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(2 Appendices added) 'Q' wants to know why none of Madeleine's DNA was found in Apt G5A (Long) - Page 2 Mm11

(2 Appendices added) 'Q' wants to know why none of Madeleine's DNA was found in Apt G5A (Long) - Page 2 Regist10
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(2 Appendices added) 'Q' wants to know why none of Madeleine's DNA was found in Apt G5A (Long) - Page 2 Mm11

(2 Appendices added) 'Q' wants to know why none of Madeleine's DNA was found in Apt G5A (Long) - Page 2 Regist10

(2 Appendices added) 'Q' wants to know why none of Madeleine's DNA was found in Apt G5A (Long)

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(2 Appendices added) 'Q' wants to know why none of Madeleine's DNA was found in Apt G5A (Long) - Page 2 Empty 12 hairs pulled out by the root

Post by Tony Bennett 21.11.11 8:38

PeterMac wrote:
Smokeandmirrors wrote:A couple of things are bothering me regarding this thread. Two things I cannot understand:
1) Why can a DNA profile not be extracted from a hair, as opposed to a swab from inside the mouth?
DNA is the chromosomal content of the nucleus of a cell. A mouth swab takes living cells from the inside of the mouth. Hair is keratin and is dead, (whatever the hair product adverts urge to the contrary) It does not contain cells and cannot therefore be used for DNA profiling - except if roots are attached. They are living and are the cells which excrete the keratin. So plucked hair can be used, though strictly it is the hair follicle which is analysed, and sometimes one may find sufficient roots on hairs on the brush to make it possible.
I can confirm this from a different perspective. In the summer of 2001 I was arrested by Essex Police over the issue of amending a road sign which had illegally been erected using a metric distance ('50 metres' in this case). When I say 'illegal', I mean that the relevant highways regulations - The Traffic Signs Regulations Directions and General Directions 1994 - prescribed only distances in Imperial units - miles, yards etc. On arrest and detention in the custody suite, I was taken for fingerprinting, mugshot and a DNA sample. I was offered a choice for a DNA sample: a mouth swab, or a minimum of 10 hairs extracted by the root. After carefully reading the regulations, I elected for the pulling of 10 hairs from the root. This the police officer spent ages trying to convince me was a mistake. However, I held my ground and then there was a comical performance of his trying to get 10 haris out. On examining the regulations, the police officer had to wear plastic gloves, and this made it almost impossible to pull the hairs out. He succeeeded eventually, taking 12 'just to be on the safe side'.

I was charged and the case went to court. However, the owner of the sign, British Airways Authority, eventually conceded before the case came to trial that their sign contravened the regulations, and as Section 131(b) of the Highways Act 1980 allows anyone to obliterate or destroy any sign 'unlawfully placed on the highway', they withdrew their evidence and the case was dropped. I had represented myself and was entitled to claim my costs from the prosecution - £360.

After a number of similar instances, the government in July 2002 read the Riot Act to all Chief Executives of authorites in the U.K., reminding them that all distance signs on the highway must be in miles and yards, not kilometres and miles.

In February 2006 the Labour government finally dropped its long-standing plans to metricate Britain's 2 million road signs at an estimated cost of £1,000,000,000.
Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett

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Post by happychick 21.11.11 8:41

PeterMac wrote:
Smokeandmirrors wrote:A couple of things are bothering me regarding this thread. Two things I cannot understand:
1) Why can a DNA profile not be extracted from a hair, as opposed to a swab from inside the mouth?
DNA is the chromosomal content of the nucleus of a cell. A mouth swab takes living cells from the inside of the mouth. Hair is keratin and is dead, (whatever the hair product adverts urge to the contrary) It does not contain cells and cannot therefore be used for DNA profiling - except if roots are attached. They are living and are the cells which excrete the keratin. So plucked hair can be used, though strictly it is the hair follicle which is analysed, and sometimes one may find sufficient roots on hairs on the brush to make it possible.

PeterMac, do you know how long a hair stays alive for once it's not attached to the body? presumably it begins to die as soon as it's not attached.

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Post by Guest 21.11.11 8:47

Tony Bennett wrote:Dave U. Random has changed his name and e-mail address but has sent me another e-mail in capital letters in response to a post further up the thread.

Here is the post, followed by Dave U. Randon's latest contribution to the debate:



U N I Q U E.
I agree, the 14 markers of Madeleine's bodily fluids found in their hire car just goes to prove this !!





- Not where spousal murder has taken place !!



IT IMPOSSIBLE TO UNMIX FOR FORENSIC PURPOSES. - the same utter rubbish and ramblings of the Lowe report.


THAT THE STAFF WERE BOOKING IN ANOTHER CHILD INSTEAD OF MADDY? - Did the staff already know Madeleine before that holiday then Dave, or how else are they to know?


I would think that the person who originally organised the whole event and I'm not talking about Payne here, took care of those details.


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(2 Appendices added) 'Q' wants to know why none of Madeleine's DNA was found in Apt G5A (Long) - Page 2 Empty Re: (2 Appendices added) 'Q' wants to know why none of Madeleine's DNA was found in Apt G5A (Long)

Post by Guest 21.11.11 9:04

joyce1938 wrote:i have read from another site where,it was admitted that all hairs were not chosen to be tested as some looked darker/lighter and not correct length,where did rest go and why on earth were not all collected tested?mind boggles joyce1938

You are referring to the hairs found in their hire car, which is a seperate subject.

Q's OP and comments relate to the hairs found in the apartment that all belonged to adults.

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(2 Appendices added) 'Q' wants to know why none of Madeleine's DNA was found in Apt G5A (Long) - Page 2 Empty Re: (2 Appendices added) 'Q' wants to know why none of Madeleine's DNA was found in Apt G5A (Long)

Post by pennylane 21.11.11 9:17

Tony Bennett wrote:
PeterMac wrote:
Smokeandmirrors wrote:A couple of things are bothering me regarding this thread. Two things I cannot understand:
1) Why can a DNA profile not be extracted from a hair, as opposed to a swab from inside the mouth?
DNA is the chromosomal content of the nucleus of a cell. A mouth swab takes living cells from the inside of the mouth. Hair is keratin and is dead, (whatever the hair product adverts urge to the contrary) It does not contain cells and cannot therefore be used for DNA profiling - except if roots are attached. They are living and are the cells which excrete the keratin. So plucked hair can be used, though strictly it is the hair follicle which is analysed, and sometimes one may find sufficient roots on hairs on the brush to make it possible.
I can confirm this from a different perspective. In the summer of 2001 I was arrested by Essex Police over the issue of amending a road sign which had illegally been erected using a metric distance ('50 metres' in this case). When I say 'illegal', I mean that the relevant highways regulations - The Traffic Signs Regulations Directions and General Directions 1994 - prescribed only distances in Imperial units - miles, yards etc. On arrest and detention in the custody suite, I was taken for fingerprinting, mugshot and a DNA sample. I was offered a choice for a DNA sample: a mouth swab, or a minimum of 10 hairs extracted by the root. After carefully reading the regulations, I elected for the pulling of 10 hairs from the root. This the police officer spent ages trying to convince me was a mistake. However, I held my ground and then there was a comical performance of his trying to get 10 haris out. On examining the regulations, the police officer had to wear plastic gloves, and this made it almost impossible to pull the hairs out. He succeeeded eventually, taking 12 'just to be on the safe side'.

I was charged and the case went to court. However, the owner of the sign, British Airways Authority, eventually conceded before the case came to trial that their sign contravened the regulations, and as Section 131(b) of the Highways Act 1980 allows anyone to obliterate or destroy any sign 'unlawfully placed on the highway', they withdrew their evidence and the case was dropped. I had represented myself and was entitled to claim my costs from the prosecution - £360.

After a number of similar instances, the government in July 2002 read the Riot Act to all Chief Executives of authorites in the U.K., reminding them that all distance signs on the highway must be in miles and yards, not kilometres and miles.

In February 2006 the Labour government finally dropped its long-standing plans to metricate Britain's 2 million road signs at an estimated cost of £1,000,000,000.

That was a great victory, and I applaud your efforts. Very well done, Tony! [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

What was your reason for requesting hair over a saliva analysis, and what happened to those hairs and the DNA results thereof, in light of the fact that the case was dropped against you?

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Post by Guest 21.11.11 9:18

TrollAng wrote:I find this very confusing. Are we saying:

There was no trace of Madeleine in the apartment because:

1. She was never in 5A That is a possibility that needs to be explored.
2. Her DNA traces were removed from the apartment (except for the trace evidence under the tiles) If the whole apartment had been scrubbed, then this is also a possibility.
3. They never looked for her DNA They searched for all DNA at the time.
4. The control DNA was wrong This is also something that needs to be considered.

It's unknown what control sample the eddie & keela samples were compared with? Exactly.

The Rothley pillow sample was compared with Madeleine's heel prick samples just after birth? Is it not illegal to keep these records without permission from the parents. Why would the parents allow them to be kept if there was a problem with Madeleine's DNA? Why did they agree to collect the control sample in Rothley and not in PDL, her DNA should have been all over everything including all of the artwork she did during her hours each day at the creche. Better samples would have come from been deep inside her tennis shoes and from her underwear.

Forensics retrieved 12 hairs from 3 of Madeleine's tops and excluded them all as Madeleine's potential DNA without testing them? This must have seemed more than unusual. Why didn't they then test the tops for skin samples to ascertain the DNA profile of the child who wore the tops? Skin cells recovered from the inside of her tops, especially from the armpit area would have been a good start.

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(2 Appendices added) 'Q' wants to know why none of Madeleine's DNA was found in Apt G5A (Long) - Page 2 Empty Re: (2 Appendices added) 'Q' wants to know why none of Madeleine's DNA was found in Apt G5A (Long)

Post by Tony Bennett 21.11.11 9:33

pennylane wrote:What was your reason for requesting hair over a saliva analysis...

REPLY: To make life as difficult as possible for the police officer. It was a form of protest against the police arresting me when I was actually enforcing the law.

...and what happened to those hairs and the DNA results thereof, in light of the fact that the case was dropped against you?

REPLY: A year earlier, the law had been changed, allowing the police to keep fingerprints, DNA and mugshots of anyone arrested, even if they were immediately released without charge. This was to help the police build up a massive DNA database. In a lab somewhere in the U.K., my 12 hairs remain, in case they're needed. I believe that the European Court of Human Rights later ruled that forcing anyone arrested to give over their DNA, even if wrongfully arrested, was going a bit far, so procedures have now been changed, I'm not sure what the precise rules are these days
Tony Bennett
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Post by pennylane 21.11.11 10:10

Tony Bennett wrote:
pennylane wrote:What was your reason for requesting hair over a saliva analysis...

REPLY: To make life as difficult as possible for the police officer. It was a form of protest against the police arresting me when I was actually enforcing the law.

...and what happened to those hairs and the DNA results thereof, in light of the fact that the case was dropped against you?

REPLY: A year earlier, the law had been changed, allowing the police to keep fingerprints, DNA and mugshots of anyone arrested, even if they were immediately released without charge. This was to help the police build up a massive DNA database. In a lab somewhere in the U.K., my 12 hairs remain, in case they're needed. I believe that the European Court of Human Rights later ruled that forcing anyone arrested to give over their DNA, even if wrongfully arrested, was going a bit far, so procedures have now been changed, I'm not sure what the precise rules are these days

Thank you for your reply. I think it horrifying that the police were able to keep your fingerprints and DNA results, particularly since the case was dropped against you, and your objections were later proven to be legally spot on! As for the hair analysis, although a greater hassle for the police, I think I would have opted for a saliva swab test as there's no way I would want them to have 12 of my hairs in a lab somewhere. I have very little trust in our police and their ability to avoid undue influence from above.

The McCanns and Clarence Mitchell are a constant reminder to me that the system is corrupt, and nobody in power cares about truth or justice. I believe the writing was on the wall where the MM case is concerned the moment the Birmingham FSS did a jaw dropping U-turn following the release of their first DNA results. (imo)

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Post by jd 21.11.11 10:22

pennylane wrote:
The McCanns and Clarence Mitchell are a constant reminder to me that the system is corrupt, and nobody in power cares about truth or justice

Perfectly said pennylane

Who pulled the strings?...THE SYMINGTONS..And the Scottish connections...Look no further if you dare

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Post by pennylane 21.11.11 10:33

jd wrote:
pennylane wrote:
The McCanns and Clarence Mitchell are a constant reminder to me that the system is corrupt, and nobody in power cares about truth or justice

Perfectly said pennylane

Thank you jd. It's quite soul destroying really. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

I just keep hoping they've made one gigantic error, and something none of them anticipated will hit them square on one day soon, and be impossible to erase or cover up! [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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Post by Nina 21.11.11 10:38

Stella wrote:
uppatoffee wrote:Looking at those photos Stella I find it impossible to believe that three young children were living in that apartment. Where is the 'stuff? They cannot have eaten at the table as there are no high chairs. Sean and Amelie would definitely have needed high chairs or some kind of tot seat/booster seat. Where are the packs of baby wipes that parents of small children carry by the sack load? The toys and books to keep them amused? A potty for Madeleine? Children create mess and everywhere they go has a lived in feel, especially if there are three! A few strategically hung jumpers do not make a convincing picture IMO.

Precisely uppatoffee.[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] That is exactly what we see in a nutshell.

If you combine this with no DNA of not just Madeleine, but any children having been there, you can see exactly where Q and the rest of us are coming from.

Agree. What we do see is an apartment devoid of children other than childsize jumpers that is it. Where are the little toys that children seem to carry, one in each hand. The twins were in nappies so were is the mega size packet of nappies? Do we have any photos of the bathroom?

I did read a statement from I am sure GA saying about there being a lack of child food and in particular milk. I have tried to find it but no success.

Of course it could be that the children were not allowed clutter, or, Kate is house proud even on holiday [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Not one more cent from me.

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Post by tigger 21.11.11 10:45

pennylane wrote:
Tony Bennett wrote:
pennylane wrote:What was your reason for requesting hair over a saliva analysis...

REPLY: To make life as difficult as possible for the police officer. It was a form of protest against the police arresting me when I was actually enforcing the law.

...and what happened to those hairs and the DNA results thereof, in light of the fact that the case was dropped against you?

REPLY: A year earlier, the law had been changed, allowing the police to keep fingerprints, DNA and mugshots of anyone arrested, even if they were immediately released without charge. This was to help the police build up a massive DNA database. In a lab somewhere in the U.K., my 12 hairs remain, in case they're needed. I believe that the European Court of Human Rights later ruled that forcing anyone arrested to give over their DNA, even if wrongfully arrested, was going a bit far, so procedures have now been changed, I'm not sure what the precise rules are these days

Thank you for your reply. I think it horrifying that the police were able to keep your fingerprints and DNA results, particularly since the case was dropped against you, and your objections were later proven to be legally spot on! As for the hair analysis, although a greater hassle for the police, I think I would have opted for a saliva swab test as there's no way I would want them to have 12 of my hairs in a lab somewhere. I have very little trust in our police and their ability to avoid undue influence from above.

The McCanns and Clarence Mitchell are a constant reminder to me that the system is corrupt, and nobody in power cares about truth or justice. I believe the writing was on the wall where the MM case is concerned the moment the Birmingham FSS did a jaw dropping U-turn following the release of their first DNA results. (imo)

When exactly did Gordon Brown visit the FSS? I believe it was about the same time that the great man paid a visit to Leicestershire police?

Was the FSS second report - the jaw dropping U turn - the result?

The DNA issue is now purely hypothetical, apart from the screamingly obvious gaps in normal procedure. The FSS is no more, somewhat surprising, who is doing the job now?

It will not stand up in court, I mean. I really don't think that there is a (national security) genetic 'secret' re the McCanns. For a start, if you're going to do experiments in cloning and genetics, you'd want to start with better basic material.

Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate.

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(2 Appendices added) 'Q' wants to know why none of Madeleine's DNA was found in Apt G5A (Long) - Page 2 Empty Re: (2 Appendices added) 'Q' wants to know why none of Madeleine's DNA was found in Apt G5A (Long)

Post by pennylane 21.11.11 11:13

tigger wrote:
pennylane wrote:
Tony Bennett wrote:
pennylane wrote:What was your reason for requesting hair over a saliva analysis...

REPLY: To make life as difficult as possible for the police officer. It was a form of protest against the police arresting me when I was actually enforcing the law.

...and what happened to those hairs and the DNA results thereof, in light of the fact that the case was dropped against you?

REPLY: A year earlier, the law had been changed, allowing the police to keep fingerprints, DNA and mugshots of anyone arrested, even if they were immediately released without charge. This was to help the police build up a massive DNA database. In a lab somewhere in the U.K., my 12 hairs remain, in case they're needed. I believe that the European Court of Human Rights later ruled that forcing anyone arrested to give over their DNA, even if wrongfully arrested, was going a bit far, so procedures have now been changed, I'm not sure what the precise rules are these days

Thank you for your reply. I think it horrifying that the police were able to keep your fingerprints and DNA results, particularly since the case was dropped against you, and your objections were later proven to be legally spot on! As for the hair analysis, although a greater hassle for the police, I think I would have opted for a saliva swab test as there's no way I would want them to have 12 of my hairs in a lab somewhere. I have very little trust in our police and their ability to avoid undue influence from above.

The McCanns and Clarence Mitchell are a constant reminder to me that the system is corrupt, and nobody in power cares about truth or justice. I believe the writing was on the wall where the MM case is concerned the moment the Birmingham FSS did a jaw dropping U-turn following the release of their first DNA results. (imo)

When exactly did Gordon Brown visit the FSS? I believe it was about the same time that the great man paid a visit to Leicestershire police?

Was the FSS second report - the jaw dropping U turn - the result?

The DNA issue is now purely hypothetical, apart from the screamingly obvious gaps in normal procedure. The FSS is no more, somewhat surprising, who is doing the job now?

It will not stand up in court, I mean. I really don't think that there is a (national security) genetic 'secret' re the McCanns. For a start, if you're going to do experiments in cloning and genetics, you'd want to start with better basic material.

Hi tigger, the initial FSS results were the damning ones for the McCanns. You are absolutely right about Gordon Brown's interference. However when Clarence Mitchel quit his MMU job, was (imo) when the evidence began stacking up badly against the McCanns, and this is when the full impact of what the pair had gotten up to on that fateful holiday was realised by the powers. I believe the cover up was somewhat late going into effect, and hence was haphazard..... but determined nonetheless.

I have never subscribed to the cloning/genetic theories. The only 'secret' (imo) is that the government realised, albeit a bit late in the day, that these two were culpable and exactly what all these doctors were up to, and the potential for enormous scandal was mounting for the NHS and COMARE, and since Gerry had over-egged the pudding from day one, it was difficult to successfully put the genie back in the bottle.

This is jmho, others may disagree.

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Post by Guest 21.11.11 12:37

Nina wrote:What we do see is an apartment devoid of children other than childsize jumpers that is it. Where are the little toys that children seem to carry, one in each hand. The twins were in nappies so were is the mega size packet of nappies?

Spot on Nina. Where are the nappies? We cannot see them in the living room, or both bedrooms. They would not have been in the bathroom, as there was nowhere for the twins to sit in there whilst being changed. When they went out, did they take a nappy changing bag with contents for 2 children with them? and with no buggy of course..[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] PTOO

Do we have any photos of the bathroom?

These are the only shots of the bathroom we have.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

I did read a statement from I am sure GA saying about there being a lack of child food and in particular milk. I have tried to find it but no success. Sorry, don't remember that.
Of course it could be that the children were not allowed clutter, or, Kate is house proud even on holiday [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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Post by tigger 21.11.11 12:43

Hi pennylane,

That's exactly what I think. The McCanns in themselves are not important. The cover up and damage limitation was done badly, on the hoof so to speak. Now that Murdoch is slowly unravelling it's my ardent hope that the reasons for their protection are slowly fading away. Four years is a long time and will give plenty of people the opportunity to move out of harm's way re their earlier involvement with the McCanns.

I still think the whole thing was pre meditated, I go with Dr. Ludke on their profile. What a lot of people don't realise is that it went wrong from the start. They never meant to end up in Rothley, giving endless rigged interviews to sell their 'story'.

By now, they should have been really rich, living in a lovely villa, with all mod cons, swimming pool, sailing, golf courses nearby. Absolute role models for child protection, ambassadorial jobs for charities etc. Rubbing shoulders with celebrities and royalty. It's my opinion that they're not at all happy as they are. Kate didn't dare to do book signings, Gerry didn't dare to do a charity bike ride.

It's Amaral, people like TB and us who still worry them, having to employ people to check every word we write to each other. It's time at least one newspaper decided on a truthful and full account. The upcoming trial in Lisbon would be a perfect opportunity.

Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate.

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Post by tigger 21.11.11 12:46

Stella wrote:
Nina wrote:What we do see is an apartment devoid of children other than childsize jumpers that is it. Where are the little toys that children seem to carry, one in each hand. The twins were in nappies so were is the mega size packet of nappies?

Spot on Nina. Where are the nappies? We cannot see them in the living room, or both bedrooms. They would not have been in the bathroom, as there was nowhere for the twins to sit in there whilst being changed. When they went out, did they take a nappy changing bag with contents for 2 children with them? and with no buggy of course..[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] PTOO

Do we have any photos of the bathroom?

These are the only shots of the bathroom we have.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

I did read a statement from I am sure GA saying about there being a lack of child food and in particular milk. I have tried to find it but no success. Sorry, don't remember that.
Of course it could be that the children were not allowed clutter, or, Kate is house proud even on holiday [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Hi Stella, I just highlighted part of a statement by Mrs. Fenn in the topic on the interview with her niece.

In it she says she wasn't even aware that that family was living in 5a.

Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate.

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Post by pennylane 21.11.11 12:51

tigger wrote:Hi pennylane,

That's exactly what I think. The McCanns in themselves are not important. The cover up and damage limitation was done badly, on the hoof so to speak. Now that Murdoch is slowly unravelling it's my ardent hope that the reasons for their protection are slowly fading away. Four years is a long time and will give plenty of people the opportunity to move out of harm's way re their earlier involvement with the McCanns.

I still think the whole thing was pre meditated, I go with Dr. Ludke on their profile. What a lot of people don't realise is that it went wrong from the start. They never meant to end up in Rothley, giving endless rigged interviews to sell their 'story'.

By now, they should have been really rich, living in a lovely villa, with all mod cons, swimming pool, sailing, golf courses nearby. Absolute role models for child protection, ambassadorial jobs for charities etc. Rubbing shoulders with celebrities and royalty. It's my opinion that they're not at all happy as they are. Kate didn't dare to do book signings, Gerry didn't dare to do a charity bike ride.

It's Amaral, people like TB and us who still worry them, having to employ people to check every word we write to each other. It's time at least one newspaper decided on a truthful and full account. The upcoming trial in Lisbon would be a perfect opportunity.

It seems we are in agreement on many aspects tigger, except I do not subscribe to the pre-meditation theory at all. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Hopefully some day soon [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] we won't have to speculate any further, and this vile pair will be exposed and get their comeuppance. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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Post by Guest 21.11.11 12:57

tigger wrote:Hi Stella, I just highlighted part of a statement by Mrs. Fenn in the topic on the interview with her niece.

In it she says she wasn't even aware that that family was living in 5a.

I'm not the least bit surprised to hear that tigger. It has baffled me from the start as to how Mrs Fenn only ever heard the one crying episode, despite there being 3 children, between 2-4 years of age, in an apartment that would echo really badly. This tells me that they could not have been living there and the apartment was used as a means to facilitate the abduction. This could be why the PJ witheld the OC daily run reports from when they arrived on the 28th, until the 1st May.

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Post by Nina 21.11.11 18:07

Stella wrote:
Nina wrote:What we do see is an apartment devoid of children other than childsize jumpers that is it. Where are the little toys that children seem to carry, one in each hand. The twins were in nappies so were is the mega size packet of nappies?

Spot on Nina. Where are the nappies? We cannot see them in the living room, or both bedrooms. They would not have been in the bathroom, as there was nowhere for the twins to sit in there whilst being changed. When they went out, did they take a nappy changing bag with contents for 2 children with them? and with no buggy of course..[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] PTOO

Do we have any photos of the bathroom?

These are the only shots of the bathroom we have.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

I did read a statement from I am sure GA saying about there being a lack of child food and in particular milk. I have tried to find it but no success. Sorry, don't remember that.
Of course it could be that the children were not allowed clutter, or, Kate is house proud even on holiday [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Hi Stella. Here is a link where the lack of child evidence is posted. I cannot quite make out where this has come from but speaks about the arrival of the police and their first observations, it's about two thirds down the page.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

The snip,

When the first investigators of the Judicial Police arrived to the Ocean Club, only a few minutes after midnight, in the early hours of 3 to May 4, they speak with Gerry and Kate.

The conversation took place in the apartment of the crime the 5A. The two twins, Sean and Amelie, sleep deeply. The policemen, trained to look in for the minimum details, observe curious how the house is impeccably tidy.It does not seem a place of holidays where three children run and jump the whole day.

The sofa has not one single crease and chairs are positioned meticulously. There is any clothes forgotten or out of the place, not even toys in sight.Only the cuddle cat, that was always with Maddie, is now tight in Kate's hands. The kitchen is clean, without the smallest vestige of remains of milk or children food.

Not one more cent from me.

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Post by Smokeandmirrors 21.11.11 18:13

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] Thanks PeterMac and Tony for clarifying the hair/dna issue.

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Post by Tony Bennett 22.11.11 8:24

Anonymous contributions to this debate keep coming in to my inbox. Here's the latest:



No where in the files does it confirm that any DNA retrieved from the apartment was found to have belonged to the victim or that a DNA profile of the victim
was compiled by using any genetic material found in the apartment.


There will be DNA evidence of Madeleine, ie skin cells, possibly 50 cells per square mm which seems copious but it is NOT.

The Police will not disregard this copious evidence but it does not form part of a criminal investigation. The same

goes for G AND K mccann. Where is the confirmation that their DNA 50 cells per square mm all over apartment 5A?

The fact that the family lived in 5A is not a crime or a potential crime. (Look at the baby Lisa enquiry). They are

not recording her DNA for criminal purposes because SHE LIVED in the house.

The criminal investigation centres on the places where there is visible blood and invisible remnant of blood (per the sniffer dogs).

The whole 5A has been swept for ALL DNA but the mccanns and their 7 friends DNA has been recorded but not as part of the criminal investigation.

DO YOU SUPPOSE THAT THE FORENSICS will say, oh yes, here is all the DNA evidence

that M sat on the sofa then sat on a chair then sat on the floor then sat on the toilet? IT IS NOT A CRIME TO BE DOING THESE THINGS.

Why should this be recorded as part of the criminal investigation? It is recorded but not for public consumption


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Post by jd 22.11.11 8:51

I don't think he has worked out yet that apartment 5a is a 'crime scene'!

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Post by jd 22.11.11 8:54

This is a question to anyone who can answer. The practice of DZ twins, is there any reason why this would need to be covered up?

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Post by Guest 22.11.11 8:57

The Roman Catholic Church maybe?

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Post by jd 22.11.11 9:11

Maybe thats why the Vatican whooshed them off their website shortly after 'the visit'!

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Post by Guest 22.11.11 9:44

Tony Bennett wrote:Anonymous contributions to this debate keep coming in to my inbox. Here's the latest:


The criminal investigation centres on the places where there is visible blood and invisible remnant of blood (per the sniffer dogs).

DO YOU SUPPOSE THAT THE FORENSICS will say, oh yes, here is all the DNA evidence

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

There were received 258 traces and 12 reference samples - bucal swabs from 11 individuals. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]



Relating to Apartment no. 5-A in the tourist resort "The Ocean Club" Praia da Luz-Lagos

- 32 hairs in envelope no. 1 recovered from the floor at the entrance to the children's bedroom.

- 28 hairs in envelope no. 2 recovered from the floor next to the bed from which the child disappeared.

- 4 hair in envelope no. 3 recovered from the top of the bed from which the child disappeared.

- 15 hairs in envelope no. 4 recovered from the floor next to the bed that was next to the window in the children's bedroom.

- 1 piece of cloth in envelope no. 5 recovered from the bedspread of the bed next to the window in the children's bedroom. Fragment of cloth, mauve/violet in colour with square motifs, circular in form about 10cm in diameter. A small fluorescent spot is observed under a Crime-light.

- 31 hairs in envelope No. 6 recovered from the floor of the lounge.

- 58 hairs in envelope No. 7 recovered from the entrance hall at the front door of the apartment.

[The above were] Delivered by the Policia Judiciaria on 08/05/2007.


1- Morphology analysis of the hairs

All hairs received for analysis were subjected to macro- and microscopic characterisation, with the majority of those having the root being in a telogenic phase.

Relating to Apartment no. 5-A

- Envelope No. 1 - "recovered from the floor at the entrance to the children's bedroom" 25 hairs with root; 4 hairs only stem; 3 hairs non-human.

- Envelope No. 2 - "recovered from the floor next to the bed from which the child disappeared" 3 hairs with root; 25 hairs only stem.

- Envelope No. 3 - "recovered from the top of the bed from which the child disappeared" 2 hairs with root; 2 hairs only stem.

- Envelope No. 4 - " recovered from the floor next to the bed that was next to the window in the children's bedroom" ll hairs with root; 4 hairs only stem.

- Envelope no. 6 - "recovered from the floor of the lounge" 26 hairs with root; 4 hairs only stem; l hair non-human.

- Envelope no. 7 - "recovered from the entrance hall at the front door of the apartment" 44 hairs with root; 8 hairs only stem; 6 hairs non-human.


1st- The macro- and microscopic analysis of 257 hairs revealed 245 human
and 12 non-human.

2nd- With respect to autosomic STRs the genetic profiles of the following analysed samples matched with the reference sample indicated:

- hair root CEnv 7-51 recovered in the apartment (entrance hall-Env.7) matched with Gerald McCann, father of the victim.

- hair root PVT07 recovered in the vehicle (floor in front of rear seat Env.4) match with Robert James Queriol Eveleigh Murat.

3rd- With respect to autosomic STRs the female genetic profile identified from hair root C742-05 recovered in the vehicle (floor in front of the front seat- Env 3) did not match any profile from the reference samples.

4th- With respect to autosomic STRs the male genetic profile identified from the spot on the cloth fragment (bedspread of the bed next to window in the children's bedroom- Env 5) did not match any profile from the reference samples.

5th- In the samples from apartment 5-A, several mitochondrial DNA profiles were found:

- Profile identified by letter "C", present in 53 samples, was identical to that of Kate Healy, mother of the victim, meaning those samples were from her or from someone having the same maternal bloodline.

- Profile identified by letter "N", present in 24 samples, was identical to that of Gerald McCann, father of the victim, meaning those samples were from him or from someone having the same maternal bloodline.

- Profile identified by letter "G", present in 1 samples, was identical to that of Matthew David Oldfield, meaning that sample was from him or from someone having the same maternal bloodline.

- Profile identified by letter "I", present in 1 samples, was identical to that of David Anthony Payne, meaning that sample was from him or from someone having the same maternal bloodline.

- Profile identified by letter "O", present in 2 samples, was identical to that of Russell James O'Brien, meaning those samples were from him or from someone having the same maternal bloodline.

- Profile identified by letter "L", present in the spot on the bedspread of the bed next to the window and in seven hairs, meaning that all these samples came from the same person or from someone having the same maternal bloodline, did not match any of the reference samples. affraid

- Profiles identified by letters "B", "D", "F", "J" and "Q" are different from the above, and from each other, and are distinct from reference samples. (Who do these ones belong to?)

6th- In the samples analysed from Residencia Liliana and the vehicle, several mitochondrial DNA profiles were found:

- Profile identified by letter "M", present in 48 samples (35 from Residencia Liliana and 13 from the vehicle), was identical to that of Robert James Queriol Eveleigh Murat meaning those samples were from him or from someone having the same maternal bloodline.

- Profile identified by letter "K", present in 14 samples (1 from Residencia Liliana and 13 from the vehicle), meaning that all these samples came from the same person or from someone having the same maternal bloodline, did not match any of the reference samples.

- One of the 13 samples from the vehicle in letter "K" - hair root C742-05 (floor in front of the front seat - Env 3) showed a female DNA genetic profile.

7th- The remaining 28 samples analysed, of which 17 were recovered from the apartment, showed mitochondrial DNA from different from each other, and distinct from those above.

8th- Of the 245 hairs analysed, no results were obtained from 52.

National Institute of Legal Medicine, 9 July 2007.

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Post by Guest 22.11.11 10:08

Out of 245 human hairs analysed:

52 - no results were obtained from these ones

53 belonged to Kate

24 belonged to Gerry

1 belonged to David Payne

1 belonged to Matthew Oldfield

2 belonged to Russell O'Brien

7 came from the bed under the window and did not match to any of the reference samples

2 from the top of Madeleine's bed

You do not need to be a mathematician to know that the numbers do not add up. Interestingly there is a batch of 'hidden' profiles.

Profiles identified by letters "B", "D", "F", "J" and "Q" are different from the above, and from each other, and are distinct from reference samples.

Whose identities are being protected here ??

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Post by Tony Bennett 22.11.11 21:20

I think this is the fourth communication from Mr Anonymous, the 'Capital Letter' man.

This time it's come in via: "Nomen Nescio" [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

And here it is:

STELLA wrote:

You do not need to be a mathematician to know that the numbers do not add up. Interestingly there is a batch of 'hidden' profiles.

Profiles identified by letters "B", "D", "F", "J" and "Q" are different from the above, and from each other, and are distinct from reference samples.

Whose identities are being protected here ??



4th- With respect to autosomic STRs the male genetic profile identified from the spot on the cloth fragment (bedspread of the bed next to window in the children's bedroom- Env 5) DID NOT MATCH any profilefrom the reference samples

(7 hairs came from the bed under the window and DID NOT MATCH to any of the reference samples)


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Post by jd 22.11.11 21:50

Its not only DNA which is proving no evidence of an abductor, there are many other factors too

And as there are many unidentified DNA's, this does not mean or prove any of them will be from an abductor(s)

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Post by jd 22.11.11 22:46

British Rule Out Abduction

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom (Foreign & Commonwealth Office) does not held Madeleine McCann's disappearance recorded as an abduction, thus accepting that there is no evidence to suggest that a crime of that nature has taken place; exactly what was concluded by the Portuguese Judiciary Police investigation initially led by Gonçalo Amaral and that is mirrored in the book “Maddie - The Truth of the Lie”.

In a reply to an investigator, who requested [FOIA PDF here] information regarding British missing children abroad, the Consular Directorate of the Foreign Office - dated December 14, 2009 to which the CM had access - affirmed: “The FCO filed the case in May 2008 [Ben Needham]. You will also be aware of the Madeleine McCann case. Both this and the Needham case are categorised as a missing persons, rather than child abduction cases, as there is no evidence in either case to support whether the children were or were not abducted.”.

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