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Madeleine McCann case: Beyond a Reasonable Waterslide. Beyond the Pale

Jill Havern | Published on the 18.02.21 8:27 | 1449 Views

New chapter from PeterMac's FREE e-book:

Beyond a Reasonable Waterslide. Beyond the Pale

Regular readers will already understand, but anyone unfamiliar with discussion of anything to do with the McCanns and the ‘Complete Mystery’ of Madeleine’s disappearance [© C. Mitchell] should scatter the word “allegedly” freely throughout this essay.

* * * *
The story published in “First” magazine on 19th May 2007, giving details of an interview by Danielle Gusmaroli with one Mrs Vicky Boyd about her long meeting with Kate McCann, and including precise details of a waterslide, the colour of a skirt, the length of time they sat by the pool in the sun, the exact time of day, the whereabouts of Gerry, and sundry other issues, continues to bother me, as it does several other researchers.

It is not so much that the entire story is nonsense. We have established that in a previous Chapter
It is something potentially far more sinister, far more worrying.

Kate McCann’s version of the truth, which at no point overlaps with this story in any way, is based on what she describes as “my detailed chronology of events..” Her words, not mine.

We know that KM’s version of the truth is anything but the truth, and have established that the Pool Photo, the so-called Last Photo, can only have been taken at lunchtime on Sunday 29th May, making the nomination of the image as the Last Photo perhaps inadvertently and embarrassingly, absolutely accurate.

Whatever KM was doing during the afternoon of Thursday 3/5/7 it was clearly not sitting on a sun-lounger in the sun talking for an hour or more to Mrs Boyd and watching Madeleine in a blue skirt whizzing down a waterside

So far, so boring, and so irrelevant.
But is it ? 

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