Greg Jones: Who's an insider?
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Greg Jones: Who's an insider?
Posted in the CMOMM facebook group:
Greg Jones
2 mins
Who was an "insider" and when did they become an insider? By an insider, I mean someone who has been told the truth by the McCanns about what happened in as much as at least the fact that's she's dead and there was no abduction. For me it's clear that at least the T6 ie the three Tapas couples must know what happened. I think Diane Webster, may well have been kept in the dark as they would not be sure she would not give he game away. I think it's a minimum 50/50 that the Gorrods know what happened. Though I don't think Robert Murat was directly involved in her disappearance IMHO it's 50/50 whether he was involved in the cover up. My gut feel is some of the wider family know at least part of the real story eg Philemonia, Gerry's sister. I also don't see how Clarence Mitchell cannot know what's going on given he's the one behind most of the spin that has kept the rest of the world at bay. Adam Tudor of Carter Ruck is also too smart and has been too involved with the case not to plausibly know what's going on. Gordon Brown probably comes under the same category as I suspect would Clement Freud. With Rebekkah Brooks, I am less clear what she really believes. She is much more famous for her skills at social manipulation than for critical thinking, so it's not completely implausible that she's stupid enough to actually believe the McCanns.
Re timing, in my view the involvement of the T6 points towards an earlier death. Clearly Gerry would have needed to be sure the T6 were willing to lie to a greater or lesser extent to cover them before deciding to go the cover up route. If one puts oneself in the position of one of the T6, and assumes there is some motivation either sympathy, complicity or something more sinister to cooperate, the first question anyone in that position is going to ask is: OK Gerry what the F. are you going to do with the body?? It seems to me it would only be rational for someone in that position to agree to cooperate, assuming they are not directly complicit in the death, if they could be 99 per cent sure Gerry had a bloody good answer to this critical question. Clearly they were nervous about this whole matter. Not one of them was willing to explicitly say: I saw Maddie some time on Thursday. They explicitly engineered it so they would not have to. They all claimed the McCanns had breakfast in their Appt rather than The Millennium. (was this a possible motive for lying about the McCanns not coming to breakfast at the Millennium?.?.) They made sure they took lunch that Thursday separately from the McCanns at the beach. David Payne was supposed to check on Kate and the kids at about 6 but only ever said he saw Kate. Matthew Oldfield was supposedly checking on the McCann kids at 9.30pm but refused to say he saw or didn't see Maddie. (Incidentally one should remember that despite the impression the Mccanns have given that they had a well tuned communal child checking routine checking on the kids every 30 minutes, this crucial check which Matthew failed to properly make was actually the first check that any of them made on any of the other people's kids in the whole holiday! And of course there has not been a whiff of remorse from Matthew or of blame from the McCanns which one might reasonably suspect for a real abduction). Still had a body been found, especially if it revealed a prior death, they would all have been in trouble, especially Jane Tanner.
I think if Gerry was only able to answer this question, well I thought I'd carry her down to the beach put her under one of the boats and figure out what to do next in the middle of the night., surely no one would put their neck on the block. This leads me to believe that he must have had a much more credible and well thought out plan, executed before the abduction drama was to play out.
Greg Jones
2 mins
Who was an "insider" and when did they become an insider? By an insider, I mean someone who has been told the truth by the McCanns about what happened in as much as at least the fact that's she's dead and there was no abduction. For me it's clear that at least the T6 ie the three Tapas couples must know what happened. I think Diane Webster, may well have been kept in the dark as they would not be sure she would not give he game away. I think it's a minimum 50/50 that the Gorrods know what happened. Though I don't think Robert Murat was directly involved in her disappearance IMHO it's 50/50 whether he was involved in the cover up. My gut feel is some of the wider family know at least part of the real story eg Philemonia, Gerry's sister. I also don't see how Clarence Mitchell cannot know what's going on given he's the one behind most of the spin that has kept the rest of the world at bay. Adam Tudor of Carter Ruck is also too smart and has been too involved with the case not to plausibly know what's going on. Gordon Brown probably comes under the same category as I suspect would Clement Freud. With Rebekkah Brooks, I am less clear what she really believes. She is much more famous for her skills at social manipulation than for critical thinking, so it's not completely implausible that she's stupid enough to actually believe the McCanns.
Re timing, in my view the involvement of the T6 points towards an earlier death. Clearly Gerry would have needed to be sure the T6 were willing to lie to a greater or lesser extent to cover them before deciding to go the cover up route. If one puts oneself in the position of one of the T6, and assumes there is some motivation either sympathy, complicity or something more sinister to cooperate, the first question anyone in that position is going to ask is: OK Gerry what the F. are you going to do with the body?? It seems to me it would only be rational for someone in that position to agree to cooperate, assuming they are not directly complicit in the death, if they could be 99 per cent sure Gerry had a bloody good answer to this critical question. Clearly they were nervous about this whole matter. Not one of them was willing to explicitly say: I saw Maddie some time on Thursday. They explicitly engineered it so they would not have to. They all claimed the McCanns had breakfast in their Appt rather than The Millennium. (was this a possible motive for lying about the McCanns not coming to breakfast at the Millennium?.?.) They made sure they took lunch that Thursday separately from the McCanns at the beach. David Payne was supposed to check on Kate and the kids at about 6 but only ever said he saw Kate. Matthew Oldfield was supposedly checking on the McCann kids at 9.30pm but refused to say he saw or didn't see Maddie. (Incidentally one should remember that despite the impression the Mccanns have given that they had a well tuned communal child checking routine checking on the kids every 30 minutes, this crucial check which Matthew failed to properly make was actually the first check that any of them made on any of the other people's kids in the whole holiday! And of course there has not been a whiff of remorse from Matthew or of blame from the McCanns which one might reasonably suspect for a real abduction). Still had a body been found, especially if it revealed a prior death, they would all have been in trouble, especially Jane Tanner.
I think if Gerry was only able to answer this question, well I thought I'd carry her down to the beach put her under one of the boats and figure out what to do next in the middle of the night., surely no one would put their neck on the block. This leads me to believe that he must have had a much more credible and well thought out plan, executed before the abduction drama was to play out.
Re: Greg Jones: Who's an insider?
He Could add Tony Blair (Linked to NCMEC) to his list, why did he need to forfeit his own head of media monitoring by sending him off to control what came out in the news about the McCanns?
Then there is Jim Gamble and his early entry of Madeleines' disappearance on the CEOP website. Gamble must have known.
Then there is Jim Gamble and his early entry of Madeleines' disappearance on the CEOP website. Gamble must have known.
Re: Greg Jones: Who's an insider?
Jill Havern wrote:Posted in the CMOMM facebook group:
Greg Jones
2 mins
Who was an "insider" and when did they become an insider?
David Payne was supposed to check on Kate and the kids at about 6 but only ever said he saw Kate.
Quite a well-argued post, but as for this statement...
"David Payne was supposed to check on Kate and the kids at about 6 but only ever said he saw Kate"
...Greg seems to have got this wrong and a bit mixed up.
Payne initially said he'd walked in and seen all the three angelic children, dressed in white, and thought what a wonderful mother Kate was (or words to that effect).
It was Kate who actually said she had stepped out of a shower and didn't let Payne come in.
Somehow, in Kate's book, these two wildly contradictory stories were morphed into one seamless account which effortlessly merged the two stories!
Greg is a bit behind the curve, to say the least, since most here now agree that the government from Tony Blair down to Clarence Mitchell, MI5 and an array of secret service staff were determined to cover up something extremely nasty from the 'get-go'.
Or four days before the 'get-go'...
Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"
Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".
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Re: Greg Jones: Who's an insider?
Maybe Gerry had information about Blair et al that he was able to use to "blackmail" the UK government to support the McCanns. That the nasty stuff was occurring in England not Portugal. It is interesting how Amaral implied that MI5 knew the answer.
Milo- Posts : 266
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Re: Greg Jones: Who's an insider?
If it's a case of 'blackmail', Milo, then it must have extended to others in the UK Government...because Blair passed the poisoned chalice to Labour's Gordon Brown, who then passed it to the willing recipients Tory David Cameron, and Lib Dem's Nick Clegg and the MET Police, then on to Theresa May and now on to Boris Johnson and various Labour/Tory Home Secretaries.
Three Parties and the 'world's finest' Police willing to cover up the death of three year old Maddie and throw multiple millions of pounds at a stagnant investigation.
What information could Gerry have on all these peopleduring the time of a child abuse inquiry and Gordon Brown and Jacqui Smith ordering Police not to investigate child grooming gangs?
Three Parties and the 'world's finest' Police willing to cover up the death of three year old Maddie and throw multiple millions of pounds at a stagnant investigation.
What information could Gerry have on all these people
Re: Greg Jones: Who's an insider?
Jill, That is what I was getting at! My point was that the McCanns knew something about people in government and their friends (related to your crossed out text) rather than what some have implied that Gerry and others were involved in that scene themselves.
Milo- Posts : 266
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Re: Greg Jones: Who's an insider?
Milo wrote:Maybe Gerry had information about Blair et al that he was able to use to "blackmail" the UK government to support the McCanns. That the nasty stuff was occurring in England not Portugal. It is interesting how Amaral implied that MI5 knew the answer.
Given the Lolita photograph which appears to have been taken in Portugal, we may ask what Madeleine was actually doing there.
Then we may question the McCann's friendship with Clement Freud. And of course Gerry's comment to David Payne, "I'm not here to f******g enjoy myself".
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