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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Mm11

YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Regist10
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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Mm11

YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Regist10

YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place

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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Empty Re: YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place

Post by Yorkshirgel 03.09.17 8:44

So happy that this waffling idiot is not my doctor.  How on earth did he manage that when he cannot put a sentence together?

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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Empty Re: YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place

Post by TK Boston 17.09.18 4:56

Saying DP did visit the McCanns apt on the supposed day Madeline went missing, did the cadaver dogs ever visit him or his home in England? We’re the dogs brought to any of the apts that the T7 stayed in?
TK Boston
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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Empty Re: YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place

Post by TK Boston 17.09.18 23:36

IMO. GM had to keep up his act, going ahead to planned tennis etc. I think DP was sent to check on KM’s state of mind. He’s one of only maybe 2, that could go as he knew MBM wasn’t there. He was safe. I think he told the truth on this one as it was light, for fear he had been seen. IMO also some of the other T7 were not roped in till after the “missing set up.”
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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Empty Re: YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place

Post by Yorkshirgel 18.09.18 8:00

All of these 'friends' should be interviewed at great length now, in UK, by Scotland Yard.  I am sure that a bit of pressure on each and every one of the would bring a result.  The almost illegible statement by this doctor (how did he manage that?) was such a load of waffle it seemed to me that he was making it up as he went along.  I do not believe any of this.  It would be interesting to find out how many of the friends have kept in touch with this couple since this story hit the headlines.

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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Empty David Payne visit Kate,children

Post by willowthewisp 18.09.18 14:57

Yorkshirgel wrote:All of these 'friends' should be interviewed at great length now, in UK, by Scotland Yard.  I am sure that a bit of pressure on each and every one of the would bring a result.  The almost illegible statement by this doctor (how did he manage that?) was such a load of waffle it seemed to me that he was making it up as he went along.  I do not believe any of this.  It would be interesting to find out how many of the friends have kept in touch with this couple since this story hit the headlines.
Hi Yorkshiregel, If people keep pushing for Scotland Yard to "Interview,Kate,Gerry,Tapas 7/9 under caution",this could possibly infringe any Portugal PJ Trail in Portugal,as they have the "Ultimate decision" to bring about any Prosecutions on Madeleine McCann's disappearance.

Leicestershire Police already abused their position in April 2008 on a joint investigation,when Portugal PJ wished to be present when they Re-interviewed the Tapas 7/9,were Kate or Gerry Re-interviewed as they were already Arquido's?

Why didn't the UK Police have the dignity to work co-operate with Portugal PJ?

Because it didn't suit there"Hidden" agenda!

People in the UK are told ECHR is making a decision on Portugal Supreme Court decision from January 2017 and more funding required to keep the sham Operation Grange up until ECHR make ultimate decision on Kate,Gerry McCann,"Final Throw Of The Dice"? 

Will Operation Grange close shortly after any ECHR decision,consistently used in conjunction with the Portugal claim by the McCann's,what hold do they have over the UK Government,Child Abuse or Paedophilia knowledge Cover Up?

A/C Mark Rowley, his job is to "Assist the McCann's",its in his statement his words,No mistaken,misquotes,so it was an Investigation after all,the Metropolitan Police have conned the public yet again,eh Bernard and cohorts?

PS,Just to make it clear,The Gold Group,part of the Metropolitan Police Service,were in Portugal after the 8 May 2007,they are part of Operation Grange set up in 2010 by David Cameron,via Rebekah Brooks,who the McCann's knew very well!

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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Empty Re: YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place

Post by Yorkshirgel 18.09.18 15:31

Well as NOTHING seems to be happening just now I don't think we should worry.  If the Portuguese have the power to get to the bottom of this why aren't they?  It seems to me that Mr Amaral is getting a raw deal, I hope he wins his case.

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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Empty David Payne visit kate

Post by willowthewisp 18.09.18 16:02

Yorkshirgel wrote:Well as NOTHING seems to be happening just now I don't think we should worry.  If the Portuguese have the power to get to the bottom of this why aren't they?  It seems to me that Mr Amaral is getting a raw deal, I hope he wins his case.
It seems like a tag event?

Portugal PJ 2007/08 McCann's Not cleared,innocent
Portugal Supreme Court,January 2017,as above.

Leicsetershire Police Matt Baggot,McCann's Not absolved of being involved in Madeleine's disappearance.
John Stalker,similar outcome as above.

Metropolitan Police Service-No Running commentary after Eight yrs investigation,October 2010-18?

So out of Five different opinions.

Four not cleared or innocent of involvement in Madeleine's disappearance!

One No Running commentary? 

Not an Exact science,but at least it is a bit more balanced than One of three none opinion,but what more could you expect after eleven years of Government collusion to an actual event that has happened we are told,with very little evidence and when there was evidence it very quickly became contaminated by UK sources to suit an "Hidden Agenda",Not guilty of anything?

Even opening up a Ward Of Court,when your daughter is still alive,perhaps a FOI should be applied for,for how many Wards of Courts,when 7 yrs expired have turned up alive?

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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Empty Re: YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place

Post by Sundance 18.09.18 16:28

TK Boston wrote:IMO. GM had to keep up his act, going ahead to planned tennis etc. I think DP was sent to check on KM’s state of mind. He’s one of only maybe 2, that could go as he knew MBM wasn’t there. He was safe. I think he told the truth on this one as it was light, for fear he had been seen. IMO also some of the other T7 were not roped in till after the “missing set up.”
There may be something to that, as I think when concocting the timeline most of them were oblivious to the gravity of the situation. Otherwise why else would they all sign up to such a cover up?
Agreeing a timeline to cover them all against potential child neglect charges in the event of a missing child, however, they could probably resolve to get behind that.

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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Empty David Payne,Kate

Post by willowthewisp 18.09.18 17:43

Sundance wrote:
TK Boston wrote:IMO. GM had to keep up his act, going ahead to planned tennis etc. I think DP was sent to check on KM’s state of mind. He’s one of only maybe 2, that could go as he knew MBM wasn’t there. He was safe. I think he told the truth on this one as it was light, for fear he had been seen. IMO also some of the other T7 were not roped in till after the “missing set up.”
There may be something to that, as I think when concocting the timeline most of them were oblivious to the gravity of the situation. Otherwise why else would they all sign up to such a cover up?
Agreeing a timeline to cover them all against potential child neglect charges in the event of a missing child, however, they could probably resolve to get behind that.
Hi Sundance, I am sorry they are all complicit in what had been arranged or had happened?

If you knowingly choose to take the wrong path in full knowledge you know it is wrong,your supposed to suffer the consequences or not in the case of the Tapas 7/9,Kate,Gerry and their very big bunch of Guardian Angels,Government cohorts?

Therefore,it means that what ever has happened is in full knowledge of the "Establishment",the only thing of the same magnitude being consistently Covered Up is Child abuse and the Paedophiles operating in top of society for seven decades or more?

It is only recently where individuals have instigated plans to track or entrap if you like,the people who wish to knowingly engage with Minors for Sexual gratifications,they are breaking the Laws,that the Establishment had made?

It is only that sooner or later One of their ilk maybe caught by the,Game keeper turned hunter,that even CEOP agree they have taken more Predators off the streets than Police Officers,where now they have told police to follow the same Modus Operandi?

1400 young girls in One Yorkshire Town and the Police claim No knowledge,ding,ding,now being shown to have grown on a magnificent scale to ever widening Boroughs in the UK,Grooming gangs,yet further Police inactions?

It is a breach of their "human rights"being effected if penalties from a few years ago were brought back on to the statue books as a punishment method?
Yet it is apparently not breaching a young girls "Human rights" to be Raped multiple times inpregnated then have Terminations,their silence is "deafing" when asked to explain on a quid pro quo basis?

Put the soft white gloves its nearly their bedtime!

This is how Society developes when Political correctness strikes in a Civilised Society being subjugated as second best.

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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Empty Re: YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place

Post by Yorkshirgel 18.09.18 18:43

Not wishing to look dim but what is a tag event?  I do not understand how all these people are free to carry on their normal lives without a proper investigation ever having been done by the British police, nor do I understand why our Government got involved at all.

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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Empty Re: YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place

Post by Liz Eagles 18.09.18 20:29

There is always confusion as to what is allowed/disallowed/expected and hoped for in law.

Madeleine McCann, a British citizen, deserves to have her disappearance investigated without the lily-livered excuses of various constabularies and the completely outrageous PR and subsequent media rot embraced and harboured to the extreme by her own parents.

Why the Tapas crew have not been interviewed in UK is disgraceful. Instead, there is a circus surrounding the probable death of a three year old girl. If that doesn't make one weep nothing will.

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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Empty Dr Payne,Kate visit

Post by willowthewisp 19.09.18 13:53

Yorkshirgel wrote:Not wishing to look dim but what is a tag event?  I do not understand how all these people are free to carry on their normal lives without a proper investigation ever having been done by the British police, nor do I understand why our Government got involved at all.
Tag event like wrestling Two man team,where one man continues to replace until a knock out declared.
Two Teams of Two=Four wrestlers.

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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Empty Dr Payne,Kate visit

Post by willowthewisp 19.09.18 14:00

aquila wrote:There is always confusion as to what is allowed/disallowed/expected and hoped for in law.

Madeleine McCann, a British citizen, deserves to have her disappearance investigated without the lily-livered excuses of various constabularies and the completely outrageous PR and subsequent media rot embraced and harboured to the extreme by her own parents.

Why the Tapas crew have not been interviewed in UK is disgraceful. Instead, there is a circus surrounding the probable death of a three year old girl. If that doesn't make one weep nothing will.

Hi aquila,very well put.

Just shows what morons Human beings become when entering into Politics/Powerful positions or is it an inbuilt trait that they would behave that way in natural progression in life?

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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Empty Re: YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place

Post by Yorkshirgel 19.09.18 17:17

When politicians are not plotting to cause trouble for each other, they are busy protecting their own way of life, I was always told 'Never trust a politician' and as far as I can see their aim in life is to reach the top and they do not care who they trample over to get there.  Good advice.  This case stinks of interference from politicians.  Why would that be in a case of a missing child?  I think that is the question we should be asking.  Who is it they are protecting?  Why does our PM keep giving the nod to releasing more money to this case when there are other children who might be saved/found?  It seems all the Mcs have to do is hold out their begging bowl and it will be filled.  What is it they know that we do not?

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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Empty David Payne,Kate visit

Post by willowthewisp 19.09.18 18:32

Yorkshirgel wrote:When politicians are not plotting to cause trouble for each other, they are busy protecting their own way of life, I was always told 'Never trust a politician' and as far as I can see their aim in life is to reach the top and they do not care who they trample over to get there.  Good advice.  This case stinks of interference from politicians.  Why would that be in a case of a missing child?  I think that is the question we should be asking.  Who is it they are protecting?  Why does our PM keep giving the nod to releasing more money to this case when there are other children who might be saved/found?  It seems all the Mcs have to do is hold out their begging bowl and it will be filled.  What is it they know that we do not?
As I have stated before,the only thing generating a larger Cover Up is "Child Abuse/Paedophilia,Parliament,Echelons in Society"7 Decades Post War,Film, Oranges & Sunshine,unbelievable,but True?
UK Care Homes,Ireland,Wales,Islington,Lambeth,Richmond,London?

Do the McCann's have an inside knowledge being Doctors,they have an associate from CEOP who ventured into Thailand without permission seeking to gain an advantage!
Who gave Gerry the late night reading material to study picked up from in UK obtainable by a closed source only?
Not to mention the Gasper statements and proclivities to Bathing other person's children?

No Smoke without fire,just the Smoke appears first!

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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Empty Re: YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place

Post by Sundance 20.09.18 10:24

willowthewisp wrote:

As I have stated before,the only thing generating a larger Cover Up is "Child Abuse/Paedophilia,Parliament,Echelons in Society"7 Decades Post War,Film, Oranges & Sunshine,unbelievable,but True?
UK Care Homes,Ireland,Wales,Islington,Lambeth,Richmond,London?

Do the McCann's have an inside knowledge being Doctors,they have an associate from CEOP who ventured into Thailand without permission seeking to gain an advantage!
Who gave Gerry the late night reading material to study picked up from in UK obtainable by a closed source only?
Not to mention the Gasper statements and proclivities to Bathing other person's children?

No Smoke without fire,just the Smoke appears first!
How does all of this fit the narrative? There's an extensive paedophile ring and a little girl had an accident due to parental neglect?

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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Empty What the children wore

Post by Guest 16.06.20 21:10

Enid O'Dowd wrote:The discrepancy that stands out for me is no.11.

Kate says she was wearing just a towel having got out of the shower. Dr Payne does not recall the towel. Now it is believable that a man might not recall the clothes a woman was wearing if there was nothing inappropriate about them but not to remember Kate in her towel....?

Kate's story seems consistent - he stayed on the balcony and the visit was only about 30 secs as you would expect given her state of undress.

Dr Payne's version is so different that you wonder if the visit happened.

Richard Hall covers this very well in his film.

Needless to say this visit which is very significant in the scheme of things is not examined in the Summers and Swan book.

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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Empty Re: YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place

Post by Guest 16.06.20 21:31

I'm sure most men would notice whether a woman had a towel wrapped around her or was wearing clothes and David Payne's bumbling statement when asked what the children were dressed in that evening led him to say that he thought they were all wearing white but wouldn't Madeleine have been wearing her Eyore pj's, which are definitely not white if she'd been there? Also he referred in what I would consider to be reflective language about them looking peaceful, well cared for to, IMO reinforce what a great mother Kate was but it struck me that this kind of reflective language can also be used to fondly describe someone deceased. I made these observations from the Richard Hall documentary in connection with the visit to Kate by David Payne.

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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Empty Re: YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place

Post by cookiemuncher 16.06.20 21:50

miffy8 wrote:I'm sure most men would notice whether a woman had a towel wrapped around her or was wearing clothes and David Payne's bumbling statement when asked what the children were dressed in that evening led him to say that he thought they were all wearing white but wouldn't Madeleine have been wearing her Eyore pj's, which are definitely not white if she'd been there? Also he referred in what I would consider to be reflective language about them looking peaceful, well cared for to, IMO reinforce what a great mother Kate was but it struck me that this kind of reflective language can also be used to fondly describe someone deceased. I made these observations from the Richard Hall documentary in connection with the visit to Kate by David Payne.
I think David Payne was referring to the fact that the 3 children were dressed in white dressing gowns??

Not a mention of those dressing gowns has been made since, where were they for forensics?  Where was the one worn by Madeleine?

But if he didn't go into the apartment and stood at the patio doors with Kate McCann standing in front of him with a towel draped around her how would he see the children sitting like angels in their white dressing gowns?

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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Empty Re: YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place

Post by sharonl 16.06.20 23:07

miffy8 wrote:David Payne's bumbling statement when asked what the children were dressed in that evening led him to say that he thought they were all wearing white but wouldn't Madeleine have been wearing her Eyore pj's, which are definitely not white if she'd been there?

Wouldn't Amelie also have been wearing Eyore pjs? The girls had similar PJ's didn't they?

As for Sean, would a two year old boy really be dressed in white? or would he be in a darker colour?
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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Empty Re: YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place

Post by Smokeandmirrors 25.06.20 20:07

I don't believe David Payne visited, I think it's a clearly shoddy attempt at a retro-fit to place Madeleine alive. 
David Payne has a daughter or two and the reference to white nightwear might be because his own child has white nightwear and it popped into his mind when he stuttered and stammered his way through the car crash of an interview.

Someone mentioned dressing gowns but I don't think you'd bother for a week's holiday when you had all the other small-child paraphernalia to deal with. 

There are so many contradictions that I don't think it possible to have occurred or the "margin of error " would be far smaller imo.

I think David and Gerry share a nasty little secret, as per the Gaspars and this is why imo David flustered his way very badly, through a fairy tale account with it's 30 + ers and ums and over 20 you-knows. 

Why he wasn't arguidoed I'll never know.

The truth will out.

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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Empty David payne

Post by Chessmaster 28.07.22 23:49

He didn’t go to the apartment 100 percent I have two main reasons for this.

1. When questioned in his witness statement in regards to what Kate was wearing. He replied he couldn’t remember let’s be real I’m sure you wouldn’t forget that someone only had a towel on so there’s his first fail.
2. He states that they were all sat there like angels in white looking clean. We’ll that can’t of occurred neither because the cadaver dog indicated to smell of dead body on one of Madelines tops which was not white far from it. So what did Madeline do in the night just though ok I’d have an outfit change no.
3. Kate says he was there 30 seconds he was saying a lot longer best thing to do here guys and girls is do what they did with phone records wooosh clunk focus on the statements and what you can prove and actually make have credibility and ignore all newspaper and media input as they don’t care either way they just want a story.

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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Empty Re: YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place

Post by Tony Bennett 01.08.22 22:24

sharonl wrote:
miffy8 wrote:David Payne's bumbling statement when asked what the children were dressed in that evening led him to say that he thought they were all wearing white but wouldn't Madeleine have been wearing her Eyore pj's, which are definitely not white if she'd been there?

Wouldn't Amelie also have been wearing Eyore pjs?  The girls had similar PJ's didn't they?

As for Sean, would a two year old boy really be dressed in white? or would he be in a darker colour?
Actually the PJ did very well here.

Instead of taking the claims of David Payne and Kate McCann about this fake visit at face value, they started asking some really simple questions, like:

How long were you there for?
Why did you go?
What did you see when you got there? etc.

Because they both told stone cold lies about this visit, they had to make it all up!

They contradicted each other on every point! I made it 20 contradictions in all.

Kate then tried to harmonise these two flatly contradictory versions of that non-visit in her novel, 'madeleine'.

What a crying shame the PJ under-performed when it came to another fake event: the Thursday 'high tea'.

For 15 whole years the PJ and Goncalo Amaral have failed to admit that this 'high tea' with Madeleine never happened.

A tragedy.
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Post by crusader 02.08.22 8:32

Tony Bennett wrote
What a crying shame the PJ under-performed when it came to another fake event: the Thursday 'high tea'.

For 15 whole years the PJ and Goncalo Amaral have failed to admit that this 'high tea' with Madeleine never happened.

We don't know if the other parents of the children who attended the tea have made statements there is nothing in the PJ files about them.

Why would G Amaral make such a vital mistake, it is basic police work finding out when the child was last seen.

There is a reason why G Amaral has never said the high tea didn't happened and that's because he believes it did.

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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Empty Re: YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place

Post by Jill Havern 02.08.22 9:47

crusader wrote:
There is a reason why G Amaral has never said the high tea didn't happened and that's because he believes it did.

Believed it did....past tense.
- after working with Peter, he is considering the idea of an earlier death - so where will that leave his belief of the high tea?

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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Empty Re: YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place

Post by crusader 02.08.22 13:39

I didn't know he was considering the earlier death idea, has Peter written about it? With the evidence G Amaral already has that we don't know about, and Peter's input, I hope something comes of it.

If it can be proven Madeleine was dead before the high tea on Wednesday, that would be fantastic and game over for the McCann's.

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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Empty Re: YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place

Post by Jill Havern 02.08.22 13:50

No, Peter hasn't written about it.

Maybe there will be another GA book if he changes his mind, who knows?

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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Empty Re: YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place

Post by Verdi 02.08.22 14:07

Gonçalo Amaral's second book hinted at re-consideration on the timeline subject..

Planned kidnapping? Kidnapping motivated by sexual gratification? Voluntary disappearance? Responsibilities of parents or others with a duty of care for the child? Accidental death (with or without ingestion of sleeping medication)? Death in the hours or days prior to the missing person alert? It is not known.

But I think this needs to be considered in context, rather than a stand alone comment.

Unfortunately it looks like there are no plans for the book to be published in English, at least I've not seen any mention of it.

Maybe the unofficial translation circulating the internet should be given further consideration, it's better than nothing surely.

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YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place - Page 4 Empty Re: YES or NO? Did Dr David Payne visit Dr Kate McCann on the evening Madeleine was reported missing? - 20 CONTRADICTIONS which suggest that this visit never took place

Post by Tony Bennett 02.08.22 22:29

Well, Petermac tried very very hard to persuade Goncalo Amaral to take a serious look at the evidence that the high tea didn't happen, that the Last Photo was taken Sunday and therefore faked, that the evidence that Madeleine was alive after Sunday lacked credible, independent evidence and so on.

In my opinion he failed Madeleine by not taking this evidence seriously.

A big opportunity missed, and a crying shame.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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