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New PeterMac chapter for his ebook: PRESS FREEDOM The Good, the Bad, and the VERY Ugly in Journalism Mm11

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New PeterMac chapter for his ebook: PRESS FREEDOM The Good, the Bad, and the VERY Ugly in Journalism Mm11

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New PeterMac chapter for his ebook: PRESS FREEDOM The Good, the Bad, and the VERY Ugly in Journalism

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New PeterMac chapter for his ebook: PRESS FREEDOM The Good, the Bad, and the VERY Ugly in Journalism Empty New PeterMac chapter for his ebook: PRESS FREEDOM The Good, the Bad, and the VERY Ugly in Journalism

Post by Jill Havern 20.04.20 12:23

New PeterMac chapter for his ebook:

The Good, the Bad, and the VERY Ugly in Journalism

New PeterMac chapter for his ebook: PRESS FREEDOM The Good, the Bad, and the VERY Ugly in Journalism C110

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New PeterMac chapter for his ebook: PRESS FREEDOM The Good, the Bad, and the VERY Ugly in Journalism Empty Re: New PeterMac chapter for his ebook: PRESS FREEDOM The Good, the Bad, and the VERY Ugly in Journalism

Post by Liz Eagles 20.04.20 22:30

Another perfectly balanced article.

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New PeterMac chapter for his ebook: PRESS FREEDOM The Good, the Bad, and the VERY Ugly in Journalism Empty Re: New PeterMac chapter for his ebook: PRESS FREEDOM The Good, the Bad, and the VERY Ugly in Journalism

Post by PeterMac 21.04.20 12:37

Thank you.
I am not sure Perfect is the right word, but I did spend a long time preparing it, weighing things up
and I sent bits out to people I know and trust to be properly De-structive in their criticism
I also had an interesting long 'argument' with a like minded person who acted as Devil's Advocate.

I am, of course, always ready to admit error where it can be demonstrated, 
to withdraw, amend, correct, and apologise . . .

Unlike some others we might mention

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New PeterMac chapter for his ebook: PRESS FREEDOM The Good, the Bad, and the VERY Ugly in Journalism Empty Re: New PeterMac chapter for his ebook: PRESS FREEDOM The Good, the Bad, and the VERY Ugly in Journalism

Post by PeterMac 28.04.20 10:09

this time by another tabloid free paper on the Costa Del Sol,  Euroweekly.

EASYJET: Costa del Sol’s little title The Olive Press make some strange claims as they request donations themselves
By Alex Trelinski -
27 April 2020 @ 23:30

THE story run by the Euro Weekly News and countless other media organisations over the easyJet founder and largest shareholder Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou launching a strike against the current company board appears to have caught the eye of one of our little rival snipers the Olive Press who published their claim. The claim went against what was published to the press association (who they aren’t a part of) and what the press reported around the world via various worldwide titles but was based on a “claimed” phone call to easyJet.

easyJet themselves, when we called them funny enough, had no record of a phone at all from the Olive Press newspaper in Spain, Twitter have as yet to confirm either, whilst in deadly silence despite being asked to confirm on their social media channel, although aviation expert and pilot Holly Cockings told the Euro Weekly News:

“As if the company or any other company would reveal their issues to a random phone call from a free newspaper let alone a bigger title, clearly they have an agenda somewhere to claim it as fake news against the world’s media and press association and one of the company’s largest shareholders.”
The Olive Press say that words like “going bust” in the EWN report are not true but at the start of the month, the colourful founder of the budget airline said that “I regret to report that easyJet will run out of money around August 2020, perhaps even earlier.”
He spoke as the coronavirus crisis progressed at the start of April, and serious questions were being raised over the whole of the aviation industry.

Witness the problems facing Sir Richard Branson and his Virgin operations as an example, and his plea for UK government help, which so far has met with silence. And that’s not to mention what has happened to Virgin in Australia.
As for Sir Stelios, his comments are to do with getting rid of the current easyJet chairman and chief executive over a multi-billion aircraft order that he believes would cripple the company.

Whether or not you agree with him, or whether it is just some emotive language ahead of a boardroom coup at a shareholders vote to make changes in May, we will wait and see.
The language may be colourful, as we’ve come to expect from the easyJet founder, but “bust” would be a logical conclusion of his proposition, if it sadly turns out to be the case.
The EWN reported the quotes and a statement from the easyJet chairman John Barton arguing that the bid from Sir Stelios was not in the interests of the company and the shareholders, and asked them to reject voting against him and his colleagues.

The Olive Press suggested to the EWN that we should have got further comments from Mr Barton as to whether easyJet “would run out of money” in August, and go bust.
Since he’s not engaged in a media war with Sir Stelios and issued a statement used by newspapers and outlets everywhere, that was good enough for us and the rest of the world’s major press outlets.

It appears the donation requesting, slim fortnightly little publication The Olive Press who claim to be the “investigating title of the coast” haven’t investigated at all on this occasion!

Meanwhile regular reader of the Euro Weekly News Richard Massey who works at Gatwick Airport said “We’ve heard there are large issues with easyJet, like many airlines at present, I guess the Olive Press are just behind with the news as normal, I have noticed of late, they just copy the Euro Weekly News.“

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New PeterMac chapter for his ebook: PRESS FREEDOM The Good, the Bad, and the VERY Ugly in Journalism Empty Re: New PeterMac chapter for his ebook: PRESS FREEDOM The Good, the Bad, and the VERY Ugly in Journalism

Post by Liz Eagles 28.04.20 12:58

There is a remarkable difference between shoddy, piggy-back 'reporting' about an airline company and deliberate claims of being first reporter on the scene of Madeleine's disappearance which was used by a Netflix production.

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Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
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New PeterMac chapter for his ebook: PRESS FREEDOM The Good, the Bad, and the VERY Ugly in Journalism Empty Re: New PeterMac chapter for his ebook: PRESS FREEDOM The Good, the Bad, and the VERY Ugly in Journalism

Post by PeterMac 28.04.20 13:40

There is. A huge difference.
What this case shows however is that Jon Clarke and the Olive Press are using the same Modus Operandi. 
The same 'system'
That of making up quotes, and lying about meetings and conversations.

“As if the company or any other company would reveal their issues to a random phone call from a free newspaper let alone a bigger title, 

In the legal world we might even say "they have previous convictions"

Everything he and his paper print serves only to reinforce the clear impression he has already given the world.
He is a liar, and seems unable to change his behaviour.

What does he gain from it ? Who is controlling him ? Lucifer ?  Mephistopheles ?  Mammon ? Asmodeus ?
Or one of the others ?

What is also interesting is that another free Tabloid is getting fed up with his antics and calling him out, by name

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New PeterMac chapter for his ebook: PRESS FREEDOM The Good, the Bad, and the VERY Ugly in Journalism Empty Re: New PeterMac chapter for his ebook: PRESS FREEDOM The Good, the Bad, and the VERY Ugly in Journalism

Post by PeterMac 27.05.20 12:43

Karma ?

New PeterMac chapter for his ebook: PRESS FREEDOM The Good, the Bad, and the VERY Ugly in Journalism 44410

Like our content ?    
Err, no. Not very much

Help us do better.      
Err I tried, by asking you to correct errors and lies, and even suggesting a form of words
But you weren't listening. Apparently.

I think you may mean "Give us yer munny"
In which case, Err, sorry. No.
Not until you apologise, correct, and explain all the outright lies you have published about me, 
and about your involvement in the case.

Then we can go skating together – in Hell

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New PeterMac chapter for his ebook: PRESS FREEDOM The Good, the Bad, and the VERY Ugly in Journalism Empty Re: New PeterMac chapter for his ebook: PRESS FREEDOM The Good, the Bad, and the VERY Ugly in Journalism

Post by Liz Eagles 27.05.20 12:54

It is very disturbing when a journalist lies and uses those lies to place themselves in a documentary about Madeleine McCann.

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
Sir Winston Churchill: “Diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for directions.”
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New PeterMac chapter for his ebook: PRESS FREEDOM The Good, the Bad, and the VERY Ugly in Journalism Empty Re: New PeterMac chapter for his ebook: PRESS FREEDOM The Good, the Bad, and the VERY Ugly in Journalism

Post by PeterMac 27.05.20 16:44

He was saying to the World "Look at me"

So we did !

Just as the McCanns were saying "Look at us"

So we did.

I bet they all now wish they had just shut up and faded away into some dusty filing cabinet.

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New PeterMac chapter for his ebook: PRESS FREEDOM The Good, the Bad, and the VERY Ugly in Journalism Empty Re: New PeterMac chapter for his ebook: PRESS FREEDOM The Good, the Bad, and the VERY Ugly in Journalism

Post by Liz Eagles 27.05.20 23:41

As much as I hold hope for the Police Forces in two countries to find justice for this little tot, she has been filed in a dusty cabinet.

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
Sir Winston Churchill: “Diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for directions.”
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