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Joana Morais:  PJ confirms that the investigation into the Maddie case is "still open"  Mm11

Joana Morais:  PJ confirms that the investigation into the Maddie case is "still open"  Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Joana Morais:  PJ confirms that the investigation into the Maddie case is "still open"  Mm11

Joana Morais:  PJ confirms that the investigation into the Maddie case is "still open"  Regist10

Joana Morais: PJ confirms that the investigation into the Maddie case is "still open"

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Joana Morais:  PJ confirms that the investigation into the Maddie case is "still open"  Empty Joana Morais: PJ confirms that the investigation into the Maddie case is "still open"

Post by Guest 18.05.19 16:35

PJ confirms that the investigation into the Maddie case is "still open"

by Joana Morais 15 days ago

The clarification of the Judiciary Police comes as a reaction after news were "made public" this Friday and following the "numerous requests" that the authorities are receiving.

Joana Morais:  PJ confirms that the investigation into the Maddie case is "still open"  Naom_52c898006677c

The Judiciary Police confirms that the disappearance of Maddie McCann is still an open case.

"Given the news that were made public today [Friday] and the numerous requests for clarification on the subject," the Judiciary Police informs that "the investigation into the disappearance of an English child, that took place in Praia da Luz in 2007, remains open, within the scope of an investigation supervised by the Public Prosecutor of Portimão".

Moreover, the PJ informs, that this investigation "has been developed in articulation with international authorities, obeying the rules of judicial and police cooperation, which the circumstances of the situation warrant."

The statement comes after the publication, this Friday, in the newspaper Correio da Manhã of a news report that the Judiciary Police is following new leads related to the abduction of Maddie.

The newspaper also reveals that the PJ inspectors are following a new lead that involves a new suspect, but that the goal is to try to keep the operation in complete secrecy.

Madeleine McCann disappeared from a tourist complex on Praia da Luz in Lagos, Algarve, precisely 12 years ago. She was only three years-old, she would have been four years-old a few days later, on May 12.

in Notícias ao Minuto online, May 3, 2019

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Joana Morais:  PJ confirms that the investigation into the Maddie case is "still open"  Empty Re: Joana Morais: PJ confirms that the investigation into the Maddie case is "still open"

Post by sharonl 18.05.19 18:49

thinking  So Portimao not Oporto?

Is this why we have had the recent media frenzy?
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