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 AlJazeera Documentary: The McCanns Versus the Media  Mm11

 AlJazeera Documentary: The McCanns Versus the Media  Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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 AlJazeera Documentary: The McCanns Versus the Media  Mm11

 AlJazeera Documentary: The McCanns Versus the Media  Regist10

AlJazeera Documentary: The McCanns Versus the Media

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 AlJazeera Documentary: The McCanns Versus the Media  Empty AlJazeera Documentary: The McCanns Versus the Media

Post by Jill Havern 10.06.19 9:10

AlJazeera Documentary: The McCanns Versus the Media
by Joana Morais   11 years ago 

A special programme from AlJazeera English examining why the disappearance of three-year-old Madeleine McCann turned into one of the biggest media events in the world. Broadcasted in May 03, 2008

Perjurer Phil McCann
Clarry the Buffon Spinner
Pro McCann Roy Greenslade aka the Gay Salad
Wanna be Detective Martin Brunt
Solicitor Tony Bennett for Truth for Madeleine
The McCanns in Archive
Aljazeera biased journalists
Roger Graef - pseudo criminologist and worthless director of awful “Dispatches”
Jill Havern
Jill Havern
Chief Faffer

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