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Clarence Mitchell, told The Sun newspaper that Portuguese Attorney-General's comments were not helpful Mm11

Clarence Mitchell, told The Sun newspaper that Portuguese Attorney-General's comments were not helpful Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Clarence Mitchell, told The Sun newspaper that Portuguese Attorney-General's comments were not helpful Mm11

Clarence Mitchell, told The Sun newspaper that Portuguese Attorney-General's comments were not helpful Regist10

Clarence Mitchell, told The Sun newspaper that Portuguese Attorney-General's comments were not helpful

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Clarence Mitchell, told The Sun newspaper that Portuguese Attorney-General's comments were not helpful Empty Clarence Mitchell, told The Sun newspaper that Portuguese Attorney-General's comments were not helpful

Post by Jill Havern 03.01.19 11:50

Madeleine McCann likely dead, says attorney-general
by Joana Morais   11 years ago

Clarence Mitchell, told The Sun newspaper that Portuguese Attorney-General's comments were not helpful D0755fcc16104dc29ad02246efd3af16
...'Publicity may have killed Maddie'...

MISSING British toddler Madeleine McCann is most likely dead largely due to the huge amount of publicity surrounding her disappearance, Portugal's attorney-general says.

Clarence Mitchell, told The Sun newspaper that Portuguese Attorney-General's comments were not helpful 64f902a557934617866b09e44ea2d956

Attorney-General Fernando Pinto Monteiro told Portuguese magazine Visao that it would be "natural" for a kidnapper to kill the four-year-old.

“There is a greater degree of probability of the little girl being dead than being alive," he said.

“Would an abductor, with the whole world having Maddie’s photo, still demand a ransom?"

Madeleine's parents, Kate and Gerry McCann, were “extremely distressed” by the comments.

Their spokesman, Clarence Mitchell, told The Sun newspaper that Mr Monteiro's comments were not helpful.

“We still firmly believe that she is alive,” Mr Mitchell said.

“From our point of view, in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, the possibility that Madeleine is be held somewhere is still valid.”

A Portuguese newspaper has claimed that police are preparing to shut down their investigation into the toddler’s disappearance.

A police source reportedly told 24 Horas newspaper that detectives were giving up on the search.

“We are practically back where we started from,” the source said.

“The parents are still the prime suspects in hiding their daughter’s body – not of her death, which was probably accidental.

“But there is not firm proof.”
Jill Havern
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