in the car back and forth and I can remember saying to him on
the way back ‘Look, is there a way I can do a sketch with clothes, you know, do you
have software or any way that I can do a sketch of the clothes or a side, a side view’.
And he sort of said ‘No, we don’t have that feasible, you know, feasibility or
availability’. And I said then ‘Can I do that when I go back to the UK’, you know,
because at that point it was in my head and it would have been, and they were the bits
that I think would have been recognisable to get down on paper. But at that point it
was like ‘Oh no, we can’t do that, we don’t work in that way’. Which I can
understand and, you know, now obviously I think ‘Oh I should have pushed and
really pushed’, but at that point you rely on, you don’t, you know, you’re just in such
shock and you just think ‘Okay that’s the way things do’, but”.
4078 “Yeah”.

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A handy 'Telegraph' guide to the 9 abductors and 2 abductresses we are supposed to be looking for - Page 2 Empty Re: A handy 'Telegraph' guide to the 9 abductors and 2 abductresses we are supposed to be looking for

Post by SashaM 21.02.10 18:57

Sorry I was late getting back on here ....thank you for finding it Bunny.

Got to agree with you, it's the worst sketch of a suspect I've ever seen too :D To me it looks like a hand drawn sketch. Do they really have software to create images of suspects that end up looking like that?

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Post by bunny 21.02.10 19:26

I agree and thats what makes me think it might be the guy from the video shops....could be wrong but i just couldnt see a police force 1. releasing it and 2. having software that is that basic.

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A handy 'Telegraph' guide to the 9 abductors and 2 abductresses we are supposed to be looking for - Page 2 Empty Re: A handy 'Telegraph' guide to the 9 abductors and 2 abductresses we are supposed to be looking for

Post by Cath 21.02.10 21:48

Here's the link to the original article.

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At the end there's a bit of interesting information about the rivalry between the PJ and GNR.

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A handy 'Telegraph' guide to the 9 abductors and 2 abductresses we are supposed to be looking for - Page 2 Empty Re: A handy 'Telegraph' guide to the 9 abductors and 2 abductresses we are supposed to be looking for

Post by aliberte2 21.02.10 22:51

Autumn wrote:Wheres the Ruddi Gullit looky likey? From what I remember it looked liked something the twins might have drawn laugh

I'm sure Madeleine, Wherever She Is, Appreciates This Comment mUch more Than the People who Threw Her Birthday PArties, Keep Searching for Her, are Fighting Against People who Want Others to Search for Her, who Gave Birth to Her, Hugged Her, Cuddled Her, Took her to PreSchool, Got Her an Everton Jersey, Etc. etc.

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A handy 'Telegraph' guide to the 9 abductors and 2 abductresses we are supposed to be looking for - Page 2 Empty Re: A handy 'Telegraph' guide to the 9 abductors and 2 abductresses we are supposed to be looking for

Post by SashaM 21.02.10 23:21

Thank you Inyx....I think the article you found clears up the confusion:

Quote from the article:

But they have, apparently, shown a sketch like this to residents in Praia da Luz.

One of them was Simon Russell, 40, runs a video store and Internet cafe in the former fishing village.

"I smiled when they showed it to me. What else could you do?" he said.

He said the sketch was so simple it was easy for him to recreate, and it is Mr Russell's drawing that is used here.

It seems that Jane Tanner drew the original but it was Simon Russell's copy that was used/printed. So really, everyone was right in a way. Shame the Telegraph couldn't make things as clear. Might've saved us all some time if they had.

Thank you Bunny and Inyx for all your help thumbsup I'm off to be now....night everyone.

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