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Crime Time interview with Dr. Graham Hill Mm11

Crime Time interview with Dr. Graham Hill Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Crime Time interview with Dr. Graham Hill Mm11

Crime Time interview with Dr. Graham Hill Regist10

Crime Time interview with Dr. Graham Hill

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Crime Time interview with Dr. Graham Hill Empty Crime Time interview with Dr. Graham Hill

Post by whatsupdoc 27.03.17 8:40

I've just come across this video posted on 08-03-17 and only watched the first 13 minutes but will finish it shortly. In fact, I'll have to watch it all again to verify what he is saying so errors and ommisions excepted.

He says the McCanns went to P d L with 8 couples / 16 friends. 

He also said he was sent out to P d L a few days after the 3rd May 2007 and said there weren't many people about.

To me, he comes over as a PR man who hasn't been briefed.  He thinks the Portuguese did things wrong but they did arrive at a solution which fitted the facts  fairly quickly whereas the UK have had many years and still think the parents are not involved and haven't explained or even mentioned the findings of the dogs to my knowledge.

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All in my opinion.

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Crime Time interview with Dr. Graham Hill Empty Re: Crime Time interview with Dr. Graham Hill

Post by RosieandSam 27.03.17 10:21

Ah, Dr Graham Hill was one of the interviewees recently on the GMB sofa with Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid (along with former Met Officer Sue Hill - no relation - and Karen Danzcuk).

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Dr Graham Hill claimed the original investigation was 'botched'

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Crime Time interview with Dr. Graham Hill Empty Re: Crime Time interview with Dr. Graham Hill

Post by whatsupdoc 27.03.17 11:01

If I sounded confused listening to Dr. G. Hill, I was. Who are all these extra couples that went to PdL with the McCanns?

Both our hero GA and the PJ , who he worked for,  came to the conclusion that an abduction theory didn't fit the facts.

I think Dr. Hill was singing from the UK hymn sheet.

I've saved this video as I do with most I come across but this definitely needs saving before it is pulled. I'll watch it all later.

Is it these McCanns who Dr. Hill is talking about? .....

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Added by a Mod:  Graham Hill has a deserved place in our 'Rogue of the Day' feature, on page 6 ([You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]) of this thread:   [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

He will surely merit a prominent place of dishonour in the CMOMM Rogues' Gallery 'Hall of Shame'. 

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] - Your description of Hill as "a PR man who's not been properly briefed" appears to be 'on the nail'. He is probably paid well to pop up from time to time to say whatever the PR men require, just like Dr Joe Sullivan and Mark Williams-Thomas. You say you've saved important videos. We wonder if you might be able to supply a convenient list of the videos you've saved? Alternatively perhaps post a link to some of those which you think throw most light on what really happened to Madeleine McCann - Mods   

All in my opinion.

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Crime Time interview with Dr. Graham Hill Empty Re: Crime Time interview with Dr. Graham Hill

Post by JohnyT 27.03.17 11:31

Where was that video that showed the Mc's after the interview ended only to be told it hadn't and Kate put a more serious face back on? It wasn't the one where they started taking their microphones off smiling and chatting btw.
 I thought that one was very revealing.

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