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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Mm11

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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Mm11

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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns

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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty questions you would like lorraine kelly to ask the mccanns

Post by angusallan 18.05.14 0:18

This woman calls herself a journalist!

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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty questions you would like lorraine kelly to ask the mccanns

Post by angusallan 18.05.14 1:07

How can i convince my mum and daughter you didn,t do it?

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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty questions you would like lorraine kelly to ask the mccanns

Post by angusallan 18.05.14 1:13

Are there any wee books ,apart from yours,that i could read about Maddie?

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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty questions you would like lorraine kelly to ask the mccanns

Post by angusallan 18.05.14 1:29

How can we persuade that wee policeman Amaral that your good parents.

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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns

Post by Guest 18.05.14 21:12

Why weren't the twins taken to hospital when no-one could waken them up?

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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns

Post by Liz Eagles 18.05.14 21:25

Who exactly offered you the role of ambassador for the charity Missing People?
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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns

Post by worriedmum 29.05.14 1:00

You say you won't return to Portugal unless Madeleine's DNA is found. Have you a wee poster you could show us that would help us all keep an eye out for it?

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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty Digging for answers

Post by worriedmum 07.06.14 9:58

''Kate, Gerry, you have said that you have been asked 'not to go' to Portugal while the digging is going on...


I know that it was a wee bit naughty and text messages were sent from the Police station when you were

being questioned....

and then the both of you hired your own investigators while the Portuguese case was ongoing which was 

definitely a no-no, you naughty pair....

and then Gerry, didn't you tell a bit of fib about a tummy upset at some point....

so, knowing that you like to make your own choices, don't you want to just go anyway? With or

without 'permission'?

The question I wanted to ask you is, who has told you not to go to Portugal and why? Have you taken legal advice?

And finally, because I don't think it's been asked by any one, 'Do you want to be there? ''

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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns

Post by worriedmum 21.06.14 18:59

Did it feel a bit strange the both of you going to Portugal for your court case against Goncalo Amaral but not going when the police were digging up the area Madeleine was last seen alive?

Do you think people will get the wrong impression about you?

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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns

Post by Maggs Shaw 21.06.14 19:22

Make no bones about it.. the McCanns would never put themselves in a position where they would have to control over the questions they would be asked.   I doubt if LK would be allowed to ask ad hoc questions....or even if she would have the b***s just to throw an unplanned one at them.  But...if she could or would my question for LK to put to the McCanns would be .....You claim the shutters were forced, but forensics prove that they were not, and nothing could have been taken out of the window...why did you claim the window was open....WHO opened it?
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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns

Post by Guest 21.06.14 20:14

Maggs Shaw wrote: [...] why did you claim the window was open....WHO opened it?
All of us can answer that question: look whose fingerprints were on it ...  titter 

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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns

Post by Liz Eagles 21.06.14 20:23

Would you advise all parents of a missing child to immediately open up a limited company for public donations?

Would you advise all parents of a missing child to sell t shirts, wristbands and launch balloons?

Would you advise all parents of a missing child to visit the Pope?

Would you advise all mothers of a missing child to take care of their appearance immediately and not to forget to put in their earrings?
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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns

Post by Maggs Shaw 21.06.14 20:25

Châtelaine wrote:
Maggs Shaw wrote: [...] why did you claim the window was open....WHO opened it?
All of us can answer that question: look whose fingerprints were on it ...  titter good to see her  eeerr and ummm her way out of that one  winkwink  especially when presented with the forensic evidence.....
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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns

Post by worriedmum 29.08.14 11:57

Have the British police asked you to respond to the  48 questions you declined to answer when the Portuguese police questioned you when you were made 'arguido' ?

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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns

Post by Gaggzy 30.08.14 20:45

'Kate and Gerry, do you think the millions of viewers watching this were born yesterday?'

While the McCanns stare blankly at Kelly's question, she should then ask, 'You know the next time you and your medical pals go off on a secret swingers holiday, is there any chance me and the hubby can tag along?'

Kelly can then burst out into that dreadfully annoying toothy, eyes closed giggle while swooning backwards as if she's losing control of her body.

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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns

Post by davro 14.09.14 11:20

"Does it worry you that Waterstones have your book in the Fiction department?"

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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns

Post by plebgate 14.09.14 11:37

As we are such good friends would you mind getting my ratings up by doing a lie detector live on my show?

Wee Kelly's new advert:

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Sorry, know I have posted these pics before but  could not resist:

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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns

Post by worriedmum 23.06.15 21:06

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On 11 May 2007 the Daily Mail printed a story that you were seen in Sagres on April 30th with Madeleine.

Have you any comment about this story?

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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns

Post by lj 23.06.15 23:38

plebgate wrote:As we are such good friends would you mind getting my ratings up by doing a lie detector live on my show?

Wee Kelly's new advert:

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Sorry, know I have posted these pics before but  could not resist:

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Oh plegate, I wish I never saw those!

"And if Madeleine had hurt herself inside the apartment, why would that be our fault?"  Gerry

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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns

Post by worriedmum 22.02.16 10:08

'If I invited Katie Hopkins to sit on my sofa would you both come too?'

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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns

Post by worriedmum 03.02.17 16:36

Have you ever thought of making a fitness video?

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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns

Post by jeanmonroe 03.02.17 17:41

worriedmum wrote:Have you ever thought of making a fitness video?

Have you ever thought of making a 'good parenting guide' video?

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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns

Post by Liz Eagles 03.02.17 18:09

How did you feel Lorraine when you held up a plastic bag to plug McCann holiday tat for public consumption/sale?

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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns

Post by Lands_end 03.02.17 18:19

I would be tempted to say hi Lorraine, we appreciate that you come across like the dumb assed bimp Nicola Sturgeon however please see your way to securing the answers to the following 2 questions:
1. Why did you invest so much money in your attack upon Portuguese detective Goncalo Amaral?
2. Did you give Madeleine drugs to make sure she went to sleep?

Close to the knuckle but without the answers at least in part to these 2 questions then the investigation can never be re-opened.

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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns

Post by Guest 03.02.17 19:25

When did you check on Saturday?
When did you check on Sunday?
When did you check on Monday?
When did you check on Tuesday?
When did you check on Wednesday?

They may say that's irrelevant.

But they can't because they also said they think someone was watching previous nights and maybe even did a dry run.

This type of question is pertinent.

I can't believe OG never questioned them about details like this.

Oh wait... yes I can.

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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns

Post by Guest 03.02.17 19:27

Lands_end wrote:2. Did you give Madeleine drugs to make sure she went to sleep?
Gerry already answered that one.

He pulled his ear and said no.

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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns

Post by Verdi 03.02.17 20:36

Will you be my soul cell mate - p..l..e..a..s..e   pray2

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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns

Post by JRP 03.02.17 20:39

How about asking Kate, if she launched a fragrace what would she call it?

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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns

Post by sandancer 03.02.17 20:40

Kate - You said you knew KNEW Madeleine had been taken .Can you tell us How you KNEW ?

Why did you tell Yvonne Martin that ' a couple had taken her ' ?

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Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns

Post by jeanmonroe 04.02.17 0:08

JRP wrote:How about asking Kate, if she launched a fragrace what would she call it?

"Cadaver" by 'our Ka£e'?

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